(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* strategy val map_strategy : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'd) -> ('a, 'c) strategy_ast -> ('b, 'd) strategy_ast val cl_rewrite_clause_strat : strategy -> Id.t option -> tactic val cl_rewrite_clause : interp_sign * (glob_constr_and_expr * glob_constr_and_expr bindings) -> bool -> Locus.occurrences -> Id.t option -> tactic val cl_rewrite_clause_newtac' : interp_sign * (glob_constr_and_expr * glob_constr_and_expr bindings) -> bool -> Locus.occurrences -> Id.t option -> unit Proofview.tactic val is_applied_rewrite_relation : env -> evar_map -> Context.rel_context -> constr -> types option val declare_relation : ?binders:local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr -> Id.t -> constr_expr option -> constr_expr option -> constr_expr option -> unit val add_setoid : bool -> local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr -> constr_expr -> Id.t -> unit val add_morphism_infer : bool -> constr_expr -> Id.t -> unit val add_morphism : bool -> local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr -> Id.t -> unit val get_reflexive_proof : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> constr val get_symmetric_proof : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> constr val get_transitive_proof : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> constr val default_morphism : (types * constr option) option list * (types * types option) option -> constr -> constr * constr val setoid_symmetry : unit Proofview.tactic val setoid_symmetry_in : Id.t -> unit Proofview.tactic val setoid_reflexivity : unit Proofview.tactic val setoid_transitivity : constr option -> unit Proofview.tactic