(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* hid | InType -> xid let fresh env id = next_global_ident_away id [] let build_dependent_inductive ind (mib,mip) = let realargs,_ = List.chop mip.mind_nrealargs_ctxt mip.mind_arity_ctxt in applist (mkInd ind, extended_rel_list mip.mind_nrealargs_ctxt mib.mind_params_ctxt @ extended_rel_list 0 realargs) let my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn s c = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn c s let my_it_mkProd_or_LetIn s c = it_mkProd_or_LetIn c s let my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name s c = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name (Global.env()) c s let get_coq_eq () = try let eq = Globnames.destIndRef Coqlib.glob_eq in let _ = Global.lookup_inductive eq in (* Do not force the lazy if they are not defined *) mkInd eq, Coqlib.build_coq_eq_refl () with Not_found -> error "eq not found." (**********************************************************************) (* Check if an inductive type [ind] has the form *) (* *) (* I q1..qm,p1..pn a1..an with one constructor *) (* C : I q1..qm,p1..pn p1..pn *) (* *) (* in which case, a symmetry lemma is definable *) (**********************************************************************) let get_sym_eq_data env ind = let (mib,mip as specif) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in if not (Int.equal (Array.length mib.mind_packets) 1) || not (Int.equal (Array.length mip.mind_nf_lc) 1) then error "Not an inductive type with a single constructor."; let realsign,_ = List.chop mip.mind_nrealargs_ctxt mip.mind_arity_ctxt in if List.exists (fun (_,b,_) -> not (Option.is_empty b)) realsign then error "Inductive equalities with local definitions in arity not supported."; let constrsign,ccl = decompose_prod_assum mip.mind_nf_lc.(0) in let _,constrargs = decompose_app ccl in if not (Int.equal (rel_context_length constrsign) (rel_context_length mib.mind_params_ctxt)) then error "Constructor must have no arguments"; (* This can be relaxed... *) let params,constrargs = List.chop mib.mind_nparams constrargs in if mip.mind_nrealargs > mib.mind_nparams then error "Constructors arguments must repeat the parameters."; let _,params2 = List.chop (mib.mind_nparams-mip.mind_nrealargs) params in let paramsctxt1,_ = List.chop (mib.mind_nparams-mip.mind_nrealargs) mib.mind_params_ctxt in if not (List.equal eq_constr params2 constrargs) then error "Constructors arguments must repeat the parameters."; (* nrealargs_ctxt and nrealargs are the same here *) (specif,mip.mind_nrealargs,realsign,mib.mind_params_ctxt,paramsctxt1) (**********************************************************************) (* Check if an inductive type [ind] has the form *) (* *) (* I q1..qm a1..an with one constructor *) (* C : I q1..qm b1..bn *) (* *) (* in which case it expresses the equalities ai=bi, but not in a way *) (* such that symmetry is a priori definable *) (**********************************************************************) let get_non_sym_eq_data env ind = let (mib,mip as specif) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in if not (Int.equal (Array.length mib.mind_packets) 1) || not (Int.equal (Array.length mip.mind_nf_lc) 1) then error "Not an inductive type with a single constructor."; let realsign,_ = List.chop mip.mind_nrealargs_ctxt mip.mind_arity_ctxt in if List.exists (fun (_,b,_) -> not (Option.is_empty b)) realsign then error "Inductive equalities with local definitions in arity not supported"; let constrsign,ccl = decompose_prod_assum mip.mind_nf_lc.