(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* anomaly ("Setoid: cannot find "^(string_of_qualid (make_qualid dir id))) let global_constant dir s = let dir = make_dirpath (List.map id_of_string (List.rev ("Coq"::"Init"::dir))) in let id = id_of_string s in try Declare.global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id with Not_found -> anomaly ("Setoid: cannot find "^(string_of_qualid (make_qualid dir id))) let current_constant id = try Declare.global_reference id with Not_found -> anomaly ("Setoid: cannot find "^(string_of_id id)) (* Setoid_theory *) let coq_Setoid_Theory = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "Setoid_Theory") let coq_seq_refl = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "Seq_refl") let coq_seq_sym = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "Seq_sym") let coq_seq_trans = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "Seq_trans") let coq_fleche = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "fleche") (* Coq constants *) let coqeq = lazy(global_constant ["Logic_Type"] "eqT") let coqconj = lazy(global_constant ["Logic"] "conj") let coqand = lazy(global_constant ["Logic"] "and") (************************* Table of declared setoids **********************) (* Setoids are stored in a table which is synchronised with the Reset mechanism. *) module Cmap = Map.Make(struct type t = constr let compare = compare end) let setoid_table = ref Gmap.empty let setoid_table_add (s,th) = setoid_table := Gmap.add s th !setoid_table let setoid_table_find s = Gmap.find s !setoid_table let setoid_table_mem s = Gmap.mem s !setoid_table let subst_setoid subst setoid = let set_a' = subst_mps subst setoid.set_a in let set_aeq' = subst_mps subst setoid.set_aeq in let set_th' = subst_mps subst setoid.set_th in if set_a' == setoid.set_a && set_aeq' == setoid.set_aeq && set_th' == setoid.set_th then setoid else { set_a = set_a' ; set_aeq = set_aeq' ; set_th = set_th' ; } let equiv_list () = List.map (fun x -> x.set_aeq) (Gmap.rng !setoid_table) let _ = Summary.declare_summary "setoid-table" { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !setoid_table); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun t -> setoid_table := t); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> setoid_table := Gmap .empty); Summary.survive_section = false } (* Declare a new type of object in the environment : "setoid-theory". *) let (setoid_to_obj, obj_to_setoid)= let cache_set (_,(s, th)) = setoid_table_add (s,th) and subst_set (_,subst,(s,th as obj)) = let s' = subst_mps subst s in let th' = subst_setoid subst th in if s' == s && th' == th then obj else (s',th') and export_set x = Some x in declare_object {(default_object "setoid-theory") with cache_function = cache_set; open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_set o); subst_function = subst_set; classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x); export_function = export_set} (******************************* Table of declared morphisms ********************) (* Setoids are stored in a table which is synchronised with the Reset mechanism. *) let morphism_table = ref Gmap.empty let morphism_table_add (m,c) = morphism_table := Gmap.add m c !morphism_table let morphism_table_find m = Gmap.find m !morphism_table let morphism_table_mem m = Gmap.mem m !morphism_table let subst_morph subst morph = let lem' = subst_mps subst morph.lem in let arg_types' = list_smartmap (subst_mps subst) morph.arg_types in let lem2' = option_smartmap (subst_mps subst) morph.lem2 in if lem' == morph.lem && arg_types' == morph.arg_types && lem2' == morph.lem2 then morph else { lem = lem' ; profil = morph.profil ; arg_types = arg_types' ; lem2 = lem2' ; } let _ = Summary.declare_summary "morphism-table" { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !morphism_table); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun t -> morphism_table := t); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> morphism_table := Gmap .empty); Summary.survive_section = false } (* Declare a new type of object in the environment : "morphism-definition". *) let (morphism_to_obj, obj_to_morphism)= let cache_set (_,(m, c)) = morphism_table_add (m, c) and subst_set (_,subst,(m,c as obj)) = let m' = subst_mps subst m in let c' = subst_morph subst c in if m' == m && c' == c then obj else (m',c') and export_set