(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Proofview.NonLogical.print (str "bug in the debugger: an exception is raised while printing debug information"++fnl())) type value = tlevel generic_argument (* Values for interpretation *) type tacvalue = | VRTactic (* variant of unit returned by match. For historical reasons. *) | VFun of ltac_trace * value Id.Map.t * Id.t option list * glob_tactic_expr | VRec of value Id.Map.t ref * glob_tactic_expr let (wit_tacvalue : (Empty.t, Empty.t, tacvalue) Genarg.genarg_type) = Genarg.create_arg None "tacvalue" let of_tacvalue v = in_gen (topwit wit_tacvalue) v let to_tacvalue v = out_gen (topwit wit_tacvalue) v module Value = Taccoerce.Value let dloc = Loc.ghost let catching_error call_trace fail e = let e = Errors.push e in let inner_trace, e = match Exninfo.get e ltac_trace_info with | Some inner_trace -> inner_trace, e | None -> [], e in if List.is_empty call_trace & List.is_empty inner_trace then fail e else begin assert (Errors.noncritical e); (* preserved invariant *) let new_trace = inner_trace @ call_trace in let located_exc = Exninfo.add e ltac_trace_info new_trace in fail located_exc end module TacStore = Geninterp.TacStore let f_avoid_ids : Id.t list TacStore.field = TacStore.field () (* ids inherited from the call context (needed to get fresh ids) *) let f_debug : debug_info TacStore.field = TacStore.field () let f_trace : ltac_trace TacStore.field = TacStore.field () let catch_error call_trace f x = try f x with e when Errors.noncritical e -> catching_error call_trace raise e let catch_error_tac call_trace tac = Proofview.tclORELSE tac (catching_error call_trace Proofview.tclZERO) (* Signature for interpretation: val_interp and interpretation functions *) type interp_sign = Geninterp.interp_sign = { lfun : value Id.Map.t; extra : TacStore.t } let curr_debug ist = match TacStore.get ist.extra f_debug with | None -> DebugOff | Some level -> level let check_is_value v = let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then let v = to_tacvalue v in match v with | VRTactic -> (* These are goals produced by Match *) error "Immediate match producing tactics not allowed in local definitions." | _ -> () else () (** TODO: unify printing of generic Ltac values in case of coercion failure. *) (* Displays a value *) let pr_value env v = let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then str "a tactic" else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_context) then let c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr_context) v in match env with | Some env -> pr_lconstr_env env c | _ -> str "a term" else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr) then let c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr) v in match env with | Some env -> pr_lconstr_env env c | _ -> str "a term" else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) then let c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) v in match env with | Some env -> pr_lconstr_under_binders_env env c | _ -> str "a term" else str "a value of type" ++ spc () ++ pr_argument_type (genarg_tag v) let pr_inspect env expr result = let pp_expr = Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic env expr in let pp_result = if has_type result (topwit wit_tacvalue) then match to_tacvalue result with | VRTactic _ -> str "a VRTactic" | VFun (_, il, ul, b) -> let pp_body = Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic env b in let pr_sep () = str ", " in let pr_iarg (id, _) = pr_id id in let pr_uarg = function | None -> str "_" | Some id -> pr_id id in let pp_iargs = prlist_with_sep pr_sep pr_iarg (Id.Map.bindings il) in let pp_uargs = prlist_with_sep pr_sep pr_uarg ul in str "a VFun with body " ++ fnl() ++ pp_body ++ fnl() ++ str "instantiated arguments " ++ fnl() ++ pp_iargs ++ fnl () ++ str "uninstantiated arguments " ++ fnl() ++ pp_uargs | VRec _ -> str "a VRec" else let pp_type = pr_argument_type (genarg_tag result) in str "an object of type" ++ spc () ++ pp_type in pp_expr ++ fnl() ++ str "this is " ++ pp_result (* Transforms an id into a constr if possible, or fails with Not_found *) let constr_of_id env id = Term.mkVar (let _ = Environ.lookup_named id env in id) (* To embed tactics *) let ((tactic_in : (interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr) -> Dyn.t), (tactic_out : Dyn.t -> (interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr))) = Dyn.create "tactic" let ((value_in : value -> Dyn.t), (value_out : Dyn.t -> value)) = Dyn.create "value" let valueIn t = TacDynamic (Loc.ghost, value_in t) (* Tactics table (TacExtend). *) let tac_tab = Hashtbl.create 17 let add_tactic s t = if Hashtbl.mem tac_tab s then errorlabstrm ("Refiner.add_tactic: ") (str ("Cannot redeclare tactic "^s^".")); Hashtbl.add tac_tab s t let overwriting_add_tactic s t = if Hashtbl.mem tac_tab s then begin Hashtbl.remove tac_tab s; msg_warning (strbrk ("Overwriting definition of tactic "^s)) end; Hashtbl.add tac_tab s t let lookup_tactic s = try Hashtbl.find tac_tab s with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Refiner.lookup_tactic" (str"The tactic " ++ str s ++ str" is not installed.") let () = Tacintern.set_assert_tactic_installed (fun opn -> let _ignored = lookup_tactic opn in ()) (** Generic arguments : table of interpretation functions *) let push_trace (loc, ck) ist = match TacStore.get ist.extra f_trace with | None -> [1, loc, ck] | Some trace -> match trace with | (n,loc',ck')::trl when Pervasives.(=) ck ck' -> (n+1,loc,ck)::trl (** FIXME *) | trl -> (1,loc,ck)::trl let extract_trace ist = match TacStore.get ist.extra f_trace with | None -> [] | Some l -> l let propagate_trace ist loc id v = let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then let tacv = to_tacvalue v in match tacv with | VFun (_,lfun,it,b) -> let t = if List.is_empty it then b else TacFun (it,b) in let ans = VFun (push_trace(loc,LtacVarCall (id,t)) ist,lfun,it,b) in of_tacvalue ans | _ -> v else v let append_trace trace v = let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then match to_tacvalue v with | VFun (trace',lfun,it,b) -> of_tacvalue (VFun (trace'@trace,lfun,it,b)) | _ -> v else v (* Dynamically check that an argument is a tactic *) let coerce_to_tactic loc id v = let v = Value.normalize v in let fail () = user_err_loc (loc, "", str "Variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " should be bound to a tactic.") in let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then let tacv = to_tacvalue v in match tacv with | VFun _ | VRTactic -> v | _ -> fail () else fail () (* External tactics *) let print_xml_term = ref (fun _ -> failwith "print_xml_term unset") let declare_xml_printer f = print_xml_term := f let internalise_tacarg ch = G_xml.parse_tactic_arg ch let extern_tacarg ch env sigma v = match Value.to_constr v with | None -> error "Only externing of closed terms is implemented." | Some c -> !print_xml_term ch env sigma c let extern_request ch req gl la = output_string ch "\n"; List.iter (pf_apply (extern_tacarg ch) gl) la; output_string ch "\n" let value_of_ident id = in_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) (Loc.ghost, IntroIdentifier id) let (+++) lfun1 lfun2 = Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add lfun1 lfun2 let extend_values_with_bindings (ln,lm) lfun = let of_cub c = match c with | [], c -> Value.of_constr c | _ -> in_gen (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) c in (* For compatibility, bound variables are visible only if no other binding of the same name exists *) let accu = Id.Map.map value_of_ident ln in let accu = lfun +++ accu in Id.Map.fold (fun id c accu -> Id.Map.add id (of_cub c) accu) lm accu (***************************************************************************) (* Evaluation/interpretation *) let is_variable env id = Id.List.mem id (ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env)) (* Debug reference *) let debug = ref DebugOff (* Sets the debugger mode *) let set_debug pos = debug := pos (* Gives the state of debug *) let get_debug () = !debug let debugging_step ist pp = match curr_debug ist with | DebugOn lev -> safe_msgnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++ str": " ++ pp () ++ fnl()) | _ -> Proofview.NonLogical.ret () let debugging_exception_step ist signal_anomaly e pp = let explain_exc = if signal_anomaly then explain_logic_error else explain_logic_error_no_anomaly in debugging_step ist (fun () -> pp() ++ spc() ++ str "raised the exception" ++ fnl() ++ !explain_exc e) let error_ltac_variable loc id env v s = user_err_loc (loc, "", str "Ltac variable " ++ pr_id id ++ strbrk " is bound to" ++ spc () ++ pr_value env v ++ spc () ++ strbrk "which cannot be coerced to " ++ str s ++ str".") (* Raise Not_found if not in interpretation sign *) let try_interp_ltac_var coerce ist env (loc,id) = let v = Id.Map.find id ist.lfun in try coerce v with CannotCoerceTo s -> error_ltac_variable loc id env v s let interp_ltac_var coerce ist env locid = try try_interp_ltac_var coerce ist env locid with Not_found -> anomaly (str "Detected '" ++ Id.print (snd locid) ++ str "' as ltac var at interning time") let interp_ident_gen fresh ist env id = try try_interp_ltac_var (coerce_to_ident fresh env) ist (Some env) (dloc,id) with Not_found -> id let interp_ident = interp_ident_gen false let interp_fresh_ident = interp_ident_gen true let pf_interp_ident id gl = interp_ident_gen false id (pf_env gl) let pf_interp_fresh_ident id gl = interp_ident_gen true id (pf_env gl) (* Interprets an optional identifier which must be fresh *) let interp_fresh_name ist env = function | Anonymous -> Anonymous | Name id -> Name (interp_fresh_ident ist env id) let interp_intro_pattern_var loc ist env id = try try_interp_ltac_var (coerce_to_intro_pattern env) ist (Some env) (loc,id) with Not_found -> IntroIdentifier id let interp_hint_base ist s = try try_interp_ltac_var coerce_to_hint_base ist None (dloc,Id.of_string s) with Not_found -> s let interp_int ist locid = try try_interp_ltac_var coerce_to_int ist None locid with Not_found -> user_err_loc(fst locid,"interp_int", str "Unbound variable " ++ pr_id (snd locid) ++ str".") let interp_int_or_var ist = function | ArgVar locid -> interp_int ist locid | ArgArg n -> n let