(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* __r with type (A:)(x:A)(P:A->Prop)(P x)->(y:A)(eqname A y x)->(P y). If another equality myeq is introduced, then corresponding theorems myeq_ind_r, myeq_rec_r and myeq_rect_r have to be proven. See below. -- Eduardo (19/8/97 *) let general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,l) gl = let ctype = pf_type_of gl c in let env = pf_env gl in let sigma = project gl in let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ctype in match match_with_equation t with | None -> if l = NoBindings then general_s_rewrite lft2rgt c gl else error "The term provided does not end with an equation" | Some (hdcncl,_) -> let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in let suffix = Indrec.elimination_suffix (elimination_sort_of_goal gl)in let elim = if lft2rgt then pf_global gl (id_of_string (hdcncls^suffix^"_r")) else pf_global gl (id_of_string (hdcncls^suffix)) in tclNOTSAMEGOAL (general_elim (c,l) (elim,NoBindings)) gl (* was tclWEAK_PROGRESS which only fails for tactics generating one subgoal and did not fail for useless conditional rewritings generating an extra condition *) (* Conditional rewriting, the success of a rewriting is related to the resolution of the conditions by a given tactic *) let conditional_rewrite lft2rgt tac (c,bl) = tclTHENSFIRSTn (general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,bl)) [|tclIDTAC|] (tclCOMPLETE tac) let general_rewrite lft2rgt c = general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,NoBindings) let rewriteLR_bindings = general_rewrite_bindings true let rewriteRL_bindings = general_rewrite_bindings false let rewriteLR = general_rewrite true let rewriteRL = general_rewrite false (* The Rewrite in tactic *) let general_rewrite_in lft2rgt id (c,l) gl = let ctype = pf_type_of gl c in let env = pf_env gl in let sigma = project gl in let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ctype in match match_with_equation t with | None -> (* Do not deal with setoids yet *) error "The term provided does not end with an equation" | Some (hdcncl,_) -> let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in let suffix = Indrec.elimination_suffix (elimination_sort_of_hyp id gl) in let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in let suffix = Indrec.elimination_suffix (elimination_sort_of_hyp id gl) in let rwr_thm = if lft2rgt then hdcncls^suffix else hdcncls^suffix^"_r" in let elim = try pf_global gl (id_of_string rwr_thm) with Not_found -> error ("Cannot find rewrite principle "^rwr_thm) in general_elim_in id (c,l) (elim,NoBindings) gl let rewriteLRin = general_rewrite_in true let rewriteRLin = general_rewrite_in false let conditional_rewrite_in lft2rgt id tac (c,bl) = tclTHENSFIRSTn (general_rewrite_in lft2rgt id (c,bl)) [|tclIDTAC|] (tclCOMPLETE tac) (* Replacing tactics *) (* eq,symeq : equality on Set and its symmetry theorem eqt,sym_eqt : equality on Type and its symmetry theorem c2 c1 : c1 is to be replaced by c2 unsafe : If true, do not check that c1 and c2 are convertible gl : goal *) let abstract_replace (eq,sym_eq) (eqt,sym_eqt) c2 c1 unsafe gl = let t1 = pf_type_of gl c1 and t2 = pf_type_of gl c2 in if unsafe or (pf_conv_x gl t1 t2) then let (e,sym) = match kind_of_term (hnf_type_of gl t1) with | Sort (Prop(Pos)) -> (eq,sym_eq) | Sort (Type(_)) -> (eqt,sym_eqt) | _ -> error "replace" in (tclTHENLAST (elim_type (applist (e, [t1;c1;c2]))) (tclORELSE assumption (tclTRY (tclTHEN (apply sym) assumption)))) gl else error "terms does not have convertible types" let replace c2 c1 gl = let eq = build_coq_eq_data.eq () in let eq_sym = build_coq_eq_data.sym () in let eqT = build_coq_eqT_data.eq () in let eqT_sym = build_coq_eqT_data.sym () in abstract_replace (eq,eq_sym) (eqT,eqT_sym) c2 c1 false gl (* End of Eduardo's code. The rest of this file could be improved using the functions match_with_equation, etc that I defined in Pattern.ml. -- Eduardo (19/8/97) *) (* Tactics for equality reasoning with the "eq" or "eqT" relation This code will work with any equivalence relation which is substitutive *) (* Patterns *) let build_coq_eq eq = eq.eq () let build_ind eq = eq.ind () let build_rect eq = match eq.rect with | None -> assert false | Some c -> c () (* List of constructions depending of the initial state *) (* Destructuring patterns *) let match_eq eqn eq_pat = match matches eqn eq_pat with | [(1,t);(2,x);(3,y)] -> (t,x,y) | _ -> anomaly "match_eq: an eq pattern should match 3 terms" type elimination_types = | Set_Type | Type_Type | Set_SetorProp | Type_SetorProp let necessary_elimination sort_arity sort = let sort_arity = mkSort sort_arity in match sort with Type _ -> if is_Set sort_arity then Set_Type else if is_Type sort_arity then Type_Type else errorlabstrm "necessary_elimination" (str "no primitive equality on proofs") | _ -> if is_Set sort_arity then Set_SetorProp else if is_Type sort_arity then Type_SetorProp else errorlabstrm "necessary_elimination" (str "no primitive equality on proofs") let find_eq_pattern aritysort sort = match necessary_elimination aritysort sort with | Set_Type -> build_coq_eq_data.eq () | Type_Type -> build_coq_idT_data.eq () | Set_SetorProp -> build_coq_eq_data.eq () | Type_SetorProp -> build_coq_eqT_data.eq () (* [find_positions t1 t2] will find the positions in the two terms which are suitable for discrimination, or for injection. Obviously, if there is a position which is suitable for discrimination, then we want to exploit it, and not bother with injection. So when we find a position which is