Require Import Classes.RelationClasses List Setoid. Set Universe Polymorphism. Definition RowType := list Type. Inductive Row : RowType -> Type := | RNil : Row nil | RCons : forall T Ts, T -> Row Ts -> Row (T :: Ts). Inductive RowTypeDecidable (P : forall T, relation T) `(H : forall T, Equivalence (P T)) : RowType -> Type := | RTDecNil : RowTypeDecidable P H nil | RTDecCons : forall T Ts, (forall t0 t1 : T, {P T t0 t1} + {~P T t0 t1}) -> RowTypeDecidable P H Ts -> RowTypeDecidable P H (T :: Ts). Set Printing Universes. Fixpoint Row_eq Ts : RowTypeDecidable (@eq) _ Ts -> forall r1 r2 : Row Ts, {@eq (Row Ts) r1 r2} + {r1 <> r2}. (* Toplevel input, characters 81-87: Error: In environment Ts : RowType (* Top.53 Coq.Init.Logic.8 *) r1 : Row (* Top.54 Top.55 *) Ts r2 : Row (* Top.56 Top.57 *) Ts The term "Row (* Coq.Init.Logic.8 Top.59 *) Ts" has type "Type (* max(Top.58+1, Top.59) *)" while it is expected to have type "Type (* Coq.Init.Logic.8 *)" (Universe inconsistency). *)