(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* a1=a1->a2=a2 ... -> C Algorithm: suppose length(largs)=n (1) Push the entire arity, [xbar:Abar], carrying along largs and the conclusion (2) Pair up each ai with its respective Rel version: a1==(Rel n), a2==(Rel n-1), etc. (3) For each pair, ai,Rel j, if the Ai is dependent - that is, the type of [Rel j] is an open term, then we construct the iterated tuple, [make_iterated_tuple] does it, and use that for our equation Otherwise, we just use ai=Rel j *) let dest_match_eq gls eqn = try pf_matches gls (Coqlib.build_coq_eq_pattern ()) eqn with PatternMatchingFailure -> (try pf_matches gls (Coqlib.build_coq_eqT_pattern ()) eqn with PatternMatchingFailure -> (try pf_matches gls (Coqlib.build_coq_idT_pattern ()) eqn with PatternMatchingFailure -> errorlabstrm "dest_match_eq" [< 'sTR "no primitive equality here" >])) (* Environment management *) let push_rels vars env = List.fold_right push_rel vars env type inversion_status = Dep of constr option | NoDep let compute_eqn env sigma n i ai = (ai,get_type_of env sigma ai), (mkRel (n-i),get_type_of env sigma (mkRel (n-i))) let make_inv_predicate env sigma ind id status concl = let indf,realargs = dest_ind_type ind in let nrealargs = List.length realargs in let (hyps,concl) = match status with | NoDep -> (* We push the arity and leave concl unchanged *) let hyps_arity,_ = get_arity indf in (hyps_arity,concl) | Dep dflt_concl -> if not (dependent (mkVar id) concl) then errorlabstrm "make_inv_predicate" [< 'sTR "Current goal does not depend on "; pr_id id >]; (* We abstract the conclusion of goal with respect to realargs and c to * be concl in order to rewrite and have c also rewritten when the case * will be done *) let pred = match dflt_concl with | Some concl -> concl (*assumed it's some [x1..xn,H:I(x1..xn)]C*) | None -> let sort = get_sort_of env sigma concl in let p = make_arity env true indf sort in abstract_list_all env sigma p concl (realargs@[mkVar id]) in let hyps,bodypred = decompose_lam_n_assum (nrealargs+1) pred in (* We lift to make room for the equations *) (hyps,lift nrealargs bodypred) in let nhyps = List.length hyps in let env' = push_rels hyps env in let realargs' = List.map (lift nhyps) realargs in let pairs = list_map_i (compute_eqn env' sigma nhyps) 0 realargs' in (* Now the arity is pushed, and we need to construct the pairs * ai,mkRel(n-i+1) *) (* Now, we can recurse down this list, for each ai,(mkRel k) whether to push (mkRel k)=ai (when Ai is closed). In any case, we carry along the rest of pairs *) let rec build_concl eqns n = function | [] -> (prod_it concl eqns,n) | ((ai,ati),(xi,ti))::restlist -> let (lhs,eqnty,rhs) = if closed0 ti then (xi,ti,ai) else make_iterated_tuple env' sigma (ai,ati) (xi,ti) in let type_type_rhs = get_sort_of env sigma (type_of env sigma rhs) in let sort = get_sort_of env sigma concl in let eq_term = find_eq_pattern type_type_rhs sort in let eqn = applist (eq_term ,[eqnty;lhs;rhs]) in build_concl ((Anonymous,lift n eqn)::eqns) (n+1) restlist in let (newconcl,neqns) = build_concl [] 0 pairs in let predicate = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env newconcl hyps in (* OK - this predicate should now be usable by res_elimination_then to do elimination on the conclusion. *) (predicate,neqns) (* The result of the elimination is a bunch of goals like: |- (cibar:Cibar)Equands->C where the cibar are either dependent or not. We are fed a signature, with "true" for every recursive argument, and false for every non-recursive one. So we need to do the sign_branch_len(sign) intros, thinning out all recursive assumptions. This leaves us with exactly length(sign) assumptions. We save their names, and then do introductions for all the equands (there are some number of them, which is the other argument of the tactic) This gives us the #neqns equations, whose names we get also, and the #length(sign) arguments. Suppose that #nodep of these