interp_int_or_var_as_list ist = function | ArgVar (_,id as locid) -> (try coerce_to_int_or_var_list (Id.Map.find id ist.lfun) with Not_found | CannotCoerceTo _ -> [ArgArg (interp_int ist locid)]) | ArgArg n as x -> [x] let interp_int_or_var_list ist l = List.flatten (List.map (interp_int_or_var_as_list ist) l) (* Interprets a bound variable (especially an existing hypothesis) *) let interp_hyp ist gl (loc,id as locid) = let env = pf_env gl in (* Look first in lfun for a value coercible to a variable *) try try_interp_ltac_var (coerce_to_hyp env) ist (Some env) locid with Not_found -> (* Then look if bound in the proof context at calling time *) if is_variable env id then id else user_err_loc (loc,"eval_variable", str "No such hypothesis: " ++ pr_id id ++ str ".") let interp_hyp_list_as_list ist gl (loc,id as x) = try coerce_to_hyp_list (pf_env gl) (Id.Map.find id ist.lfun) with Not_found | CannotCoerceTo _ -> [interp_hyp ist gl x] let interp_hyp_list ist gl l = List.flatten (List.map (interp_hyp_list_as_list ist gl) l) let interp_move_location ist gl = function | MoveAfter id -> MoveAfter (interp_hyp ist gl id) | MoveBefore id -> MoveBefore (interp_hyp ist gl id) | MoveFirst -> MoveFirst | MoveLast -> MoveLast let interp_reference ist env = function | ArgArg (_,r) -> r | ArgVar (loc, id) -> try try_interp_ltac_var (coerce_to_reference env) ist (Some env) (loc, id) with Not_found -> try let (v, _, _) = Environ.lookup_named id env in VarRef v with Not_found -> error_global_not_found_loc loc (qualid_of_ident id) let pf_interp_reference ist gl = interp_reference ist (pf_env gl) let interp_inductive ist = function | ArgArg r -> r | ArgVar locid -> interp_ltac_var coerce_to_inductive ist None locid let try_interp_evaluable env (loc, id) = let v = Environ.lookup_named id env in match v with | (_, Some _, _) -> EvalVarRef id | _ -> error_not_evaluable (VarRef id) let interp_evaluable ist env = function | ArgArg (r,Some (loc,id)) -> (* Maybe [id] has been introduced by Intro-like tactics *) begin try try_interp_evaluable env (loc, id) with Not_found -> match r with | EvalConstRef _ -> r | _ -> error_global_not_found_loc loc (qualid_of_ident id) end | ArgArg (r,None) -> r | ArgVar (loc, id) -> try try_interp_ltac_var (coerce_to_evaluable_ref env) ist (Some env) (loc, id) with Not_found -> try try_interp_evaluable env (loc, id) with Not_found -> error_global_not_found_loc loc (qualid_of_ident id) (* Interprets an hypothesis name *) let interp_occurrences ist occs = Locusops.occurrences_map (interp_int_or_var_list ist) occs let interp_hyp_location ist gl ((occs,id),hl) = ((interp_occurrences ist occs,interp_hyp ist gl id),hl) let interp_clause ist gl { onhyps=ol; concl_occs=occs } = { onhyps=Option.map(List.map (interp_hyp_location ist gl)) ol; concl_occs=interp_occurrences ist occs } (* Interpretation of constructions *) (* Extract the constr list from lfun *) let extract_ltac_constr_values ist env = let fold id v accu = try let c = coerce_to_constr env v in Id.Map.add id c accu with CannotCoerceTo _ -> accu in Id.Map.fold fold ist.lfun Id.Map.empty (** ppedrot: I have changed the semantics here. Before this patch, closure was implemented as a list and a variable could be bound several times with different types, resulting in its possible appearance on both sides. This could barely be defined as a feature... *) (* Extract the identifier list from lfun: join all branches (what to do else?)*) let rec intropattern_ids (loc,pat) = match pat with | IntroIdentifier id -> [id] | IntroOrAndPattern ll -> List.flatten (List.map intropattern_ids (List.flatten ll)) | IntroInjection l -> List.flatten (List.map intropattern_ids l) | IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroRewrite _ | IntroForthcoming _ -> [] let rec extract_ids ids lfun = let fold id v accu = let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then let (_, ipat) = out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v in if Id.List.mem id ids then accu else accu @ intropattern_ids (dloc, ipat) else accu in Id.Map.fold fold lfun [] let default_fresh_id = Id.of_string "H" let interp_fresh_id ist env l = let ids = List.map_filter (function ArgVar (_, id) -> Some id | _ -> None) l in let avoid = match TacStore.get ist.extra f_avoid_ids with | None -> [] | Some l -> l in let avoid = (extract_ids ids ist.lfun) @ avoid in let id = if List.is_empty l then default_fresh_id else let s = String.concat "" (List.map (function | ArgArg s -> s | ArgVar (_,id) -> Id.to_string (interp_ident ist env id)) l) in let s = if Lexer.is_keyword s then s^"0" else s in Id.of_string s in Tactics.fresh_id_in_env avoid id env let pf_interp_fresh_id ist gl = interp_fresh_id ist (pf_env gl) let interp_gen kind ist allow_patvar flags env sigma (c,ce) = let constrvars = extract_ltac_constr_values ist env in let vars = (constrvars, ist.lfun) in let c = match ce with | None -> c (* If at toplevel (ce<>None), the error can be due to an incorrect context at globalization time: we retype with the now known intros/lettac/inversion hypothesis names *) | Some c -> let ltacvars = Id.Map.domain constrvars in let bndvars = Id.Map.domain ist.lfun in let ltacdata = (ltacvars, bndvars) in intern_gen kind ~allow_patvar ~ltacvars:ltacdata sigma env c in let trace = push_trace (loc_of_glob_constr c,LtacConstrInterp (c,vars)) ist in let (evd,c) = catch_error trace (understand_ltac flags sigma env vars kind) c in (* spiwack: to avoid unnecessary modifications of tacinterp, as this function already use effect, I call [run] hoping it doesn't mess up with any assumption. *) Proofview.NonLogical.run (db_constr (curr_debug ist) env c); (evd,c) let constr_flags = { use_typeclasses = true; use_unif_heuristics = true; use_hook = Some solve_by_implicit_tactic; fail_evar = true; expand_evars = true } (* Interprets a constr; expects evars to be solved *) let interp_constr_gen kind ist env sigma c = interp_gen kind ist false constr_flags env sigma c let interp_constr = interp_constr_gen WithoutTypeConstraint let interp_type = interp_constr_gen IsType let open_constr_use_classes_flags = { use_typeclasses = true; use_unif_heuristics = true; use_hook = Some solve_by_implicit_tactic; fail_evar = false; expand_evars = true } let open_constr_no_classes_flags = { use_typeclasses = false; use_unif_heuristics = true; use_hook = Some solve_by_implicit_tactic; fail_evar = false; expand_evars = true } let pure_open_constr_flags = { use_typeclasses = false; use_unif_heuristics = true; use_hook = None; fail_evar = false; expand_evars = false } (* Interprets an open constr *) let interp_open_constr ?(expected_type=WithoutTypeConstraint) ist = let flags = if expected_type == WithoutTypeConstraint then open_constr_no_classes_flags else open_constr_use_classes_flags in interp_gen expected_type ist false flags let interp_pure_open_constr ist = interp_gen WithoutTypeConstraint ist false pure_open_constr_flags let interp_typed_pattern ist env sigma (c,_) = let sigma, c = interp_gen WithoutTypeConstraint ist true pure_open_constr_flags env sigma c in pattern_of_constr sigma c (* Interprets a constr expression casted by the current goal *) let pf_interp_casted_constr ist gl c = interp_constr_gen (OfType (pf_concl gl)) ist (pf_env gl) (project gl) c (* Interprets a constr expression *) let pf_interp_constr ist gl = interp_constr ist (pf_env gl) (project gl) let interp_constr_in_compound_list inj_fun dest_fun interp_fun ist env sigma l = let try_expand_ltac_var sigma x = try match dest_fun x with | GVar (_,id), _ -> let v = Id.Map.find id ist.lfun in sigma, List.map inj_fun (coerce_to_constr_list env v) | _ -> raise Not_found with CannotCoerceTo _ | Not_found -> (* dest_fun, List.assoc may raise Not_found *) let sigma, c = interp_fun ist env sigma x in sigma, [c] in let sigma, l = List.fold_map try_expand_ltac_var sigma l in sigma, List.flatten l let interp_constr_list ist env sigma c = interp_constr_in_compound_list (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) interp_constr ist env sigma c let interp_open_constr_list = interp_constr_in_compound_list (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) interp_open_constr let interp_auto_lemmas ist env sigma lems = let local_sigma, lems = interp_open_constr_list ist env sigma lems in List.map (fun lem -> (local_sigma,lem)) lems (* Interprets a type expression *) let pf_interp_type ist gl = interp_type ist (pf_env gl) (project gl) (* Interprets a reduction expression *) let interp_unfold ist env (occs,qid) = (interp_occurrences ist occs,interp_evaluable ist env qid) let interp_flag ist env red = { red with rConst = List.map (interp_evaluable ist env) red.rConst } let interp_constr_with_occurrences ist sigma env (occs,c) = let (sigma,c_interp) = interp_constr ist sigma env c in sigma , (interp_occurrences ist occs, c_interp) let interp_typed_pattern_with_occurrences ist env sigma (occs,c) = let sign,p = interp_typed_pattern ist env sigma c in sign, (interp_occurrences ist occs, p) let interp_closed_typed_pattern_with_occurrences ist env sigma occl = snd (interp_typed_pattern_with_occurrences ist env sigma occl) let interp_constr_with_occurrences_and_name_as_list = interp_constr_in_compound_list (fun c -> ((AllOccurrences,c),Anonymous)) (function ((occs,c),Anonymous) when occs == AllOccurrences -> c | _ -> raise Not_found) (fun ist env sigma (occ_c,na) -> let (sigma,c_interp) = interp_constr_with_occurrences ist env sigma occ_c in sigma, (c_interp, interp_fresh_name ist env na)) let interp_red_expr ist sigma env = function | Unfold l -> sigma , Unfold (List.map (interp_unfold ist env) l) | Fold l -> let (sigma,l_interp) = interp_constr_list ist env sigma l in sigma , Fold l_interp | Cbv f -> sigma , Cbv (interp_flag ist env f) | Cbn f -> sigma , Cbn (interp_flag ist env f) | Lazy f -> sigma , Lazy (interp_flag ist env f) | Pattern l -> let (sigma,l_interp) = List.fold_right begin fun c (sigma,acc) -> let (sigma,c_interp) = interp_constr_with_occurrences ist env sigma c in sigma , c_interp :: acc end l (sigma,[]) in sigma , Pattern l_interp | Simpl o -> sigma , Simpl (Option.map (interp_closed_typed_pattern_with_occurrences ist env sigma) o) | CbvVm o -> sigma , CbvVm (Option.map (interp_closed_typed_pattern_with_occurrences ist env