Require Coq.Vectors.Fin. Require Coq.Vectors.Vector. Local Generalizable All Variables. Set Implicit Arguments. Arguments Fin.F1 : clear implicits. Lemma fin_0_absurd : notT (Fin.t 0). Proof. hnf. apply Fin.case0. Qed. Fixpoint lower {n:nat} (p:Fin.t (S n)) {struct p} : forall (i:Fin.t (S n)), option (Fin.t n) := match p in Fin.t (S n1) return Fin.t (S n1) -> option (Fin.t n1) with | @Fin.F1 n1 => fun (i:Fin.t (S n1)) => match i in Fin.t (S n2) return option (Fin.t n2) with | @Fin.F1 n2 => None | @Fin.FS n2 i2 => Some i2 end | @Fin.FS n1 p1 => fun (i:Fin.t (S n1)) => match i in Fin.t (S n2) return Fin.t n2 -> option (Fin.t n2) with | @Fin.F1 n2 => match n2 as n3 return Fin.t n3 -> option (Fin.t n3) with | 0 => fun p2 => False_rect _ (fin_0_absurd p2) | S n3 => fun p2 => Some (Fin.F1 n3) end | @Fin.FS n2 i2 => match n2 as n3 return Fin.t n3 -> Fin.t n3 -> option (Fin.t n3) with | 0 => fun i3 p3 => False_rect _ (fin_0_absurd p3) | S n3 => fun (i3 p3:Fin.t (S n3)) => option_map (@Fin.FS _) (lower p3 i3) end i2 end p1 end. Lemma lower_ind (P: forall n (p i:Fin.t (S n)), option (Fin.t n) -> Prop) (c11 : forall n, P n (Fin.F1 n) (Fin.F1 n) None) (c1S : forall n (i:Fin.t n), P n (Fin.F1 n) (Fin.FS i) (Some i)) (cS1 : forall n (p:Fin.t (S n)), P (S n) (Fin.FS p) (Fin.F1 (S n)) (Some (Fin.F1 n))) (cSSS : forall n (p i:Fin.t (S n)) (i':Fin.t n) (Elow:lower p i = Some i'), P n p i (Some i') -> P (S n) (Fin.FS p) (Fin.FS i) (Some (Fin.FS i'))) (cSSN : forall n (p i:Fin.t (S n)) (Elow:lower p i = None), P n p i None -> P (S n) (Fin.FS p) (Fin.FS i) None) : forall n (p i:Fin.t (S n)), P n p i (lower p i). Proof. fix 2. intros n p. refine (match p as p1 in Fin.t (S n1) return forall (i1:Fin.t (S n1)), P n1 p1 i1 (lower p1 i1) with | @Fin.F1 n1 => _ | @Fin.FS n1 p1 => _ end); clear n p. { revert n1. refine (@Fin.caseS _ _ _); cbn; intros. apply c11. apply c1S. } { intros i1. revert p1. pattern n1, i1; refine (@Fin.caseS _ _ _ _ _); clear n1 i1; (intros [|n] i; [refine (False_rect _ (fin_0_absurd i)) | cbn ]). { apply cS1. } { intros p. pose proof (lower_ind n p i) as H. destruct (lower p i) eqn:E. { apply cSSS; assumption. } { cbn. apply cSSN; assumption. } } } Qed. Section squeeze. Context {A:Type} (x:A). Notation vec := (Vector.t A). Fixpoint squeeze {n} (v:vec n) (i:Fin.t (S n)) {struct i} : vec (S n) := match i in Fin.t (S _n) return vec _n -> vec (S _n) with | @Fin.F1 n' => fun v' => Vector.cons _ x _ v' | @Fin.FS n' i' => fun v' => match n' as _n return vec _n -> Fin.t _n -> vec (S _n) with | 0 => fun u i' => False_rect _ (fin_0_absurd i') | S m => fun (u:vec (S m)) => match u in Vector.t _ (S _m) return Fin.t (S _m) -> vec (S (S _m)) with | Vector.nil _ => tt | Vector.cons _ h _ u' => fun j' => Vector.cons _ h _ (squeeze u' j') end end v' i' end v. End squeeze. Lemma squeeze_nth (A:Type) (x:A) (n:nat) (v:Vector.t A n) p i : Vector.nth (squeeze x v p) i = match lower p i with | Some j => Vector.nth v j | None => x end. Proof. (* alternatively: [functional induction (lower p i) using lower_ind] *) revert v. pattern n, p, i, (lower p i). refine (@lower_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ n p i); intros; cbn; auto. (*** Fails here with "Conversion test raised an anomaly" ***) revert v. Abort.