Set Implicit Arguments. Set Universe Polymorphism. Module success. Unset Primitive Projections. Record category := { ob : Type; hom : ob -> ob -> Type; comp : forall x y z, hom y z -> hom x y -> hom x z }. Delimit Scope hom_scope with hom. Bind Scope hom_scope with hom. Arguments hom : clear implicits. Arguments comp _ _ _ _ _%hom _%hom : clear implicits. Notation "f 'o' g" := (comp _ _ _ _ f g) (at level 40, left associativity) : hom_scope. Record functor (C D : category) := { ob_of : ob C -> ob D; hom_of : forall x y, hom C x y -> hom D (ob_of x) (ob_of y) }. Delimit Scope functor_scope with functor. Bind Scope functor_scope with functor. Arguments hom_of _ _ _%functor _ _ _%hom. Notation "F '_1' m" := (hom_of F _ _ m) (at level 10, no associativity) : hom_scope. Axiom f_comp : forall C D E, functor D E -> functor C D -> functor C E. Notation "f 'o' g" := (@f_comp _ _ _ f g) (at level 40, left associativity) : functor_scope. Check ((_ o _) _1 _)%hom. (* ((?16 o ?17) _1 ?20)%hom : hom ?15 (ob_of (?16 o ?17) ?18) (ob_of (?16 o ?17) ?19) *) End success. Module failure. Set Primitive Projections. Record category := { ob : Type; hom : ob -> ob -> Type; comp : forall x y z, hom y z -> hom x y -> hom x z }. Delimit Scope hom_scope with hom. Bind Scope hom_scope with hom. Arguments hom : clear implicits. Arguments comp _ _ _ _ _%hom _%hom : clear implicits. Notation "f 'o' g" := (comp _ _ _ _ f g) (at level 40, left associativity) : hom_scope. Record functor (C D : category) := { ob_of : ob C -> ob D; hom_of : forall x y, hom C x y -> hom D (ob_of x) (ob_of y) }. Delimit Scope functor_scope with functor. Bind Scope functor_scope with functor. Arguments hom_of _ _ _%functor _ _ _%hom. Notation "F '_1' m" := (hom_of F _ _ m) (at level 10, no associativity) : hom_scope. Notation "F '_2' m" := (hom_of F%functor _ _ m) (at level 10, no associativity) : hom_scope. Axiom f_comp : forall C D E, functor D E -> functor C D -> functor C E. Notation "f 'o' g" := (@f_comp _ _ _ f g) (at level 40, left associativity) : functor_scope. Check ((_ o _) _2 _)%hom. (* ((?14 o ?15)%functor _1 ?18)%hom : hom ?13 (ob_of (?14 o ?15)%functor ?16) (ob_of (?14 o ?15)%functor ?17) *) Fail Check ((_ o _) _1 _)%hom. (* Toplevel input, characters 7-19: Error: The term "(?23 o ?24)%hom" has type "hom ?19 ?20 ?22" while it is expected to have type "functor ?25 ?26". *) End failure.