Require Import Equality. Parameter NameSet : Set. Parameter SignedName : Set. Parameter SignedName_compare : forall (x y : SignedName), comparison. Parameter pu_type : NameSet -> NameSet -> Type. Parameter pu_nameOf : forall {from to : NameSet}, pu_type from to -> SignedName. Parameter commute : forall {from mid1 mid2 to : NameSet}, pu_type from mid1 -> pu_type mid1 to -> pu_type from mid2 -> pu_type mid2 to -> Prop. Program Definition castPatchFrom {from from' to : NameSet} (HeqFrom : from = from') (p : pu_type from to) : pu_type from' to := p. Class PatchUniverse : Type := mkPatchUniverse { commutable : forall {from mid1 to : NameSet}, pu_type from mid1 -> pu_type mid1 to -> Prop := fun {from mid1 to : NameSet} (p : pu_type from mid1) (q : pu_type mid1 to) => exists mid2 : NameSet, exists q' : pu_type from mid2, exists p' : pu_type mid2 to, commute p q q' p'; commutable_dec : forall {from mid to : NameSet} (p : pu_type from mid) (q : pu_type mid to), {mid2 : NameSet & { q' : pu_type from mid2 & { p' : pu_type mid2 to & commute p q q' p' }}} + {~(commutable p q)} }. Inductive SequenceBase (pu : PatchUniverse) : NameSet -> NameSet -> Type := Nil : forall {cxt : NameSet}, SequenceBase pu cxt cxt | Cons : forall {from mid to : NameSet} (p : pu_type from mid) (qs : SequenceBase pu mid to), SequenceBase pu from to. Implicit Arguments Nil [pu cxt]. Implicit Arguments Cons [pu from mid to]. Program Fixpoint insertBase {pu : PatchUniverse} {from mid to : NameSet} (p : pu_type from mid) (qs : SequenceBase pu mid to) : SequenceBase pu from to := match qs with | Nil => Cons p Nil | Cons q qs' => match SignedName_compare (pu_nameOf p) (pu_nameOf q) with | Lt => Cons p qs | _ => match commutable_dec p (castPatchFrom _ q) with | inleft (existT _ _ (existT _ q' (existT _ p' _))) => Cons q' (insertBase p' qs') | inright _ => Cons p qs end end end. Lemma insertBaseConsLt {pu : PatchUniverse} {o op opq opqr : NameSet} (p : pu_type o op) (q : pu_type op opq) (rs : SequenceBase pu opq opqr) (p_Lt_q : SignedName_compare (pu_nameOf p) (pu_nameOf q) = Lt) : insertBase p (Cons q rs) = Cons p (Cons q rs). Proof. vm_compute.