(0) in let _,constrargs = decompose_app ccl in if not (Int.equal (rel_context_length constrsign) (rel_context_length mib.mind_params_ctxt)) then error "Constructor must have no arguments"; let _,constrargs = List.chop mib.mind_nparams constrargs in (specif,constrargs,realsign,mip.mind_nrealargs) (**********************************************************************) (* Build the symmetry lemma associated to an inductive type *) (* I q1..qm,p1..pn a1..an with one constructor *) (* C : I q1..qm,p1..pn p1..pn *) (* *) (* sym := fun q1..qn p1..pn a1..an (H:I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an) => *) (* match H in I _.._ a1..an return I q1..qm a1..an p1..pn with *) (* C => C *) (* end *) (* : forall q1..qm p1..pn a1..an I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an -> *) (* I q1..qm a1..an p1..pn *) (* *) (**********************************************************************) let build_sym_scheme env ind = let (mib,mip as specif),nrealargs,realsign,paramsctxt,paramsctxt1 = get_sym_eq_data env ind in let cstr n = mkApp (mkConstruct(ind,1),extended_rel_vect n mib.mind_params_ctxt) in let varH = fresh env (default_id_of_sort (snd (mind_arity mip))) in let applied_ind = build_dependent_inductive ind specif in let realsign_ind = name_context env ((Name varH,None,applied_ind)::realsign) in let ci = make_case_info (Global.env()) ind RegularStyle in (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn mib.mind_params_ctxt (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name realsign_ind (mkCase (ci, my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name (lift_rel_context (nrealargs+1) realsign_ind) (mkApp (mkInd ind,Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (3*nrealargs+2) paramsctxt1; rel_vect 1 nrealargs; rel_vect (2*nrealargs+2) nrealargs])), mkRel 1 (* varH *), [|cstr (nrealargs+1)|])))) let sym_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_sym_internal" (fun ind -> build_sym_scheme (Global.env() (* side-effect! *)) ind) (**********************************************************************) (* Build the involutivity of symmetry for an inductive type *) (* I q1..qm,p1..pn a1..an with one constructor *) (* C : I q1..qm,p1..pn p1..pn *) (* *) (* inv := fun q1..qn p1..pn a1..an (H:I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an) => *) (* match H in I _.._ a1..an return *) (* sym q1..qm p1..pn a1..an (sym q1..qm a1..an p1..pn H) = H *) (* with *) (* C => refl_equal C *) (* end *) (* : forall q1..qm p1..pn a1..an (H:I q1..qm a1..an p1..pn), *) (* sym q1..qm p1..pn a1..an (sym q1..qm a1..an p1..pn H) = H *) (* *) (**********************************************************************) let build_sym_involutive_scheme env ind = let (mib,mip as specif),nrealargs,realsign,paramsctxt,paramsctxt1 = get_sym_eq_data env ind in let sym = mkConst (find_scheme sym_scheme_kind ind) in let (eq,eqrefl) = get_coq_eq () in let cstr n = mkApp (mkConstruct(ind,1),extended_rel_vect n paramsctxt) in let varH = fresh env (default_id_of_sort (snd (mind_arity mip))) in let applied_ind = build_dependent_inductive ind specif in let applied_ind_C = mkApp (mkInd ind, Array.append (extended_rel_vect (nrealargs+1) mib.mind_params_ctxt) (rel_vect (nrealargs+1) nrealargs)) in let realsign_ind = name_context env ((Name varH,None,applied_ind)::realsign) in let ci = make_case_info (Global.env()) ind RegularStyle in (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn paramsctxt (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name realsign_ind (mkCase (ci, my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name (lift_rel_context (nrealargs+1) realsign_ind) (mkApp (eq,[| mkApp (mkInd ind, Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (3*nrealargs+2) paramsctxt1; rel_vect (2*nrealargs+2) nrealargs; rel_vect 1 nrealargs]); mkApp (sym,Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (3*nrealargs+2) paramsctxt1; rel_vect 1 nrealargs; rel_vect (2*nrealargs+2) nrealargs; [|mkApp (sym,Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (3*nrealargs+2) paramsctxt1; rel_vect (2*nrealargs+2) nrealargs; rel_vect 1 nrealargs; [|mkRel 1|]])|]]); mkRel 1|])), mkRel 1 (* varH *), [|mkApp(eqrefl,[|applied_ind_C;cstr (nrealargs+1)|])|])))) let