(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Generic open Term open Reduction open Inductive open Evd open Environ open Proof_trees open Stock open Clenv open Pattern (* The pattern table for tactics. *) (* Description: see the interface. *) (* First part : introduction of term patterns *) type module_mark = Stock.module_mark let parse_astconstr s = try Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr_eoi s with Stdpp.Exc_located (_ , (Stream.Failure | Stream.Error _)) -> error "Syntax error : not a construction" (* Patterns *) let parse_pattern s = Astterm.interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) (parse_astconstr s) type marked_pattern = (int list * constr_pattern) Stock.stocked let (pattern_stock : (int list * constr_pattern) Stock.stock) = Stock.make_stock { name = "PATTERN"; proc = parse_pattern } let put_pat = Stock.stock pattern_stock let get_pat tm = snd (Stock.retrieve pattern_stock tm) let make_module_marker = Stock.make_module_marker (* Squeletons *) let parse_squeleton s = let c = Astterm.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) (parse_astconstr s) in (collect_metas c, c) type marked_term = (int list * constr) Stock.stocked let (squeleton_stock : (int list * constr) Stock.stock) = Stock.make_stock { name = "SQUELETON"; proc = parse_squeleton } let put_squel = Stock.stock squeleton_stock let get_squel_core = Stock.retrieve squeleton_stock (* Sera mieux avec des noms qualifiés *) let get_reference mods s = if list_subset mods (Library.loaded_modules()) then try Declare.global_reference CCI (id_of_string s) with Not_found -> error ("get_reference: "^s^"is not defined in the given modules") else error "The required modules are not open" let soinstance squel arglist = let mvs,c = get_squel_core squel in let mvb = List.combine mvs arglist in Sosub.soexecute (Reduction.strong (fun _ _ -> Reduction.whd_meta mvb) empty_env Evd.empty c) let get_squel m = let mvs, c = get_squel_core m in if mvs = [] then c else errorlabstrm "get_squel" [< Printer.prterm c; 'sPC; 'sTR "is not a closed squeleton, use 'soinstance'" >] (* I implemented the following functions which test whether a term t is an inductive but non-recursive type, a general conjuction, a general disjunction, or a type with no constructors. They are more general than matching with or_term, and_term, etc, since they do not depend on the name of the type. Hence, they also work on ad-hoc disjunctions introduced by the user. -- Eduardo (6/8/97). *) let mmk = make_module_marker ["Prelude"] type 'a matching_function = constr -> 'a option type testing_function = constr -> bool let op2bool = function Some _ -> true | None -> false let match_with_non_recursive_type t = match kind_of_term t with | IsAppL _ -> let (hdapp,args) = decomp_app t in (match kind_of_term hdapp with | IsMutInd ind -> if not (Global.mind_is_recursive ind) then Some (hdapp,args) else None | _ -> None) | _ -> None let is_non_recursive_type t = op2bool (match_with_non_recursive_type t) (* A general conjunction type is a non-recursive inductive type with only one constructor. *) let match_with_conjunction t = let (hdapp,args) = decomp_app t in match kind_of_term hdapp with | IsMutInd ind -> let mispec = Global.lookup_mind_specif ind in if (mis_nconstr mispec = 1) && (not (mis_is_recursive mispec)) && (mis_nrealargs mispec = 0) then Some (hdapp,args) else None | _ -> None let is_conjunction t = op2bool (match_with_conjunction t) (* A general disjunction type is a non-recursive inductive type all whose constructors have a single argument. *) let match_with_disjunction t = let (hdapp,args) = decomp_app t in match kind_of_term hdapp with | IsMutInd ind -> let mispec = Global.lookup_mind_specif ind in let constr_types = mis_lc mispec in let only_one_arg c = ((nb_prod c) - (mis_nparams mispec)) = 1 in if (array_for_all only_one_arg constr_types) && (not (mis_is_recursive mispec)) then Some (hdapp,args) else None | _ -> None let is_disjunction t = op2bool (match_with_disjunction t) let match_with_empty_type t = let (hdapp,args) = decomp_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | IsMutInd ind -> let nconstr = Global.mind_nconstr ind in if nconstr = 0 then Some hdapp else None | _ -> None let is_empty_type t = op2bool (match_with_empty_type t) let match_with_unit_type t = let (hdapp,args) = decomp_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | IsMutInd ind -> let constr_types = Global.mind_lc ind in let nconstr = Global.mind_nconstr ind in let zero_args c = ((nb_prod c) - (Global.mind_nparams ind)) = 0 in if nconstr = 1 && (array_for_all zero_args constr_types) then Some hdapp else None | _ -> None let is_unit_type t = op2bool (match_with_unit_type t) (* Checks if a given term is an application of an inductive binary relation R, so that R has only one constructor stablishing its reflexivity. *) let refl_rel_pat1 = put_pat mmk "(A : ?)(x:A)(? A x x)" let refl_rel_pat2 = put_pat mmk "(x : ?)(? x x)" let match_with_equation t = let (hdapp,args) = decomp_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | IsMutInd ind -> let constr_types = Global.mind_lc ind in let nconstr = Global.mind_nconstr ind in if nconstr = 1 && (is_matching (get_pat refl_rel_pat1) constr_types.(0) || is_matching (get_pat refl_rel_pat2) constr_types.(0)) then Some (hdapp,args) else None | _ -> None let is_equation t = op2bool (match_with_equation t) let arrow_pat = put_pat mmk "(?1 -> ?2)" let match_with_nottype t = try match matches (get_pat arrow_pat) t with | [(1,arg);(2,mind)] -> if is_empty_type mind then Some (mind,arg) else None | _ -> anomaly "Incorrect pattern matching" with PatternMatchingFailure -> None let is_nottype t = op2bool (match_with_nottype t) let is_imp_term = function | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,b)) -> not (dependent (Rel 1) b) | _ -> false