Module A. Set Primitive Projections. Record hSet : Type := BuildhSet { setT : Type; iss : True }. Ltac head_hnf_under_binders x := match eval hnf in x with | ?f _ => head_hnf_under_binders f | (fun y => ?f y) => head_hnf_under_binders f | ?y => y end. Goal forall s : hSet, True. intros. let x := head_hnf_under_binders setT in pose x. set (foo := eq_refl (@setT )). generalize foo. simpl. cbn. Abort. End A. Module A'. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Primitive Projections. Record hSet (A : Type) : Type := BuildhSet { setT : Type; iss : True }. Ltac head_hnf_under_binders x := match eval compute in x with | ?f _ => head_hnf_under_binders f | (fun y => ?f y) => head_hnf_under_binders f | ?y => y end. Goal forall s : @hSet nat, True. intros. let x := head_hnf_under_binders setT in pose x. set (foo := eq_refl (@setT nat)). generalize foo. simpl. cbn. Abort. End A'. Set Primitive Projections. Record hSet : Type := BuildhSet { setT : Type; iss : True }. Ltac head_hnf_under_binders x := match eval hnf in x with | ?f _ => head_hnf_under_binders f | (fun y => ?f y) => head_hnf_under_binders f | ?y => y end. Goal setT = setT. Fail progress unfold setT. (* should not succeed *) match goal with | |- (fun h => setT h) = (fun h => setT h) => fail 1 "should not eta-expand" | _ => idtac end. (* should not fail *)