x = Some x in declare_object {(default_object "morphism-definition") with cache_function = cache_set; open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_set o); subst_function = subst_set; classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x); export_function = export_set} (************************** Adding a setoid to the database *********************) (* Find the setoid theory associated with a given type A. This implies that only one setoid theory can be declared for a given type A. *) let find_theory a = try setoid_table_find a with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Setoid" (str "No Declared Setoid Theory for " ++ prterm a ++ fnl () ++ str "Use Add Setoid to declare it") (* Add a Setoid to the database after a type verification. *) let eq_lem_common_sign env a eq = let na = named_hd env a Anonymous in let ne = named_hd env eq Anonymous in [(ne,None,mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 3);(mkRel 2)|])); (ne,None,mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 4);(mkRel 3)|])); (na,None,a);(na,None,a);(na,None,a);(na,None,a)] (* Proof of (a,b,c,d:A)(eq a b)->(eq c d)->(eq a c)->(eq b d) *) let eq_lem_proof env a eq sym trans = let sign = eq_lem_common_sign env a eq in let ne = named_hd env eq Anonymous in let sign = (ne,None,mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|]))::sign in let ccl = mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|]) in let body = mkApp (trans, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 7);(mkRel 4); (mkApp (sym, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 6);(mkRel 3)|])); (mkApp (trans, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 5);(mkRel 4);(mkRel 1);(mkRel 2)|]))|]) in let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn body sign in let t = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ccl sign in (p,t) (* Proof of (a,b,c,d:A)(eq a b)->(eq c d)->((eq a c)<->(eq b d)) *) let eq_lem2_proof env a eq sym trans = let sign = eq_lem_common_sign env a eq in let ccl1 = mkArrow (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|])) (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|])) in let ccl2 = mkArrow (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 5);(mkRel 3)|])) (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 5)|])) in let ccl = mkApp (Lazy.force coqand, [|ccl1;ccl2|]) in let body = mkApp ((Lazy.force coqconj), [|ccl1;ccl2; lambda_create env (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|]), (mkApp (trans, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 7);(mkRel 4); (mkApp (sym, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 6);(mkRel 3)|])); (mkApp (trans, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 5);(mkRel 4);(mkRel 1);(mkRel 2)|]))|]))); lambda_create env (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 5);(mkRel 3)|]), (mkApp (trans, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 6);(mkRel 5);(mkRel 3); (mkApp (trans, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4);(mkRel 5);(mkRel 1); (mkApp (sym, [|(mkRel 5);(mkRel 4);(mkRel 2)|]))|]))|])))|]) in let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn body sign in let t = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ccl sign in (p,t) let gen_eq_lem_name = let i = ref 0 in function () -> incr i; make_ident "setoid_eq_ext" (Some !i) let add_setoid a aeq th = if setoid_table_mem a then errorlabstrm "Add Setoid" (str "A Setoid Theory is already declared for " ++ prterm a) else let env = Global.env () in if (is_conv env Evd.empty (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty th) (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_Setoid_Theory), [| a; aeq |]))) then (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (setoid_to_obj (a, { set_a = a; set_aeq = aeq; set_th = th})); let sym = mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_sym), [|a; aeq; th|]) in let trans = mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_trans), [|a; aeq; th|]) in let (eq_morph, eq_morph_typ) = eq_lem_proof env a aeq sym trans in let (eq_morph2, eq_morph2_typ) = eq_lem2_proof env a aeq sym trans in Options.if_verbose ppnl (prterm a ++str " is registered as a setoid"); let eq_ext_name = gen_eq_lem_name () in let eq_ext_name2 = gen_eq_lem_name () in let _ = Declare.declare_constant eq_ext_name ((DefinitionEntry {const_entry_body = eq_morph; const_entry_type = Some eq_morph_typ; const_entry_opaque = true}), IsProof Lemma) in let _ = Declare.declare_constant eq_ext_name2 ((DefinitionEntry {const_entry_body = eq_morph2; const_entry_type = Some eq_morph2_typ; const_entry_opaque = true}), IsProof Lemma) in let eqmorph = (current_constant eq_ext_name) in let eqmorph2 = (current_constant eq_ext_name2) in (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (morphism_to_obj (aeq, { lem = eqmorph; profil = [true; true]; arg_types = [a;a]; lem2 = (Some eqmorph2)}))); Options.if_verbose ppnl (prterm aeq ++str " is registered as a morphism")) else errorlabstrm "Add Setoid" (str "Not a valid setoid theory") (* The vernac command "Add Setoid" *) let add_setoid a aeq th = add_setoid (constr_of a) (constr_of aeq) (constr_of th) (***************** Adding a morphism to the database ****************************) (* We maintain a table of the currently edited proofs of morphism lemma in order to add them in the morphism_table when the user does Save *) let edited = ref Gmap.empty let new_edited id m profil = edited := Gmap.add id (m,profil) !edited let is_edited id = Gmap.mem id !edited let no_more_edited id = edited := Gmap.remove id !edited let what_edited id = Gmap.find id !edited let check_is_dependent t n = let rec aux t i n = if (i add_suffix id "_ext" | Const kn -> add_suffix (id_of_label (label kn)) "_ext" | Ind (kn, i) -> add_suffix (id_of_label (label kn)) ((string_of_int i)^"_ext") | Construct ((kn,i),j) -> add_suffix (id_of_label (label kn)) ((string_of_int i)^(string_of_int j)^"_ext") | _ -> errorlabstrm "New Morphism" (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str "is not a known name") let gen_lemma_tail m lisset body n = let l = (List.length lisset) in let a1 = Array.create l (mkRel 0) in let a2 = Array.create l (mkRel 0) in let rec aux i n = function | true::q -> a1.(i) <- (mkRel n); a2.(i) <- (mkRel (n-1)); aux (i+1) (n-2) q | false::q -> a1.(i) <- (mkRel n); a2.(i) <- (mkRel n); aux (i+1) (n-1) q | [] -> () in aux 0 n lisset; if (eq_constr body mkProp) then mkArrow (mkApp (m,a1)) (lift 1 (mkApp (m, a2))) else if (setoid_table_mem body) then mkApp ((setoid_table_find body).set_aeq, [|(mkApp (m, a1)); (mkApp (m, a2))|]) else mkApp ((Lazy.force coqeq), [|body; (mkApp (m, a1)); (mkApp (m, a2))|]) let gen_lemma_middle m larg lisset body n = let rec aux la li i n = match (la, li) with | ([], []) -> gen_lemma_tail m lisset body n | (t::q, true::lq) -> mkArrow (mkApp ((setoid_table_find t).set_aeq, [|(mkRel i); (mkRel (i-1))|])) (aux q lq (i-1) (n+1)) | (t::q, false::lq) -> aux q lq (i-1) n | _ -> assert false in aux larg lisset n n let gen_compat_lemma env m body larg lisset = let rec aux la li n = match (la, li) with | (t::q, true::lq) -> prod_create env (t,(prod_create env (t, (aux q lq (n+2))))) | (t::q, false::lq) -> prod_create env (t, (aux q lq (n+1))) | ([],[]) -> gen_lemma_middle m larg lisset body n | _ -> assert false in aux larg lisset 0 let new_morphism m id hook = if morphism_table_mem m then errorlabstrm "New Morphism" (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str " is already declared as a morphism") else let env = Global.env() in let typeofm = (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty m) in let typ = (nf_betaiota typeofm) in (* nf_bdi avant, mais bug *) let (argsrev, body) = (decompose_prod typ) in let args = (List.rev argsrev) in if (args=[]) then errorlabstrm "New Morphism" (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str " is not a product") else if (check_is_dependent typ (List.length args)) then errorlabstrm "New Morphism" (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str " should not be a dependent product") else ( let args_t = (List.map snd args) in let poss = (List.map setoid_table_mem args_t) in let lem = (gen_compat_lemma env m body args_t poss) in let lemast = (ast_of_constr true env lem) in new_edited id m poss; start_proof_com (Some id) (IsGlobal DefinitionBody) ([],lemast) hook; (Options.if_verbose Vernacentries.show_open_subgoals ())) let rec sub_bool l1 n = function | [] -> [] | true::q -> ((List.hd l1), n)::(sub_bool (List.tl l1) (n-2) q) | false::q -> (sub_bool (List.tl l1) (n-1) q) let gen_lemma_iff_tail m mext larg lisset n k = let a1 = Array.create k (mkRel 0) in let a2 = Array.create k (mkRel 0) in let nb = List.length lisset in let b1 = Array.create nb (mkRel 0) in let b2 = Array.create nb (mkRel 0) in let rec aux i j = function |[] -> () |true::q -> (a1.