sym_involutive_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_sym_involutive" (fun ind -> build_sym_involutive_scheme (Global.env() (* side-effect! *)) ind) (**********************************************************************) (* Build the left-to-right rewriting lemma for conclusion associated *) (* to an inductive type I q1..qm,p1..pn a1..an with one constructor *) (* C : I q1..qm,p1..pn p1..pn *) (* (symmetric equality in non-dependent and dependent cases) *) (* *) (* We could have defined the scheme in one match over a generalized *) (* type but this behaves badly wrt the guard condition, so we use *) (* symmetry instead; with commutative-cuts-aware guard condition a *) (* proof in the style of l2r_forward is also possible (see below) *) (* *) (* rew := fun q1..qm p1..pn a1..an *) (* (P:forall p1..pn, I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an -> kind) *) (* (HC:P a1..an C) *) (* (H:I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an) => *) (* match sym_involutive q1..qm p1..pn a1..an H as Heq *) (* in _ = H return P p1..pn H *) (* with *) (* refl => *) (* match sym q1..qm p1..pn a1..an H as H *) (* in I _.._ p1..pn *) (* return P p1..pn (sym q1..qm a1..an p1..pn H) *) (* with *) (* C => HC *) (* end *) (* end *) (* : forall q1..qn p1..pn a1..an *) (* (P:forall p1..pn, I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an -> kind), *) (* P a1..an C -> *) (* forall (H:I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an), P p1..pn H *) (* *) (* where A1..An are the common types of p1..pn and a1..an *) (* *) (* Note: the symmetry is needed in the dependent case since the *) (* dependency is on the inner arguments (the indices in C) and these *) (* inner arguments need to be visible as parameters to be able to *) (* abstract over them in P. *) (**********************************************************************) (**********************************************************************) (* For information, the alternative proof of dependent l2r_rew scheme *) (* that would use commutative cuts is the following *) (* *) (* rew := fun q1..qm p1..pn a1..an *) (* (P:forall p1..pn, I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an -> kind) *) (* (HC:P a1..an C) *) (* (H:I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an) => *) (* match H in I .._.. a1..an return *) (* forall p1..pn, I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an -> kind), *) (* P a1..an C -> P p1..pn H *) (* with *) (* C => fun P HC => HC *) (* end P HC *) (* : forall q1..qn p1..pn a1..an *) (* (P:forall p1..pn, I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an -> kind), *) (* P a1..an C -> *) (* forall (H:I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an), P p1..pn H *) (* *) (**********************************************************************) let build_l2r_rew_scheme dep env ind kind = let (mib,mip as specif),nrealargs,realsign,paramsctxt,paramsctxt1 = get_sym_eq_data env ind in let sym = mkConst (find_scheme sym_scheme_kind ind) in let sym_involutive = mkConst (find_scheme sym_involutive_scheme_kind ind) in let (eq,eqrefl) = get_coq_eq () in let cstr n p = mkApp (mkConstruct(ind,1), Array.concat [extended_rel_vect n paramsctxt1; rel_vect p nrealargs]) in let varH = fresh env (default_id_of_sort (snd (mind_arity mip))) in let varHC = fresh env (id_of_string "HC") in let varP = fresh env (id_of_string "P") in let applied_ind = build_dependent_inductive ind specif in let applied_ind_P = mkApp (mkInd ind, Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (3*nrealargs) paramsctxt1; rel_vect 0 nrealargs; rel_vect nrealargs nrealargs]) in let applied_ind_G = mkApp (mkInd ind, Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (3*nrealargs+3) paramsctxt1; rel_vect (nrealargs+3) nrealargs; rel_vect 0 nrealargs]) in let realsign_P = lift_rel_context nrealargs realsign in let realsign_ind_P = name_context env ((Name varH,None,applied_ind_P)::realsign_P) in let realsign_ind_G = name_context env ((Name varH,None,applied_ind_G):: lift_rel_context (nrealargs+3) realsign) in let applied_sym_C n = mkApp(sym, Array.append (extended_rel_vect n mip.mind_arity_ctxt) [|mkVar varH|]) in let applied_sym_G = mkApp(sym, Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (nrealargs*3+4) paramsctxt1; rel_vect (nrealargs+4) nrealargs; rel_vect 1 nrealargs; [|mkRel 1|]]) in let s = mkSort (new_sort_in_family kind) in let ci = make_case_info (Global.env()) ind RegularStyle in let cieq = make_case_info (Global.env()) (destInd eq) RegularStyle in let applied_PC = mkApp (mkVar varP,Array.append (extended_rel_vect 1 realsign) (if dep then [|cstr (2*nrealargs+1) 1|] else [||])) in let applied_PG = mkApp (mkVar varP,Array.append (rel_vect 1 nrealargs) (if dep then [|applied_sym_G|] else [||])) in let applied_PR = mkApp (mkVar varP,Array.append (rel_vect (nrealargs+5) nrealargs) (if dep then [|mkRel 2|] else [||])) in let applied_sym_sym = mkApp (sym,Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (2*nrealargs+4) paramsctxt1; rel_vect 4 nrealargs; rel_vect (nrealargs+4) nrealargs; [|mkApp (sym,Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (2*nrealargs+4) paramsctxt1; rel_vect (nrealargs+4) nrealargs; rel_vect 4 nrealargs; [|mkRel 2|]])|]]) in let main_body = mkCase (ci, my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name realsign_ind_G applied_PG, applied_sym_C 3, [|mkVar varHC|]) in (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn mib.mind_params_ctxt (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name realsign (mkNamedLambda varP (my_it_mkProd_or_LetIn (if dep then realsign_ind_P else realsign_P) s) (mkNamedLambda varHC applied_PC (mkNamedLambda varH (lift 2 applied_ind) (if dep then (* we need a coercion *) mkCase (cieq, mkLambda (Name varH,lift 3 applied_ind, mkLambda (Anonymous, mkApp (eq,[|lift 4 applied_ind;applied_sym_sym;mkRel 1|]), applied_PR)), mkApp (sym_involutive, Array.append (extended_rel_vect 3 mip.mind_arity_ctxt) [|mkVar varH|]), [|main_body|]) else main_body)))))) (**********************************************************************) (* Build the left-to-right rewriting lemma for hypotheses associated *) (* to an inductive type I q1..qm,p1..pn a1..an with one constructor *) (* C : I q1..qm,p1..pn p1..pn *) (* (symmetric equality in non dependent and dependent cases) *) (* *) (* rew := fun q1..qm p1..pn a1..an (H:I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an) *) (* match H in I _.._ a1..an *) (* return forall *) (* (P:forall p1..pn, I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an -> kind) *) (* (HC:P p1..pn H) => *) (* P a1..an C *) (* with *) (* C => fun P HC => HC *) (* end *) (* : forall q1..qm p1..pn a1..an *) (* (H:I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an) *) (* (P:forall p1..pn, I q1..qm p1..pn a1..an ->kind), *) (* P p1..pn H -> P a1..an C *) (* *) (* Note: the symmetry is needed in the dependent case since the *) (* dependency is on the inner arguments (the indices in C) and these *) (* inner arguments need to be visible as parameters to be able to *) (* abstract over them in P. *) (**********************************************************************) let build_l2r_forward_rew_scheme dep env ind kind = let (mib,mip as specif),nrealargs,realsign,paramsctxt,paramsctxt1 = get_sym_eq_data env ind in let cstr n p = mkApp (mkConstruct(ind,1), Array.concat [extended_rel_vect n paramsctxt1; rel_vect p nrealargs]) in let varH = fresh env (default_id_of_sort (snd (mind_arity mip))) in let varHC = fresh env (id_of_string "HC") in let varP = fresh env (id_of_string "P") in let applied_ind = build_dependent_inductive ind specif in let applied_ind_P = mkApp (mkInd ind, Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (4*nrealargs+2) paramsctxt1; rel_vect 0 