(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* [general_rewrite_bindings b c] END TACTIC EXTEND RewriteIn [ "Rewrite" orient(b) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" ident(h) ] -> [general_rewrite_in b h c] END let h_rewriteLR x = h_rewrite true (x,Rawterm.NoBindings) TACTIC EXTEND Replace [ "Replace" constr(c1) "with" constr(c2) ] -> [ replace c1 c2 ] END TACTIC EXTEND ReplaceIn [ "Replace" constr(c1) "with" constr(c2) "in" ident(h) ] -> [ failwith "Replace in: TODO" ] END TACTIC EXTEND Replacetermleft [ "Replace" "->" constr(c) ] -> [ replace_term_left c ] END TACTIC EXTEND Replacetermright [ "Replace" "<-" constr(c) ] -> [ replace_term_right c ] END TACTIC EXTEND Replaceterm [ "Replace" constr(c) ] -> [ replace_term c ] END TACTIC EXTEND ReplacetermInleft [ "Replace" "->" constr(c) "in" ident(h) ] -> [ replace_term_in_left c h ] END TACTIC EXTEND ReplacetermInright [ "Replace" "<-" constr(c) "in" ident(h) ] -> [ replace_term_in_right c h ] END TACTIC EXTEND ReplacetermIn [ "Replace" constr(c) "in" ident(h) ] -> [ replace_term_in c h ] END TACTIC EXTEND DEq [ "Simplify_eq" quantified_hypothesis_opt(h) ] -> [ dEq h ] END TACTIC EXTEND Discriminate [ "Discriminate" quantified_hypothesis_opt(h) ] -> [ discr_tac h ] END let h_discrHyp id = h_discriminate (Some id) TACTIC EXTEND Injection [ "Injection" quantified_hypothesis_opt(h) ] -> [ injClause h ] END let h_injHyp id = h_injection (Some id) TACTIC EXTEND ConditionalRewrite [ "Conditional" tactic(tac) "Rewrite" orient(b) constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ conditional_rewrite b (snd tac) c ] END TACTIC EXTEND ConditionalRewriteIn [ "Conditional" tactic(tac) "Rewrite" orient(b) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" ident(h) ] -> [ conditional_rewrite_in b h (snd tac) c ] END TACTIC EXTEND DependentRewrite | [ "Dependent" "Rewrite" orient(b) ident(id) ] -> [ substHypInConcl b id ] | [ "CutRewrite" orient(b) constr(eqn) ] -> [ substConcl b eqn ] | [ "CutRewrite" orient(b) constr(eqn) "in" ident(id) ] -> [ substHyp b eqn id ] END (* Contradiction *) open Contradiction TACTIC EXTEND Absurd [ "Absurd" constr(c) ] -> [ absurd c ] END TACTIC EXTEND Contradiction [ "Contradiction" ] -> [ contradiction ] END (* AutoRewrite *) open Autorewrite TACTIC EXTEND Autorewrite [ "AutoRewrite" "[" ne_preident_list(l) "]" ] -> [ autorewrite Refiner.tclIDTAC l ] | [ "AutoRewrite" "[" ne_preident_list(l) "]" "using" tactic(t) ] -> [ autorewrite (snd t) l ] END let add_rewrite_hint name ort t lcsr = let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in let f c = Constrintern.interp_constr sigma env c, ort, t in add_rew_rules name (List.map f lcsr) VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND HintRewrite [ "Hint" "Rewrite" orient(o) "[" ne_constr_list(l) "]" "in" preident(b) ] -> [ add_rewrite_hint b o Tacexpr.TacId l ] | [ "Hint" "Rewrite" orient(o) "[" ne_constr_list(l) "]" "in" preident(b) "using" tactic(t) ] -> [ add_rewrite_hint b o t l ] END (* Refine *) open Refine TACTIC EXTEND Refine [ "Refine" castedopenconstr(c) ] -> [ refine c ] END let refine_tac = h_refine (* Setoid_replace *) open Setoid_replace TACTIC EXTEND SetoidReplace [ "Setoid_replace" constr(c1) "with" constr(c2) ] -> [ setoid_replace c1 c2 None] END TACTIC EXTEND SetoidRewrite [ "Setoid_rewrite" orient(b) constr(c) ] -> [ general_s_rewrite b c ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND AddSetoid | [ "Add" "Setoid" constr(a) constr(aeq) constr(t) ] -> [ add_setoid a aeq t ] | [ "Add" "Morphism" constr(m) ":" ident(s) ] -> [ new_named_morphism s m ] END (* Inversion lemmas (Leminv) *) open Inv open Leminv VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeriveInversionClear [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) ident(id) ] -> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal 1 na id Term.mk_Prop false inv_clear_tac ] | [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" natural(n) ident(na) ident(id) ] -> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal n na id Term.mk_Prop false inv_clear_tac ] | [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ] -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s false inv_clear_tac ] | [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) "with" constr(c) ] -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c (Rawterm.RProp Term.Null) false inv_clear_tac ] END open Term open Rawterm VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeriveInversion | [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ] -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s false half_inv_tac ] | [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) "with" constr(c) ] -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c (RProp Null) false half_inv_tac ] | [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) ident(id) ] -> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal 1 na id Term.mk_Prop false half_inv_tac ] | [ "Derive" "Inversion" natural(n) ident(na) ident(id) ] -> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal n na id Term.mk_Prop false half_inv_tac ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeriveDependentInversion | [ "Derive" "Dependent" "Inversion" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ] -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s true half_dinv_tac ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeriveDependentInversionClear | [ "Derive" "Dependent" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ] -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s true dinv_clear_tac ] END (* Subst *) TACTIC EXTEND Subst | [ "Subst" ne_ident_list(l) ] -> [ subst l ] | [ "Subst" ] -> [ subst_all ] END