(*Suppose a user wants to declare a new list-like notation with support for singletons in both 8.4 and 8.5. If they use*) Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Coq.Vectors.Vector. Import ListNotations. Import VectorNotations. Set Implicit Arguments. Inductive mylist T := mynil | mycons (_ : T) (_ : mylist T). Arguments mynil {_}, _. Delimit Scope mylist_scope with mylist. Bind Scope mylist_scope with mylist. Delimit Scope vector_scope with vector. Notation " [ ] " := mynil (format "[ ]") : mylist_scope. Notation " [ x ] " := (mycons x mynil) : mylist_scope. Notation " [ x ; y ; .. ; z ] " := (mycons x (mycons y .. (mycons z mynil) ..)) : mylist_scope. Check [ ]%mylist : mylist _. Check [ ]%list : list _. Check []%vector : Vector.t _ _. Check [ _ ]%mylist : mylist _. Check [ _ ]%list : list _. Check [ _ ]%vector : Vector.t _ _. Check [ _ ; _ ]%list : list _. Check [ _ ; _ ]%vector : Vector.t _ _. Check [ _ ; _ ]%mylist : mylist _. Check [ _ ; _ ; _ ]%list : list _. Check [ _ ; _ ; _ ]%vector : Vector.t _ _. Check [ _ ; _ ; _ ]%mylist : mylist _. Check [ _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ]%list : list _. Check [ _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ]%vector : Vector.t _ _. Check [ _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ]%mylist : mylist _.