(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* open_constr val inj_red_expr : red_expr -> (open_constr, evaluable_global_reference) red_expr_gen val inj_ebindings : constr bindings -> open_constr bindings (* Main tactics. *) (*s General functions. *) val type_clenv_binding : goal sigma -> constr * constr -> open_constr bindings -> constr val string_of_inductive : constr -> string val head_constr : constr -> constr list val head_constr_bound : constr -> constr list -> constr list val is_quantified_hypothesis : identifier -> goal sigma -> bool exception Bound (*s Primitive tactics. *) val introduction : identifier -> tactic val refine : constr -> tactic val convert_concl : constr -> cast_kind -> tactic val convert_hyp : named_declaration -> tactic val thin : identifier list -> tactic val mutual_fix : identifier -> int -> (identifier * int * constr) list -> tactic val fix : identifier option -> int -> tactic val mutual_cofix : identifier -> (identifier * constr) list -> tactic val cofix : identifier option -> tactic (*s Introduction tactics. *) val fresh_id : identifier list -> identifier -> goal sigma -> identifier val find_intro_names : rel_context -> goal sigma -> identifier list val intro : tactic val introf : tactic val intro_force : bool -> tactic val intro_move : identifier option -> identifier option -> tactic (* [intro_avoiding idl] acts as intro but prevents the new identifier to belong to [idl] *) val intro_avoiding : identifier list -> tactic val intro_replacing : identifier -> tactic val intro_using : identifier -> tactic val intro_mustbe_force : identifier -> tactic val intros_using : identifier list -> tactic val intro_erasing : identifier -> tactic val intros_replacing : identifier list -> tactic val intros : tactic (* [depth_of_quantified_hypothesis b h g] returns the index of [h] in the conclusion of goal [g], up to head-reduction if [b] is [true] *) val depth_of_quantified_hypothesis : bool -> quantified_hypothesis -> goal sigma -> int val intros_until_n_wored : int -> tactic val intros_until : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic val intros_clearing : bool list -> tactic (* Assuming a tactic [tac] depending on an hypothesis identifier, [try_intros_until tac arg] first assumes that arg denotes a quantified hypothesis (denoted by name or by index) and try to introduce it in context before to apply [tac], otherwise assume the hypothesis is already in context and directly apply [tac] *) val try_intros_until : (identifier -> tactic) -> quantified_hypothesis -> tactic (*s Introduction tactics with eliminations. *) val intro_pattern : identifier option -> intro_pattern_expr -> tactic val intro_patterns : intro_pattern_expr list -> tactic val intros_pattern : identifier option -> intro_pattern_expr list -> tactic (*s Exact tactics. *) val assumption : tactic val exact_no_check : constr -> tactic val vm_cast_no_check : constr -> tactic val exact_check : constr -> tactic val exact_proof : Topconstr.constr_expr -> tactic (*s Reduction tactics. *) type tactic_reduction = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr val reduct_in_hyp : tactic_reduction -> hyp_location -> tactic val reduct_option : tactic_reduction * cast_kind -> simple_clause -> tactic val reduct_in_concl : tactic_reduction * cast_kind -> tactic val change_in_concl : (int list * constr) option -> constr -> tactic val change_in_hyp : (int list * constr) option -> constr -> hyp_location -> tactic val red_in_concl : tactic val red_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic val red_option : simple_clause -> tactic val hnf_in_concl : tactic val hnf_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic val hnf_option : simple_clause -> tactic val simpl_in_concl : tactic val simpl_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic val simpl_option : simple_clause -> tactic val normalise_in_concl : tactic val normalise_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic val normalise_option : simple_clause -> tactic val normalise_vm_in_concl : tactic val unfold_in_concl : (int list * evaluable_global_reference) list -> tactic val unfold_in_hyp : (int list * evaluable_global_reference) list -> hyp_location -> tactic val unfold_option : (int list * evaluable_global_reference) list -> simple_clause -> tactic val reduce : red_expr -> clause -> tactic val change : (int list * constr) option -> constr -> clause -> tactic val unfold_constr : global_reference -> tactic val pattern_option : (int list * constr) list -> simple_clause -> tactic (*s Modification of the local context. *) val clear : identifier list -> tactic val clear_body : identifier list -> tactic val keep : identifier list -> tactic val new_hyp : int option -> constr with_ebindings -> tactic val move_hyp : bool -> identifier -> identifier -> tactic val rename_hyp : identifier -> identifier -> tactic (*s Resolution tactics. *) val apply_type : constr -> constr list -> tactic val apply_term : constr -> constr list -> tactic val bring_hyps : named_context -> tactic val apply : constr -> tactic val apply_without_reduce : constr -> tactic val apply_list : constr list -> tactic val apply_with_ebindings_gen : evars_flag -> constr with_ebindings -> tactic val apply_with_bindings : constr with_bindings -> tactic val apply_with_ebindings : constr with_ebindings -> tactic val eapply_with_bindings : constr with_bindings -> tactic val eapply_with_ebindings : constr with_ebindings -> tactic val cut_and_apply : constr -> tactic val apply_in : evars_flag -> identifier -> constr with_ebindings list -> tactic (*s Elimination tactics. *) (* The general form of an induction principle is the following: forall prm1 prm2 ... prmp, (induction parameters) forall Q1...,(Qi:Ti_1 -> Ti_2 ->...