(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* constr -> 'a option type testing_function = Evd.evar_map -> constr -> bool let mkmeta n = Nameops.make_ident "X" (Some n) let meta1 = mkmeta 1 let meta2 = mkmeta 2 let meta3 = mkmeta 3 let meta4 = mkmeta 4 let op2bool = function Some _ -> true | None -> false let match_with_non_recursive_type sigma t = match kind_of_term t with | App _ -> let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in (match kind_of_term hdapp with | Ind (ind,u) -> if (Global.lookup_mind (fst ind)).mind_finite == Decl_kinds.CoFinite then Some (hdapp,args) else None | _ -> None) | _ -> None let is_non_recursive_type sigma t = op2bool (match_with_non_recursive_type sigma t) (* Test dependencies *) (* NB: we consider also the let-in case in the following function, since they may appear in types of inductive constructors (see #2629) *) let rec has_nodep_prod_after n sigma c = match kind_of_term c with | Prod (_,_,b) | LetIn (_,_,_,b) -> ( n>0 || EConstr.Vars.noccurn sigma 1 (EConstr.of_constr b)) && (has_nodep_prod_after (n-1) sigma b) | _ -> true let has_nodep_prod sigma c = has_nodep_prod_after 0 sigma c (* A general conjunctive type is a non-recursive with-no-indices inductive type with only one constructor and no dependencies between argument; it is strict if it has the form "Inductive I A1 ... An := C (_:A1) ... (_:An)" *) (* style: None = record; Some false = conjunction; Some true = strict conj *) let is_strict_conjunction = function | Some true -> true | _ -> false let is_lax_conjunction = function | Some false -> true | _ -> false let match_with_one_constructor sigma style onlybinary allow_rec t = let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in let res = match kind_of_term hdapp with | Ind ind -> let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive (fst ind) in if Int.equal (Array.length mip.mind_consnames) 1 && (allow_rec || not (mis_is_recursive (fst ind,mib,mip))) && (Int.equal mip.mind_nrealargs 0) then if is_strict_conjunction style (* strict conjunction *) then let ctx = (prod_assum (snd (decompose_prod_n_assum mib.mind_nparams mip.mind_nf_lc.(0)))) in if List.for_all (fun decl -> let c = RelDecl.get_type decl in is_local_assum decl && isRel c && Int.equal (destRel c) mib.mind_nparams) ctx then Some (hdapp,args) else None else let ctyp = Term.prod_applist mip.mind_nf_lc.(0) args in let cargs = List.map RelDecl.get_type (prod_assum ctyp) in if not (is_lax_conjunction style) || has_nodep_prod sigma ctyp then (* Record or non strict conjunction *) Some (hdapp,List.rev cargs) else None else None | _ -> None in match res with | Some (hdapp, args) when not onlybinary -> res | Some (hdapp, [_; _]) -> res | _ -> None let match_with_conjunction ?(strict=false) ?(onlybinary=false) sigma t = match_with_one_constructor sigma (Some strict) onlybinary false t let match_with_record sigma t = match_with_one_constructor sigma None false false t let is_conjunction ?(strict=false) ?(onlybinary=false) sigma t = op2bool (match_with_conjunction sigma ~strict ~onlybinary t) let is_record sigma t = op2bool (match_with_record sigma t) let match_with_tuple sigma t = let t = match_with_one_constructor sigma None false true t in Option.map (fun (hd,l) -> let ind = destInd hd in let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_pinductive ind in let isrec = mis_is_recursive (fst ind,mib,mip) in (hd,l,isrec)) t let is_tuple sigma t = op2bool (match_with_tuple sigma t) (* A general disjunction type is a non-recursive with-no-indices inductive type with of which all constructors have a single argument; it is strict if it has the form "Inductive I A1 ... An := C1 (_:A1) | ... | Cn : (_:An)" *) let test_strict_disjunction n lc = Array.for_all_i (fun i c -> match (prod_assum (snd (decompose_prod_n_assum n c))) with | [LocalAssum (_,c)] -> isRel c && Int.equal (destRel c) (n - i) | _ -> false) 0 lc let match_with_disjunction ?