(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Names open Term open Sign open Tacmach open Proof_trees open Clenv open Reduction open Pattern open Wcclausenv (*i*) (* Tacticals i.e. functions from tactics to tactics. *) val tclIDTAC : tactic val tclORELSE : tactic -> tactic -> tactic val tclTHEN : tactic -> tactic -> tactic val tclTHEN_i : tactic -> (int -> tactic) -> int -> tactic val tclTHENL : tactic -> tactic -> tactic val tclTHENS : tactic -> tactic list -> tactic val tclREPEAT : tactic -> tactic val tclFIRST : tactic list -> tactic val tclTRY : tactic -> tactic val tclINFO : tactic -> tactic val tclCOMPLETE : tactic -> tactic val tclAT_LEAST_ONCE : tactic -> tactic val tclFAIL : tactic val tclDO : int -> tactic -> tactic val tclPROGRESS : tactic -> tactic val tclWEAK_PROGRESS : tactic -> tactic val tclNTH_HYP : int -> (constr -> tactic) -> tactic val tclMAP : ('a -> tactic) -> 'a list -> tactic val tclLAST_HYP : (constr -> tactic) -> tactic val tclTRY_sign : (constr -> tactic) -> constr signature -> tactic val tclTRY_HYPS : (constr -> tactic) -> tactic val dyn_tclIDTAC : tactic_arg list -> tactic val dyn_tclFAIL : tactic_arg list -> tactic (*s Clause tacticals. *) type clause = identifier option val tclTHEN_i1 : tactic -> (int -> tactic) -> tactic val nth_clause : int -> goal sigma -> clause val clause_type : clause -> goal sigma -> constr val matches : goal sigma -> constr -> marked_term -> bool val dest_match : goal sigma -> constr -> marked_term -> constr list val allHyps : goal sigma -> clause list val afterHyp : identifier -> goal sigma -> clause list val lastHyp : goal sigma -> clause list val nLastHyps : int -> goal sigma -> clause list val allClauses : goal sigma -> clause list val onCL : (goal sigma -> clause list) -> (clause list -> tactic) -> tactic val tryAllHyps : (clause -> tactic) -> tactic val tryAllClauses : (clause -> tactic) -> tactic val onAllClauses : (clause -> tactic) -> tactic val onClause : (clause -> tactic) -> clause -> tactic val onAllClausesLR : (clause -> tactic) -> tactic val onLastHyp : (clause -> tactic) -> tactic val onNthLastHyp : int -> (clause -> tactic) -> tactic val onNLastHyps : int -> (clause -> tactic) -> tactic val clauseTacThen : (clause -> tactic) -> tactic -> clause -> tactic val if_tac : (goal sigma -> bool) -> tactic -> (tactic) -> tactic val ifOnClause : (clause * constr -> bool) -> (clause -> tactic) -> (clause -> tactic) -> clause -> tactic (*i Usage : [ConclPattern concl pat tacast] if the term concl matches the pattern pat, (in sense of Pattern.somatches, then replace ?1 ?2 metavars in tacast by the right values to build a tactic *) (*** val conclPattern : constr -> constr -> CoqAst.t -> tactic **i*) (*s Elimination tacticals. *) type branch_args = { ity : constr; (* the type we were eliminating on *) largs : constr list; (* its arguments *) branchnum : int; (* the branch number *) pred : constr; (* the predicate we used *) nassums : int; (* the number of assumptions to be introduced *) branchsign : bool list } (* the signature of the branch. true=recursive argument, false=constant *) type branch_assumptions = { ba : branch_args; (* the branch args *) assums : identifier list; (* the list of assumptions introduced *) cargs : identifier list; (* the constructor arguments *) constargs : identifier list; (* the CONSTANT constructor arguments *) recargs : identifier list; (* the RECURSIVE constructor arguments *) indargs : identifier list} (* the inductive arguments *) val sort_of_goal : goal sigma -> sorts val suff : goal sigma -> constr -> string val lookup_eliminator : typed_type signature -> section_path -> string -> constr val general_elim_then_using : constr -> (constr -> int -> bool list) -> (branch_args -> tactic) -> constr option -> (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic val elimination_then_using : (branch_args -> tactic) -> constr option -> (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic val elimination_then : (branch_args -> tactic) -> (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic val case_then_using : (branch_args -> tactic) -> constr option -> (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic val case_nodep_then_using : (branch_args -> tactic) -> constr option -> (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic val simple_elimination_then : (branch_args -> tactic) -> constr -> tactic val elim_on_ba : (branch_assumptions -> tactic) -> branch_args -> tactic val case_on_ba : (branch_assumptions -> tactic) -> branch_args -> tactic