Fixpoint exp (n : nat) (T : Set) := match n with | 0 => T | S n' => exp n' (T * T) end. Definition big := Eval compute in exp 13 nat. Module NonPrim. Unset Primitive Projections. Record sigT {A} (P : A -> Type) := existT { projT1 : A ; projT2 : P projT1 }. Definition x : sigT (fun x => x). Proof. exists big; admit. Defined. Goal True. pose ((fun y => y = y) (projT1 _ x)) as y. Time cbv beta in y. (* 0s *) admit. Defined. End NonPrim. Module Prim. Set Primitive Projections. Record sigT {A} (P : A -> Type) := existT { projT1 : A ; projT2 : P projT1 }. Definition x : sigT (fun x => x). Proof. exists big; admit. Defined. Goal True. pose ((fun y => y = y) (projT1 _ x)) as y. Timeout 1 cbv beta in y. (* takes around 2s. Grows with the value passed to [exp] above *) admit. Defined. End Prim.