arguments are non-dependent. Generalize and thin them. This gives us #dep = #length(sign)-#nodep arguments which are dependent. Now, we want to take each of the equations, and do all possible injections to get the left-hand-side to be a variable. At the same time, if we find a lhs/rhs pair which are different, we can discriminate them to prove false and finish the branch. Then, we thin away the equations, and do the introductions for the #nodep arguments which we generalized before. *) (* Called after the case-assumptions have been killed off, and all the intros have been done. Given that the clause in question is an equality (if it isn't we fail), we are responsible for projecting the equality, using Injection and Discriminate, and applying it to the concusion *) let introsReplacing = intros_replacing (* déplacé *) (* Computes the subset of hypothesis in the local context whose type depends on t (should be of the form (mkVar id)), then it generalizes them, applies tac to rewrite all occurrencies of t, and introduces generalized hypotheis. Precondition: t=(mkVar id) *) let rec dependent_hyps id idlist sign = let rec dep_rec =function | [] -> [] | (id1::l) -> let id1ty = snd (lookup_named id1 sign) in if occur_var id (body_of_type id1ty) then id1::dep_rec l else dep_rec l in dep_rec idlist let generalizeRewriteIntros tac depids id gls = let dids = dependent_hyps id depids (pf_env gls) in (tclTHEN (bring_hyps dids) (tclTHEN tac (introsReplacing dids))) gls let var_occurs_in_pf gl id = occur_var id (pf_concl gl) or List.exists (fun (_,t) -> occur_var id t) (pf_hyps_types gl) let split_dep_and_nodep idl gl = (List.filter (var_occurs_in_pf gl) idl, List.filter (fun x -> not(var_occurs_in_pf gl x)) idl) (* invariant: ProjectAndApply is responsible for erasing the clause which it is given as input It simplifies the clause (an equality) to use it as a rewrite rule and then erases the result of the simplification. *) let dest_eq gls t = match dest_match_eq gls t with | [(1,x);(2,y);(3,z)] -> (x,y,z) | _ -> error "dest_eq: should be an equality" (* invariant: ProjectAndApplyNoThining simplifies the clause (an equality) . If it can discriminate then the goal is proved, if not tries to use it as a rewrite rule. It erases the clause which is given as input *) let projectAndApply thin id depids gls = let subst_hyp_LR id = tclTRY(hypSubst id None) in let subst_hyp_RL id = tclTRY(revHypSubst id None) in let subst_hyp gls = let orient_rule id = let (t,t1,t2) = dest_eq gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t1), kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t2)) with | IsVar id1, _ -> generalizeRewriteIntros (subst_hyp_LR id) depids id1 | _, IsVar id2 -> generalizeRewriteIntros (subst_hyp_RL id) depids id2 | _ -> subst_hyp_RL id in onLastHyp orient_rule gls in let (t,t1,t2) = dest_eq gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in match (thin, kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t1), kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t2)) with | (true, IsVar id1, _) -> generalizeRewriteIntros (tclTHEN (subst_hyp_LR id) (clear_clause id)) depids id1 gls | (false, IsVar id1, _) -> generalizeRewriteIntros (subst_hyp_LR id) depids id1 gls | (true, _ , IsVar id2) -> generalizeRewriteIntros (tclTHEN (subst_hyp_RL id) (clear_clause id)) depids id2 gls | (false, _ , IsVar id2) -> generalizeRewriteIntros (subst_hyp_RL id) depids id2 gls | (true, _, _) -> let deq_trailer neqns = tclDO neqns (tclTHEN intro (tclTHEN subst_hyp (onLastHyp clear_clause))) in (tclTHEN (tclTRY (dEqThen deq_trailer (Some id))) (clear_one id)) gls | (false, _, _) -> let deq_trailer neqns = tclDO neqns (tclTHEN intro subst_hyp) in (tclTHEN (dEqThen deq_trailer (Some id)) (clear_one id)) gls (* Inversion qui n'introduit pas les hypotheses, afin de pouvoir les nommer soi-meme (proposition de Valerie). *) let case_trailer_gene othin neqns ba gl = let (depids,nodepids) = split_dep_and_nodep