(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* b t) : b t = m >>= function | Uniform x -> f x | Depends l -> let f arg = f arg >>= function | Uniform x -> (** We dispatch the uniform result on each goal under focus, as we know that the [m] argument was actually dependent. *) Proofview.Goal.goals >>= fun l -> let ans = List.map (fun _ -> x) l in Proofview.tclUNIT ans | Depends l -> Proofview.tclUNIT l in Proofview.tclDISPATCHL (List.map f l) >>= fun l -> Proofview.tclUNIT (Depends (List.concat l)) let goals = Proofview.Goal.goals >>= fun l -> Proofview.tclUNIT (Depends l) let set_sigma r = let Sigma.Sigma (ans, sigma, _) = r in Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS (Sigma.to_evar_map sigma) >>= fun () -> ans let nf_enter f = bind goals (fun gl -> gl >>= fun gl -> Proofview.Goal.normalize gl >>= fun nfgl -> Proofview.V82.wrap_exceptions (fun () -> f.enter nfgl)) let nf_s_enter f = bind goals (fun gl -> gl >>= fun gl -> Proofview.Goal.normalize gl >>= fun nfgl -> Proofview.V82.wrap_exceptions (fun () -> set_sigma (f.s_enter nfgl))) let enter f = bind goals (fun gl -> gl >>= fun gl -> Proofview.V82.wrap_exceptions (fun () -> f.enter gl)) let s_enter f = bind goals (fun gl -> gl >>= fun gl -> Proofview.V82.wrap_exceptions (fun () -> set_sigma (f.s_enter gl))) let with_env t = t >>= function | Uniform a -> Proofview.tclENV >>= fun env -> Proofview.tclUNIT (Uniform (env,a)) | Depends l -> Proofview.Goal.goals >>= fun gs -> Proofview.Monad.(List.map (map Proofview.Goal.env) gs) >>= fun envs -> Proofview.tclUNIT (Depends (List.combine envs l)) let lift (type a) (t:a Proofview.tactic) : a t = Proofview.tclBIND t (fun x -> Proofview.tclUNIT (Uniform x)) (** If the tactic returns unit, we can focus on the goals if necessary. *) let run m k = m >>= function | Uniform v -> k v | Depends l -> let tacs = List.map k l in Proofview.tclDISPATCH tacs let (>>=) = bind let (<*>) = fun m n -> bind m (fun () -> n) module Self = struct type 'a t = 'a focus Proofview.tactic let return = return let (>>=) = bind let (>>) = (<*>) let map f x = x >>= fun a -> return (f a) end module Ftac = Monad.Make(Self) module List = Ftac.List let debug_prompt = Tactic_debug.debug_prompt module Notations = struct let (>>=) = bind let (<*>) = fun m n -> bind m (fun () -> n) end