suitable for discrimination, we will just raise an exception with that position. So the algorithm goes like this: if [t1] and [t2] start with the same constructor, then we can continue to try to find positions in the arguments of [t1] and [t2]. if [t1] and [t2] do not start with the same constructor, then we have found a discrimination position if one [t1] or [t2] do not start with a constructor and the two terms are not already convertible, then we have found an injection position. A discriminating position consists of a constructor-path and a pair of operators. The constructor-path tells us how to get down to the place where the two operators, which must differ, can be found. An injecting position has two terms instead of the two operators, since these terms are different, but not manifestly so. A constructor-path is a list of pairs of (operator * int), where the int (based at 0) tells us which argument of the operator we descended into. *) exception DiscrFound of (constructor * int) list * constructor * constructor let find_positions env sigma t1 t2 = let rec findrec posn t1 t2 = let hd1,args1 = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma t1 in let hd2,args2 = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma t2 in match (kind_of_term hd1, kind_of_term hd2) with | Construct sp1, Construct sp2 -> (* both sides are constructors, so either we descend, or we can discriminate here. *) if sp1 = sp2 then List.flatten (list_map2_i (fun i arg1 arg2 -> findrec ((sp1,i)::posn) arg1 arg2) 0 args1 args2) else raise (DiscrFound(List.rev posn,sp1,sp2)) | _ -> let t1_0 = applist (hd1,args1) and t2_0 = applist (hd2,args2) in if is_conv env sigma t1_0 t2_0 then [] else let ty1_0 = get_type_of env sigma t1_0 in match get_sort_family_of env sigma ty1_0 with | InSet | InType -> [(List.rev posn,t1_0,t2_0)] | InProp -> [] in (try Inr(findrec [] t1 t2) with DiscrFound (path,c1,c2) -> Inl (path,c1,c2)) let discriminable env sigma t1 t2 = match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with | Inl _ -> true | _ -> false (* Once we have found a position, we need to project down to it. If we are discriminating, then we need to produce False on one of the branches of the discriminator, and True on the other one. So the result type of the case-expressions is always Prop. If we are injecting, then we need to discover the result-type. This can be difficult, since the type of the two terms at the injection-position can be different, and we need to find a dependent sigma-type which generalizes them both. We can get an approximation to the right type to choose by: (0) Before beginning, we reserve a metavariable for the default value of the match, to be used in all the bogus branches. (1) perform the case-splits, down to the site of the injection. At each step, we have a term which is the "head" of the next case-split. At the point when we actually reach the end of our path, the "head" is the term to return. We compute its type, and then, backwards, make a sigma-type with every free debruijn reference in that type. We can be finer, and first do a S(TRONG)NF on the type, so that we get the fewest number of references possible. (2) This gives us a closed type for the head, which we use for the types of all the case-splits. (3) Now, we can compute the type of one of T1, T2, and then unify it with the type of the last component of the result-type, and this will give us the bindings for the other arguments of the tuple. *) (* The algorithm, then is to perform successive case-splits. We have the result-type of the case-split, and also the type of that result-type. We have a "direction" we want to follow, i.e. a constructor-number, and in all other "directions", we want to juse use the default-value. After doing the case-split, we call the afterfun, with the updated environment, to produce the term for the desired "direction". The assumption is made here that the result-type is not manifestly functional, so we can just use the length of the branch-type to know how many lambda's to stick in. *) (* [descend_then sigma env head dirn] returns the number of products introduced, and the environment which is active, in the body of the case-branch given by [dirn], along with a continuation, which expects to be fed: (1) the value of the body of the branch given by [dirn] (2) the default-value (3) the type of the default-value, which must also be the type of the body of the [dirn] branch the continuation then constructs the case-split. *) let descend_then sigma env head dirn = let IndType (indf,_) as indt = try find_rectype env sigma (get_type_of env sigma head) with Not_found -> assert false in let ind,_ = dest_ind_family indf in let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in let cstr = get_constructors env indf in let dirn_nlams = cstr.(dirn-1).cs_nargs in let dirn_env = push_rel_context cstr.(dirn-1).cs_args env in (dirn_nlams, dirn_env, (fun dirnval (dfltval,resty) -> let arign,_ = get_arity env indf in let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (lift mip.mind_nrealargs resty) arign in let build_branch i = let result = if i = dirn then dirnval else dfltval in it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env result cstr.