ba.assums gl in let rewrite_eqns = match othin with | Some thin -> onLastHyp (fun last -> (tclTHEN (tclDO neqns (tclTHEN intro (onLastHyp (fun id -> tclTRY (projectAndApply thin id depids))))) (tclTHEN (onHyps (compose List.rev (afterHyp last)) bring_hyps) (onHyps (afterHyp last) clear)))) | None -> tclIDTAC in (tclTHEN (tclDO neqns intro) (tclTHEN (bring_hyps nodepids) (tclTHEN (clear_clauses nodepids) (tclTHEN (onHyps (compose List.rev (nLastHyps neqns)) bring_hyps) (tclTHEN (onHyps (nLastHyps neqns) clear_clauses) (tclTHEN rewrite_eqns (tclMAP (fun id -> (tclORELSE (clear_clause id) (tclTHEN (bring_hyps [id]) (clear_one id)))) depids))))))) gl (* Introduction of the equations on arguments othin: discriminates Simple Inversion, Inversion and Inversion_clear None: the equations are introduced, but not rewritten Some thin: the equations are rewritten, and cleared if thin is true *) let case_trailer othin neqns ba gl = let (depids,nodepids) = split_dep_and_nodep ba.assums gl in let rewrite_eqns = match othin with | Some thin -> (tclTHEN (onHyps (compose List.rev (nLastHyps neqns)) bring_hyps) (tclTHEN (onHyps (nLastHyps neqns) clear_clauses) (tclTHEN (tclDO neqns (tclTHEN intro (onLastHyp (fun id -> tclTRY (projectAndApply thin id depids))))) (tclTHEN (tclDO (List.length nodepids) intro) (tclMAP (fun id -> tclTRY (clear_clause id)) depids))))) | None -> tclIDTAC in (tclTHEN (tclDO neqns intro) (tclTHEN (bring_hyps nodepids) (tclTHEN (clear_clauses nodepids) rewrite_eqns))) gl let collect_meta_variables c = let rec collrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with | IsMeta mv -> mv::acc | _ -> fold_constr collrec acc c in collrec [] c let check_no_metas clenv ccl = if occur_meta ccl then let metas = List.map (fun n -> Intmap.find n clenv.namenv) (collect_meta_variables ccl) in errorlabstrm "res_case_then" [< 'sTR ("Cannot find an instantiation for variable"^ (if List.length metas = 1 then " " else "s ")); prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id metas (* ajouter "in "; prterm ccl mais il faut le bon contexte *) >] let res_case_then gene thin indbinding id status gl = let env = pf_env gl and sigma = project gl in let c = mkVar id in let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in let t = strong_prodspine (pf_whd_betadeltaiota gl) (pf_type_of gl c) in let indclause = mk_clenv_from wc (c,t) in let indclause' = clenv_constrain_with_bindings indbinding indclause in let newc = clenv_instance_template indclause' in let ccl = clenv_instance_template_type indclause' in check_no_metas indclause' ccl; let (IndType (indf,realargs) as indt) = try find_rectype env sigma ccl with Induc -> errorlabstrm "res_case_then" [< 'sTR ("The type of "^(string_of_id id)^" is not inductive") >] in let (elim_predicate,neqns) = make_inv_predicate env sigma indt id status (pf_concl gl) in let (cut_concl,case_tac) = if status <> NoDep & (dependent c (pf_concl gl)) then applist(elim_predicate,realargs@[c]),case_then_using else applist(elim_predicate,realargs),case_nodep_then_using in let case_trailer_tac = if gene then case_trailer_gene thin neqns else case_trailer thin neqns in (tclTHENS (cut_intro cut_concl) [onLastHyp (fun id -> (tclTHEN (applyUsing (applist(mkVar id, list_tabulate (fun _ -> mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta())) neqns))) Auto.default_auto)); case_tac (introCaseAssumsThen case_trailer_tac) (Some elim_predicate) ([],[]) newc]) gl (* Error messages of the inversion tactics *) let not_found_message ids = if List.length ids = 1 then [<'sTR "the variable"; 'sPC ; 'sTR (string_of_id (List.hd ids)) ; 'sPC; 'sTR" was not found in the current environment" >] else [<'sTR "the variables ["; 'sPC ; prlist (fun id -> [<'sTR (string_of_id id) ; 'sPC >]) ids; 'sTR" ] were not found in the current environment" >] let dep_prop_prop_message id = errorlabstrm "Inv" [< 'sTR "Inversion on "; pr_id id ; 'sTR " would needs dependent elimination