(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* [x:nat]?3 et ?3 => (e ?4) * ?1 et ?4 donneront des buts * * 3. On écrit ensuite une tactique tcc qui engendre les sous-buts * à partir d'une preuve incomplète. *) open Pp open Util open Names open Term open Termops open Tacmach open Sign open Environ open Reduction open Typing open Tactics open Tacticals open Printer type term_with_holes = TH of constr * metamap * sg_proofs and sg_proofs = (term_with_holes option) list (* pour debugger *) let rec pp_th (TH(c,mm,sg)) = (str"TH=[ " ++ hov 0 (prterm c ++ fnl () ++ (* pp_mm mm ++ fnl () ++ *) pp_sg sg) ++ str "]") and pp_mm l = hov 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> (fnl ())) (fun (n,c) -> (int n ++ str" --> " ++ prterm c)) l) and pp_sg sg = hov 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> (fnl ())) (function None -> (str"None") | Some th -> (pp_th th)) sg) (* compute_metamap : constr -> 'a evar_map -> term_with_holes * réalise le 2. ci-dessus * * Pour cela, on renvoie une meta_map qui indique pour chaque meta-variable * si elle correspond à un but (None) ou si elle réduite à son tour * par un terme de preuve incomplet (Some c). * * On a donc l'INVARIANT suivant : le terme c rendu est "de niveau 1" * -- i.e. à plat -- et la meta_map contient autant d'éléments qu'il y * a de meta-variables dans c. On suppose de plus que l'ordre dans la * meta_map correspond à celui des buts qui seront engendrés par le refine. *) let replace_by_meta env = function | TH (m, mm, sgp) when isMeta (strip_outer_cast m) -> m,mm,sgp | (TH (c,mm,_)) as th -> let n = Evarutil.new_meta() in let m = mkMeta n in (* quand on introduit une mv on calcule son type *) let ty = match kind_of_term c with | Lambda (Name id,c1,c2) when isCast c2 -> let _,_,t = destCast c2 in mkNamedProd id c1 t | Lambda (Anonymous,c1,c2) when isCast c2 -> let _,_,t = destCast c2 in mkArrow c1 t | _ -> (* (App _ | Case _) -> *) Retyping.get_type_of_with_meta env Evd.empty mm c (* | Fix ((_,j),(v,_,_)) -> v.(j) (* en pleine confiance ! *) | _ -> invalid_arg "Tcc.replace_by_meta (TO DO)" *) in mkCast (m,DEFAULTcast, ty),[n,ty],[Some th] exception NoMeta let replace_in_array keep_length env a = if array_for_all (function (TH (_,_,[])) -> true | _ -> false) a then raise NoMeta; let a' = Array.map (function | (TH (c,mm,[])) when not keep_length -> c,mm,[] | th -> replace_by_meta env th) a in let v' = Array.map pi1 a' in let mm = Array.fold_left (@) [] (Array.map pi2 a') in let sgp = Array.fold_left (@) [] (Array.map pi3 a') in v',mm,sgp let fresh env n = let id = match n with Name x -> x | _ -> id_of_string "_" in next_global_ident_away true id (ids_of_named_context (named_context env)) let rec compute_metamap env c = match kind_of_term c with (* le terme est directement une preuve *) | (Const _ | Evar _ | Ind _ | Construct _ | Sort _ | Var _ | Rel _) -> TH (c,[],[]) (* le terme est une mv => un but *) | Meta n -> TH (c,[],[None]) | Cast (m,_, ty) when isMeta m -> TH (c,[destMeta m,ty],[None]) (* abstraction => il faut décomposer si le terme dessous n'est pas pur * attention : dans ce cas il faut remplacer (Rel 1) par (Var x) * où x est une variable FRAICHE *) | Lambda (name,c1,c2) -> let v = fresh env name in let env' = push_named (v,None,c1) env in begin match compute_metamap env' (subst1 (mkVar v) c2) with (* terme de preuve complet *) | TH (_,_,[]) -> TH (c,[],[]) (* terme de preuve incomplet *) | th -> let m,mm,sgp = replace_by_meta env' th in TH (mkLambda (Name v,c1,m), mm, sgp) end | LetIn (name, c1, t1, c2) -> if occur_meta c1 then error "Refine: body of let-in cannot contain existentials"; let v = fresh env name in let env' = push_named (v,Some c1,t1) env in begin match compute_metamap env' (subst1 (mkVar v) c2) with (* terme de preuve complet *) | TH (_,_,[]) -> TH (c,[],[]) (* terme de preuve incomplet *) | th -> let m,mm,sgp = replace_by_meta env' th in TH (mkLetIn (Name v,c1,t1,m), mm, sgp) end (* 4. Application *) | App (f,v) -> let a = Array.map (compute_metamap env) (Array.append [|f|] v) in begin try let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array false env a in let v'' = Array.sub v' 1 (Array.length v) in TH (mkApp(v'.