(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* c | _ -> failwith "tauto: anomaly" (** Parametrization of tauto *) type tauto_flags = { (* Whether conjunction and disjunction are restricted to binary connectives *) binary_mode : bool; (* Whether compatibility for buggy detection of binary connective is on *) binary_mode_bugged_detection : bool; (* Whether conjunction and disjunction are restricted to the connectives *) (* having the structure of "and" and "or" (up to the choice of sorts) in *) (* contravariant position in an hypothesis *) strict_in_contravariant_hyp : bool; (* Whether conjunction and disjunction are restricted to the connectives *) (* having the structure of "and" and "or" (up to the choice of sorts) in *) (* an hypothesis and in the conclusion *) strict_in_hyp_and_ccl : bool; (* Whether unit type includes equality types *) strict_unit : bool; } (* Whether inner not are unfolded *) let negation_unfolding = ref true (* Whether inner iff are unfolded *) let iff_unfolding = ref false let unfold_iff () = !iff_unfolding || Flags.version_less_or_equal Flags.V8_2 open Goptions let _ = declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optdepr = false; optname = "unfolding of not in intuition"; optkey = ["Intuition";"Negation";"Unfolding"]; optread = (fun () -> !negation_unfolding); optwrite = (:=) negation_unfolding } let _ = declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optdepr = false; optname = "unfolding of iff in intuition"; optkey = ["Intuition";"Iff";"Unfolding"]; optread = (fun () -> !iff_unfolding); optwrite = (:=) iff_unfolding } (** Test *) let is_empty ist = if is_empty_type (assoc_var "X1" ist) then <:tactic> else <:tactic> (* Strictly speaking, this exceeds the propositional fragment as it matches also equality types (and solves them if a reflexivity) *) let is_unit_or_eq flags ist = let test = if flags.strict_unit then is_unit_type else is_unit_or_eq_type in if test (assoc_var "X1" ist) then <:tactic> else <:tactic> let is_record t = let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | Ind ind -> let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in mib.Declarations.mind_record | _ -> false let bugged_is_binary t = isApp t && let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | Ind ind -> let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in Int.equal mib.Declarations.mind_nparams 2 | _ -> false let iter_tac tacl = List.fold_right (fun tac tacs -> <:tactic< $tac; $tacs >>) tacl (** Dealing with conjunction *) let is_conj flags ist = let ind = assoc_var "X1" ist in if (not flags.binary_mode_bugged_detection || bugged_is_binary ind) && is_conjunction ~strict:flags.strict_in_hyp_and_ccl ~onlybinary:flags.binary_mode ind then <:tactic> else <:tactic> let flatten_contravariant_conj flags ist = let typ = assoc_var "X1" ist in let c = assoc_var "X2" ist in let hyp = assoc_var "id" ist in match match_with_conjunction ~strict:flags.strict_in_contravariant_hyp ~onlybinary:flags.binary_mode typ with | Some (_,args) -> let newtyp = valueIn (VConstr ([],List.fold_right mkArrow args c)) in let hyp = valueIn (VConstr ([],hyp)) in let intros = iter_tac (List.map (fun _ -> <:tactic< intro >>) args) <:tactic< idtac >> in <:tactic< let newtyp := $newtyp in let hyp := $hyp in assert newtyp by ($intros; apply hyp; split; assumption); clear