Module a. Fail Check let x' := _ in $(exact x')$. Notation foo x := (let x' := x in $(exact x')$). Fail Check foo _. (* Error: Cannot infer an internal placeholder of type "Type" in environment: x' := ?42 : ?41 . *) End a. Module b. Notation foo x := (let x' := x in let y := ($(exact I)$ : True) in I). Notation bar x := (let x' := x in let y := (I : True) in I). Check let x' := _ in $(exact I)$. (* let x' := ?5 in I *) Check bar _. (* let x' := ?9 in let y := I in I *) Fail Check foo _. (* Error: Cannot infer an internal placeholder of type "Type" in environment: x' := ?42 : ?41 . *) End b.