Prop-Prop" >] let not_inductive_here id = errorlabstrm "mind_specif_of_mind" [< 'sTR "Cannot recognize an inductive predicate in "; pr_id id ; 'sTR ". If there is one, may be the structure of the arity or of the type of constructors is hidden by constant definitions." >] (* Noms d'errreurs obsolètes ?? *) let wrap_inv_error id = function | UserError ("Case analysis",s) -> errorlabstrm "Inv needs Nodep Prop Set" s | UserError("mind_specif_of_mind",_) -> not_inductive_here id | UserError (a,b) -> errorlabstrm "Inv" b | Invalid_argument (*"it_list2"*) "List.fold_left2" -> dep_prop_prop_message id | Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Inv" (not_found_message [id]) | e -> raise e let inv gene com status id = let inv_tac = res_case_then gene com [] id status in let tac = if com = Some true (* if Inversion_clear, clear the hypothesis *) then tclTHEN inv_tac (tclTRY (clear_clause id)) else inv_tac in fun gls -> try tac gls with e -> wrap_inv_error id e let hinv_kind = Quoted_string "HalfInversion" let inv_kind = Quoted_string "Inversion" let invclr_kind = Quoted_string "InversionClear" let com_of_id id = if id = hinv_kind then None else if id = inv_kind then Some false else Some true (* Inv generates nodependent inversion *) let (half_inv_tac, inv_tac, inv_clear_tac) = let gentac = hide_tactic "Inv" (function | ic :: [id_or_num] -> tactic_try_intros_until (inv false (com_of_id ic) NoDep) id_or_num | l -> bad_tactic_args "Inv" l) in ((fun id -> gentac [hinv_kind; Identifier id]), (fun id -> gentac [inv_kind; Identifier id]), (fun id -> gentac [invclr_kind; Identifier id])) (* Inversion without intros. No vernac entry yet! *) let named_inv = let gentac = hide_tactic "NamedInv" (function | [ic; Identifier id] -> inv true (com_of_id ic) NoDep id | l -> bad_tactic_args "NamedInv" l) in (fun ic id -> gentac [ic; Identifier id]) (* Generates a dependent inversion with a certain generalisation of the goal *) let (half_dinv_tac, dinv_tac, dinv_clear_tac) = let gentac = hide_tactic "DInv" (function | ic :: [id_or_num] -> tactic_try_intros_until (inv false (com_of_id ic) (Dep None)) id_or_num | l -> bad_tactic_args "DInv" l) in ((fun id -> gentac [hinv_kind; Identifier id]), (fun id -> gentac [inv_kind; Identifier id]), (fun id -> gentac [invclr_kind; Identifier id])) (* generates a dependent inversion using a given generalisation of the goal *) let (half_dinv_with, dinv_with, dinv_clear_with) = let gentac = hide_tactic "DInvWith" (function | [ic; id_or_num; Command com] -> tactic_try_intros_until (fun id gls -> inv false (com_of_id ic) (Dep (Some (pf_interp_constr gls com))) id gls) id_or_num | [ic; id_or_num; Constr c] -> tactic_try_intros_until (fun id gls -> inv false (com_of_id ic) (Dep (Some c)) id gls) id_or_num | l -> bad_tactic_args "DInvWith" l) in ((fun id c -> gentac [hinv_kind; Identifier id; Constr c]), (fun id c -> gentac [inv_kind; Identifier id; Constr c]), (fun id c -> gentac [invclr_kind; Identifier id; Constr c])) (* InvIn will bring the specified clauses into the conclusion, and then * perform inversion on the named hypothesis. After, it will intro them * back to their places in the hyp-list. *) let invIn com id ids gls = let nb_prod_init = nb_prod (pf_concl gls) in let intros_replace_ids gls = let nb_of_new_hyp = nb_prod (pf_concl gls) - (List.length ids + nb_prod_init) in if nb_of_new_hyp < 1 then introsReplacing ids gls else (tclTHEN (tclDO nb_of_new_hyp intro) (introsReplacing ids)) gls in try (tclTHEN (bring_hyps ids) (tclTHEN (inv false com NoDep id) (intros_replace_ids))) gls with e -> wrap_inv_error id e let invIn_tac = let gentac = hide_tactic "InvIn" (function | (com::(Identifier id)::hl as ll) -> let hl' = List.map (function | Identifier id -> id | _ -> bad_tactic_args "InvIn" ll) hl in invIn (com_of_id com) id hl' | ll -> bad_tactic_args "InvIn" ll) in fun com id hl -> gentac ((Identifier com) ::(Identifier id) ::(List.map (fun id -> (Identifier id)) hl))