-> Ti_ni),...Qq, (predicates) branch1, branch2, ... , branchr, (branches of the principle) forall (x1:Ti_1) (x2:Ti_2) ... (xni:Ti_ni), (induction arguments) (HI: I prm1..prmp x1...xni) (optional main induction arg) -> (Qi x1...xni HI (f prm1...prmp x1...xni)).(conclusion) ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ optional optional even if HI argument added if principle present above generated by functional induction [indarg] [farg] HI is not present when the induction principle does not come directly from an inductive type (like when it is generated by functional induction for example). HI is present otherwise BUT may not appear in the conclusion (dependent principle). HI and (f...) cannot be both present. Principles taken from functional induction have the final (f...). *) (* [rel_contexts] and [rel_declaration] actually contain triples, and lists are actually in reverse order to fit [compose_prod]. *) type elim_scheme = { elimc: constr with_ebindings option; elimt: types; indref: global_reference option; params: rel_context; (* (prm1,tprm1);(prm2,tprm2)...(prmp,tprmp) *) nparams: int; (* number of parameters *) predicates: rel_context; (* (Qq, (Tq_1 -> Tq_2 ->...-> Tq_nq)), (Q1,...) *) npredicates: int; (* Number of predicates *) branches: rel_context; (* branchr,...,branch1 *) nbranches: int; (* Number of branches *) args: rel_context; (* (xni, Ti_ni) ... (x1, Ti_1) *) nargs: int; (* number of arguments *) indarg: rel_declaration option; (* Some (H,I prm1..prmp x1...xni) if HI is in premisses, None otherwise *) concl: types; (* Qi x1...xni HI (f...), HI and (f...) are optional and mutually exclusive *) indarg_in_concl: bool; (* true if HI appears at the end of conclusion *) farg_in_concl: bool; (* true if (f...) appears at the end of conclusion *) } val compute_elim_sig : ?elimc: constr with_ebindings -> types -> elim_scheme val general_elim : constr with_ebindings -> constr with_ebindings -> ?allow_K:bool -> tactic val general_elim_in : evars_flag -> identifier -> constr with_ebindings -> constr with_ebindings -> tactic val default_elim : constr with_ebindings -> tactic val simplest_elim : constr -> tactic val elim : constr with_ebindings -> constr with_ebindings option -> tactic val simple_induct : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic val new_induct : constr induction_arg list -> constr with_ebindings option -> intro_pattern_expr -> tactic (*s Case analysis tactics. *) val general_case_analysis : constr with_ebindings -> tactic val simplest_case : constr -> tactic val simple_destruct : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic val new_destruct : constr induction_arg list -> constr with_ebindings option -> intro_pattern_expr -> tactic (*s Eliminations giving the type instead of the proof. *) val case_type : constr -> tactic val elim_type : constr -> tactic (*s Some eliminations which are frequently used. *) val impE : identifier -> tactic val andE : identifier -> tactic val orE : identifier -> tactic val dImp : clause -> tactic val dAnd : clause -> tactic val dorE : bool -> clause ->tactic (*s Introduction tactics. *) val constructor_tac : int option -> int -> open_constr bindings -> tactic val one_constructor : int -> open_constr bindings -> tactic val any_constructor : tactic option -> tactic val left : constr bindings -> tactic val right : constr bindings -> tactic val split : constr bindings -> tactic val left_with_ebindings : open_constr bindings -> tactic val right_with_ebindings : open_constr bindings -> tactic val split_with_ebindings : open_constr bindings -> tactic val simplest_left : tactic val simplest_right : tactic val simplest_split : tactic (*s Logical connective tactics. *) val register_setoid_reflexivity : tactic -> unit val reflexivity_red : bool -> tactic val reflexivity : tactic val intros_reflexivity : tactic val register_setoid_symmetry : tactic -> unit val symmetry_red : bool -> tactic val symmetry : tactic val register_setoid_symmetry_in : (identifier -> tactic) -> unit val symmetry_in : identifier -> tactic val intros_symmetry : clause -> tactic val register_setoid_transitivity : (constr -> tactic) -> unit val transitivity_red : bool -> constr -> tactic val transitivity : constr -> tactic val intros_transitivity : constr -> tactic val cut : constr -> tactic val cut_intro : constr -> tactic val cut_replacing : identifier -> constr -> (tactic -> tactic) -> tactic val cut_in_parallel : constr list -> tactic val assert_as : bool -> intro_pattern_expr -> constr -> tactic val forward : tactic option -> intro_pattern_expr -> constr -> tactic val true_cut : name -> constr -> tactic val letin_tac : bool -> name -> constr -> clause -> tactic val assert_tac : bool -> name -> constr -> tactic val generalize : constr list -> tactic val generalize_dep : constr -> tactic val tclABSTRACT : identifier option -> tactic -> tactic val admit_as_an_axiom : tactic