Require Import ZArith Omega. Open Scope Z_scope. (** bug 4132: omega was using "simpl" either on whole equations, or on delimited but wrong spots. This was leading to unexpected reductions when one atom (here [b]) is an evaluable reference instead of a variable. *) Lemma foo (x y x' zxy zxy' z : Z) (b := 5) (Ry : - b <= y < b) (Bx : x' <= b) (H : - zxy' <= zxy) (H' : zxy' <= x') : - b <= zxy. Proof. omega. (* was: Uncaught exception Invalid_argument("index out of bounds"). *) Qed. Lemma foo2 x y (b := 5) (H1 : x <= y) (H2 : y <= b) : x <= b. omega. (* Pierre L: according to a comment of bug report #4132, this might have triggered "index out of bounds" in the past, but I never managed to reproduce that in any version, even before my fix. *) Qed. Lemma foo3 x y (b := 0) (H1 : x <= y) (H2 : y <= b) : x <= b. omega. (* Pierre L: according to a comment of bug report #4132, this might have triggered "Failure(occurence 2)" in the past, but I never managed to reproduce that. *) Qed.