(i-1).cs_args in let brl = List.map build_branch (interval 1 (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)) in let ci = make_default_case_info env ind in mkCase (ci, p, head, Array.of_list brl))) (* Now we need to construct the discriminator, given a discriminable position. This boils down to: (1) If the position is directly beneath us, then we need to do a case-split, with result-type Prop, and stick True and False into the branches, as is convenient. (2) If the position is not directly beneath us, then we need to call descend_then, to descend one step, and then recursively construct the discriminator. *) (* [construct_discriminator env dirn headval] constructs a case-split on [headval], with the [dirn]-th branch giving [True], and all the rest giving False. *) let construct_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort = let (IndType(indf,_) as indt) = try find_rectype env sigma (type_of env sigma c) with Not_found -> (* one can find Rel(k) in case of dependent constructors like T := c : (A:Set)A->T and a discrimination on (c bool true) = (c bool false) CP : changed assert false in a more informative error *) errorlabstrm "Equality.construct_discriminator" (str "Cannot discriminate on inductive constructors with dependent types") in let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in let arsign,arsort = get_arity env indf in let (true_0,false_0,sort_0) = match necessary_elimination arsort (destSort sort) with | Type_Type -> build_coq_UnitT (), build_coq_EmptyT (), Evarutil.new_Type_sort () | _ -> build_coq_True (), build_coq_False (), (Prop Null) in let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkSort sort_0) arsign in let cstrs = get_constructors env indf in let build_branch i = let endpt = if i = dirn then true_0 else false_0 in it_mkLambda_or_LetIn endpt cstrs.(i-1).cs_args in let brl = List.map build_branch(interval 1 (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)) in let ci = make_default_case_info env ind in mkCase (ci, p, c, Array.of_list brl) let rec build_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort = function | [] -> construct_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort | ((sp,cnum),argnum)::l -> let cty = type_of env sigma c in let IndType (indf,_) = try find_rectype env sigma cty with Not_found -> assert false in let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in let _,arsort = get_arity env indf in let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in let (cnum_nlams,cnum_env,kont) = descend_then sigma env c cnum in let newc = mkRel(cnum_nlams-(argnum-nparams)) in let subval = build_discriminator sigma cnum_env dirn newc sort l in (match necessary_elimination arsort (destSort sort) with | Type_Type -> kont subval (build_coq_EmptyT (),Evarutil.new_Type ()) | _ -> kont subval (build_coq_False (),mkSort (Prop Null))) let find_eq_data_decompose eqn = if (is_matching (build_coq_eq_pattern ()) eqn) then (build_coq_eq_data, match_eq (build_coq_eq_pattern ()) eqn) else if (is_matching (build_coq_eqT_pattern ()) eqn) then (build_coq_eqT_data, match_eq (build_coq_eqT_pattern ()) eqn) else if (is_matching (build_coq_idT_pattern ()) eqn) then (build_coq_idT_data, match_eq (build_coq_idT_pattern ()) eqn) else errorlabstrm "find_eq_data_decompose" (mt ()) let gen_absurdity id gl = if is_empty_type (clause_type (Some id) gl) then simplest_elim (mkVar id) gl else errorlabstrm "Equality.gen_absurdity" (str "Not the negation of an equality") (* Precondition: eq is leibniz equality returns ((eq_elim t t1 P i t2), absurd_term) where P=[e:t][h:(t1=e)]discrimator absurd_term=EmptyT if the necessary elimination is Type_Tyoe and P=[e:t][h[e:t]discriminator absurd_term=Fale if the necessary eliination is Type_ProporSet or Set_ProporSet *) let discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls = let env = pf_env gls in let (indt,_) = find_mrectype env (project gls) t in let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env indt in let aritysort = mip.mind_sort in let sort = pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls) in match necessary_elimination aritysort (destSort sort) with | Type_Type -> let eq_elim = build_rect lbeq in let eq_term = build_coq_eq lbeq in let i = build_coq_IT () in let absurd_term = build_coq_EmptyT () in let h = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "HH")gls in let pred= mkNamedLambda e t (mkNamedLambda h (applist (eq_term, [t;t1;(mkRel 1)])) discriminator) in (applist(eq_elim, [t;t1;pred;i;t2]), absurd_term) | _ -> let i = build_coq_I () in let absurd_term = build_coq_False () in let eq_elim = build_ind lbeq in (applist (eq_elim, [t;t1;mkNamedLambda e t discriminator;i;t2]), absurd_term) exception NotDiscriminable let discr id gls = let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (clause_type (Some id) gls) in let sort = pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls) in let (lbeq,(t,t1,t2)) = try find_eq_data_decompose eqn with e when catchable_exception e -> errorlabstrm "discr" (str(string_of_id id) ++ str" Not a primitive equality here ") in let sigma = project gls in let env = pf_env gls in (match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with | Inr _ -> errorlabstrm "discr" (str" Not a discriminable equality") | Inl (cpath, (_,dirn), _) -> let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "ee") gls in let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in let discriminator = build_discriminator sigma e_env dirn (mkVar e) sort cpath in let (indt,_) = find_mrectype env sigma t in let (pf, absurd_term) = discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls in tclCOMPLETE((tclTHENS (cut_intro absurd_term) ([onLastHyp gen_absurdity; refine (mkApp (pf, [| mkVar id |]))]))) gls) let not_found_message id = (str "The variable" ++ spc () ++ str (string_of_id id) ++ spc () ++ str" was not found in the current