nrealargs; rel_vect (nrealargs+1) nrealargs]) in let applied_ind_P' = mkApp (mkInd ind, Array.concat [extended_rel_vect (3*nrealargs+1) paramsctxt1; rel_vect 0 nrealargs; rel_vect (2*nrealargs+1) nrealargs]) in let realsign_P n = lift_rel_context (nrealargs*n+n) realsign in let realsign_ind = name_context env ((Name varH,None,applied_ind)::realsign) in let realsign_ind_P n aP = name_context env ((Name varH,None,aP)::realsign_P n) in let s = mkSort (new_sort_in_family kind) in let ci = make_case_info (Global.env()) ind RegularStyle in let applied_PC = mkApp (mkVar varP,Array.append (rel_vect (nrealargs*2+3) nrealargs) (if dep then [|mkRel 2|] else [||])) in let applied_PC' = mkApp (mkVar varP,Array.append (rel_vect (nrealargs+2) nrealargs) (if dep then [|cstr (2*nrealargs+2) (nrealargs+2)|] else [||])) in let applied_PG = mkApp (mkVar varP,Array.append (rel_vect 3 nrealargs) (if dep then [|cstr (3*nrealargs+4) 3|] else [||])) in (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn mib.mind_params_ctxt (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name realsign (mkNamedLambda varH applied_ind (mkCase (ci, my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name (lift_rel_context (nrealargs+1) realsign_ind) (mkNamedProd varP (my_it_mkProd_or_LetIn (if dep then realsign_ind_P 2 applied_ind_P else realsign_P 2) s) (mkNamedProd varHC applied_PC applied_PG)), (mkVar varH), [|mkNamedLambda varP (my_it_mkProd_or_LetIn (if dep then realsign_ind_P 1 applied_ind_P' else realsign_P 2) s) (mkNamedLambda varHC applied_PC' (mkVar varHC))|]))))) (**********************************************************************) (* Build the right-to-left rewriting lemma for hypotheses associated *) (* to an inductive type I q1..qm a1..an with one constructor *) (* C : I q1..qm b1..bn *) (* (arbitrary equality in non-dependent and dependent cases) *) (* *) (* rew := fun q1..qm a1..an (H:I q1..qm a1..an) *) (* (P:forall a1..an, I q1..qm a1..an -> kind) *) (* (HC:P a1..an H) => *) (* match H in I _.._ a1..an return P a1..an H -> P b1..bn C *) (* with *) (* C => fun x => x *) (* end HC *) (* : forall q1..pm a1..an (H:I q1..qm a1..an) *) (* (P:forall a1..an, I q1..qm a1..an -> kind), *) (* P a1..an H -> P b1..bn C *) (* *) (* Note that the dependent elimination here is not a dependency *) (* in the conclusion of the scheme but a dependency in the premise of *) (* the scheme. This is unfortunately incompatible with the standard *) (* pattern for schemes in Coq which expects that the eliminated *) (* object is the last premise of the scheme. We then have no choice *) (* than following the more liberal pattern of having the eliminated *) (* object coming before the premises. *) (* *) (* Note that in the non-dependent case, this scheme (up to the order *) (* of premises) generalizes the (backward) l2r scheme above: same *) (* statement but no need for symmetry of the equality. *) (**********************************************************************) let build_r2l_forward_rew_scheme dep env ind kind = let ((mib,mip as specif),constrargs,realsign,nrealargs) = get_non_sym_eq_data env ind in let cstr n = mkApp (mkConstruct(ind,1),extended_rel_vect n mib.mind_params_ctxt) in let constrargs_cstr = constrargs@[cstr 0] in let varH = fresh env (default_id_of_sort (snd (mind_arity mip))) in let varHC = fresh env (id_of_string "HC") in let varP = fresh env (id_of_string "P") in let applied_ind = build_dependent_inductive ind specif in let realsign_ind = name_context env ((Name varH,None,applied_ind)::realsign) in let s = mkSort (new_sort_in_family kind) in let ci = make_case_info (Global.env()) ind RegularStyle in let applied_PC = applist (mkVar varP,if dep then constrargs_cstr else constrargs) in let applied_PG = mkApp (mkVar varP, if dep then extended_rel_vect 0 realsign_ind else extended_rel_vect 1 realsign) in (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn