(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Errors.anomaly (str "Unknown tactic alias: " ++ KerName.print key) (** ML tactic extensions (TacExtend) *) type ml_tactic = typed_generic_argument list -> Geninterp.interp_sign -> unit Proofview.tactic let tac_tab = Hashtbl.create 17 let register_ml_tactic ?(overwrite = false) s (t : ml_tactic) = let () = if Hashtbl.mem tac_tab s then if overwrite then let () = Hashtbl.remove tac_tab s in msg_warning (str ("Overwriting definition of tactic " ^ s)) else Errors.anomaly (str ("Cannot redeclare tactic " ^ s ^ ".")) in Hashtbl.add tac_tab s t let interp_ml_tactic s = try Hashtbl.find tac_tab s with Not_found -> Errors.errorlabstrm "" (str "The tactic " ++ str s ++ str " is not installed.") let () = let assert_installed opn = let _ = interp_ml_tactic opn in () in Hook.set Tacintern.assert_tactic_installed_hook assert_installed (** Coq tactic definitions. *) (* Table of "pervasives" macros tactics (e.g. auto, simpl, etc.) *) let atomic_mactab = ref Id.Map.empty let register_atomic_ltac id tac = atomic_mactab := Id.Map.add id tac !atomic_mactab let _ = let open Locus in let open Misctypes in let open Genredexpr in let dloc = Loc.ghost in let nocl = {onhyps=Some[];concl_occs=AllOccurrences} in List.iter (fun (s,t) -> register_atomic_ltac (Id.of_string s) (TacAtom(dloc,t))) [ "red", TacReduce(Red false,nocl); "hnf", TacReduce(Hnf,nocl); "simpl", TacReduce(Simpl None,nocl); "compute", TacReduce(Cbv Redops.all_flags,nocl); "intro", TacIntroMove(None,MoveLast); "intros", TacIntroPattern []; "assumption", TacAssumption; "cofix", TacCofix None; "trivial", TacTrivial (Off,[],None); "auto", TacAuto(Off,None,[],None); "left", TacLeft(false,NoBindings); "eleft", TacLeft(true,NoBindings); "right", TacRight(false,NoBindings); "eright", TacRight(true,NoBindings); "split", TacSplit(false,false,[NoBindings]); "esplit", TacSplit(true,false,[NoBindings]); "constructor", TacAnyConstructor (false,None); "econstructor", TacAnyConstructor (true,None); "reflexivity", TacReflexivity; "symmetry", TacSymmetry nocl ]; List.iter (fun (s,t) -> register_atomic_ltac (Id.of_string s) t) [ "idtac",TacId []; "fail", TacFail(ArgArg 0,[]); "fresh", TacArg(dloc,TacFreshId []) ] let interp_atomic_ltac id = Id.Map.find id !atomic_mactab let is_primitive_ltac_ident id = try match Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Tactic.tactic id with | Tacexpr.TacArg _ -> false | _ -> true (* most probably TacAtom, i.e. a primitive tactic ident *) with e when Errors.noncritical e -> true (* prim tactics with args, e.g. "apply" *) let is_atomic_kn kn = let (_,_,l) = repr_kn kn in (Id.Map.mem (Label.to_id l) !atomic_mactab) || (is_primitive_ltac_ident (Label.to_string l)) (***************************************************************************) (* Tactic registration *) (* Summary and Object declaration *) open Nametab open Libnames open Libobject let mactab = Summary.ref (KNmap.empty : glob_tactic_expr KNmap.t) ~name:"tactic-definition" let interp_ltac r = KNmap.find r !mactab (* Declaration of the TAC-DEFINITION object *) let add (kn,td) = mactab := KNmap.add kn td !mactab let replace (kn,td) = mactab := KNmap.add kn td (KNmap.remove kn !mactab) type tacdef_kind = | NewTac of Id.t | UpdateTac of Nametab.ltac_constant let load_md i ((sp,kn),(local,defs)) = let dp,_ = repr_path sp in let mp,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in List.iter (fun (id,t) -> match id with | NewTac id -> let sp = make_path dp id in let kn = Names.make_kn mp dir (Label.of_id id) in Nametab.push_tactic (Until i) sp kn; add (kn,t) | UpdateTac kn -> replace (kn,t)) defs let open_md i ((sp,kn),(local,defs)) = let dp,_ = repr_path sp in let mp,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in List.iter (fun (id,t) -> match id with NewTac id -> let sp = make_path dp id in let kn = Names.make_kn mp dir (Label.of_id id) in Nametab.push_tactic (Exactly i) sp kn | UpdateTac kn -> ()) defs let cache_md x = load_md 1 x let subst_kind subst id = match id with | NewTac _ -> id | UpdateTac kn -> UpdateTac (Mod_subst.subst_kn subst kn) let subst_md (subst,(local,defs)) = (local, List.map (fun (id,t) -> (subst_kind subst id,Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst t)) defs) let classify_md (local,defs as o) = if local then Dispose else Substitute o let inMD : bool * (tacdef_kind * glob_tactic_expr) list -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "TAC-DEFINITION") with cache_function = cache_md; load_function = load_md; open_function = open_md; subst_function = subst_md; classify_function = classify_md} (* Adds a definition for tactics in the table *) let make_absolute_name ident repl = let loc = loc_of_reference ident in try let id, kn = if repl then None, Nametab.locate_tactic (snd (qualid_of_reference ident)) else let id = Constrexpr_ops.coerce_reference_to_id ident in Some id, Lib.make_kn id in if KNmap.mem kn !mactab then if repl then id, kn else Errors.user_err_loc (loc, "", str "There is already an Ltac named " ++ pr_reference ident ++ str".") else if is_atomic_kn kn then Errors.user_err_loc (loc, "", str "Reserved Ltac name " ++ pr_reference ident ++ str".") else id, kn with Not_found -> Errors.user_err_loc (loc, "", str "There is no Ltac named " ++ pr_reference ident ++ str ".") let register_ltac local isrec tacl = let rfun = List.map (fun (ident, b, _) -> make_absolute_name ident b) tacl in let ltacrecvars = let fold accu (idopt, v) = match idopt with | None -> accu | Some id -> Id.Map.add id v accu in if isrec then List.fold_left fold Id.Map.empty rfun else Id.Map.empty in let ist = { (Tacintern.make_empty_glob_sign ()) with Genintern.ltacrecvars; } in let gtacl = List.map2 (fun (_,b,def) (id, qid) -> let k = if b then UpdateTac qid else NewTac (Option.get id) in let t = Flags.with_option Tacintern.strict_check (Tacintern.intern_tactic_or_tacarg ist) def in (k, t)) tacl rfun in let _ = match rfun with | (Some id0, _) :: _ -> ignore(Lib.add_leaf id0 (inMD (local,gtacl))) | _ -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inMD (local,gtacl)) in List.iter (fun (id,b,_) -> Flags.if_verbose msg_info (pr_reference id ++ (if b then str " is redefined" else str " is defined"))) tacl let () = Hook.set Tacintern.interp_ltac_hook interp_ltac; Hook.set Tacintern.interp_atomic_ltac_hook interp_atomic_ltac