environment") let onNegatedEquality tac gls = if is_matching (build_coq_not_pattern ()) (pf_concl gls) then (tclTHEN (tclTHEN hnf_in_concl intro) (onLastHyp tac)) gls else if is_matching (build_coq_imp_False_pattern ()) (pf_concl gls)then (tclTHEN intro (onLastHyp tac)) gls else errorlabstrm "extract_negated_equality_then" (str"The goal should negate an equality") let discrClause = function | None -> onNegatedEquality discr | Some id -> discr id let discrEverywhere = tclORELSE (Tacticals.tryAllClauses discrClause) (fun gls -> errorlabstrm "DiscrEverywhere" (str" No discriminable equalities")) let discr_tac = function | None -> discrEverywhere | Some id -> try_intros_until discr id let discrConcl gls = discrClause None gls let discrHyp id gls = discrClause (Some id) gls (* let h_discr = hide_atomic_tactic "Discr" discrEverywhere let h_discrConcl = hide_atomic_tactic "DiscrConcl" discrConcl let h_discrHyp = hide_ident_or_numarg_tactic "DiscrHyp" discrHyp *) (* returns the sigma type (sigS, sigT) with the respective constructor depending on the sort *) let find_sigma_data s = match s with | Prop Pos -> build_sigma_set () (* Set *) | Type _ -> build_sigma_type () (* Type *) | Prop Null -> error "find_sigma_data" (* [make_tuple env sigma (lift,rterm,rty) lind] assumes [lind-lift] is bound in [rty] but no lesser index is bound in [rty] Then we will build the term (existS A==[type_of(mkRel lind)] P==(Lambda(na:type_of(mkRel lind), [rty{1/lind}])) [(mkRel lind)] [rterm]) which should have type (sigS A P) - we can verify it by typechecking at the end. *) let make_tuple env sigma (prev_lind,rterm,rty) lind = assert (dependent (mkRel lind) rty); let {intro = exist_term; typ = sig_term} = find_sigma_data (get_sort_of env sigma rty) in let a = type_of env sigma (mkRel lind) in let (na,_,_) = lookup_rel lind env in (* If [lind] is not [prev_lind+1] then we lift down rty *) let rty = lift (- lind + prev_lind + 1) rty in (* Now [lind] is [mkRel 1] and we abstract on (na:a) *) let p = mkLambda (na, a, rty) in (lind, applist(exist_term,[a;p;(mkRel lind);rterm]), applist(sig_term,[a;p])) (* check that the free-references of the type of [c] are contained in the free-references of the normal-form of that type. If the normal form of the type contains fewer references, we want to return that instead. *) let minimal_free_rels env sigma (c,cty) = let cty_rels = free_rels cty in let nf_cty = nf_betadeltaiota env sigma cty in let nf_rels = free_rels nf_cty in if Intset.subset cty_rels nf_rels then (cty,cty_rels) else (nf_cty,nf_rels) (* [sig_clausale_forme siglen ty] Will explode [siglen] [sigS,sigT ]'s on [ty] (depending on the type of ty), and return: (1) a pattern, with meta-variables in it for various arguments, which, when the metavariables are replaced with appropriate terms, will have type [ty] (2) an integer, which is the last argument - the one which we just returned. (3) a pattern, for the type of that last meta (4) a typing for each metavariable WARNING: No checking is done to make sure that the sigS(or sigT)'s are actually there. - Only homogenious pairs are built i.e. pairs where all the dependencies are of the same sort *) let sig_clausale_forme env sigma sort_of_ty siglen ty (dFLT,dFLTty) = let { intro = exist_term } = find_sigma_data sort_of_ty in let rec sigrec_clausale_forme siglen ty = if siglen = 0 then (* We obtain the components dependent in dFLT by matching *) let headpat = nf_betadeltaiota env sigma ty in let nf_ty = nf_betadeltaiota env sigma dFLTty in let bindings = list_try_find (fun ty -> try (* Test inutile car somatch ne prend pas en compte les univers *) if is_Type headpat & is_Type ty then [] else matches (pattern_of_constr headpat) ty with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "caught") [dFLTty; nf_ty] in (bindings,dFLT) else let (a,p) = match whd_beta_stack ty with | (_,[a;p]) -> (a,p) | _ -> anomaly "sig_clausale_forme: should be a sigma type" in let mv = Clenv.new_meta() in let rty = applist(p,[mkMeta mv]) in let (bindings,tuple_tail) = sigrec_clausale_forme (siglen-1) rty in let w = try List.assoc mv bindings with Not_found -> anomaly "Not enough components to build the dependent tuple" in (bindings,applist(exist_term,[a;p;w;tuple_tail])) in snd (sigrec_clausale_forme siglen ty) (* [make_iterated_tuple sigma env DFLT c] Will find the free (DB) references of the S(TRONG)NF of [c]'s type, gather them together in left-to-right order (i.e. highest-numbered is farthest-left), and construct a big iterated pair out of it. This only works when the references are all themselves to members of [Set]s, because we use [sigS] to construct the tuple. Suppose now that our constructed tuple is of length [tuplen]. Then, we need to construct the default value for the other branches. The default value is constructed by taking the tuple-type, exploding the first [tuplen] [sigS]'s, and replacing at each step the binder in the right-hand-type by a fresh metavariable. In addition, on the way back out, we will construct the pattern for the tuple which uses these meta-vars. This gives us a pattern, which we use to match against the type of DFLT; if that fails, then against the S(TRONG)NF of that type. If both fail, then we just cannot construct our tuple. If one of those succeed, then we can construct our value easily - we just use the tuple-pattern. *) let make_iterated_tuple env sigma (dFLT,dFLTty) (c,cty) = let (cty,rels) = minimal_free_rels env sigma (c,cty) in let sort_of_cty = get_sort_of env sigma cty in let sorted_rels = Sort.list (>=) (Intset.elements rels) in