(* Cases with let-in in constructors types *) Inductive t : Set := k : let x := t in x -> x. Print t_rect. (* Do not contract nested patterns with dependent return type *) (* see bug #1699 *) Require Import Arith. Definition proj (x y:nat) (P:nat -> Type) (def:P x) (prf:P y) : P y := match eq_nat_dec x y return P y with | left eqprf => match eqprf in (_ = z) return (P z) with | refl_equal => def end | _ => prf end. Print proj. (* Use notations even below aliases *) Require Import List. Fixpoint foo (A:Type) (l:list A) : option A := match l with | nil => None | x0 :: nil => Some x0 | x0 :: (x1 :: xs) as l0 => foo A l0 end. Print foo. (* Accept and use notation with binded parameters *) Inductive I (A: Type) : Type := C : A -> I A. Notation "x <: T" := (C T x) (at level 38). Definition uncast A (x : I A) := match x with | x <: _ => x end. Print uncast. (* Do not duplicate the matched term *) Axiom A : nat -> bool. Definition foo' := match A 0 with | true => true | x => x end. Print foo'. (* Was bug #3293 (eta-expansion at "match" printing time was failing because of let-in's interpreted as being part of the expansion) *) Variable b : bool. Variable P : bool -> Prop. Inductive B : Prop := AC : P b -> B. Definition f : B -> True. Proof. intros []. destruct b as [|] ; intros _ ; exact Logic.I. Defined. Print f.