sigma) o) | CbvNative o -> sigma , CbvNative (Option.map (interp_closed_typed_pattern_with_occurrences ist env sigma) o) | (Red _ | Hnf | ExtraRedExpr _ as r) -> sigma , r let pf_interp_red_expr ist gl = interp_red_expr ist (project gl) (pf_env gl) let interp_may_eval f ist gl = function | ConstrEval (r,c) -> let (sigma,redexp) = pf_interp_red_expr ist gl r in let (sigma,c_interp) = f ist { gl with sigma=sigma } c in sigma , pf_reduction_of_red_expr gl redexp c_interp | ConstrContext ((loc,s),c) -> (try let (sigma,ic) = f ist gl c and ctxt = coerce_to_constr_context (Id.Map.find s ist.lfun) in sigma , subst_meta [special_meta,ic] ctxt with | Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc, "interp_may_eval", str "Unbound context identifier" ++ pr_id s ++ str".")) | ConstrTypeOf c -> let (sigma,c_interp) = f ist gl c in sigma , pf_type_of gl c_interp | ConstrTerm c -> try f ist gl c with reraise -> let reraise = Errors.push reraise in (* spiwack: to avoid unnecessary modifications of tacinterp, as this function already use effect, I call [run] hoping it doesn't mess up with any assumption. *) Proofview.NonLogical.run (debugging_exception_step ist false reraise (fun () -> str"interpretation of term " ++ pr_glob_constr_env (pf_env gl) (fst c))); raise reraise (* Interprets a constr expression possibly to first evaluate *) let interp_constr_may_eval ist gl c = let (sigma,csr) = try interp_may_eval pf_interp_constr ist gl c with reraise -> let reraise = Errors.push reraise in (* spiwack: to avoid unnecessary modifications of tacinterp, as this function already use effect, I call [run] hoping it doesn't mess up with any assumption. *) Proofview.NonLogical.run (debugging_exception_step ist false reraise (fun () -> str"evaluation of term")); raise reraise in begin (* spiwack: to avoid unnecessary modifications of tacinterp, as this function already use effect, I call [run] hoping it doesn't mess up with any assumption. *) Proofview.NonLogical.run (db_constr (curr_debug ist) (pf_env gl) csr); sigma , csr end (** TODO: should use dedicated printers *) let rec message_of_value gl v = let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then str "" else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr) then pr_constr_env (pf_env gl) (out_gen (topwit wit_constr) v) else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) then let c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) v in pr_constr_under_binders_env (pf_env gl) c else if has_type v (topwit wit_unit) then str "()" else if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then int (out_gen (topwit wit_int) v) else if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then pr_intro_pattern (out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v) else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_context) then pr_constr_env (pf_env gl) (out_gen (topwit wit_constr_context) v) else match Value.to_list v with | Some l -> let print v = message_of_value gl v in prlist_with_sep spc print l | None -> str "" (** TODO *) let interp_message_token ist gl = function | MsgString s -> str s | MsgInt n -> int n | MsgIdent (loc,id) -> let v = try Id.Map.find id ist.lfun with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc,"",pr_id id ++ str" not found.") in message_of_value gl v let interp_message_nl ist gl = function | [] -> mt() | l -> prlist_with_sep spc (interp_message_token ist gl) l ++ fnl() let interp_message ist gl l = (* Force evaluation of interp_message_token so that potential errors are raised now and not at printing time *) prlist (fun x -> spc () ++ x) (List.map (interp_message_token ist gl) l) let rec interp_intro_pattern ist gl = function | loc, IntroOrAndPattern l -> loc, IntroOrAndPattern (interp_or_and_intro_pattern ist gl l) | loc, IntroInjection l -> loc, IntroInjection (interp_intro_pattern_list_as_list ist gl l) | loc, IntroIdentifier id -> loc, interp_intro_pattern_var loc ist (pf_env gl) id | loc, IntroFresh id -> loc, IntroFresh (interp_fresh_ident ist (pf_env gl) id) | loc, (IntroWildcard | IntroAnonymous | IntroRewrite _ | IntroForthcoming _) as x -> x and interp_or_and_intro_pattern ist gl = List.map (interp_intro_pattern_list_as_list ist gl) and interp_intro_pattern_list_as_list ist gl = function | [loc,IntroIdentifier id] as l -> (try coerce_to_intro_pattern_list loc (pf_env gl) (Id.Map.find id ist.lfun) with Not_found | CannotCoerceTo _ -> List.map (interp_intro_pattern ist gl) l) | l -> List.map (interp_intro_pattern ist gl) l let interp_in_hyp_as ist gl (id,ipat) = (interp_hyp ist gl id,Option.map (interp_intro_pattern ist gl) ipat) let interp_quantified_hypothesis ist = function | AnonHyp n -> AnonHyp n | NamedHyp id -> try try_interp_ltac_var coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis ist None(dloc,id) with Not_found -> NamedHyp id let interp_binding_name ist = function | AnonHyp n -> AnonHyp n | NamedHyp id -> (* If a name is bound, it has to be a quantified hypothesis *) (* user has to use other names for variables if these ones clash with *) (* a name intented to be used as a (non-variable) identifier *) try try_interp_ltac_var coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis ist None(dloc,id) with Not_found -> NamedHyp id let interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl = function | AnonHyp n -> AnonHyp n | NamedHyp id -> let env = pf_env gl in try try_interp_ltac_var (coerce_to_decl_or_quant_hyp env) ist (Some env) (dloc,id) with Not_found -> NamedHyp id let interp_binding ist env sigma (loc,b,c) = let sigma, c = interp_open_constr ist env sigma c in sigma, (loc,interp_binding_name ist b,c) let interp_bindings ist env sigma = function | NoBindings -> sigma, NoBindings | ImplicitBindings l -> let sigma, l = interp_open_constr_list ist env sigma l in sigma, ImplicitBindings l | ExplicitBindings l -> let sigma, l = List.fold_map (interp_binding ist env) sigma l in sigma, ExplicitBindings l let interp_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma (c,bl) = let sigma, bl = interp_bindings ist env sigma bl in let sigma, c = interp_open_constr ist env sigma c in sigma, (c,bl) let interp_open_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma (c,bl) = let sigma, bl = interp_bindings ist env sigma bl in let sigma, c = interp_open_constr ist env sigma c in sigma, (c, bl) let loc_of_bindings = function | NoBindings -> Loc.ghost | ImplicitBindings l -> loc_of_glob_constr (fst (List.last l)) | ExplicitBindings l -> pi1 (List.last l) let interp_open_constr_with_bindings_loc ist env sigma ((c,_),bl as cb) = let loc1 = loc_of_glob_constr c in let loc2 = loc_of_bindings bl in let loc = if Loc.is_ghost loc2 then loc1 else Loc.merge loc1 loc2 in let sigma, cb = interp_open_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma cb in sigma, (loc,cb) let interp_induction_arg ist gl arg = let env = pf_env gl and sigma = project gl in match arg with | ElimOnConstr c -> ElimOnConstr (interp_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma c) | ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x | ElimOnIdent (loc,id) -> let error () = user_err_loc (loc, "", strbrk "Cannot coerce " ++ pr_id id ++ strbrk " neither to a quantified hypothesis nor to a term.") in let try_cast_id id' = if Tactics.is_quantified_hypothesis id' gl then ElimOnIdent (loc,id') else (try ElimOnConstr (sigma,(constr_of_id env id',NoBindings)) with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc,"", pr_id id ++ strbrk " binds to " ++ pr_id id' ++ strbrk " which is neither a declared or a quantified hypothesis.")) in try (** FIXME: should be moved to taccoerce *) let v = Id.Map.find id ist.lfun in let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then let v = out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v in match v with | _, IntroIdentifier id -> try_cast_id id | _ -> error () else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in try_cast_id id else if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then ElimOnAnonHyp (out_gen (topwit wit_int) v) else match Value.to_constr v with | None -> error () | Some c -> ElimOnConstr (sigma,(c,NoBindings)) with Not_found -> (* We were in non strict (interactive) mode *) if Tactics.is_quantified_hypothesis id gl then ElimOnIdent (loc,id) else let c = (GVar (loc,id),Some (CRef (Ident (loc,id)))) in let (sigma,c) = interp_constr ist env sigma c in ElimOnConstr (sigma,(c,NoBindings)) (* Associates variables with values and gives the remaining variables and values *) let head_with_value (lvar,lval) = let rec head_with_value_rec lacc = function | ([],[]) -> (lacc,[],[]) | (vr::tvr,ve::tve) -> (match vr with | None -> head_with_value_rec lacc (tvr,tve) | Some v -> head_with_value_rec ((v,ve)::lacc) (tvr,tve)) | (vr,[]) -> (lacc,vr,[]) | ([],ve) -> (lacc,[],ve) in head_with_value_rec [] (lvar,lval) (* Gives a context couple if there is a context identifier *) let give_context ctxt = function | None -> Id.Map.empty | Some id -> Id.Map.singleton id (in_gen (topwit wit_constr_context) ctxt) (* Reads a pattern by substituting vars of lfun *) let use_types = false let eval_pattern lfun ist env sigma (_,pat as c) = if use_types then snd (interp_typed_pattern ist env sigma c) else instantiate_pattern sigma lfun pat let read_pattern lfun ist env sigma = function | Subterm (b,ido,c) -> Subterm (b,ido,eval_pattern lfun ist env sigma c) | Term c -> Term (eval_pattern lfun ist env sigma c) (* Reads the hypotheses of a Match Context rule *) let cons_and_check_name id l = if Id.List.mem id l then user_err_loc (dloc,"read_match_goal_hyps", strbrk ("Hypothesis pattern-matching variable "^(Id.to_string id)^ " used twice in the same pattern.")) else id::l let rec read_match_goal_hyps lfun ist env sigma lidh = function | (Hyp ((loc,na) as locna,mp))::tl -> let lidh' = name_fold cons_and_check_name na lidh in Hyp (locna,read_pattern lfun ist env sigma mp):: (read_match_goal_hyps lfun ist env sigma lidh' tl) | (Def ((loc,na) as locna,mv,mp))::tl -> let lidh' = name_fold cons_and_check_name na lidh in Def (locna,read_pattern lfun ist env sigma mv, read_pattern lfun ist env sigma mp):: (read_match_goal_hyps lfun ist env sigma lidh' tl) | [] -> [] (* Reads the rules of a Match Context or a Match *) let rec