(*********************************************************************** v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team sig type t type 'a lookup_res val create : unit -> t (** [add t (c,a)] adds to table [t] pattern [c] associated to action [act] *) val add : t -> transparent_state -> (constr_pattern * Z.t) -> t val rmv : t -> transparent_state -> (constr_pattern * Z.t) -> t (** [lookup t c] looks for patterns (with their action) matching term [c] *) val lookup : t -> transparent_state -> constr -> (constr_pattern * Z.t) list val app : ((constr_pattern * Z.t) -> unit) -> t -> unit (**/**) (** These are for Nbtermdn *) type term_label = | GRLabel of global_reference | ProdLabel | LambdaLabel | SortLabel val constr_pat_discr_st : transparent_state -> constr_pattern -> (term_label * constr_pattern list) option val constr_val_discr_st : transparent_state -> constr -> (term_label * constr list) lookup_res val constr_pat_discr : constr_pattern -> (term_label * constr_pattern list) option val constr_val_discr : constr -> (term_label * constr list) lookup_res (**/**) end