(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Names open Term open Proof_type open Tacmach open Tacentries (*i*) (* Tactics for the interpreter. They left a trace in the proof tree when they are called. *) val h_clear : identifier list -> tactic val h_move : bool -> identifier -> identifier -> tactic val h_contradiction : tactic val h_reflexivity : tactic val h_symmetry : tactic val h_assumption : tactic val h_absurd : constr -> tactic val h_exact : constr -> tactic val h_one_constructor : int -> tactic val h_any_constructor : tactic val h_transitivity : constr -> tactic val h_simplest_left : tactic val h_simplest_right : tactic val h_split : constr -> tactic val h_apply : constr -> constr substitution -> tactic val h_simplest_apply : constr -> tactic val h_cut : constr -> tactic val h_simplest_elim : constr -> tactic val h_elimType : constr -> tactic val h_simplest_case : constr -> tactic val h_caseType : constr -> tactic val h_inductionInt : int -> tactic val h_inductionId : identifier -> tactic val h_destructInt : int -> tactic val h_destructId : identifier -> tactic