(* Supporting imp. params. in inductive or fixpoints mutually defined with a notation *) Reserved Notation "* a" (at level 70). Inductive P {n : nat} : nat -> Prop := | c m : *m where "* m" := (P m). Reserved Notation "##". Inductive I {A:Type} := C : ## where "##" := I. (* The following was working in 8.6 *) Require Import Vector. Reserved Notation "# a" (at level 70). Fixpoint f {n : nat} (v:Vector.t nat n) : nat := match v with | nil _ => 0 | cons _ _ _ v => S (#v) end where "# v" := (f v). (* The following was working in 8.6 *) Reserved Notation "%% a" (at level 70). Record R := {g : forall {A} (a:A), a=a where "%% x" := (g x); k : %% 0 = eq_refl}.