(strict=false) ?(onlybinary=false) sigma t = let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in let res = match kind_of_term hdapp with | Ind (ind,u) -> let car = constructors_nrealargs ind in let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in if Array.for_all (fun ar -> Int.equal ar 1) car && not (mis_is_recursive (ind,mib,mip)) && (Int.equal mip.mind_nrealargs 0) then if strict then if test_strict_disjunction mib.mind_nparams mip.mind_nf_lc then Some (hdapp,args) else None else let cargs = Array.map (fun ar -> pi2 (destProd (Term.prod_applist ar args))) mip.mind_nf_lc in Some (hdapp,Array.to_list cargs) else None | _ -> None in match res with | Some (hdapp,args) when not onlybinary -> res | Some (hdapp,[_; _]) -> res | _ -> None let is_disjunction ?(strict=false) ?(onlybinary=false) sigma t = op2bool (match_with_disjunction ~strict ~onlybinary sigma t) (* An empty type is an inductive type, possible with indices, that has no constructors *) let match_with_empty_type sigma t = let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | Ind ind -> let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_pinductive ind in let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in if Int.equal nconstr 0 then Some hdapp else None | _ -> None let is_empty_type sigma t = op2bool (match_with_empty_type sigma t) (* This filters inductive types with one constructor with no arguments; Parameters and indices are allowed *) let match_with_unit_or_eq_type sigma t = let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | Ind ind -> let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_pinductive ind in let constr_types = mip.mind_nf_lc in let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in let zero_args c = Int.equal (nb_prod sigma (EConstr.of_constr c)) mib.mind_nparams in if Int.equal nconstr 1 && zero_args constr_types.(0) then Some hdapp else None | _ -> None let is_unit_or_eq_type sigma t = op2bool (match_with_unit_or_eq_type sigma t) (* A unit type is an inductive type with no indices but possibly (useless) parameters, and that has no arguments in its unique constructor *) let is_unit_type sigma t = match match_with_conjunction sigma t with | Some (_,[]) -> true | _ -> false (* Checks if a given term is an application of an inductive binary relation R, so that R has only one constructor establishing its reflexivity. *) type equation_kind = | MonomorphicLeibnizEq of constr * constr | PolymorphicLeibnizEq of constr * constr * constr | HeterogenousEq of constr * constr * constr * constr exception NoEquationFound open Glob_term open Decl_kinds open Evar_kinds let mkPattern c = snd (Patternops.pattern_of_glob_constr c) let mkGApp f args = GApp (Loc.ghost, f, args) let mkGHole = GHole (Loc.ghost, QuestionMark (Define false), Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None) let mkGProd id c1 c2 = GProd (Loc.ghost, Name (Id.of_string id), Explicit, c1, c2) let mkGArrow c1 c2 = GProd (Loc.ghost, Anonymous, Explicit, c1, c2) let mkGVar id = GVar (Loc.ghost, Id.of_string id) let mkGPatVar id = GPatVar(Loc.ghost, (false, Id.of_string id)) let mkGRef r = GRef (Loc.ghost, Lazy.force r, None) let mkGAppRef r args = mkGApp (mkGRef r) args (** forall x : _, _ x x *) let coq_refl_leibniz1_pattern = mkPattern (mkGProd "x" mkGHole (mkGApp mkGHole [mkGVar "x"; mkGVar "x";])) (** forall A:_, forall x:A, _ A x x *) let coq_refl_leibniz2_pattern = mkPattern (mkGProd "A" mkGHole (mkGProd "x" (mkGVar "A") (mkGApp mkGHole [mkGVar "A"; mkGVar "x"; mkGVar "x";]))) (** forall A:_, forall x:A, _ A x A x *) let coq_refl_jm_pattern = mkPattern (mkGProd "A" mkGHole (mkGProd "x" (mkGVar "A") (mkGApp mkGHole [mkGVar "A"; mkGVar "x"; mkGVar "A"; mkGVar "x";]))) open Globnames let is_matching x y = is_matching (Global.env ()) Evd.empty x (EConstr.of_constr y) let matches x y = matches (Global.env ()) Evd.empty x (EConstr.of_constr y) let match_with_equation t = if not (isApp t) then raise NoEquationFound; let (hdapp,args) = destApp t in match kind_of_term hdapp with | Ind (ind,u) -> if eq_gr (IndRef ind) glob_eq then Some (build_coq_eq_data()),hdapp, PolymorphicLeibnizEq(args.(0),args.(1),args.(2)) else if eq_gr (IndRef ind) glob_identity then Some (build_coq_identity_data()),hdapp, PolymorphicLeibnizEq(args.(0),args.(1),args.(2)) else if eq_gr (IndRef ind) glob_jmeq then Some (build_coq_jmeq_data()),hdapp, HeterogenousEq(args.(0),args.(1),args.(2),args.(3)) else let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let constr_types = mip.mind_nf_lc in let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in if Int.equal nconstr 1 then if is_matching coq_refl_leibniz1_pattern constr_types.(0) then None, hdapp, MonomorphicLeibnizEq(args.(0),args.(1)) else if is_matching coq_refl_leibniz2_pattern constr_types.(0) then None, hdapp, PolymorphicLeibnizEq(args.(0),args.(1),args.(2)) else if is_matching coq_refl_jm_pattern constr_types.(0) then None, hdapp, HeterogenousEq(args.(0),args.(1),args.(2),args.(3)) else raise NoEquationFound else raise NoEquationFound | _ -> raise NoEquationFound (* Note: An "equality type" is any type with a single argument-free constructor: it captures eq, eq_dep, JMeq, eq_true, etc. but also True/unit which is the degenerate equality type (isomorphic to ()=()); in particular, True/unit are provable by "reflexivity" *) let is_inductive_equality ind = let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in Int.equal nconstr 1 && Int.equal (constructor_nrealargs (ind,1)) 0 let match_with_equality_type sigma t = let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | Ind (ind,_) when is_inductive_equality ind -> Some (hdapp,args) | _ -> None let is_equality_type sigma t = op2bool (match_with_equality_type sigma t) (* Arrows/Implication/Negation *) (** X1 -> X2 **) let coq_arrow_pattern = mkPattern (mkGArrow (mkGPatVar "X1") (mkGPatVar "X2")) let match_arrow_pattern t = let result = matches coq_arrow_pattern t in match Id.Map.bindings result with | [(m1,arg);(m2,mind)] -> assert (Id.equal m1 meta1 && Id.equal m2 meta2); (arg, mind) | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Incorrect pattern matching") let match_with_imp_term sigma c = match kind_of_term c with | Prod (_,a,b) when EConstr.Vars.noccurn sigma 1 (EConstr.of_constr b) -> Some (a,b) | _ -> None let is_imp_term sigma c = op2bool (match_with_imp_term sigma c) let match_with_nottype sigma t = try let (arg,mind) = match_arrow_pattern t in if is_empty_type sigma mind then Some (mind,arg) else None with PatternMatchingFailure -> None let is_nottype sigma t = op2bool (match_with_nottype sigma t) (* Forall *) let match_with_forall_term sigma c= match kind_of_term c with | Prod (nam,a,b) -> Some (nam,a,b) | _ -> None let is_forall_term sigma c = op2bool (match_with_forall_term sigma c) let match_with_nodep_ind sigma t = let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | Ind ind -> let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_pinductive ind in if Array.length (mib.mind_packets)>1 then None else let nodep_constr = has_nodep_prod_after mib.mind_nparams sigma in if Array.for_all nodep_constr mip.mind_nf_lc then let params= if Int.equal mip.mind_nrealargs 0 then args else fst (List.chop mib.mind_nparams args) in Some (hdapp,params,mip.mind_nrealargs) else None | _ -> None let is_nodep_ind sigma t = op2bool (match_with_nodep_ind sigma t) let match_with_sigma_type sigma t = let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in match (kind_of_term hdapp) with | Ind ind -> let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_pinductive ind in if Int.equal (Array.length (mib.mind_packets)) 1 && (Int.equal mip.mind_nrealargs 0) && (Int.equal (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)1) && has_nodep_prod_after (mib.mind_nparams+1) sigma mip.mind_nf_lc.(0) then (*allowing only 1 existential*) Some (hdapp,args) else None | _ -> None let is_sigma_type sigma t = op2bool (match_with_sigma_type sigma t) (***** Destructing patterns bound to some theory *) let rec first_match matcher = function | [] -> raise PatternMatchingFailure | (pat,check,build_set)::l when check () -> (try (build_set (),matcher pat) with PatternMatchingFailure -> first_match matcher l) | _::l -> first_match matcher l (*** Equality *) let match_eq eqn (ref, hetero) = let ref = try Lazy.force ref with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> raise PatternMatchingFailure in match kind_of_term eqn with | App (c, [|t; x; y|]) -> if not hetero && is_global ref c then PolymorphicLeibnizEq (t, x, y) else raise PatternMatchingFailure | App (c, [|t; x; t'; x'|]) -> if hetero && is_global ref c then HeterogenousEq (t, x, t', x') else raise PatternMatchingFailure | _ -> raise PatternMatchingFailure let no_check () = true let check_jmeq_loaded () = Library.library_is_loaded Coqlib.jmeq_module let equalities = [(coq_eq_ref, false), no_check, build_coq_eq_data; (coq_jmeq_ref, true), check_jmeq_loaded, build_coq_jmeq_data; (coq_identity_ref, false), no_check, build_coq_identity_data] let find_eq_data eqn = (* fails with PatternMatchingFailure *) let d,k = first_match (match_eq eqn) equalities in let hd,u = destInd (fst (destApp eqn)) in d,u,k let extract_eq_args gl = function | MonomorphicLeibnizEq (e1,e2) -> let t = pf_unsafe_type_of gl (EConstr.of_constr e1) in (t,e1,e2) | PolymorphicLeibnizEq (t,e1,e2) -> (t,e1,e2) | HeterogenousEq (t1,e1,t2,e2) -> if pf_conv_x gl (EConstr.of_constr t1) (EConstr.of_constr t2) then (t1,e1,e2) else raise PatternMatchingFailure let find_eq_data_decompose gl eqn = let (lbeq,u,eq_args) = find_eq_data eqn in (lbeq,u,extract_eq_args gl eq_args) let find_this_eq_data_decompose gl eqn = let (lbeq,u,eq_args) = try (*first_match (match_eq eqn) inversible_equalities*) find_eq_data eqn with PatternMatchingFailure -> user_err (str "No primitive equality found.") in let eq_args = try extract_eq_args gl eq_args with PatternMatchingFailure -> error "Don't know what to do with JMeq on arguments not of same type." in (lbeq,u,eq_args) let match_eq_nf gls eqn (ref, hetero) = let n = if hetero then 