(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ElimOnConstr (inj_open_wb c) | ElimOnIdent id -> ElimOnIdent id | ElimOnAnonHyp n -> ElimOnAnonHyp n let inj_occ (occ,c) = (occ,inj_open c) (* Basic tactics *) let h_intro_move x y = abstract_tactic (TacIntroMove (x, Option.map inj_id y)) (intro_move x y) let h_intro x = h_intro_move (Some x) None let h_intros_until x = abstract_tactic (TacIntrosUntil x) (intros_until x) let h_assumption = abstract_tactic TacAssumption assumption let h_exact c = abstract_tactic (TacExact (inj_open c)) (exact_check c) let h_exact_no_check c = abstract_tactic (TacExactNoCheck (inj_open c)) (exact_no_check c) let h_vm_cast_no_check c = abstract_tactic (TacVmCastNoCheck (inj_open c)) (vm_cast_no_check c) let h_apply simple ev cb = abstract_tactic (TacApply (simple,ev,inj_open_wb cb)) (apply_with_ebindings_gen simple ev cb) let h_elim ev cb cbo = abstract_tactic (TacElim (ev,inj_open_wb cb,Option.map inj_open_wb cbo)) (elim ev cb cbo) let h_elim_type c = abstract_tactic (TacElimType (inj_open c)) (elim_type c) let h_case ev cb = abstract_tactic (TacCase (ev,inj_open_wb cb)) (general_case_analysis ev cb) let h_case_type c = abstract_tactic (TacCaseType (inj_open c)) (case_type c) let h_fix ido n = abstract_tactic (TacFix (ido,n)) (fix ido n) let h_mutual_fix b id n l = abstract_tactic (TacMutualFix (b,id,n,List.map (fun (id,n,c) -> (id,n,inj_open c)) l)) (mutual_fix id n l) let h_cofix ido = abstract_tactic (TacCofix ido) (cofix ido) let h_mutual_cofix b id l = abstract_tactic (TacMutualCofix (b,id,List.map (fun (id,c) -> (id,inj_open c)) l)) (mutual_cofix id l) let h_cut c = abstract_tactic (TacCut (inj_open c)) (cut c) let h_generalize cl = abstract_tactic (TacGeneralize (List.map inj_open cl)) (generalize cl) let h_generalize_dep c = abstract_tactic (TacGeneralizeDep (inj_open c))(generalize_dep c) let h_let_tac na c cl = abstract_tactic (TacLetTac (na,inj_open c,cl)) (letin_tac true na c cl) let h_instantiate n c ido = (Evar_tactics.instantiate n c ido) (* abstract_tactic (TacInstantiate (n,c,cls)) (Evar_refiner.instantiate n c (simple_clause_of cls)) *) (* Derived basic tactics *) let h_simple_induction h = abstract_tactic (TacSimpleInduction h) (simple_induct h) let h_simple_destruct h = abstract_tactic (TacSimpleDestruct h) (simple_destruct h) let h_new_induction ev c e idl = abstract_tactic (TacNewInduction (ev,List.map inj_ia c,Option.map inj_open_wb e,idl)) (new_induct ev c e idl) let h_new_destruct ev c e idl = abstract_tactic (TacNewDestruct (ev,List.map inj_ia c,Option.map inj_open_wb e,idl)) (new_destruct ev c e idl) let h_specialize n d = abstract_tactic (TacSpecialize (n,inj_open_wb d)) (specialize n d) let h_lapply c = abstract_tactic (TacLApply (inj_open c)) (cut_and_apply c) (* Context management *) let h_clear b l = abstract_tactic (TacClear (b,l)) ((if b then keep else clear) l) let h_clear_body l = abstract_tactic (TacClearBody l) (clear_body l) let h_move dep id1 id2 = abstract_tactic (TacMove (dep,id1,id2)) (move_hyp dep id1 id2) let h_rename l = abstract_tactic (TacRename l) (rename_hyp l) let h_revert l = abstract_tactic (TacRevert l) (revert l) (* Constructors *) let h_left ev l = abstract_tactic (TacLeft (ev,l)) (left_with_ebindings ev l) let h_right ev l = abstract_tactic (TacLeft (ev,l)) (right_with_ebindings ev l) let h_split ev l = abstract_tactic (TacSplit (ev,false,l)) (split_with_ebindings ev l) (* Moved to tacinterp because of dependencies in Tacinterp.interp let h_any_constructor t = abstract_tactic (TacAnyConstructor t) (any_constructor t) *) let h_constructor ev n l = abstract_tactic (TacConstructor(ev,AI n,l))(constructor_tac ev None n l) let h_one_constructor n = h_constructor false n NoBindings let h_simplest_left = h_left false NoBindings let h_simplest_right = h_right false NoBindings (* Conversion *) let h_reduce r cl = abstract_tactic (TacReduce (inj_red_expr r,cl)) (reduce r cl) let h_change oc c cl = abstract_tactic (TacChange (Option.map inj_occ oc,inj_open c,cl)) (change (Option.map Redexpr.out_with_occurrences oc) c cl) (* Equivalence relations *) let h_reflexivity = abstract_tactic TacReflexivity intros_reflexivity let h_symmetry c = abstract_tactic (TacSymmetry c) (intros_symmetry c) let h_transitivity c = abstract_tactic (TacTransitivity (inj_open c)) (intros_transitivity c) let h_simplest_apply c = h_apply false false (c,NoBindings) let h_simplest_eapply c = h_apply false true (c,NoBindings) let h_simplest_elim c = h_elim false (c,NoBindings) None let h_simplest_case c = h_case false (c,NoBindings) let h_intro_patterns l = abstract_tactic (TacIntroPattern l) (intro_patterns l)