(i) <- (mkRel j); a1.(i+1) <- (mkRel (j-1)); a2.(i) <- (mkRel (j-1)); a2.(i+1) <- (mkRel j); aux (i+2) (j-2) q) |false::q -> (a1.(i) <- (mkRel j); a2.(i) <- (mkRel j); aux (i+1) (j-1) q) in let rec aux2 i j = function | (t,p)::q -> let th = (setoid_table_find t).set_th and equiv = (setoid_table_find t).set_aeq in a1.(i) <- (mkRel j); a2.(i) <- mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_sym), [|t; equiv; th; (mkRel p); (mkRel (p-1)); (mkRel j)|]); aux2 (i+1) (j-1) q | [] -> () in let rec aux3 i j = function | true::q -> b1.(i) <- (mkRel j); b2.(i) <- (mkRel (j-1)); aux3 (i+1) (j-2) q | false::q -> b1.(i) <- (mkRel j); b2.(i) <- (mkRel j); aux3 (i+1) (j-1) q | [] -> () in aux 0 k lisset; aux2 n (k-n) (sub_bool larg k lisset); aux3 0 k lisset; mkApp ((Lazy.force coqconj), [|(mkArrow (mkApp (m,b1)) (lift 1 (mkApp (m, b2)))); (mkArrow (mkApp (m,b2)) (lift 1 (mkApp (m, b1)))); (mkApp (mext, a1));(mkApp (mext, a2))|]) let gen_lemma_iff_middle env m mext larg lisset n = let rec aux la li i k = match (la, li) with | ([], []) -> gen_lemma_iff_tail m mext larg lisset n k | (t::q, true::lq) -> lambda_create env ((mkApp ((setoid_table_find t).set_aeq, [|(mkRel i); (mkRel (i-1))|])), (aux q lq (i-1) (k+1))) | (t::q, false::lq) -> aux q lq (i-1) k | _ -> assert false in aux larg lisset n n let gen_lem_iff env m mext larg lisset = let rec aux la li n = match (la, li) with | (t::q, true::lq) -> lambda_create env (t,(lambda_create env (t, (aux q lq (n+2))))) | (t::q, false::lq) -> lambda_create env (t, (aux q lq (n+1))) | ([],[]) -> gen_lemma_iff_middle env m mext larg lisset n | _ -> assert false in aux larg lisset 0 let add_morphism lem_name (m,profil) = if morphism_table_mem m then errorlabstrm "New Morphism" (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str " is already declared as a morpism") else let env = Global.env() in let mext = (current_constant lem_name) in let typeofm = (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty m) in let typ = (nf_betaiota typeofm) in let (argsrev, body) = (decompose_prod typ) in let args = List.rev argsrev in let args_t = (List.map snd args) in let poss = (List.map setoid_table_mem args_t) in let _ = assert (poss=profil) in (if (eq_constr body mkProp) then (let lem_2 = gen_lem_iff env m mext args_t poss in let lem2_name = add_suffix lem_name "2" in let _ = Declare.declare_constant lem2_name ((DefinitionEntry {const_entry_body = lem_2; const_entry_type = None; const_entry_opaque = true}), IsProof Lemma) in let lem2 = (current_constant lem2_name) in (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (morphism_to_obj (m, { lem = mext; profil = poss; arg_types = args_t; lem2 = (Some lem2)}))); Options.if_verbose message ((string_of_id lem2_name) ^ " is defined")) else (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (morphism_to_obj (m, { lem = mext; profil = poss; arg_types = args_t; lem2 = None})))); Options.if_verbose ppnl (prterm m ++str " is registered as a morphism") let morphism_hook stre ref = let pf_id = basename (sp_of_global None ref) in if (is_edited pf_id) then (add_morphism pf_id (what_edited pf_id); no_more_edited pf_id) let new_named_morphism id m = new_morphism (constr_of m) id morphism_hook (****************************** The tactic itself *******************************) type constr_with_marks = | MApp of constr_with_marks array | Toreplace | Tokeep | Mimp of constr_with_marks * constr_with_marks let is_to_replace = function | Tokeep -> false | Toreplace -> true | MApp _ -> true | Mimp _ -> true let get_mark a = Array.fold_left (||) false (Array.map is_to_replace a) let rec mark_occur t in_c = if (eq_constr t in_c) then Toreplace else match kind_of_term in_c with | App (c,al) -> let a = Array.map (mark_occur t) al in if (get_mark a) then (MApp a) else Tokeep | Prod (_, c1, c2) -> if (dependent (mkRel 1) c2) then Tokeep else let c1m = mark_occur t c1 in let c2m = mark_occur t c2 in if ((is_to_replace c1m)||(is_to_replace c2m)) then (Mimp (c1m, c2m)) else Tokeep | _ -> Tokeep let create_args ca ma bl c1 c2 = let rec aux i = function | [] -> [] | true::q -> if (is_to_replace ma.(i)) then (replace_term c1 c2 ca.(i))::ca.(i)::(aux (i+1) q) else ca.(i)::ca.(i)::(aux (i+1) q) | false::q -> ca.