Arguments minus n m : simpl nomatch. About minus. Arguments minus n / m : simpl nomatch. About minus. Arguments minus !n / m : simpl nomatch. About minus. Arguments minus !n !m /. About minus. Arguments minus !n !m. About minus. Definition pf (D1 C1 : Type) (f : D1 -> C1) (D2 C2 : Type) (g : D2 -> C2) := fun x => (f (fst x), g (snd x)). Delimit Scope foo_scope with F. Arguments pf {D1%F C1%type} f [D2 C2] g x : simpl never. About pf. Definition fcomp A B C f (g : A -> B) (x : A) : C := f (g x). Arguments fcomp {_ _ _}%type_scope f g x /. About fcomp. Definition volatile := fun x : nat => x. Arguments volatile /. About volatile. Set Implicit Arguments. Section S1. Variable T1 : Type. Section S2. Variable T2 : Type. Fixpoint f (x : T1) (y : T2) n (v : unit) m {struct n} : nat := match n, m with | 0,_ => 0 | S _, 0 => n | S n', S m' => f x y n' v m' end. About f. Global Arguments f x y !n !v !m. About f. End S2. About f. End S1. About f. Eval cbn in forall v, f 0 0 5 v 3 = 2. Eval cbn in f 0 0 5 tt 3 = 2. Arguments f : clear implicits and scopes. About f. Record r := { pi :> nat -> bool -> unit }. Notation "$" := 3 (only parsing) : foo_scope. Notation "$" := true (only parsing) : bar_scope. Delimit Scope bar_scope with B. Arguments pi _ _%F _%B. Check (forall w : r, pi w $ $ = tt). Fail Check (forall w : r, w $ $ = tt). Axiom w : r. Arguments w _%F _%B : extra scopes. Check (w $ $ = tt). Fail Arguments w _%F _%B.