(* This example, checks the efficiency of the abstract machine used by ring *) (* Expected time < 1.00s *) Require Import BinInt Zbool. Definition Zplus x y := match x with | 0%Z => y | Zpos x' => match y with | 0%Z => x | Zpos y' => Zpos (x' + y') | Zneg y' => match (x' ?= y')%positive Eq with | Eq => 0%Z | Lt => Zneg (y' - x') | Gt => Zpos (x' - y') end end | Zneg x' => match y with | 0%Z => x | Zpos y' => match (x' ?= y')%positive Eq with | Eq => 0%Z | Lt => Zpos (y' - x') | Gt => Zneg (x' - y') end | Zneg y' => Zneg (x' + y') end end. Require Import Ring. Lemma Zth : ring_theory Z0 (Zpos xH) Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (@eq Z). Admitted. Ltac Zcst t := match isZcst t with true => t | _ => constr:NotConstant end. Add Ring Zr : Zth (decidable Zeq_bool_eq, constants [Zcst]). Open Scope Z_scope. Infix "+" := Zplus : Z_scope. Goal forall a, a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a+a = a*13. Timeout 5 Time intro; ring.