(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Errors.anomaly (str "Unknown tactic alias: " ++ KerName.print key) (** ML tactic extensions (TacML) *) type ml_tactic = typed_generic_argument list -> Geninterp.interp_sign -> unit Proofview.tactic module MLName = struct type t = ml_tactic_name let compare tac1 tac2 = let c = String.compare tac1.mltac_tactic tac2.mltac_tactic in if c = 0 then String.compare tac1.mltac_plugin tac2.mltac_plugin else c end module MLTacMap = Map.Make(MLName) let pr_tacname t = t.mltac_plugin ^ "::" ^ t.mltac_tactic let tac_tab = ref MLTacMap.empty let register_ml_tactic ?(overwrite = false) s (t : ml_tactic) = let () = if MLTacMap.mem s !tac_tab then if overwrite then let () = tac_tab := MLTacMap.remove s !tac_tab in msg_warning (str ("Overwriting definition of tactic " ^ pr_tacname s)) else Errors.anomaly (str ("Cannot redeclare tactic " ^ pr_tacname s ^ ".")) in tac_tab := MLTacMap.add s t !tac_tab let interp_ml_tactic s = try MLTacMap.find s !tac_tab with Not_found -> Errors.errorlabstrm "" (str "The tactic " ++ str (pr_tacname s) ++ str " is not installed.") (***************************************************************************) (* Tactic registration *) (* Summary and Object declaration *) open Nametab open Libnames open Libobject let mactab = Summary.ref (KNmap.empty : glob_tactic_expr KNmap.t) ~name:"tactic-definition" let interp_ltac r = KNmap.find r !mactab (* Declaration of the TAC-DEFINITION object *) let add (kn,td) = mactab := KNmap.add kn td !mactab let replace (kn,td) = mactab := KNmap.add kn td !mactab let load_md i ((sp, kn), (local, id ,t)) = match id with | None -> let () = if not local then Nametab.push_tactic (Until i) sp kn in add (kn, t) | Some kn -> add (kn, t) let open_md i ((sp, kn), (local, id ,t)) = match id with | None -> let () = if not local then Nametab.push_tactic (Exactly i) sp kn in add (kn, t) | Some kn -> add (kn, t) let cache_md ((sp, kn), (local, id ,t)) = match id with | None -> let () = Nametab.push_tactic (Until 1) sp kn in add (kn, t) | Some kn -> add (kn, t) let subst_kind subst id = match id with | None -> None | Some kn -> Some (Mod_subst.subst_kn subst kn) let subst_md (subst, (local, id, t)) = (local, subst_kind subst id, Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst t) let classify_md (local, _, _ as o) = Substitute o let inMD : bool * Nametab.ltac_constant option * glob_tactic_expr -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "TAC-DEFINITION") with cache_function = cache_md; load_function = load_md; open_function = open_md; subst_function = subst_md; classify_function = classify_md} let register_ltac local id tac = ignore (Lib.add_leaf id (inMD (local, None, tac))) let redefine_ltac local kn tac = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inMD (local, Some kn, tac))