(* $Id$ *) open Util open Generic open Names open Term open Rawterm (* Discrimination nets of terms. See the module dn.ml for further explanations. Eduardo (5/8/97) *) type 'a t = (constr_label,constr_pattern,'a) Dn.t (*If we have: f a b c ..., decomp gives: (f,[a;b;c;...])*) let decomp = let rec decrec acc = function | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> decrec (array_app_tl cl acc) (array_hd cl) | DOP2(Cast,c1,_) -> decrec acc c1 | c -> (c,acc) in decrec [] let decomp_pat = let rec decrec acc = function | PApp (f,args) -> decrec (Array.to_list args @ acc) f | c -> (c,acc) in decrec [] let constr_pat_discr t = if not (occur_meta_pattern t) then None else match decomp_pat t with | PRef (RInd (ind_sp,_)), args -> Some(IndNode ind_sp,args) | PRef (RConstruct (cstr_sp,_)), args -> Some(CstrNode cstr_sp,args) | PRef (RVar id), args -> Some(VarNode id,args) | _ -> None let constr_val_discr t = match decomp t with (* DOPN(Const _,_) as c,l -> Some(TERM c,l) *) | DOPN(MutInd ind_sp,_) as c,l -> Some(IndNode ind_sp,l) | DOPN(MutConstruct cstr_sp,_) as c,l -> Some(CstrNode cstr_sp,l) | VAR id as c,l -> Some(VarNode id,l) | c -> None (* Les deux fonctions suivantes ecrasaient les precedentes, ajout d'un suffixe _nil CP 16/08 *) let constr_pat_discr_nil t = match constr_pat_discr t with | None -> None | Some (c,_) -> Some(c,[]) let constr_val_discr_nil t = match constr_val_discr t with | None -> None | Some (c,_) -> Some(c,[]) let create = Dn.create let add dn = Dn.add dn constr_pat_discr let rmv dn = Dn.rmv dn constr_pat_discr let lookup dn t = Dn.lookup dn constr_val_discr t let app f dn = Dn.app f dn