(0), v''),mm,sgp) with NoMeta -> TH (c,[],[]) end | Case (ci,p,cc,v) -> (* bof... *) let nbr = Array.length v in let v = Array.append [|p;cc|] v in let a = Array.map (compute_metamap env) v in begin try let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array false env a in let v'' = Array.sub v' 2 nbr in TH (mkCase (ci,v'.(0),v'.(1),v''),mm,sgp) with NoMeta -> TH (c,[],[]) end (* 5. Fix. *) | Fix ((ni,i),(fi,ai,v)) -> (* TODO: use a fold *) let vi = Array.map (fresh env) fi in let fi' = Array.map (fun id -> Name id) vi in let env' = push_named_rec_types (fi',ai,v) env in let a = Array.map (compute_metamap env') (Array.map (substl (List.map mkVar (Array.to_list vi))) v) in begin try let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array true env' a in let fix = mkFix ((ni,i),(fi',ai,v')) in TH (fix,mm,sgp) with NoMeta -> TH (c,[],[]) end (* Cast. Est-ce bien exact ? *) | Cast (c,_,t) -> compute_metamap env c (*let TH (c',mm,sgp) = compute_metamap sign c in TH (mkCast (c',t),mm,sgp) *) (* Produit. Est-ce bien exact ? *) | Prod (_,_,_) -> if occur_meta c then error "Refine: proof term contains metas in a product" else TH (c,[],[]) (* Cofix. *) | CoFix (i,(fi,ai,v)) -> let vi = Array.map (fresh env) fi in let fi' = Array.map (fun id -> Name id) vi in let env' = push_named_rec_types (fi',ai,v) env in let a = Array.map (compute_metamap env') (Array.map (substl (List.map mkVar (Array.to_list vi))) v) in begin try let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array true env' a in let cofix = mkCoFix (i,(fi',ai,v')) in TH (cofix,mm,sgp) with NoMeta -> TH (c,[],[]) end (* tcc_aux : term_with_holes -> tactic * * Réalise le 3. ci-dessus *) let rec tcc_aux subst (TH (c,mm,sgp) as _th) gl = let c = substl subst c in match (kind_of_term c,sgp) with (* mv => sous-but : on ne fait rien *) | Meta _ , _ -> tclIDTAC gl | Cast (c,_,_), _ when isMeta c -> tclIDTAC gl (* terme pur => refine *) | _,[] -> refine c gl (* abstraction => intro *) | Lambda (Name id,_,m), _ when isMeta (strip_outer_cast m) -> begin match sgp with | [None] -> introduction id gl | [Some th] -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (onLastHyp (fun id -> tcc_aux (mkVar id::subst) th)) gl | _ -> assert false end | Lambda _, _ -> anomaly "invalid lambda passed to function tcc_aux" (* let in *) | LetIn (Name id,c1,t1,c2), _ when isMeta (strip_outer_cast c2) -> let c = pf_concl gl in let newc = mkNamedLetIn id c1 t1 c in tclTHEN (change_in_concl None newc) (match sgp with | [None] -> introduction id | [Some th] -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (onLastHyp (fun id -> tcc_aux (mkVar id::subst) th)) | _ -> assert false) gl | LetIn _, _ -> anomaly "invalid let-in passed to function tcc_aux" (* fix => tactique Fix *) | Fix ((ni,_),(fi,ai,_)) , _ -> let out_name = function | Name id -> id | _ -> error "recursive functions must have names !" in let fixes = array_map3 (fun f n c -> (out_name f,succ n,c)) fi ni ai in tclTHENS (mutual_fix (out_name fi.(0)) (succ ni.(0)) (List.tl (Array.to_list fixes))) (List.map (function | None -> tclIDTAC | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp) gl (* cofix => tactique CoFix *) | CoFix (_,(fi,ai,_)) , _ -> let out_name = function | Name id -> id | _ -> error "recursive functions must have names !" in let cofixes = array_map2 (fun f c -> (out_name f,c)) fi ai in tclTHENS (mutual_cofix (out_name fi.(0)) (List.tl (Array.to_list cofixes))) (List.map (function | None -> tclIDTAC | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp) gl (* sinon on fait refine du terme puis appels rec. sur les sous-buts. * c'est le cas pour App et MutCase. *) | _ -> tclTHENS (refine c) (List.map (function None -> tclIDTAC | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp) gl (* Et finalement la tactique refine elle-même : *) let refine oc gl = let sigma = project gl in let (sigma,c) = Evarutil.evars_to_metas sigma oc in (* Relies on Cast's put on Meta's by evars_to_metas, because it is otherwise complicated to update meta types when passing through a binder *) let th = compute_metamap (pf_env gl) c in tclTHEN (Refiner.tclEVARS sigma) (tcc_aux [] th) gl