let (_,tuple,tuplety) = List.fold_left (make_tuple env sigma) (0,c,cty) sorted_rels in assert (closed0 tuplety); let dfltval = sig_clausale_forme env sigma sort_of_cty (List.length sorted_rels) tuplety (dFLT,dFLTty) in (tuple,tuplety,dfltval) let rec build_injrec sigma env (t1,t2) c = function | [] -> make_iterated_tuple env sigma (t1,type_of env sigma t1) (c,type_of env sigma c) | ((sp,cnum),argnum)::l -> let cty = type_of env sigma c in let (ity,_) = find_mrectype env sigma cty in let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ity in let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in let (cnum_nlams,cnum_env,kont) = descend_then sigma env c cnum in let newc = mkRel(cnum_nlams-(argnum-nparams)) in let (subval,tuplety,dfltval) = build_injrec sigma cnum_env (t1,t2) newc l in (kont subval (dfltval,tuplety), tuplety,dfltval) let build_injector sigma env (t1,t2) c cpath = let (injcode,resty,_) = build_injrec sigma env (t1,t2) c cpath in (injcode,resty) let try_delta_expand env sigma t = let whdt = whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t in let rec hd_rec c = match kind_of_term c with | Construct _ -> whdt | App (f,_) -> hd_rec f | Cast (c,_) -> hd_rec c | _ -> t in hd_rec whdt (* Given t1=t2 Inj calculates the whd normal forms of t1 and t2 and it expands then only when the whdnf has a constructor of an inductive type in hd position, otherwise delta expansion is not done *) let inj id gls = let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (clause_type (Some id) gls) in let (eq,(t,t1,t2))= try find_eq_data_decompose eqn with e when catchable_exception e -> errorlabstrm "Inj" (str(string_of_id id) ++ str" Not a primitive equality here ") in let sigma = project gls in let env = pf_env gls in match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with | Inl _ -> errorlabstrm "Inj" (str (string_of_id id) ++ str" is not a projectable equality but a discriminable one") | Inr [] -> errorlabstrm "Equality.inj" (str"Nothing to do, it is an equality between convertible terms") | Inr posns -> let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in let injectors = map_succeed (fun (cpath,t1_0,t2_0) -> let (injbody,resty) = build_injector sigma e_env (t1_0,t2_0) (mkVar e) cpath in let injfun = mkNamedLambda e t injbody in try let _ = type_of env sigma injfun in (injfun,resty) with e when catchable_exception e -> failwith "caught") posns in if injectors = [] then errorlabstrm "Equality.inj" (str "Failed to decompose the equality"); tclMAP (fun (injfun,resty) -> let pf = applist(eq.congr (), [t;resty;injfun; try_delta_expand env sigma t1; try_delta_expand env sigma t2; mkVar id]) in let ty = try pf_nf gls (pf_type_of gls pf) with | UserError("refiner__fail",_) -> errorlabstrm "InjClause" (str (string_of_id id) ++ str" Not a projectable equality") in ((tclTHENS (cut ty) ([tclIDTAC;refine pf])))) injectors gls let injClause = function | None -> onNegatedEquality inj | Some id -> try_intros_until inj id let injConcl gls = injClause None gls let injHyp id gls = injClause (Some id) gls (* let h_injConcl = hide_atomic_tactic "Inj" injConcl let h_injHyp = hide_ident_or_numarg_tactic "InjHyp" injHyp *) let decompEqThen ntac id gls = let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (clause_type (Some id) gls) in let (lbeq,(t,t1,t2))= find_eq_data_decompose eqn in let sort = pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls) in let sigma = project gls in let env = pf_env gls in (match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with | Inl (cpath, (_,dirn), _) -> let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in let discriminator = build_discriminator sigma e_env dirn (mkVar e) sort cpath in let (pf, absurd_term) = discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls in tclCOMPLETE ((tclTHENS (cut_intro absurd_term) ([onLastHyp gen_absurdity; refine (mkApp (pf, [| mkVar id |]))]))) gls | Inr [] -> (* Change: do not fail, simplify clear this trivial hyp *) tclIDTAC gls | Inr posns -> (let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in let injectors = map_succeed (fun (cpath,t1_0,t2_0) -> let (injbody,resty) = build_injector sigma e_env (t1_0,t2_0) (mkVar e) cpath in let injfun = mkNamedLambda e t injbody in try let _ = type_of env sigma injfun in (injfun,resty) with e when catchable_exception e -> failwith "caught") posns in if injectors = [] then errorlabstrm "Equality.decompEqThen" (str "Discriminate failed to decompose the equality"); (tclTHEN (tclMAP (fun (injfun,resty) -> let pf = applist(lbeq.congr (), [t;resty;injfun;t1;t2; mkVar id]) in let ty = pf_nf gls (pf_type_of gls pf) in ((tclTHENS (cut ty) ([tclIDTAC;refine pf])))) (List.rev injectors)) (ntac (List.length injectors))) gls)) let decompEq = decompEqThen (fun x -> tclIDTAC) let dEqThen ntac = function | None -> onNegatedEquality (decompEqThen ntac) | Some id -> try_intros_until (decompEqThen ntac) id let dEq = dEqThen (fun x -> tclIDTAC) let dEqConcl gls = dEq None gls let dEqHyp id gls = dEq (Some id) gls (* let dEqConcl_tac = hide_atomic_tactic "DEqConcl" dEqConcl let dEqHyp_tac = hide_ident_or_numarg_tactic "DEqHyp" dEqHyp *) let rewrite_msg = function | None -> (str "passed term is not a primitive equality") | Some id -> (str (string_of_id id) ++ str "does not satisfy preconditions ") let swap_equands gls eqn = let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = try find_eq_data_decompose eqn with _ -> errorlabstrm "swap_equamds" (rewrite_msg None) in applist(lbeq.eq (),[t;e2;e1]) let swapEquandsInConcl gls = let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = try find_eq_data_decompose (pf_concl gls) with _-> errorlabstrm "SwapEquandsInConcl" (rewrite_msg None) in let sym_equal = lbeq.sym () in refine (applist(sym_equal,[t;e2;e1;mkMeta (Clenv.new_meta())])) gls let swapEquandsInHyp id gls = ((tclTHENS (cut_replacing id (swap_equands gls (clause_type (Some id) gls))) ([tclIDTAC; (tclTHEN (swapEquandsInConcl) (exact_no_check (mkVar id)))]))) gls (* find_elim determines which elimination principle is necessary to eliminate lbeq on sort_of_gl. It yields the boolean true wether it is a dependent elimination principle (as idT.rect) and false otherwise *) let find_elim sort_of_gl lbeq = match kind_of_term sort_of_gl with | Sort(Prop Null) (* Prop *) -> (lbeq.ind (), false) | Sort(Prop Pos) (* Set *) -> (match lbeq.rrec with | Some eq_rec -> (eq_rec (), false) | None -> errorlabstrm "find_elim" (str "this type of elimination is not allowed")) | _ (* Type *) -> (match lbeq.rect with | Some eq_rect -> (eq_rect (), true) | None -> errorlabstrm "find_elim" (str "this type of elimination is not allowed")) (* builds a predicate [e:t][H:(lbeq t e t1)](body e) to be used as an argument for equality dependent elimination principle: Preconditon: dependent body (mkRel 1) *) let build_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,t1,t2) body lbeq gls = let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in let h = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "HH") gls in let eq_term = lbeq.eq () in (mkNamedLambda e t (mkNamedLambda h (applist (eq_term, [t;t1;(mkRel 1)])) (lift 1 body))) (* builds a predicate [e:t](body e) ??? to be used as an argument for equality non-dependent elimination principle: Preconditon: dependent body (mkRel 1) *) let build_non_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,t1,t2) body gls = lambda_create (pf_env gls) (t,body) let bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2) gls = let (eq_elim,dep) = try find_elim (pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls)) lbeq with e when catchable_exception e -> errorlabstrm "RevSubstIncConcl" (str "this type of substitution is not allowed") in let p = if dep then (build_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,e1,e2) body lbeq gls) else (build_non_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,e1,e2) body gls) in refine (applist(eq_elim,[t;e1;p;mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta()); e2;mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta())])) gls (* [subst_tuple_term dep_pair B] Given that dep_pair looks like: (existS e1 (existS e2 ... (existS en en+1) ... )) and B might contain instances of the ei, we will return the term: ([x1:ty(e1)]...[xn:ty(en)]B (projS1 (mkRel 1)) (projS1 (projS2 (mkRel 1))) ... etc ...) That is, we will abstract out the terms e1...en+1 as usual, but will then produce a term in which the abstraction is on a single term - the debruijn index [mkRel 1], which will be of the same type as dep_pair. ALGORITHM for abstraction: We have a list of terms, [e1]...[en+1], which we want to abstract out of [B]. For each term [ei], going backwards from [n+1], we just do a [subst_term], and then do a lambda-abstraction to the type of the [ei]. *) let match_sigma ex ex_pat = match matches ex_pat ex with | [(1,a);(2,p);(3,car);(4,cdr)] -> (a,p,car,cdr) | _ -> anomaly "match_sigma: a successful sigma pattern should match 4 terms" let find_sigma_data_decompose ex = try let subst = match_sigma ex (build_coq_existS_pattern ()) in (build_sigma_set (),subst) with PatternMatchingFailure -> (try let subst = match_sigma ex (build_coq_existT_pattern ()) in (build_sigma_type (),subst) with PatternMatchingFailure -> errorlabstrm "find_sigma_data_decompose" (mt ())) let decomp_tuple_term env c t = let rec decomprec inner_code ex exty = try let {proj1 = p1; proj2 = p2 },(a,p,car,cdr) = find_sigma_data_decompose ex in let car_code = applist (p1,[a;p;inner_code]) and cdr_code = applist (p2,[a;p;inner_code]) in let cdrtyp = beta_applist (p,[car]) in ((car,a),car_code)::(decomprec cdr_code cdr cdrtyp) with e when catchable_exception e -> [((ex,exty),inner_code)] in List.split (decomprec (mkRel 1) c t) let subst_tuple_term env sigma dep_pair b = let typ = get_type_of env sigma dep_pair in let e_list,proj_list = decomp_tuple_term env dep_pair typ in let abst_B = List.fold_right (fun (e,t) body -> lambda_create env (t,subst_term e body)) e_list b in let app_B = applist(abst_B,proj_list) in app_B (* |- (P e2) BY RevSubstInConcl (eq T e1 e2) |- (P e1) |- (eq T e1 e2) *) (* Redondant avec Replace ! *) let substInConcl_RL eqn gls = let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose eqn in let body = subst_tuple_term (pf_env gls) (project gls) e2 (pf_concl gls) in assert (dependent (mkRel 1) body); bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2) gls (* |- (P e1) BY SubstInConcl (eq T e1 e2) |- (P e2) |- (eq T e1 e2) *) let substInConcl_LR eqn gls = (tclTHENS (substInConcl_RL (swap_equands gls eqn)) ([tclIDTAC; swapEquandsInConcl])) gls let substInConcl l2r = if l2r then substInConcl_LR else substInConcl_RL let substInHyp_LR eqn id gls = let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = (find_eq_data_decompose eqn) in let body = subst_term e1 (clause_type (Some id) gls) in if not (dependent (mkRel 1) body) then errorlabstrm "SubstInHyp" (mt ()); (tclTHENS (cut_replacing id (subst1 e2 body)) ([tclIDTAC; (tclTHENS (bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2)) ([exact_no_check (mkVar id);tclIDTAC]))])) gls let substInHyp_RL