hyp >> | _ -> <:tactic> (** Dealing with disjunction *) let is_disj flags ist = let t = assoc_var "X1" ist in if (not flags.binary_mode_bugged_detection || bugged_is_binary t) && is_disjunction ~strict:flags.strict_in_hyp_and_ccl ~onlybinary:flags.binary_mode t then <:tactic> else <:tactic> let flatten_contravariant_disj flags ist = let typ = assoc_var "X1" ist in let c = assoc_var "X2" ist in let hyp = assoc_var "id" ist in match match_with_disjunction ~strict:flags.strict_in_contravariant_hyp ~onlybinary:flags.binary_mode typ with | Some (_,args) -> let hyp = valueIn (VConstr ([],hyp)) in iter_tac (List.map_i (fun i arg -> let typ = valueIn (VConstr ([],mkArrow arg c)) in let i = Tacexpr.Integer i in <:tactic< let typ := $typ in let hyp := $hyp in let i := $i in assert typ by (intro; apply hyp; constructor i; assumption) >>) 1 args) <:tactic< let hyp := $hyp in clear hyp >> | _ -> <:tactic> (** Main tactic *) let not_dep_intros ist = <:tactic< repeat match goal with | |- (forall (_: ?X1), ?X2) => intro | |- (Coq.Init.Logic.not _) => unfold Coq.Init.Logic.not at 1; intro end >> let axioms flags ist = let t_is_unit_or_eq = tacticIn (is_unit_or_eq flags) and t_is_empty = tacticIn is_empty in <:tactic< match reverse goal with | |- ?X1 => $t_is_unit_or_eq; constructor 1 | _:?X1 |- _ => $t_is_empty; elimtype X1; assumption | _:?X1 |- ?X1 => assumption end >> let simplif flags ist = let t_is_unit_or_eq = tacticIn (is_unit_or_eq flags) and t_is_conj = tacticIn (is_conj flags) and t_flatten_contravariant_conj = tacticIn (flatten_contravariant_conj flags) and t_flatten_contravariant_disj = tacticIn (flatten_contravariant_disj flags) and t_is_disj = tacticIn (is_disj flags) and t_not_dep_intros = tacticIn not_dep_intros in <:tactic< $t_not_dep_intros; repeat (match reverse goal with | id: ?X1 |- _ => $t_is_conj; elim id; do 2 intro; clear id | id: (Coq.Init.Logic.iff _ _) |- _ => elim id; do 2 intro; clear id | id: (Coq.Init.Logic.not _) |- _ => red in id | id: ?X1 |- _ => $t_is_disj; elim id; intro; clear id | id0: (forall (_: ?X1), ?X2), id1: ?X1|- _ => (* generalize (id0 id1); intro; clear id0 does not work (see Marco Maggiesi's bug PR#301) so we instead use Assert and exact. *) assert X2; [exact (id0 id1) | clear id0] | id: forall (_ : ?X1), ?X2|- _ => $t_is_unit_or_eq; cut X2; [ intro; clear id | (* id : forall (_: ?X1), ?X2 |- ?X2 *) cut X1; [exact id| constructor 1; fail] ] | id: forall (_ : ?X1), ?X2|- _ => $t_flatten_contravariant_conj (* moved from "id:(?A/\?B)->?X2|-" to "?A->?B->?X2|-" *) | id: forall (_: Coq.Init.Logic.iff ?X1 ?X2), ?X3|- _ => assert (forall (_: forall _:X1, X2), forall (_: forall _: X2, X1), X3) by (do 2 intro; apply id; split; assumption); clear id | id: forall (_:?X1), ?X2|- _ => $t_flatten_contravariant_disj (* moved from "id:(?A\/?B)->?X2|-" to "?A->?X2,?B->?X2|-" *) | |- ?X1 => $t_is_conj; split | |- (Coq.Init.Logic.iff _ _) => split | |- (Coq.Init.Logic.not _) => red end; $t_not_dep_intros) >> let rec tauto_intuit flags t_reduce solver ist = let t_axioms = tacticIn (axioms flags) and t_simplif = tacticIn (simplif flags) and t_is_disj = tacticIn (is_disj flags) and t_tauto_intuit = tacticIn (tauto_intuit flags t_reduce solver) in let t_solver = globTacticIn (fun _ist -> solver) in <:tactic< ($t_simplif;$t_axioms || match reverse goal with | id:forall(_: forall (_: ?X1), ?X2), ?X3|- _ => cut X3; [ intro; clear id; $t_tauto_intuit | cut (forall (_: X1), X2); [ exact id | generalize (fun y:X2 => id (fun x:X1 => y)); intro; clear id; solve [ $t_tauto_intuit ]]] | id:forall (_:not ?X1), ?X3|- _ => cut X3; [ intro; clear id; $t_tauto_intuit | cut (not X1); [ exact id | clear id; intro; solve [$t_tauto_intuit ]]] | |- ?X1 => $t_is_disj; solve [left;$t_tauto_intuit | right;$t_tauto_intuit] end || (* NB: [|- _ -> _] matches any product *) match goal with | |- forall (_ : _), _ => intro; $t_tauto_intuit | |- _ => $t_reduce;$t_solver end || $t_solver ) >> let reduction_not_iff _ist = match !negation_unfolding, unfold_iff () with | true, true -> <:tactic< unfold Coq.Init.Logic.not, Coq.Init.Logic.iff in * >> | true, false -> <:tactic< unfold Coq.Init.Logic.not in * >> | false, true -> <:tactic< unfold Coq.Init.Logic.iff in * >> | false, false -> <:tactic< idtac >> let t_reduction_not_iff = tacticIn reduction_not_iff let intuition_gen flags tac = interp (tacticIn (tauto_intuit flags t_reduction_not_iff tac)) let tauto_intuitionistic flags g = try intuition_gen flags <:tactic> g with Refiner.FailError _ | UserError _ -> errorlabstrm "tauto" (str "tauto failed.") let coq_nnpp_path = let dir = List.map id_of_string ["Classical_Prop";"Logic";"Coq"] in Libnames.make_path (make_dirpath dir) (id_of_string "NNPP") let tauto_classical flags nnpp g = try tclTHEN (apply nnpp) (tauto_intuitionistic flags) g with UserError _ -> errorlabstrm "tauto" (str "Classical tauto failed.") let tauto_gen flags g = try let nnpp = constr_of_global (Nametab.global_of_path coq_nnpp_path) in (* try intuitionistic version first to avoid an axiom if possible *) tclORELSE (tauto_intuitionistic flags) (tauto_classical flags nnpp) g with Not_found -> tauto_intuitionistic flags g let default_intuition_tac = <:tactic< auto with * >> (* This is the uniform mode dealing with ->, not, iff and types isomorphic to /\ and *, \/ and +, False and Empty_set, True and unit, _and_ eq-like types. For the moment not and iff are still always unfolded. *) let tauto_uniform_unit_flags = { binary_mode = true; binary_mode_bugged_detection = false; strict_in_contravariant_hyp = true; strict_in_hyp_and_ccl = true; strict_unit = false } (* This is the compatibility mode (not used) *) let tauto_legacy_flags = { binary_mode = true; binary_mode_bugged_detection = true; strict_in_contravariant_hyp = true; strict_in_hyp_and_ccl = false; strict_unit = false } (* This is the improved mode *) let tauto_power_flags = { binary_mode = false; (* support n-ary connectives *) binary_mode_bugged_detection = false; strict_in_contravariant_hyp = false; (* supports non-regular connectives *) strict_in_hyp_and_ccl = false; strict_unit = false } let tauto = tauto_gen tauto_uniform_unit_flags let dtauto = tauto_gen tauto_power_flags TACTIC EXTEND tauto | [ "tauto" ] -> [ tauto ] END TACTIC EXTEND dtauto | [ "dtauto" ] -> [ dtauto ] END TACTIC EXTEND intuition | [ "intuition" ] -> [ intuition_gen tauto_uniform_unit_flags default_intuition_tac ] | [ "intuition" tactic(t) ] -> [ intuition_gen tauto_uniform_unit_flags t ] END TACTIC EXTEND dintuition | [ "dintuition" ] -> [ intuition_gen tauto_power_flags default_intuition_tac ] | [ "dintuition" tactic(t) ] -> [ intuition_gen tauto_power_flags t ] END