(i)::(aux (i+1) q) in aux 0 bl let res_tac c a hyp = let sa = setoid_table_find a in let fin = match hyp with | None -> Auto.full_trivial | Some h -> tclORELSE (tclTHEN (tclTRY (apply h)) (tclFAIL 0)) (tclORELSE (tclTHEN (tclTRY (tclTHEN (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_sym), [|sa.set_a; sa.set_aeq; sa.set_th|]))) (apply h))) (tclFAIL 0)) Auto.full_trivial) in tclORELSE (tclTHEN (tclTRY (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_refl), [|sa.set_a; sa.set_aeq; sa.set_th;c|])))) (tclFAIL 0)) (tclORELSE assumption (tclORELSE (tclTHEN (tclTRY (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_sym), [|sa.set_a; sa.set_aeq; sa.set_th|])))) assumption) fin)) let id_res_tac c a = let sa = setoid_table_find a in (tclTRY (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_refl), [|sa.set_a; sa.set_aeq; sa.set_th; c|])))) (* An exception to catchs errors *) exception Nothing_found of constr;; let rec create_tac_list i a al c1 c2 hyp args_t = function | [] -> [] | false::q -> create_tac_list (i+1) a al c1 c2 hyp args_t q | true::q -> if (is_to_replace a.(i)) then (zapply false al.(i) a.(i) c1 c2 hyp)::(create_tac_list (i+1) a al c1 c2 hyp args_t q) else (id_res_tac al.(i) (List.nth args_t i))::(create_tac_list (i+1) a al c1 c2 hyp args_t q) (* else tclIDTAC::(create_tac_list (i+1) a al c1 c2 hyp q) *) and zapply is_r gl gl_m c1 c2 hyp glll = (match ((kind_of_term gl), gl_m) with | ((App (c,al)),(MApp a)) -> ( try let m = morphism_table_find c in let args = Array.of_list (create_args al a m.profil c1 c2) in if is_r then tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (m.lem, args))) ((create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)@[tclIDTAC]) else (match m.lem2 with | None -> tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (m.lem, args))) (create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil) | Some xom -> tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (xom, args))) (create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)) with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace" (str "The term " ++ prterm c ++ str " has not been declared as a morphism")) | ((Prod (_,hh, cc)),(Mimp (hhm, ccm))) -> let al = [|hh; cc|] in let a = [|hhm; ccm|] in let fleche_constr = (Lazy.force coq_fleche) in let fleche_cp = destConst fleche_constr in let new_concl = (mkApp (fleche_constr, al)) in if is_r then let m = morphism_table_find fleche_constr in let args = Array.of_list (create_args al a m.profil c1 c2) in tclTHEN (change_in_concl new_concl) (tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (m.lem, args))) ((create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)@[unfold_constr (ConstRef fleche_cp)])) (* ((create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)@[tclIDTAC])) *) else (zapply is_r new_concl (MApp a) c1 c2 hyp) (* let args = Array.of_list (create_args [|hh; cc|] [|hhm; ccm|] [true;true] c1 c2) in if is_r then tclTHENS (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_fleche_ext), args))) ((create_tac_list 0 [|hhm; ccm|] [|hh; cc|] c1 c2 hyp [mkProp; mkProp] [true;true])@[tclIDTAC]) else tclTHENS (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_fleche_ext2), args))) ((create_tac_list 0 [|hhm; ccm|] [|hh; cc|] c1 c2 hyp [mkProp; mkProp] [true;true])@[tclIDTAC]) *) | (_, Toreplace) -> (res_tac gl (pf_type_of glll gl) hyp) (* tclORELSE Auto.full_trivial tclIDTAC *) | (_, Tokeep) -> (match hyp with | None -> errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace" (str "No replacable occurence of " ++ prterm c1 ++ str " found") | Some _ ->errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace" (str "No rewritable occurence of " ++ prterm c1 ++ str " found")) | _ -> anomaly ("Bug in Setoid_replace")) glll let setoid_replace c1 c2 hyp gl = let but = (pf_concl gl) in (zapply true but (mark_occur c1 but) c1 c2 hyp) gl let general_s_rewrite lft2rgt c gl = let ctype = pf_type_of gl c in let (equiv, args) = decompose_app ctype in let rec get_last_two = function | [c1;c2] -> (c1, c2) | x::y::z -> get_last_two (y::z) | _ -> error "The term provided is not an equivalence" in let (c1,c2) = get_last_two args in if lft2rgt then setoid_replace c1 c2 (Some c) gl else setoid_replace c2 c1 (Some c) gl let setoid_rewriteLR = general_s_rewrite true let setoid_rewriteRL = general_s_rewrite false