eqn id gls = (tclTHENS (substInHyp_LR (swap_equands gls eqn) id) ([tclIDTAC; swapEquandsInConcl])) gls let substInHyp l2r = if l2r then substInHyp_LR else substInHyp_RL let try_rewrite tac gls = try tac gls with | UserError ("find_eq_data_decompose",_) -> errorlabstrm "try_rewrite" (str "Not a primitive equality here") | UserError ("swap_equamds",_) -> errorlabstrm "try_rewrite" (str "Not a primitive equality here") | UserError("find_eq_elim",s) -> errorlabstrm "try_rew" (str "This type of elimination is not allowed ") | e when catchable_exception e -> errorlabstrm "try_rewrite" (str "Cannot find a well type generalisation of the goal that" ++ str " makes progress the proof.") let subst l2r eqn cls gls = match cls with | None -> substInConcl l2r eqn gls | Some id -> substInHyp l2r eqn id gls (* |- (P a) * SubstConcl_LR a=b * |- (P b) * |- a=b *) let substConcl l2r eqn gls = try_rewrite (subst l2r eqn None) gls let substConcl_LR = substConcl true (* let substConcl_LR_tac = let gentac = hide_tactic "SubstConcl_LR" (function | [Command eqn] -> (fun gls -> substConcl_LR (pf_interp_constr gls eqn) gls) | [Constr c] -> substConcl_LR c | _ -> assert false) in fun eqn -> gentac [Command eqn] *) (* id:(P a) |- G * SubstHyp a=b id * id:(P b) |- G * id:(P a) |-a=b *) let hypSubst l2r id cls gls = match cls with | None -> (tclTHENS (substInConcl l2r (clause_type (Some id) gls)) ([tclIDTAC; exact_no_check (mkVar id)])) gls | Some hypid -> (tclTHENS (substInHyp l2r (clause_type (Some id) gls) hypid) ([tclIDTAC;exact_no_check (mkVar id)])) gls let hypSubst_LR = hypSubst true (* id:a=b |- (P a) * HypSubst id. * id:a=b |- (P b) *) let substHypInConcl l2r id gls = try_rewrite (hypSubst l2r id None) gls let substHypInConcl_LR = substHypInConcl true (* let substHypInConcl_LR_tac = let gentac = hide_tactic "SubstHypInConcl_LR" (function | [Identifier id] -> substHypInConcl_LR id | _ -> assert false) in fun id -> gentac [Identifier id] *) (* id:a=b H:(P a) |- G SubstHypInHyp id H. id:a=b H:(P b) |- G *) (* |- (P b) SubstConcl_RL a=b |- (P a) |- a=b *) let substConcl_RL = substConcl false (* let substConcl_RL_tac = let gentac = hide_tactic "SubstConcl_RL" (function | [Command eqn] -> (fun gls -> substConcl_RL (pf_interp_constr gls eqn) gls) | [Constr c] -> substConcl_RL c | _ -> assert false) in fun eqn -> gentac [Command eqn] *) (* id:(P b) |-G SubstHyp_RL a=b id id:(P a) |- G |- a=b *) let substHyp l2r eqn id gls = try_rewrite (subst l2r eqn (Some id)) gls let substHyp_RL = substHyp false let hypSubst_RL = hypSubst false (* id:a=b |- (P b) * HypSubst id. * id:a=b |- (P a) *) let substHypInConcl_RL = substHypInConcl false (* let substHypInConcl_RL_tac = let gentac = hide_tactic "SubstHypInConcl_RL" (function | [Identifier id] -> substHypInConcl_RL id | _ -> assert false) in fun id -> gentac [Identifier id] *) (* id:a=b H:(P b) |- G SubstHypInHyp id H. id:a=b H:(P a) |- G *) (**********************************************************************) (* AutoRewrite *) (**********************************************************************) (****Dealing with the rewriting rules****) (* A rewriting is typically an equational constr with an orientation (true=LR and false=RL) *) type rewriting_rule = constr * bool (* The table of rewriting rules. The key is the name of the rule base. the value is a list of [rewriting_rule] *) let rew_tab = ref Gmapl.empty (*Functions necessary to the summary*) let init () = rew_tab := Gmapl.empty let freeze () = !rew_tab let unfreeze ft = rew_tab := ft (*Declaration of the summary*) (*let _ = Summary.declare_summary "autorewrite" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init; Summary.survive_section = false }*) (*Adds a list of rules to the rule table*) let add_list_rules rbase lrl = List.iter (fun r -> rew_tab := Gmapl.add rbase r !rew_tab) lrl (*Gives the list of rules for the base named rbase*) let rules_of_base rbase = List.rev (Gmapl.find rbase !rew_tab) (*Functions necessary to the library object declaration*) let load_autorewrite_rule _ = () let cache_autorewrite_rule (_,(rbase,lrl)) = add_list_rules rbase lrl let export_autorewrite_rule x = Some x (*Declaration of the AUTOREWRITE_RULE library object*) let (in_autorewrite_rule,out_autorewrite_rule)= Libobject.declare_object ("AUTOREWRITE_RULE", { Libobject.load_function = load_autorewrite_rule; Libobject.open_function = cache_autorewrite_rule; Libobject.cache_function = cache_autorewrite_rule; Libobject.export_function = export_autorewrite_rule }) (****The tactic****) (*To build the validation function. Length=number of unproven goals, Valid=a validation which solves*) type valid_elem = | Length of int | Valid of validation (* Ce truc devrait aller dans Std -- papageno *) (*Gives the sub_list characterized by the indexes i_s and i_e with respect to lref*) let sub_list lref i_s i_e = let rec sub_list_rec l i = if i = i_e then l @ [List.nth lref i] else if (i>=i_s) & (i (cmr,l1g) | a::b -> (match a with | Length lth -> if lth = 0 then cut4_1goal cmr l1g b else cut4_1goal (cmr+lth) (l1g@(sub_list l2becut cmr (cmr+lth-1))) b | Valid p -> cut4_1goal cmr (l1g@[p []]) b) and cut_list_rec cmr l2b=function | [] -> l2b | a::b -> let (cmr,l1g)=cut4_1goal cmr [] a in cut_list_rec cmr (l2b@[l1g]) b in cut_list_rec 0 [] lval (*Builds the validation function with lvalid and with respect to l*) let validation_gen lvalid l = let (lval,larg_velem) = List.split lvalid in let larg=cut_list l larg_velem in List.fold_left2 (fun a p l -> p ([a]@l)) (List.hd lval (List.hd larg)) (List.tl lval) (List.tl