(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names (* open Generic *) open Term open Sign open Evd open Printer open Reduction open Declarations open Inductive open Environ open Tacmach open Proof_trees open Proof_type open Pfedit open Clenv open Declare open Wcclausenv (*open Pattern*) open Tacticals open Tactics (*open Equality*) open Inv let not_work_message = "tactic fails to build the inversion lemma, may be because the predicate has arguments that depend on other arguments" let no_inductive_inconstr env constr = [< 'sTR "Cannot recognize an inductive predicate in "; prterm_env env constr; 'sTR "."; 'sPC; 'sTR "If there is one, may be the structure of the arity"; 'sPC; 'sTR "or of the type of constructors"; 'sPC; 'sTR "is hidden by constant definitions." >] (* Inversion stored in lemmas *) (* ALGORITHM: An inversion stored in a lemma is computed from a term-pattern, in a signature, as follows: Suppose we have an inductive relation, (I abar), in a signature Gamma: Gamma |- (I abar) Then we compute the free-variables of abar. Suppose that Gamma is thinned out to only include these. [We need technically to require that all free-variables of the types of the free variables of abar are themselves free-variables of abar. This needs to be checked, but it should not pose a problem - it is hard to imagine cases where it would not hold.] Now, we pose the goal: (P:(Gamma)Prop)(Gamma)(I abar)->(P vars[Gamma]). We execute the tactic: REPEAT Intro THEN (OnLastHyp (Inv NONE false o outSOME)) This leaves us with some subgoals. All the assumptions after "P" in these subgoals are new assumptions. I.e. if we have a subgoal, P:(Gamma)Prop, Gamma, Hbar:Tbar |- (P ybar) then the assumption we needed to have was (Hbar:Tbar)(P ybar) So we construct all the assumptions we need, and rebuild the goal with these assumptions. Then, we can re-apply the same tactic as above, but instead of stopping after the inversion, we just apply the respective assumption in each subgoal. *) let thin_ids (hyps,vars) = fst (List.fold_left (fun ((ids,globs) as sofar) (id,c,a) -> if List.mem id globs then match c with | None -> (id::ids,(global_vars a)@globs) | Some body -> (id::ids,(global_vars body)@(global_vars a)@globs) else sofar) ([],vars) hyps) (* returns the sub_signature of sign corresponding to those identifiers that * are not global. *) (* let get_local_sign sign = let lid = ids_of_sign sign in let globsign = Global.var_context() in let add_local id res_sign = if not (mem_sign globsign id) then add_sign (lookup_sign id sign) res_sign else res_sign in List.fold_right add_local lid nil_sign *) (* returs the identifier of lid that was the latest declared in sign. * (i.e. is the identifier id of lid such that * sign_length (sign_prefix id sign) > sign_length (sign_prefix id' sign) > * for any id'<>id in lid). * it returns both the pair (id,(sign_prefix id sign)) *) (* let max_prefix_sign lid sign = let rec max_rec (resid,prefix) = function | [] -> (resid,prefix) | (id::l) -> let pre = sign_prefix id sign in if sign_length pre > sign_length prefix then max_rec (id,pre) l else max_rec (resid,prefix) l in match lid with | [] -> nil_sign | id::l -> snd (max_rec (id, sign_prefix id sign) l) *) let rec add_prods_sign env sigma t = match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t) with | IsProd (na,c1,b) -> let id = Environ.id_of_name_using_hdchar env t na in let b'= subst1 (mkVar id) b in let j = Retyping.get_assumption_of env sigma c1 in add_prods_sign (Environ.push_var_decl (id,j) env) sigma b' | IsLetIn (na,c1,t1,b) -> let id = Environ.id_of_name_using_hdchar env t na in let b'= subst1 (mkVar id) b in let j = Retyping.get_assumption_of env sigma t1 in add_prods_sign (Environ.push_var_def (id,c1,j) env) sigma b' | _ -> (env,t) (* [dep_option] indicates wether the inversion lemma is dependent or not. If it is dependent and I is of the form (x_bar:T_bar)(I t_bar) then the stated goal will be (x_bar:T_bar)(H:(I t_bar))(P t_bar H) where P:(x_bar:T_bar)(H:(I x_bar))[sort]. The generalisation of such a goal at the moment of the dependent case should be easy. If it is non dependent, then if [I]=(I t_bar) and (x_bar:T_bar) are the variables occurring in [I], then the stated goal will be: (x_bar:T_bar)(I t_bar)->(P x_bar) where P: P:(x_bar:T_bar)[sort]. *) let compute_first_inversion_scheme env sigma ind sort dep_option = let indf,realargs = dest_ind_type ind in let allvars = ids_of_context env in let p = next_ident_away (id_of_string "P") allvars in let pty,goal = if dep_option then let pty = make_arity env true indf sort in let goal = mkProd (Anonymous, mkAppliedInd ind, applist(mkVar p,realargs@[mkRel 1])) in pty,goal else let i = mkAppliedInd ind in let ivars = global_vars i in let revargs,ownsign = fold_var_context (fun env (id,_,_ as d) (revargs,hyps) -> if List.mem id ivars then ((mkVar id)::revargs,add_var d hyps) else (revargs,hyps)) env ([],[]) in let pty = it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (mkSort sort) ownsign in let goal = mkArrow i (applist(mkVar p, List.rev revargs)) in (pty,goal) in let npty = nf_betadeltaiota env sigma pty in let nptyj = make_typed npty (Retyping.get_sort_of env sigma npty) in let extenv = push_var_decl (p,nptyj) env in extenv, goal (* [inversion_scheme sign I] Given a local signature, [sign], and an instance of an inductive relation, [I], inversion_scheme will prove the associated inversion scheme on sort [sort]. Depending on the value of [dep_option] it will build a dependent lemma or a non-dependent one *) let inversion_scheme env sigma t sort dep_option inv_op = let (env,i) = add_prods_sign env sigma t in let ind = try find_rectype env sigma i with Induc -> errorlabstrm "inversion_scheme" (no_inductive_inconstr env i) in let (invEnv,invGoal) = compute_first_inversion_scheme env sigma ind sort dep_option in assert (list_subset (global_vars invGoal) (ids_of_var_context (var_context invEnv))); (* errorlabstrm "lemma_inversion" [< 'sTR"Computed inversion goal was not closed in initial signature" >]; *) let pfs = mk_pftreestate (mk_goal (mt_ctxt Intset.empty) invEnv invGoal) in let pfs = solve_pftreestate (tclTHEN intro (onLastHyp (compose inv_op out_some))) pfs in let (pfterm,meta_types) = extract_open_pftreestate pfs in let global_var_context = Global.var_context () in let ownSign = fold_var_context (fun env (id,_,_ as d) sign -> if mem_var_context id global_var_context then sign else add_var d sign) invEnv empty_var_context in let (_,ownSign,mvb) = List.fold_left (fun (avoid,sign,mvb) (mv,mvty) -> let h = next_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in (h::avoid, add_var_decl (h,mvty) sign, (mv,mkVar h)::mvb)) (ids_of_context invEnv, ownSign, []) meta_types in let invProof = it_mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn (local_strong (whd_meta mvb) pfterm) ownSign in invProof let add_inversion_lemma name env sigma t sort dep inv_op = let invProof = inversion_scheme env sigma t sort dep inv_op in declare_constant name ({ const_entry_body = Cooked invProof; const_entry_type = None }, NeverDischarge) (* open Pfedit *) (* inv_op = Inv (derives de complete inv. lemma) * inv_op = InvNoThining (derives de semi inversion lemma) *) let inversion_lemma_from_goal n na id sort dep_option inv_op = let pts = get_pftreestate() in let gl = nth_goal_of_pftreestate n pts in let t = pf_get_hyp_typ gl id in let env = pf_env gl and sigma = project gl in let fv = global_vars t in (* Pourquoi ??? let thin_ids = thin_ids (hyps,fv) in if not(list_subset thin_ids fv) then errorlabstrm "lemma_inversion" [< 'sTR"Cannot compute lemma inversion when there are" ; 'sPC ; 'sTR"free variables in the types of an inductive" ; 'sPC ; 'sTR"which are not free in its instance" >]; *) add_inversion_lemma na env sigma t sort dep_option inv_op open Vernacinterp let _ = vinterp_add "MakeInversionLemmaFromHyp" (function | [VARG_NUMBER n; VARG_IDENTIFIER na; VARG_IDENTIFIER id] -> fun () -> inversion_lemma_from_goal n na id prop false inv_clear_tac | _ -> bad_vernac_args "MakeInversionLemmaFromHyp") let add_inversion_lemma_exn na com comsort bool tac = let env = Global.env () and sigma = Evd.empty in let c = Astterm.interp_type sigma env com in let sort = Astterm.interp_sort comsort in try add_inversion_lemma na env sigma c sort bool tac with | UserError ("Case analysis",s) -> (* référence à Indrec *) errorlabstrm "Inv needs Nodep Prop Set" s let _ = vinterp_add "MakeInversionLemma" (function | [VARG_IDENTIFIER na; VARG_CONSTR com; VARG_CONSTR sort] -> fun () -> add_inversion_lemma_exn na com sort false inv_clear_tac | _ -> bad_vernac_args "MakeInversionLemma") let _ = vinterp_add "MakeSemiInversionLemmaFromHyp" (function | [VARG_NUMBER n; VARG_IDENTIFIER na; VARG_IDENTIFIER id] -> fun () -> inversion_lemma_from_goal n na id prop false half_inv_tac | _ -> bad_vernac_args "MakeSemiInversionLemmaFromHyp") let _ = vinterp_add "MakeSemiInversionLemma" (function | [VARG_IDENTIFIER na; VARG_CONSTR com; VARG_CONSTR sort] -> fun () -> add_inversion_lemma_exn na com sort false half_inv_tac | _ -> bad_vernac_args "MakeSemiInversionLemma") let _ = vinterp_add "MakeDependentInversionLemma" (function | [VARG_IDENTIFIER na; VARG_CONSTR com; VARG_CONSTR sort] -> fun () -> add_inversion_lemma_exn na com sort true dinv_clear_tac | _ -> bad_vernac_args "MakeDependentInversionLemma") let _ = vinterp_add "MakeDependentSemiInversionLemma" (function | [VARG_IDENTIFIER na; VARG_CONSTR com; VARG_CONSTR sort] -> fun () -> add_inversion_lemma_exn na com sort true half_dinv_tac | _ -> bad_vernac_args "MakeDependentSemiInversionLemma") (* ================================= *) (* Applying a given inversion lemma *) (* ================================= *) let lemInv id c gls = try let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gls in let clause = mk_clenv_type_of wc c in let clause = clenv_constrain_with_bindings [(Abs (-1),mkVar id)] clause in res_pf kONT clause gls with (* Ce n'est pas l'endroit pour cela | Not_found -> errorlabstrm "LemInv" (not_found_message [id]) *) | UserError (a,b) -> errorlabstrm "LemInv" [< 'sTR "Cannot refine current goal with the lemma "; prterm_env (Global.env()) c >] let useInversionLemma = let gentac = hide_tactic "UseInversionLemma" (function | [Identifier id;Command com] -> fun gls -> lemInv id (pf_interp_constr gls com) gls | l -> anomaly "useInversionLemma" l) in fun id com -> gentac [Identifier id;Command com] let lemInvIn id c ids gls = let intros_replace_ids gls = let nb_of_new_hyp = nb_prod (pf_concl gls) - List.length ids in if nb_of_new_hyp < 1 then intros_replacing ids gls else (tclTHEN (tclDO nb_of_new_hyp intro) (intros_replacing ids)) gls in (* try *) ((tclTHEN (tclTHEN (bring_hyps (List.map in_some ids)) (lemInv id c)) (intros_replace_ids)) gls) (* with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "LemInvIn" (not_found_message ids) | UserError(a,b) -> errorlabstrm "LemInvIn" b *) let useInversionLemmaIn = let gentac = hide_tactic "UseInversionLemmaIn" (function | ((Identifier id)::(Command com)::hl) -> fun gls -> lemInvIn id (pf_interp_constr gls com) (List.map (function | (Identifier id) -> id | _ -> anomaly "UseInversionLemmaIn") hl) gls | _ -> anomaly "UseInversionLemmaIn") in fun id com hl -> gentac ((Identifier id)::(Command com) ::(List.map (fun id -> (Identifier id)) hl))