4 else 3 in let args = List.init n (fun i -> mkGPatVar ("X" ^ string_of_int (i + 1))) in let pat = mkPattern (mkGAppRef ref args) in let eqn = EConstr.of_constr eqn in match Id.Map.bindings (pf_matches gls pat eqn) with | [(m1,t);(m2,x);(m3,y)] -> assert (Id.equal m1 meta1 && Id.equal m2 meta2 && Id.equal m3 meta3); (t,pf_whd_all gls (EConstr.of_constr x),pf_whd_all gls (EConstr.of_constr y)) | _ -> anomaly ~label:"match_eq" (Pp.str "an eq pattern should match 3 terms") let dest_nf_eq gls eqn = try snd (first_match (match_eq_nf gls eqn) equalities) with PatternMatchingFailure -> error "Not an equality." (*** Sigma-types *) let match_sigma ex = match kind_of_term ex with | App (f, [| a; p; car; cdr |]) when is_global (Lazy.force coq_exist_ref) f -> build_sigma (), (snd (destConstruct f), a, p, car, cdr) | App (f, [| a; p; car; cdr |]) when is_global (Lazy.force coq_existT_ref) f -> build_sigma_type (), (snd (destConstruct f), a, p, car, cdr) | _ -> raise PatternMatchingFailure let find_sigma_data_decompose ex = (* fails with PatternMatchingFailure *) match_sigma ex (* Pattern "(sig ?1 ?2)" *) let coq_sig_pattern = lazy (mkPattern (mkGAppRef coq_sig_ref [mkGPatVar "X1"; mkGPatVar "X2"])) let match_sigma t = match Id.Map.bindings (matches (Lazy.force coq_sig_pattern) t) with | [(_,a); (_,p)] -> (a,p) | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Unexpected pattern") let is_matching_sigma t = is_matching (Lazy.force coq_sig_pattern) t (*** Decidable equalities *) (* The expected form of the goal for the tactic Decide Equality *) (* Pattern "{x=y}+{~(x=y)}" *) (* i.e. "(sumbool (eq ?1 x y) ~(eq ?1 x y))" *) let coq_eqdec ~sum ~rev = lazy ( let eqn = mkGAppRef coq_eq_ref (List.map mkGPatVar ["X1"; "X2"; "X3"]) in let args = [eqn; mkGAppRef coq_not_ref [eqn]] in let args = if rev then List.rev args else args in mkPattern (mkGAppRef sum args) ) (** { ?X2 = ?X3 :> ?X1 } + { ~ ?X2 = ?X3 :> ?X1 } *) let coq_eqdec_inf_pattern = coq_eqdec ~sum:coq_sumbool_ref ~rev:false (** { ~ ?X2 = ?X3 :> ?X1 } + { ?X2 = ?X3 :> ?X1 } *) let coq_eqdec_inf_rev_pattern = coq_eqdec ~sum:coq_sumbool_ref ~rev:true (** %coq_or_ref (?X2 = ?X3 :> ?X1) (~ ?X2 = ?X3 :> ?X1) *) let coq_eqdec_pattern = coq_eqdec ~sum:coq_or_ref ~rev:false (** %coq_or_ref (~ ?X2 = ?X3 :> ?X1) (?X2 = ?X3 :> ?X1) *) let coq_eqdec_rev_pattern = coq_eqdec ~sum:coq_or_ref ~rev:true let op_or = coq_or_ref let op_sum = coq_sumbool_ref let match_eqdec t = let eqonleft,op,subst = try true,op_sum,matches (Lazy.force coq_eqdec_inf_pattern) t with PatternMatchingFailure -> try false,op_sum,matches (Lazy.force coq_eqdec_inf_rev_pattern) t with PatternMatchingFailure -> try true,op_or,matches (Lazy.force coq_eqdec_pattern) t with PatternMatchingFailure -> false,op_or,matches (Lazy.force coq_eqdec_rev_pattern) t in match Id.Map.bindings subst with | [(_,typ);(_,c1);(_,c2)] -> eqonleft, Universes.constr_of_global (Lazy.force op), c1, c2, typ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Unexpected pattern") (* Patterns "~ ?" and "? -> False" *) let coq_not_pattern = lazy (mkPattern (mkGAppRef coq_not_ref [mkGHole])) let coq_imp_False_pattern = lazy (mkPattern (mkGArrow mkGHole (mkGRef coq_False_ref))) let is_matching_not t = is_matching (Lazy.force coq_not_pattern) t let is_matching_imp_False t = is_matching (Lazy.force coq_imp_False_pattern) t (* Remark: patterns that have references to the standard library must be evaluated lazily (i.e. at the time they are used, not a the time coqtop starts) *)