Require Import TestSuite.admit. (* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from original input, then from 716 lines to 197 lines, then from 206 lines to 162 lines, then from 163 lines to 73 lines *) Require Import Coq.Sets.Ensembles. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Global Set Implicit Arguments. Global Set Asymmetric Patterns. Ltac clearbodies := repeat match goal with | [ H := _ |- _ ] => clearbody H end. Inductive Comp : Type -> Type := | Return : forall A, A -> Comp A | Bind : forall A B, Comp A -> (A -> Comp B) -> Comp B. Inductive computes_to : forall A, Comp A -> A -> Prop := | ReturnComputes : forall A v, @computes_to A (Return v) v | BindComputes : forall A B comp_a f comp_a_value comp_b_value, @computes_to A comp_a comp_a_value -> @computes_to B (f comp_a_value) comp_b_value -> @computes_to B (Bind comp_a f) comp_b_value. Inductive is_computational : forall A, Comp A -> Prop := | Return_is_computational : forall A (x : A), is_computational (Return x) | Bind_is_computational : forall A B (cA : Comp A) (f : A -> Comp B), is_computational cA -> (forall a, @computes_to _ cA a -> is_computational (f a)) -> is_computational (Bind cA f). Theorem is_computational_inv A (c : Comp A) : is_computational c -> match c with | Return _ _ => True | Bind _ _ x f => is_computational x /\ forall v, computes_to x v -> is_computational (f v) end. admit. Defined. Fixpoint is_computational_unique_val A (c : Comp A) {struct c} : is_computational c -> { a | unique (computes_to c) a }. Proof. refine match c as c return is_computational c -> { a | unique (computes_to c) a } with | Return T x => fun _ => exist (unique (computes_to (Return x))) x _ | Bind _ _ x f => fun H => let H' := is_computational_inv H in let xv := @is_computational_unique_val _ _ (proj1 H') in let fxv := @is_computational_unique_val _ _ (proj2 H' _ (proj1 (proj2_sig xv))) in exist (unique (computes_to _)) (proj1_sig fxv) _ end; clearbodies; clear is_computational_unique_val; clear; first [ abstract admit | abstract admit ]. (* [Fail] does not catch the anomaly *) Defined. (* Anomaly: Uncaught exception Not_found(_). Please report. *)