larg) (*Adds the main argument for the last validation function*) let mod_hdlist l = match (List.hd l) with | (p,[Length 0]) -> l | (p,larg) -> (p,[Length 1]@larg)::(List.tl l) (*For the Step options*) type option_step= | Solve | Use | All (* the user can give a base either by a name of by its full definition The definition is an Ast that will find its meaning only in the context of a given goal *) type hint_base = | By_name of identifier | Explicit of (Coqast.t * bool) list let explicit_hint_base gl = function | By_name id -> begin match rules_of_base id with | [] -> errorlabstrm "autorewrite" (str ("Base "^(string_of_id id)^ " does not exist")) | lbs -> lbs end | Explicit lbs -> List.map (fun (ast,b) -> (pf_interp_constr gl ast, b)) lbs (*AutoRewrite cannot be expressed with a combination of tacticals (due to the options). So, we make it in a primitive way*) let autorewrite lbases ltacstp opt_step ltacrest opt_rest depth_step gls = let lst = List.flatten (List.map (explicit_hint_base gls) lbases) and unproven_goals = ref [] and fails = ref 0 and (sigr,g) = unpackage gls in let put_rewrite lrw = List.map (fun (x,y) -> general_rewrite y x) lrw and nbr_rules = List.length lst in let lst_rew = put_rewrite lst in let rec try2solve_main_goal mgl = function | [] -> None | a::b -> try let (gl_solve,p_solve)=apply_sig_tac sigr a mgl in if gl_solve=[] then Some (gl_solve,p_solve) else try2solve_main_goal mgl b with e when catchable_exception e -> try2solve_main_goal mgl b and try_tacs4main_goal mgl = function | [] -> None | a::b -> try Some (apply_sig_tac sigr a mgl) with e when catchable_exception e -> try_tacs4main_goal mgl b and try2solve1gen_goal gl = function | [] -> ([gl],Length 1) | a::b -> try let (gl_solve,p_solve)=apply_sig_tac sigr a gl in if gl_solve=[] then ([],Valid p_solve) else try2solve1gen_goal gl b with e when catchable_exception e -> try2solve1gen_goal gl b and try2solve_gen_goals (lgls,valg) ltac = function | [] -> (lgls,valg) | a::b -> let (g,elem)=try2solve1gen_goal a ltac in try2solve_gen_goals (lgls@g,valg@[elem]) ltac b and iterative_rew cmr fails (cglob,cmod,warn) unp_goals lvalid = let cmd = ref cmod and wrn = ref warn in if !cmd=depth_step then begin msg_warning (str ((string_of_int cglob)^" rewriting(s) carried out")); cmd := 0; wrn := true end; if fails = nbr_rules then (unp_goals,lvalid,!wrn) else if cmr = nbr_rules then iterative_rew 0 0 (cglob,!cmd,!wrn) unp_goals lvalid else try let (gl,p) = apply_sig_tac sigr (List.nth lst_rew cmr) (List.hd unp_goals) in let (lgl_gen,lval_gen) = match ltacrest with | None -> if (List.length gl)=1 then ([],[]) else (List.tl gl,[Length ((List.length gl)-1)]) | Some ltac -> try2solve_gen_goals ([],[]) ltac (List.tl gl) in if opt_rest & (not(lgl_gen=[])) then iterative_rew (cmr+1) (fails+1) (cglob,!cmd,!wrn) unp_goals lvalid else (match ltacstp with | None -> iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn) ((List.hd gl)::(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals))) ((p,lval_gen)::lvalid) | Some ltac -> (match opt_step with | Solve -> (match (try2solve_main_goal (List.hd gl) ltac) with | None -> iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn) ((List.hd gl)::(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals))) ((p,lval_gen)::lvalid) | Some (gl_solve,p_solve) -> (lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals), (p_solve,[Length 0])::(p,lval_gen) ::lvalid,!wrn)) | Use -> (match (try_tacs4main_goal (List.hd gl) ltac) with | None -> iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn) ((List.hd gl)::(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals))) ((p,lval_gen)::lvalid) | Some(gl_trans,p_trans) -> let lth=List.length gl_trans in if lth=0 then (lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals), (p_trans,[Length 0])::(p,lval_gen)::lvalid, !wrn) else if lth=1 then iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn) (gl_trans@(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals))) ((p_trans,[])::(p,lval_gen):: lvalid) else iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn) (gl_trans@(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals))) ((p_trans, [Length ((List.length gl_trans)-1)]):: (p,lval_gen):: lvalid)) | All -> (match (try2solve_main_goal (List.hd gl) ltac) with | None -> (match (try_tacs4main_goal (List.hd gl) ltac) with | None -> iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn) ((List.hd gl)::(lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals))) ((p,lval_gen)::lvalid) | Some(gl_trans,p_trans) -> let lth = List.length gl_trans in if lth = 0 then (lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals), (p_trans,[Length 0]):: (p,lval_gen)::lvalid, !wrn) else if lth = 1 then iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn) (gl_trans@ (lgl_gen@ (List.tl unp_goals))) ((p_trans,[]):: (p,lval_gen)::lvalid) else iterative_rew (cmr+1) fails (cglob+1,!cmd+1,!wrn) (gl_trans@ (lgl_gen@ (List.tl unp_goals))) ((p_trans, [Length ((List.length gl_trans)-1)]):: (p, lval_gen)::lvalid)) | Some (gl_solve,p_solve) -> (lgl_gen@(List.tl unp_goals), (p_solve,[Length 0]):: (p,lval_gen)::lvalid,!wrn)))) with e when catchable_exception e -> iterative_rew (cmr+1) (fails+1) (cglob,!cmd,!wrn) unp_goals lvalid in let (gl,lvalid)= let (gl_res,lvalid_res,warn)=iterative_rew 0 0 (0,0,false) [g] [] in if warn then msgnl (mt ()); (gl_res,lvalid_res) in let validation_fun= if lvalid = [] then (fun l -> List.hd l) else let nlvalid=mod_hdlist lvalid in (fun l -> validation_gen nlvalid l) in (repackage sigr gl,validation_fun)