#!/usr/bin/env bash #set -x set -e . ../template/path-init.sh cd precomputed-time-tests ./run.sh || exit $? cd ../error coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile make cleanall if make pretty-timed TGTS="all" -j1; then echo "Error: make pretty-timed should have failed" exit 1 fi cd ../aggregate coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile make cleanall make pretty-timed TGTS="all" -j1 || exit $? cd ../before coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile make cleanall make make-pretty-timed-before TGTS="all" -j1 || exit $? cd ../after coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile make cleanall make make-pretty-timed-after TGTS="all" -j1 || exit $? rm -f time-of-build-before.log make print-pretty-timed-diff TIMING_SORT_BY=diff TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE=../before/time-of-build-before.log cp ../before/time-of-build-before.log ./ make print-pretty-timed-diff TIMING_SORT_BY=diff || exit $? INFINITY="∞" INFINITY_REPLACEMENT="+.%" # assume that if the before time is zero, we expected the time to increase TO_SED_IN_BOTH=( -e s"/${INFINITY}/${INFINITY_REPLACEMENT}/g" # Whether or not something shows up as ∞ depends on whether a time registers as 0.s or as 0.001s, so we can't rely on this being consistent -e s':|\s*N/A\s*$:| '"${INFINITY_REPLACEMENT}"':g' # Whether or not something shows up as N/A depends on whether a time registers as 0.s or as 0.001s, so we can't rely on this being consistent -e s'/ *$//g' # the number of trailing spaces depends on how many digits percentages end up being; since this varies across runs, we remove trailing spaces -e s'/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*//g' # the precise timing numbers vary, so we strip them out -e s'/^-*$/------/g' # When none of the numbers get over 100 (or 1000, in per-file), the width of the table is different, so we normalize the number of dashes for table separators ) TO_SED_IN_PER_FILE=( -e s'/[0-9]//g' # unclear whether this is actually needed above and beyond s'/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*//g'; it's been here from the start -e s'/ */ /g' # unclear whether this is actually needed for per-file timing; it's been here from the start -e s'/\(Total.*\)-\(.*\)-/\1+\2+/g' # Overall time in the per-file timing diff should be around 0; if it comes out negative, we remove the sign ) TO_SED_IN_PER_LINE=( -e s'/0//g' # unclear whether this is actually needed above and beyond s'/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*//g'; it's been here from the start -e s'/ */ /g' # Sometimes 0 will show up as 0m00.s, sometimes it'll end up being more like 0m00.001s; we must strip out the spaces that result from left-aligning numbers of different widths based on how many digits Coq's [-time] gives -e s'/+/-/g' # some code lines don't really change, but this can show up as either -0m00.01s or +0m00.01s, so we need to normalize the signs ) for ext in "" .desired; do for file in time-of-build-before.log time-of-build-after.log time-of-build-both.log; do cat ${file}${ext} | grep -v 'warning: undefined variable' | sed "${TO_SED_IN_BOTH[@]}" "${TO_SED_IN_PER_FILE[@]}" > ${file}${ext}.processed done done for file in time-of-build-before.log time-of-build-after.log time-of-build-both.log; do echo "cat $file" cat "$file" echo diff -u $file.desired.processed $file.processed || exit $? done cd ../per-file-before coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile make cleanall make all TIMING=before -j2 || exit $? cd ../per-file-after coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile make cleanall make all TIMING=after -j2 || exit $? find ../per-file-before/ -name "*.before-timing" -exec 'cp' '{}' './' ';' make all.timing.diff -j2 || exit $? echo "cat A.v.before-timing" cat A.v.before-timing echo echo "cat A.v.after-timing" cat A.v.after-timing echo echo "cat A.v.timing.diff" cat A.v.timing.diff echo for ext in "" .desired; do for file in A.v.timing.diff; do cat ${file}${ext} | sed "${TO_SED_IN_BOTH[@]}" "${TO_SED_IN_PER_LINE[@]}" | sort > ${file}${ext}.processed done done for file in A.v.timing.diff; do diff -u $file.desired.processed $file.processed || exit $? done exit 0