read_match_rule lfun ist env sigma = function | (All tc)::tl -> (All tc)::(read_match_rule lfun ist env sigma tl) | (Pat (rl,mp,tc))::tl -> Pat (read_match_goal_hyps lfun ist env sigma [] rl, read_pattern lfun ist env sigma mp,tc) :: read_match_rule lfun ist env sigma tl | [] -> [] (* For Match Context and Match *) exception Not_coherent_metas exception Eval_fail of std_ppcmds let is_match_catchable = function | PatternMatchingFailure | Eval_fail _ -> true | e -> Logic.catchable_exception e let equal_instances gl (ctx',c') (ctx,c) = (* How to compare instances? Do we want the terms to be convertible? unifiable? Do we want the universe levels to be relevant? (historically, conv_x is used) *) List.equal Id.equal ctx ctx' && pf_conv_x gl c' c (* Verifies if the matched list is coherent with respect to lcm *) (* While non-linear matching is modulo eq_constr in matches, merge of *) (* different instances of the same metavars is here modulo conversion... *) let verify_metas_coherence gl (ln1,lcm) (ln,lm) = let merge id oc1 oc2 = match oc1, oc2 with | None, None -> None | None, Some c | Some c, None -> Some c | Some c1, Some c2 -> if equal_instances gl c1 c2 then Some c1 else raise Not_coherent_metas in (** ppedrot: Is that even correct? *) let merged = ln +++ ln1 in (merged, Id.Map.merge merge lcm lm) let adjust (l, lc) = (l, Id.Map.map (fun c -> [], c) lc) (* spiwack: a small wrapper around the [Matching] module *) type 'a _matching_result = { s_sub : bound_ident_map * patvar_map ; s_ctx : 'a ; s_nxt : 'a matching_result } and 'a matching_result = 'a _matching_result Proofview.glist Proofview.tactic type 'a _extended_matching_result = { e_ctx : 'a; e_sub : bound_ident_map * extended_patvar_map; } let push_id_couple id name env = match name with | Name idpat -> Id.Map.add idpat (Value.of_constr (mkVar id)) env | Anonymous -> env let match_pat refresh lmatch hyp gl = function | Term t -> let hyp = if refresh then refresh_universes_strict hyp else hyp in begin try let lmeta = extended_matches t hyp in let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch lmeta in let ans = { e_ctx = Id.Map.empty; e_sub = lmeta; } in IStream.cons ans IStream.empty with PatternMatchingFailure | Not_coherent_metas -> IStream.empty end | Subterm (b,ic,t) -> let hyp = if refresh then refresh_universes_strict hyp else hyp in let matches = match_subterm_gen b t hyp in let filter s = try let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch (adjust s.m_sub) in let context = give_context s.m_ctx ic in Some { e_ctx = context; e_sub = lmeta; } with Not_coherent_metas -> None in IStream.map_filter filter matches (* Tries to match one hypothesis pattern with a list of hypotheses *) let apply_one_mhyp_context gl lmatch (hypname,patv,pat) lhyps = let rec apply_one_mhyp_context_rec = function | [] -> IStream.empty | (id, b, hyp as hd) :: tl -> (match patv with | None -> let refresh = not (Option.is_empty b) in let ans = IStream.thunk (lazy (match_pat refresh lmatch hyp gl pat)) in let map s = let context = (push_id_couple id hypname s.e_ctx), hd in { e_ctx = context; e_sub = s.e_sub; } in let next = lazy (apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl) in IStream.app (IStream.map map ans) (IStream.thunk next) | Some patv -> match b with | Some body -> let body = match_pat false lmatch body gl patv in let map_body s1 = let types = lazy (match_pat true s1.e_sub hyp gl pat) in let map_types s2 = let env = push_id_couple id hypname s1.e_ctx in let context = (env +++ s2.e_ctx), hd in { e_ctx = context; e_sub = s2.e_sub; } in IStream.map map_types (IStream.thunk types) in let next = IStream.thunk (lazy (apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl)) in let body = IStream.map map_body body in IStream.app (IStream.concat body) next | None -> apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl) in apply_one_mhyp_context_rec lhyps (* misc *) let mk_constr_value ist gl c = let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_constr ist gl c in sigma, Value.of_constr c_interp let mk_open_constr_value ist gl c = let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_apply (interp_open_constr ist) gl c in sigma, Value.of_constr c_interp let mk_hyp_value ist gl c = Value.of_constr (mkVar (interp_hyp ist gl c)) let mk_int_or_var_value ist c = in_gen (topwit wit_int) (interp_int_or_var ist c) let pack_sigma (sigma,c) = {it=c;sigma=sigma;} let extend_gl_hyps { it=gl ; sigma=sigma } sign = Goal.V82.new_goal_with sigma gl sign (* Local exception, should not escape. No need to register. *) exception NeedsAGoal (* Interprets an ltac expression into a value, does not assume a goal *) let val_interp_glob ist (tac:glob_tactic_expr) : typed_generic_argument = match tac with | TacFun (it,body) -> let v = VFun (extract_trace ist,ist.lfun,it,body) in of_tacvalue v | TacLetIn _ | TacMatchGoal _ | TacMatch _ | TacArg _ -> raise NeedsAGoal | t -> let v = VFun (extract_trace ist,ist.lfun,[],t) in of_tacvalue v (* Interprets an l-tac expression into a value *) let rec val_interp ist (tac:glob_tactic_expr) : typed_generic_argument Proofview.glist Proofview.tactic = let value_interp ist = try Proofview.Goal.return (val_interp_glob ist tac) with NeedsAGoal -> match tac with (* Immediate evaluation *) | TacLetIn (true,l,u) -> interp_letrec ist l u | TacLetIn (false,l,u) -> interp_letin ist l u | TacMatchGoal (lz,lr,lmr) -> interp_match_goal ist lz lr lmr | TacMatch (lz,c,lmr) -> interp_match ist lz c lmr | TacArg (loc,a) -> interp_tacarg ist a (* Delayed evaluation, handled by val_interp_glob, above *) | _ -> assert false in check_for_interrupt (); match curr_debug ist with | DebugOn lev -> let eval v = let ist = { ist with extra = TacStore.set ist.extra f_debug v } in value_interp ist in debug_prompt lev tac eval | _ -> value_interp ist and eval_tactic ist = function | TacAtom (loc,t) -> let call = LtacAtomCall t in catch_error_tac (push_trace(loc,call) ist) (interp_atomic ist t) | TacFun _ | TacLetIn _ -> assert false | TacMatchGoal _ | TacMatch _ -> assert false | TacId s -> Proofview.tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> tclIDTAC_MESSAGE (interp_message_nl ist gl s) gl end) (Proofview.tclLIFT (db_breakpoint (curr_debug ist) s)) | TacFail (n,s) -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> tclFAIL (interp_int_or_var ist n) (interp_message ist gl s) gl end | TacProgress tac -> Tacticals.New.tclPROGRESS (interp_tactic ist tac) | TacShowHyps tac -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin tclSHOWHYPS (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (interp_tactic ist tac)) end | TacAbstract (tac,ido) -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> Tactics.tclABSTRACT (Option.map (pf_interp_ident ist gl) ido) (interp_tactic ist tac) gl end | TacThen (t1,tf,t,tl) -> if Array.length tf = 0 && Array.length tl = 0 then Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (interp_tactic ist t1) (interp_tactic ist t) else Tacticals.New.tclTHENS3PARTS (interp_tactic ist t1) (Array.map (interp_tactic ist) tf) (interp_tactic ist t) (Array.map (interp_tactic ist) tl) | TacThens (t1,tl) -> Tacticals.New.tclTHENS (interp_tactic ist t1) (List.map (interp_tactic ist) tl) | TacDo (n,tac) -> Tacticals.New.tclDO (interp_int_or_var ist n) (interp_tactic ist tac) | TacTimeout (n,tac) -> Tacticals.New.tclTIMEOUT (interp_int_or_var ist n) (interp_tactic ist tac) | TacTry tac -> Tacticals.New.tclTRY (interp_tactic ist tac) | TacRepeat tac -> Tacticals.New.tclREPEAT (interp_tactic ist tac) | TacOr (tac1,tac2) -> Tacticals.New.tclOR (interp_tactic ist tac1) (interp_tactic ist tac2) | TacOnce tac -> Tacticals.New.tclONCE (interp_tactic ist tac) | TacExactlyOnce tac -> Tacticals.New.tclEXACTLY_ONCE (interp_tactic ist tac) | TacOrelse (tac1,tac2) -> Tacticals.New.tclORELSE (interp_tactic ist tac1) (interp_tactic ist tac2) | TacFirst l -> Tacticals.New.tclFIRST (List.map (interp_tactic ist) l) | TacSolve l -> Tacticals.New.tclSOLVE (List.map (interp_tactic ist) l) | TacComplete tac -> Tacticals.New.tclCOMPLETE (interp_tactic ist tac) | TacArg a -> interp_tactic ist (TacArg a) | TacInfo tac -> msg_warning (strbrk "The general \"info\" tactic is currently not working." ++ fnl () ++ strbrk "Some specific verbose tactics may exist instead, such as info_trivial, info_auto, info_eauto."); eval_tactic ist tac and force_vrec ist v = let v = Value.normalize v in if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then let v = to_tacvalue v in match v with | VRec (lfun,body) -> val_interp {ist with lfun = !lfun} body | v -> (Proofview.Goal.return (of_tacvalue v)) else (Proofview.Goal.return v) and interp_ltac_reference loc' mustbetac ist = function | ArgVar (loc,id) -> let v = try Id.Map.find id ist.lfun with Not_found -> in_gen (topwit wit_var) id in force_vrec ist v >>== fun v -> let v = propagate_trace ist loc id v in if mustbetac then (Proofview.Goal.return (coerce_to_tactic loc id v)) else (Proofview.Goal.return v) | ArgArg (loc,r) -> let ids = extract_ids [] ist.lfun in let loc_info = ((if Loc.is_ghost loc' then loc else loc'),LtacNameCall r) in let extra = TacStore.set ist.extra f_avoid_ids ids in let extra = TacStore.set extra f_trace (push_trace loc_info ist) in let ist = { lfun = Id.Map.empty; extra = extra; } in val_interp ist (lookup_ltacref r) and interp_tacarg ist arg = let tac_of_old f = Proofview.Goal.enterl begin fun gl -> let (sigma,v) = Tacmach.New.of_old f gl in Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma <*> (Proofview.Goal.return v) end in match arg with | TacGeneric arg -> tac_of_old (fun gl -> Geninterp.generic_interp ist gl arg) | Reference r -> interp_ltac_reference dloc false ist r | ConstrMayEval c -> tac_of_old (fun gl -> interp_constr_may_eval ist gl c) >>== fun c_interp -> (Proofview.Goal.return (Value.of_constr c_interp)) | MetaIdArg (loc,_,id) -> assert false | TacCall (loc,r,[]) -> interp_ltac_reference loc true ist r | TacCall (loc,f,l) -> Proofview.tclEVARMAP >= fun sigma -> interp_ltac_reference loc true ist f >>== fun fv -> List.fold_right begin fun a acc -> interp_tacarg ist a >>== fun a_interp -> acc >>== fun acc -> (Proofview.Goal.return (a_interp::acc)) end l ((Proofview.Goal.return [])) >>== fun largs -> interp_app loc ist fv largs | TacExternal (loc,com,req,la) -> List.fold_right begin fun a acc -> interp_tacarg ist a >>== fun a_interp -> acc >>== fun acc -> (Proofview.Goal.return (a_interp::acc)) end la ((Proofview.Goal.return [])) >>== fun la_interp -> Proofview.Goal.enterl begin fun gl -> interp_external loc ist gl com req la_interp end | TacFreshId l -> Proofview.Goal.enterl begin fun gl -> let id = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> pf_interp_fresh_id ist gl l) gl in (Proofview.Goal.return (in_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) (dloc, IntroIdentifier id))) end | Tacexp t -> val_interp ist t | TacDynamic(_,t) -> let tg = (Dyn.tag t) in if String.equal tg "tactic" then val_interp ist (tactic_out t ist) else if String.equal tg "value" then (Proofview.Goal.return (value_out t)) else if String.equal tg "constr" then (Proofview.Goal.return (Value.of_constr (constr_out t))) else Errors.anomaly ~loc:dloc ~label:"Tacinterp.val_interp" (str "Unknown dynamic: <" ++ str (Dyn.tag t) ++ str ">") (* Interprets an application node *) and interp_app loc ist fv largs = let fail = (* spiwack: quick hack, can be inlined. *) try user_err_loc (loc, "Tacinterp.interp_app", (str"Illegal tactic application.")) with e -> Proofview.tclZERO e in let fv = Value.normalize fv in if has_type fv (topwit wit_tacvalue) then match to_tacvalue fv with (* if var=[] and body has been delayed by val_interp, then body is not a tactic that expects arguments. Otherwise Ltac goes into an infinite loop (val_interp puts a VFun back on body, and then interp_app is called again...) *) | (VFun(trace,olfun,(_::_ as var),body) |VFun(trace,olfun,([] as var), (TacFun _|TacLetIn _|TacMatchGoal _|TacMatch _| TacArg _ as body))) -> let (extfun,lvar,lval)=head_with_value (var,largs) in let fold accu (id, v) = Id.Map.add id v accu in let newlfun = List.fold_left fold olfun extfun in if List.is_empty lvar then begin Proofview.tclORELSE begin let ist = { lfun = newlfun; extra = TacStore.set ist.extra f_trace []; } in catch_error_tac trace (val_interp ist body) end begin fun e -> (* spiwack: [Errors.push] here is unlikely to do what it's intended to, or anything meaningful for that matter. *) let e = Errors.push e in Proofview.tclLIFT (debugging_exception_step ist false e (fun () -> str "evaluation")) <*> Proofview.tclZERO e end end >>== fun v -> (* No errors happened, we propagate the trace *) let v = append_trace trace v in Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in Proofview.tclLIFT begin debugging_step ist (fun () -> str"evaluation returns"++fnl()++pr_value (Some env) v) end end <*> if List.is_empty lval then (Proofview.Goal.return v) else interp_app loc ist v lval else Proofview.Goal.return (of_tacvalue (VFun(trace,newlfun,lvar,body))) | _ -> fail else fail (* Gives the tactic corresponding to the tactic value *) and tactic_of_value ist vle = let vle = Value.normalize vle in if has_type vle (topwit wit_tacvalue) then match to_tacvalue vle with | VRTactic -> Proofview.tclUNIT () | VFun (trace,lfun,[],t) -> let ist = { lfun = lfun; extra = TacStore.set ist.extra f_trace []; } in let tac = eval_tactic ist t in catch_error_tac trace tac | (VFun _|VRec _) -> Proofview.tclZERO (UserError ("" , str "A fully applied tactic is expected.")) else Proofview.tclZERO (UserError ("" , str"Expression does not evaluate to a tactic.")) (* Evaluation with FailError catching *) and eval_with_fail ist is_lazy tac = Proofview.tclORELSE begin val_interp ist tac >>== fun v -> (if has_type v (topwit wit_tacvalue) then match to_tacvalue v with | VFun (trace,lfun,[],t) when not is_lazy -> let ist = { lfun = lfun; extra = TacStore.set ist.extra f_trace trace; } in let tac = eval_tactic ist t in catch_error_tac trace (tac <*> Proofview.Goal.return (of_tacvalue VRTactic)) | _ -> Proofview.Goal.return v else Proofview.Goal.return v) end begin function (** FIXME: Should we add [Errors.push]? *) | FailError (0,s) -> Proofview.tclZERO (Eval_fail (Lazy.force s)) | FailError (lvl,s) as e -> Proofview.tclZERO (Exninfo.copy e (FailError (lvl - 1, s))) | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end (* Interprets the clauses of a recursive LetIn *) and interp_letrec ist llc u = Proofview.tclUNIT () >= fun () -> (* delay for the effects of [lref], just in case. *) let lref = ref ist.lfun in let fold accu ((_, id), b) = let v = of_tacvalue (VRec (lref, TacArg (dloc, b))) in Id.Map.add id v accu in let lfun = List.fold_left fold ist.lfun llc in let () = lref := lfun in let ist = { ist with lfun } in val_interp ist u (* Interprets the clauses of a LetIn *) and interp_letin ist llc u = let fold ((_, id), body) acc = interp_tacarg ist body >>== fun v -> acc >>== fun acc -> let () = check_is_value v in Proofview.Goal.return (Id.Map.add id v acc) in List.fold_right fold llc (Proofview.Goal.return ist.lfun) >>== fun lfun -> let ist = { ist with lfun } in val_interp ist u (* Interprets the Match Context expressions *) and interp_match_goal ist lz lr lmr = Proofview.Goal.enterl begin fun gl -> let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let hyps = Proofview.Goal.hyps gl in let hyps = if lr then List.rev hyps else hyps in let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in let rec apply_goal_sub app ist (id,c) csr mt mhyps hyps = let rec match_next_pattern next = match IStream.peek next with | None -> Proofview.tclZERO PatternMatchingFailure | Some ({ m_sub=lgoal; m_ctx=ctxt }, next) -> let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in Proofview.tclORELSE (apply_hyps_context ist env lz mt lctxt (adjust lgoal) mhyps hyps) begin function | e when is_match_catchable e -> match_next_pattern next | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end in match_next_pattern (match_subterm_gen app c csr) in let rec apply_match_goal ist env nrs lex lpt = begin begin match lex with | r :: _ -> Proofview.tclLIFT (db_pattern_rule (curr_debug ist) nrs r) | _ -> Proofview.tclUNIT () end <*> match lpt with | (All t)::tl -> begin Proofview.tclLIFT (db_mc_pattern_success (curr_debug ist)) <*> Proofview.tclORELSE (eval_with_fail ist lz t) begin function | e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match_goal ist env (nrs+1) (List.tl lex) tl | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end end | (Pat (mhyps,mgoal,mt))::tl -> let mhyps = List.rev mhyps (* Sens naturel *) in begin match mgoal with | Term mg -> let matches = try Some (extended_matches mg concl) with PatternMatchingFailure -> None in begin match matches with | None -> Proofview.tclLIFT (db_matching_failure (curr_debug ist)) <*> apply_match_goal ist env (nrs+1) (List.tl lex) tl | Some lmatch -> Proofview.tclORELSE begin Proofview.tclLIFT (db_matched_concl (curr_debug ist) env concl) <*> apply_hyps_context ist env lz mt Id.Map.empty lmatch mhyps hyps end begin function | e when is_match_catchable e -> (Proofview.tclLIFT (match e with | PatternMatchingFailure -> db_matching_failure (curr_debug ist) | Eval_fail s -> db_eval_failure (curr_debug ist) s | _ -> db_logic_failure (curr_debug ist) e) <*> apply_match_goal ist env (nrs+1) (List.tl lex) tl) | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end end | Subterm (b,id,mg) -> Proofview.tclORELSE (apply_goal_sub b ist (id,mg) concl mt mhyps hyps) begin function | PatternMatchingFailure -> apply_match_goal ist env (nrs+1) (List.tl lex) tl | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end end | _ -> Proofview.tclZERO (UserError ( "Tacinterp.apply_match_goal" , (v 0 (str "No matching clauses for match goal" ++ (if curr_debug ist==DebugOff then fnl() ++ str "(use \"Set Ltac Debug\" for more info)" else mt()) ++ str".")) )) end in apply_match_goal ist env 0 lmr (read_match_rule (extract_ltac_constr_values ist env) ist env sigma lmr) end (* Tries to match the hypotheses in a Match Context *) and apply_hyps_context ist env lz mt lctxt lgmatch mhyps hyps = Proofview.Goal.enterl begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let rec apply_hyps_context_rec lfun lmatch lhyps_rest = function | hyp_pat::tl -> let (hypname, _, pat as hyp_pat) = match hyp_pat with | Hyp ((_,hypname),mhyp) -> hypname, None, mhyp | Def ((_,hypname),mbod,mhyp) -> hypname, Some mbod, mhyp in let rec match_next_pattern next = match IStream.peek next with | None -> Proofview.tclLIFT (db_hyp_pattern_failure (curr_debug ist) env (hypname, pat)) <*> Proofview.tclZERO PatternMatchingFailure | Some (s, next) -> let lids, hyp_match = s.e_ctx in Proofview.tclLIFT (db_matched_hyp (curr_debug ist) env hyp_match hypname) <*> Proofview.tclORELSE begin let id_match = pi1 hyp_match in let select_match (id,_,_) = Id.equal id id_match in let nextlhyps = List.remove_first select_match lhyps_rest in let lfun = lfun +++ lids in apply_hyps_context_rec lfun s.e_sub nextlhyps tl end begin function | e when is_match_catchable e -> match_next_pattern next | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end in let init_match_pattern = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> apply_one_mhyp_context gl lmatch hyp_pat lhyps_rest) gl in match_next_pattern init_match_pattern | [] -> let lfun = lfun +++ ist.lfun in let lfun = extend_values_with_bindings lmatch lfun in Proofview.tclLIFT (db_mc_pattern_success (curr_debug ist)) <*> eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lfun} lz mt in apply_hyps_context_rec lctxt lgmatch hyps mhyps end and interp_external loc ist gl com req la = let f ch = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> extern_request ch req gl la) gl in let g ch = internalise_tacarg ch in interp_tacarg ist (System.connect f g com) (* Interprets extended tactic generic arguments *) and interp_genarg ist gl x = let evdref = ref (project gl) in let rec interp_genarg ist gl x = let gl = { gl with sigma = !evdref } in match genarg_tag x with | IntOrVarArgType -> in_gen (topwit wit_int_or_var) (ArgArg (interp_int_or_var ist (out_gen (glbwit wit_int_or_var) x))) | IdentArgType b -> in_gen (topwit (wit_ident_gen b)) (pf_interp_fresh_ident ist gl (out_gen (glbwit (wit_ident_gen b)) x)) | VarArgType -> in_gen (topwit wit_var) (interp_hyp ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_var) x)) | RefArgType -> in_gen (topwit wit_ref) (pf_interp_reference ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_ref) x)) | GenArgType -> in_gen (topwit wit_genarg) (interp_genarg ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_genarg) x)) | ConstrArgType -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_constr ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_constr) x) in evdref := sigma; in_gen (topwit wit_constr) c_interp | ConstrMayEvalArgType -> let (sigma,c_interp) = interp_constr_may_eval ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_constr_may_eval) x) in evdref := sigma; in_gen (topwit wit_constr_may_eval) c_interp | QuantHypArgType -> in_gen (topwit wit_quant_hyp) (interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_quant_hyp) x)) | RedExprArgType -> let (sigma,r_interp) = pf_interp_red_expr ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_red_expr) x) in evdref := sigma; in_gen (topwit wit_red_expr) r_interp | OpenConstrArgType casted -> let expected_type = if casted then OfType (pf_concl gl) else WithoutTypeConstraint in in_gen (topwit (wit_open_constr_gen casted)) (interp_open_constr ~expected_type ist (pf_env gl) (project gl) (snd (out_gen (glbwit (wit_open_constr_gen casted)) x))) | ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> in_gen (topwit wit_constr_with_bindings) (pack_sigma (interp_constr_with_bindings ist (pf_env gl) (project gl) (out_gen (glbwit wit_constr_with_bindings) x))) | BindingsArgType -> in_gen (topwit wit_bindings) (pack_sigma (interp_bindings ist (pf_env gl) (project gl) (out_gen (glbwit wit_bindings) x))) | ListArgType ConstrArgType -> let (sigma,v) = interp_genarg_constr_list ist gl x in evdref := sigma; v | ListArgType VarArgType -> interp_genarg_var_list ist gl x | ListArgType _ -> app_list (interp_genarg ist gl) x | OptArgType _ -> app_opt (interp_genarg ist gl) x | PairArgType _ -> app_pair (interp_genarg ist gl) (interp_genarg ist gl) x | ExtraArgType s -> let (sigma,v) = Geninterp.generic_interp ist gl x in evdref:=sigma; v in let v = interp_genarg ist gl x in !evdref , v and interp_genarg_constr_list ist gl x = let lc = out_gen (glbwit (wit_list wit_constr)) x in let (sigma,lc) = pf_apply (interp_constr_list ist) gl lc in sigma , in_gen (topwit (wit_list wit_constr)) lc and interp_genarg_var_list ist gl x = let lc = out_gen (glbwit (wit_list wit_var)) x in let lc = interp_hyp_list ist gl lc in in_gen (topwit (wit_list wit_var)) lc (* Interprets the Match expressions *) and interp_match ist lz constr lmr = let apply_match_subterm app ist (id,c) csr mt = let rec match_next_pattern next = match IStream.peek next with | None -> Proofview.tclZERO PatternMatchingFailure | Some ({ m_sub=lmatch; m_ctx=ctxt; }, next) -> let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in let lfun = extend_values_with_bindings (adjust lmatch) (lctxt +++ ist.lfun) in Proofview.tclORELSE (eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lfun} lz mt) begin function | e when is_match_catchable e -> match_next_pattern next | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end in match_next_pattern (match_subterm_gen app c csr) in let rec apply_match ist csr = function | (All t)::tl -> Proofview.tclORELSE (eval_with_fail ist lz t) begin function | e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match ist csr tl | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end | (Pat ([],Term c,mt))::tl -> let matches = try Some (extended_matches c csr) with PatternMatchingFailure -> None in Proofview.tclORELSE begin match matches with | None -> let e = PatternMatchingFailure in (Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in Proofview.tclLIFT begin debugging_exception_step ist false e (fun () -> str "matching with pattern" ++ fnl () ++ pr_constr_pattern_env env c) end end) <*> Proofview.tclZERO e | Some lmatch -> Proofview.tclORELSE begin let lfun = extend_values_with_bindings lmatch ist.lfun in eval_with_fail { ist with lfun=lfun } lz mt end begin function | e -> (Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in Proofview.tclLIFT begin debugging_exception_step ist false e (fun () -> str "rule body for pattern" ++ pr_constr_pattern_env env c) end end) <*> Proofview.tclZERO e end end begin function | e when is_match_catchable e -> Proofview.tclLIFT (debugging_step ist (fun () -> str "switching to the next rule")) <*> apply_match ist csr tl | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end | (Pat ([],Subterm (b,id,c),mt))::tl -> Proofview.tclORELSE (apply_match_subterm b ist (id,c) csr mt) begin function | PatternMatchingFailure -> apply_match ist csr tl | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end | _ -> Proofview.tclZERO (UserError ("Tacinterp.apply_match" , str "No matching clauses for match.")) in begin Proofview.tclORELSE (interp_ltac_constr ist constr) begin function | e -> (* spiwack: [Errors.push] here is unlikely to do what it's intended to, or anything meaningful for that matter. *) let e = Errors.push e in Proofview.tclLIFT (debugging_exception_step ist true e (fun () -> str "evaluation of the matched expression")) <*> Proofview.tclZERO e end end >>== fun csr -> Proofview.Goal.enterl begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let ilr = read_match_rule (extract_ltac_constr_values ist env) ist env sigma lmr in Proofview.tclORELSE (apply_match ist csr ilr) begin function | e -> Proofview.tclLIFT (debugging_exception_step ist true e (fun () -> str "match expression")) <*> Proofview.tclZERO e end >>== fun res -> Proofview.tclLIFT (debugging_step ist (fun () -> str "match expression returns " ++ pr_value (Some env) res)) <*> (Proofview.Goal.return res) end (* Interprets tactic expressions : returns a "constr" *) and interp_ltac_constr ist e = begin Proofview.tclORELSE (val_interp ist e) begin function | Not_found -> (Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in Proofview.tclLIFT begin debugging_step ist (fun () -> str "evaluation failed for" ++ fnl() ++ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic env e) end end) <*> Proofview.tclZERO Not_found | e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end end >>== fun result -> Proofview.Goal.enterl begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let result = Value.normalize result in try let cresult = coerce_to_closed_constr env result in Proofview.tclLIFT begin debugging_step ist (fun () -> Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic env e ++ fnl() ++ str " has value " ++ fnl() ++ pr_constr_env env cresult) end <*> (Proofview.Goal.return cresult) with CannotCoerceTo _ -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in Proofview.tclZERO (UserError ( "", errorlabstrm "" (str "Must evaluate to a closed term" ++ fnl() ++ str "offending expression: " ++ fnl() ++ pr_inspect env e result))) end (* Interprets tactic expressions : returns a "tactic" *) and interp_tactic ist tac = (* spiwack: interpretes the following tactic out of a goal if possible. It allows tactics on the right of a tclTHEN to manipulate the generated subgoals globally. *) try tactic_of_value ist (val_interp_glob ist tac) with NeedsAGoal -> val_interp ist tac >>= fun v -> tactic_of_value ist v (* Interprets a primitive tactic *) and interp_atomic ist tac = match tac with (* Basic tactics *) | TacIntroPattern l -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let patterns = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_intro_pattern_list_as_list ist gl l) gl in h_intro_patterns patterns end | TacIntrosUntil hyp -> begin try (* interp_quantified_hypothesis can raise an exception *) h_intros_until (interp_quantified_hypothesis ist hyp) with e when Proofview.V82.catchable_exception e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end | TacIntroMove (ido,hto) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let mloc = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_move_location ist gl hto) gl in h_intro_move (Option.map (interp_fresh_ident ist env) ido) mloc end | TacAssumption -> h_assumption | TacExact c -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_casted_constr ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_exact c_interp) gl end | TacExactNoCheck c -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_constr ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_exact_no_check c_interp) gl end | TacVmCastNoCheck c -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_constr ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_vm_cast_no_check c_interp) gl end | TacApply (a,ev,cb,cl) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in try (* interp_open_constr_with_bindings_loc can raise exceptions *) let sigma, l = List.fold_map (interp_open_constr_with_bindings_loc ist env) sigma cb in let tac = match cl with | None -> fun l -> Proofview.V82.tactic (h_apply a ev l) | Some cl -> (fun l -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let cl = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_in_hyp_as ist gl cl) gl in h_apply_in a ev l cl end) in Tacticals.New.tclWITHHOLES ev tac sigma l with e when Proofview.V82.catchable_exception e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end | TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in try (* interpretation functions may raise exceptions *) let sigma, cb = interp_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma cb in let sigma, cbo = Option.fold_map (interp_constr_with_bindings ist env) sigma cbo in Tacticals.New.tclWITHHOLES ev (h_elim ev cb) sigma cbo with e when Proofview.V82.catchable_exception e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end | TacElimType c -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_type ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_elim_type c_interp) gl end | TacCase (ev,cb) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma, cb = interp_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma cb in Tacticals.New.tclWITHHOLES ev (h_case ev) sigma cb end | TacCaseType c -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_type ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_case_type c_interp) gl end | TacFix (idopt,n) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in Proofview.V82.tactic (h_fix (Option.map (interp_fresh_ident ist env) idopt) n) end | TacMutualFix (id,n,l) -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let