Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Inductive Cumulativity. Set Printing Universes. Inductive List (A: Type) := nil | cons : A -> List A -> List A. Section ListLift. Universe i j. Constraint i < j. Definition LiftL {A} : List@{i} A -> List@{j} A := fun x => x. End ListLift. Lemma LiftL_Lem A (l : List A) : l = LiftL l. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Section ListLower. Universe i j. Constraint i < j. Definition LowerL {A : Type@{i}} : List@{j} A -> List@{i} A := fun x => x. End ListLower. Lemma LowerL_Lem@{i j} (A : Type@{j}) (l : List@{i} A) : l = LowerL l. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. (* I disable these tests because cqochk can't process them when compiled with ocaml-4.02.3+32bit and camlp5-4.16 which is the case for Travis! I have added this file (including the commented parts below) in test-suite/success/cumulativity.v which doesn't run coqchk on them. *) (* Inductive Tp := tp : Type -> Tp. *) (* Section TpLift. *) (* Universe i j. *) (* Constraint i < j. *) (* Definition LiftTp : Tp@{i} -> Tp@{j} := fun x => x. *) (* End TpLift. *) (* Lemma LiftC_Lem (t : Tp) : LiftTp t = t. *) (* Proof. reflexivity. Qed. *) (* Section TpLower. *) (* Universe i j. *) (* Constraint i < j. *) (* Fail Definition LowerTp : Tp@{j} -> Tp@{i} := fun x => x. *) (* End TpLower. *) (* Section subtyping_test. *) (* Universe i j. *) (* Constraint i < j. *) (* Inductive TP2 := tp2 : Type@{i} -> Type@{j} -> TP2. *) (* End subtyping_test. *)