Set Implicit Arguments. Set Universe Polymorphism. Module success. Unset Primitive Projections. Record group := { carrier : Type; id : carrier }. Notation "1" := (id _) : g_scope. Delimit Scope g_scope with g. Bind Scope g_scope with carrier. Section foo. Variable g : group. Variable comp : carrier g -> carrier g -> carrier g. Check comp 1 1. End foo. End success. Module failure. Set Primitive Projections. Record group := { carrier : Type; id : carrier }. Notation "1" := (id _) : g_scope. Delimit Scope g_scope with g. Bind Scope g_scope with carrier. Section foo. Variable g : group. Variable comp : carrier g -> carrier g -> carrier g. Fail Check comp 1 1. (* Toplevel input, characters 11-12: Error: In environment g : group comp : carrier g -> carrier g -> carrier g The term "1" has type "nat" while it is expected to have type "carrier g". *) End foo. End failure.