env = pf_env gl in let f sigma (id,n,c) = let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_type ist { gl with sigma=sigma } c in sigma , (interp_fresh_ident ist env id,n,c_interp) in let (sigma,l_interp) = List.fold_right begin fun c (sigma,acc) -> let (sigma,c_interp) = f sigma c in sigma , c_interp::acc end l (project gl,[]) in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_mutual_fix (interp_fresh_ident ist env id) n l_interp) gl end | TacCofix idopt -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in Proofview.V82.tactic (h_cofix (Option.map (interp_fresh_ident ist env) idopt)) end | TacMutualCofix (id,l) -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let env = pf_env gl in let f sigma (id,c) = let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_type ist { gl with sigma=sigma } c in sigma , (interp_fresh_ident ist env id,c_interp) in let (sigma,l_interp) = List.fold_right begin fun c (sigma,acc) -> let (sigma,c_interp) = f sigma c in sigma , c_interp::acc end l (project gl,[]) in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_mutual_cofix (interp_fresh_ident ist env id) l_interp) gl end | TacCut c -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_type ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_cut c_interp) gl end | TacAssert (t,ipat,c) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in try (* intrerpreation function may raise exceptions *) let (sigma,c) = (if Option.is_empty t then interp_constr else interp_type) ist env sigma c in let patt = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_intro_pattern ist gl) gl in Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) (Tactics.forward (Option.map (interp_tactic ist) t) (Option.map patt ipat) c) with e when Proofview.V82.catchable_exception e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end | TacGeneralize cl -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let sigma = project gl in let env = pf_env gl in let sigma, cl = interp_constr_with_occurrences_and_name_as_list ist env sigma cl in tclWITHHOLES false (h_generalize_gen) sigma cl gl end | TacGeneralizeDep c -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_constr ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_generalize_dep c_interp) gl end | TacLetTac (na,c,clp,b,eqpat) -> Proofview.V82.nf_evar_goals <*> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let clp = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_clause ist gl clp) gl in let eqpat = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> Option.map (interp_intro_pattern ist gl) eqpat) gl in if Locusops.is_nowhere clp then (* We try to fully-typecheck the term *) let (sigma,c_interp) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> pf_interp_constr ist gl c) gl in Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) (h_let_tac b (interp_fresh_name ist env na) c_interp clp eqpat) else (* We try to keep the pattern structure as much as possible *) begin try h_let_pat_tac b (interp_fresh_name ist env na) (interp_pure_open_constr ist env sigma c) clp eqpat with e when Proofview.V82.catchable_exception e -> Proofview.tclZERO e end end (* Automation tactics *) | TacTrivial (debug,lems,l) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in Auto.h_trivial ~debug (interp_auto_lemmas ist env sigma lems) (Option.map (List.map (interp_hint_base ist)) l) end | TacAuto (debug,n,lems,l) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in Auto.h_auto ~debug (Option.map (interp_int_or_var ist) n) (interp_auto_lemmas ist env sigma lems) (Option.map (List.map (interp_hint_base ist)) l) end (* Derived basic tactics *) | TacSimpleInductionDestruct (isrec,h) -> h_simple_induction_destruct isrec (interp_quantified_hypothesis ist h) | TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,(l,el,cls)) -> (* spiwack: some unknown part of destruct needs the goal to be prenormalised. *) Proofview.V82.nf_evar_goals <*> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let l = List.map begin fun (c,(ipato,ipats)) -> let c = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_induction_arg ist gl c) gl in let interp_intro_pattern = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_intro_pattern ist gl) gl in c, (Option.map interp_intro_pattern ipato, Option.map interp_intro_pattern ipats) end l in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let sigma,el = Option.fold_map (interp_constr_with_bindings ist env) sigma el in let interp_clause = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_clause ist gl) gl in let cls = Option.map interp_clause cls in Tacticals.New.tclWITHHOLES ev (h_induction_destruct isrec ev) sigma (l,el,cls) end | TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) -> let h1 = interp_quantified_hypothesis ist h1 in let h2 = interp_quantified_hypothesis ist h2 in Elim.h_double_induction h1 h2 | TacDecomposeAnd c -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> pf_interp_constr ist gl c) gl in Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) (Elim.h_decompose_and c_interp) end | TacDecomposeOr c -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> pf_interp_constr ist gl c) gl in Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) (Elim.h_decompose_or c_interp) end | TacDecompose (l,c) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let l = List.map (interp_inductive ist) l in let (sigma,c_interp) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> pf_interp_constr ist gl c) gl in Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) (Elim.h_decompose l c_interp) end | TacSpecialize (n,cb) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let sigma, cb = interp_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma cb in tclWITHHOLES false (h_specialize n) sigma cb gl end end | TacLApply c -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = pf_interp_constr ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_lapply c_interp) gl end (* Context management *) | TacClear (b,l) -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> h_clear b (interp_hyp_list ist gl l) gl end | TacClearBody l -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> h_clear_body (interp_hyp_list ist gl l) gl end | TacMove (dep,id1,id2) -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> h_move dep (interp_hyp ist gl id1) (interp_move_location ist gl id2) gl end | TacRename l -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let env = pf_env gl in h_rename (List.map (fun (id1,id2) -> interp_hyp ist gl id1, interp_fresh_ident ist env (snd id2)) l) gl end | TacRevert l -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> h_revert (interp_hyp_list ist gl l) gl end (* Constructors *) | TacLeft (ev,bl) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let sigma, bl = interp_bindings ist env sigma bl in Tacticals.New.tclWITHHOLES ev (h_left ev) sigma bl end | TacRight (ev,bl) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let sigma, bl = interp_bindings ist env sigma bl in Tacticals.New.tclWITHHOLES ev (h_right ev) sigma bl end | TacSplit (ev,_,bll) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let sigma, bll = List.fold_map (interp_bindings ist env) sigma bll in Tacticals.New.tclWITHHOLES ev (h_split ev) sigma bll end | TacAnyConstructor (ev,t) -> Tactics.any_constructor ev (Option.map (interp_tactic ist) t) | TacConstructor (ev,n,bl) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let sigma, bl = interp_bindings ist env sigma bl in Tacticals.New.tclWITHHOLES ev (h_constructor ev (interp_int_or_var ist n)) sigma bl end (* Conversion *) | TacReduce (r,cl) -> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let (sigma,r_interp) = pf_interp_red_expr ist gl r in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_reduce r_interp (interp_clause ist gl cl)) gl end | TacChange (None,c,cl) -> Proofview.V82.nf_evar_goals <*> Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let is_onhyps = match cl.onhyps with | None | Some [] -> true | _ -> false in let is_onconcl = match cl.concl_occs with | AllOccurrences | NoOccurrences -> true | _ -> false in let (sigma,c_interp) = if is_onhyps && is_onconcl then pf_interp_type ist gl c else pf_interp_constr ist gl c in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_change None c_interp (interp_clause ist gl cl)) gl end | TacChange (Some op,c,cl) -> Proofview.V82.nf_evar_goals <*> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in Proofview.V82.tactic begin fun gl -> let sign,op = interp_typed_pattern ist env sigma op in (* spiwack: (2012/04/18) the evar_map output by pf_interp_constr is dropped as the evar_map taken as input (from extend_gl_hyps) is incorrect. This means that evar instantiated by pf_interp_constr may be lost, there. *) let to_catch = function Not_found -> true | e -> Errors.is_anomaly e in let (_,c_interp) = try pf_interp_constr ist (extend_gl_hyps gl sign) c with e when to_catch e (* Hack *) -> errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "Failed to get enough information from the left-hand side to type the right-hand side.") in tclTHEN (tclEVARS sigma) (h_change (Some op) c_interp (interp_clause ist { gl with sigma=sigma } cl)) gl end end (* Equivalence relations *) | TacReflexivity -> h_reflexivity | TacSymmetry c -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let cl = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_clause ist gl c) gl in h_symmetry cl end | TacTransitivity c -> begin match c with | None -> h_transitivity None | Some c -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> pf_interp_constr ist gl c) gl in Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) (h_transitivity (Some c_interp)) end end (* Equality and inversion *) | TacRewrite (ev,l,cl,by) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let l = List.map (fun (b,m,c) -> let f env sigma = interp_open_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma c in (b,m,f)) l in let cl = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_clause ist gl cl) gl in Equality.general_multi_multi_rewrite ev l cl (Option.map (fun by -> Tacticals.New.tclCOMPLETE (interp_tactic ist by), Equality.Naive) by) end | TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,ids),hyp) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let (sigma,c_interp) = match c with | None -> sigma , None | Some c -> let (sigma,c_interp) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> pf_interp_constr ist gl c) gl in sigma , Some c_interp in let interp_intro_pattern = Tacmach.New.of_old (interp_intro_pattern ist) gl in let dqhyps = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl hyp) gl in Inv.dinv k c_interp (Option.map interp_intro_pattern ids) dqhyps end | TacInversion (NonDepInversion (k,idl,ids),hyp) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let interp_intro_pattern = Tacmach.New.of_old (interp_intro_pattern ist) gl in let hyps = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_hyp_list ist gl idl) gl in let dqhyps = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl hyp) gl in Inv.inv_clause k (Option.map interp_intro_pattern ids) hyps dqhyps end | TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,idl),hyp) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let (sigma,c_interp) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> pf_interp_constr ist gl c) gl in let dqhyps = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl hyp) gl in let hyps = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_hyp_list ist gl idl) gl in Leminv.lemInv_clause dqhyps c_interp hyps end (* For extensions *) | TacExtend (loc,opn,[]) -> (* spiwack: a special case for tactics (from TACTIC EXTEND) without arguments to be interpreted without a [Proofview.Goal.enter]. Eventually we should make something more fine-grained by modifying [interp_genarg]. *) let tac = lookup_tactic opn in tac [] ist | TacExtend (loc,opn,l) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let goal_sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let tac = lookup_tactic opn in let (sigma,args) = Tacmach.New.of_old begin fun gl -> List.fold_right begin fun a (sigma,acc) -> let (sigma,a_interp) = interp_genarg ist { gl with sigma=sigma } a in sigma , a_interp::acc end l (goal_sigma,[]) end gl in Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma <*> tac args ist end | TacAlias (loc,s,l,(_,body)) -> Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let rec f x = Proofview.Goal.enterl begin fun gl -> match genarg_tag x with | IntOrVarArgType -> (Proofview.Goal.return (mk_int_or_var_value ist (out_gen (glbwit wit_int_or_var) x))) | IdentArgType b -> Proofview.Goal.lift begin Goal.return (value_of_ident (interp_fresh_ident ist env (out_gen (glbwit (wit_ident_gen b)) x))) end | VarArgType -> Proofview.Goal.return ( Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> mk_hyp_value ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_var) x)) gl ) | RefArgType -> Proofview.Goal.return ( Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> Value.of_constr (constr_of_global (pf_interp_reference ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_ref) x)))) gl ) | GenArgType -> f (out_gen (glbwit wit_genarg) x) | ConstrArgType -> Proofview.Goal.return (Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> mk_constr_value ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_constr) x)) gl) >>== fun (sigma,v) -> (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) <*> (Proofview.Goal.return v) | OpenConstrArgType false -> Proofview.Goal.return ( Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> mk_open_constr_value ist gl (snd (out_gen (glbwit wit_open_constr) x))) gl) >>== fun (sigma,v) -> (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) <*> (Proofview.Goal.return v) | ConstrMayEvalArgType -> Proofview.Goal.return ( Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> interp_constr_may_eval ist gl (out_gen (glbwit wit_constr_may_eval) x)) gl) >>== fun (sigma,c_interp) -> Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma <*> Proofview.Goal.return (Value.of_constr c_interp) | ListArgType ConstrArgType -> let wit = glbwit (wit_list wit_constr) in let (sigma,l_interp) = Tacmach.New.of_old begin fun gl -> List.fold_right begin fun c (sigma,acc) -> let (sigma,c_interp) = mk_constr_value ist { gl with sigma=sigma } c in sigma , c_interp::acc end (out_gen wit x) (project gl,[]) end gl in (Proofview.V82.tclEVARS sigma) <*> (Proofview.Goal.return (in_gen (topwit (wit_list wit_genarg)) l_interp)) | ListArgType VarArgType -> let wit = glbwit (wit_list wit_var) in Proofview.Goal.return (Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> let ans = List.map (mk_hyp_value ist gl) (out_gen wit x) in in_gen (topwit (wit_list wit_genarg)) ans ) gl) | ListArgType IntOrVarArgType -> let wit = glbwit (wit_list wit_int_or_var) in let ans = List.map (mk_int_or_var_value ist) (out_gen wit x) in (Proofview.Goal.return (in_gen (topwit (wit_list wit_genarg)) ans)) | ListArgType (IdentArgType b) -> let wit = glbwit (wit_list (wit_ident_gen b)) in let mk_ident x = value_of_ident (interp_fresh_ident ist env x) in let ans = List.map mk_ident (out_gen wit x) in (Proofview.Goal.return (in_gen (topwit (wit_list wit_genarg)) ans)) | ListArgType t -> (* spiwack: unsafe, we should introduce relevant combinators. Before new tactical it simply read: [Genarg.app_list f x] *) fold_list begin fun a l -> f a >>== fun a' -> l >>== fun l -> Proofview.Goal.return (a'::l) end x (Proofview.Goal.return []) >>== fun l -> Proofview.Goal.return (in_gen (topwit (wit_list (Obj.magic t))) l) | ExtraArgType _ -> (** Special treatment of tactics *) if has_type x (glbwit wit_tactic) then let tac = out_gen (glbwit wit_tactic) x in val_interp ist tac >>== fun v -> Proofview.Goal.return v else let (newsigma,v) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> Geninterp.generic_interp ist gl x) gl in Proofview.V82.tactic (tclEVARS newsigma) <*> Proofview.Goal.return v | QuantHypArgType | RedExprArgType | OpenConstrArgType _ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType | BindingsArgType | OptArgType _ | PairArgType _ -> Proofview.tclZERO (UserError("" , str"This argument type is not supported in tactic notations.")) end in let addvar (x, v) accu = accu >>== fun accu -> f v >>== fun v -> Proofview.Goal.return (Id.Map.add x v accu) in List.fold_right addvar l (Proofview.Goal.return ist.lfun) >>= fun lfun -> let trace = push_trace (loc,LtacNotationCall s) ist in let ist = { lfun = lfun; extra = TacStore.set ist.extra f_trace trace; } in interp_tactic ist body end (* Initial call for interpretation *) let default_ist () = let extra = TacStore.set TacStore.empty f_debug (get_debug ()) in { lfun = Id.Map.empty; extra = extra } let eval_tactic t = Proofview.tclUNIT () >= fun () -> (* delay for [default_ist] *) Proofview.tclLIFT db_initialize <*> interp_tactic (default_ist ()) t (* globalization + interpretation *) let interp_tac_gen lfun avoid_ids debug t = Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let extra = TacStore.set TacStore.empty f_debug debug in let extra = TacStore.set extra f_avoid_ids avoid_ids in let ist = { lfun = lfun; extra = extra } in let ltacvars = Id.Map.domain lfun in interp_tactic ist (intern_pure_tactic { ltacvars; ltacrecvars = Id.Map.empty; gsigma = sigma; genv = env } t) end let interp t = interp_tac_gen Id.Map.empty [] (get_debug()) t let _ = Proof_global.set_interp_tac interp let eval_ltac_constr t = Proofview.tclUNIT () >= fun () -> (* delay for [make_empty_glob_sign] and [default_ist] *) interp_ltac_constr (default_ist ()) (intern_tactic_or_tacarg (make_empty_glob_sign ()) t ) (* Used to hide interpretation for pretty-print, now just launch tactics *) (* [global] means that [t] should be internalized outside of goals. *) let hide_interp global t ot = let hide_interp env sigma = let ist = { ltacvars = Id.Set.empty; ltacrecvars = Id.Map.empty; gsigma = sigma; genv = env } in let te = intern_pure_tactic ist t in let t = eval_tactic te in match ot with | None -> t | Some t' -> Tacticals.New.tclTHEN t t' in if global then Proofview.tclENV >= fun env -> Proofview.tclEVARMAP >= fun sigma -> hide_interp env sigma else Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl -> hide_interp (Proofview.Goal.env gl) (Proofview.Goal.sigma gl) end (***************************************************************************) (** Register standard arguments *) let def_intern ist x = (ist, x) let def_subst _ x = x let def_interp ist gl x = (gl.Evd.sigma, x) let declare_uniform t pr = Genintern.register_intern0 t def_intern; Genintern.register_subst0 t def_subst; Geninterp.register_interp0 t def_interp; Genprint.register_print0 t pr pr pr let () = let pr_unit _ = str "()" in declare_uniform wit_unit pr_unit let () = declare_uniform wit_int int let () = let pr_bool b = if b then str "true" else str "false" in declare_uniform wit_bool pr_bool let () = let pr_string s = str "\"" ++ str s ++ str "\"" in declare_uniform wit_string pr_string let () = declare_uniform wit_pre_ident str let () = let interp ist gl pat = (gl.sigma, interp_intro_pattern ist gl pat) in Geninterp.register_interp0 wit_intro_pattern interp; let interp ist gl s = (gl.sigma, interp_sort s) in Geninterp.register_interp0 wit_sort interp let () = let interp ist gl tac = let f = VFun (extract_trace ist, ist.lfun, [], tac) in (gl.sigma, TacArg (dloc, valueIn (of_tacvalue f))) in Geninterp.register_interp0 wit_tactic interp (***************************************************************************) (* Other entry points *) let interp_redexp env sigma r = let ist = default_ist () in let gist = { fully_empty_glob_sign with genv = env; gsigma = sigma } in interp_red_expr ist sigma env (intern_red_expr gist r) (***************************************************************************) (* Embed tactics in raw or glob tactic expr *) let globTacticIn t = TacArg (dloc,TacDynamic (dloc,tactic_in t)) let tacticIn t = globTacticIn (fun ist -> try glob_tactic (t ist) with e when Errors.noncritical e -> anomaly ~label:"tacticIn" (str "Incorrect tactic expression. Received exception is:" ++ Errors.print e)) (***************************************************************************) (* Backwarding recursive needs of tactic glob/interp/eval functions *) let _ = Hook.set Auto.extern_interp (fun l -> let lfun = Id.Map.map (fun c -> Value.of_constr c) l in let ist = { (default_ist ()) with lfun; } in interp_tactic ist)