mib.mind_params_ctxt (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name realsign_ind (mkNamedLambda varP (my_it_mkProd_or_LetIn (lift_rel_context (nrealargs+1) (if dep then realsign_ind else realsign)) s) (mkNamedLambda varHC (lift 1 applied_PG) (mkApp (mkCase (ci, my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name (lift_rel_context (nrealargs+3) realsign_ind) (mkArrow applied_PG (lift (2*nrealargs+5) applied_PC)), mkRel 3 (* varH *), [|mkLambda (Name varHC, lift (nrealargs+3) applied_PC, mkRel 1)|]), [|mkVar varHC|])))))) (**********************************************************************) (* This function "repairs" the non-dependent r2l forward rewriting *) (* scheme by making it comply with the standard pattern of schemes *) (* in Coq. Otherwise said, it turns a scheme of type *) (* *) (* forall q1..pm a1..an, I q1..qm a1..an -> *) (* forall (P: forall a1..an, kind), *) (* P a1..an -> P b1..bn *) (* *) (* into a scheme of type *) (* *) (* forall q1..pm (P:forall a1..an, kind), *) (* P a1..an -> forall a1..an, I q1..qm a1..an -> P b1..bn *) (* *) (**********************************************************************) let fix_r2l_forward_rew_scheme c = let t = Retyping.get_type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty c in let ctx,_ = decompose_prod_assum t in match ctx with | hp :: p :: ind :: indargs -> my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn indargs (mkLambda_or_LetIn (map_rel_declaration (liftn (-1) 1) p) (mkLambda_or_LetIn (map_rel_declaration (liftn (-1) 2) hp) (mkLambda_or_LetIn (map_rel_declaration (lift 2) ind) (Reductionops.whd_beta Evd.empty (applist (c, extended_rel_list 3 indargs @ [mkRel 1;mkRel 3;mkRel 2])))))) | _ -> anomaly "Ill-formed non-dependent left-to-right rewriting scheme" (**********************************************************************) (* Build the right-to-left rewriting lemma for conclusion associated *) (* to an inductive type I q1..qm a1..an with one constructor *) (* C : I q1..qm b1..bn *) (* (arbitrary equality in non-dependent and dependent case) *) (* *) (* This is actually the standard case analysis scheme *) (* *) (* rew := fun q1..qm a1..an *) (* (P:forall a1..an, I q1..qm a1..an -> kind) *) (* (H:I q1..qm a1..an) *) (* (HC:P b1..bn C) => *) (* match H in I _.._ a1..an return P a1..an H with *) (* C => HC *) (* end *) (* : forall q1..pm a1..an *) (* (P:forall a1..an, I q1..qm a1..an -> kind) *) (* (H:I q1..qm a1..an), *) (* P b1..bn C -> P a1..an H *) (**********************************************************************) let build_r2l_rew_scheme dep env ind k = build_case_analysis_scheme env Evd.empty ind dep k (**********************************************************************) (* Register the rewriting schemes *) (**********************************************************************) (**********************************************************************) (* Dependent rewrite from left-to-right in conclusion *) (* (symmetrical equality type only) *) (* Gamma |- P p1..pn H ==> Gamma |- P a1..an C *) (* with H:I p1..pn a1..an in Gamma *) (**********************************************************************) let rew_l2r_dep_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rew_r_dep" (fun ind -> build_l2r_rew_scheme true (Global.env()) ind InType) (**********************************************************************) (* Dependent rewrite from right-to-left in conclusion *) (* Gamma |- P a1..an H ==> Gamma |- P b1..bn C *) (* with H:I a1..an in Gamma (non symmetric case) *) (* or H:I b1..bn a1..an in Gamma (symmetric case) *) (**********************************************************************) let rew_r2l_dep_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rew_dep" (fun ind -> build_r2l_rew_scheme true (Global.env()) ind InType) (**********************************************************************) (* Dependent rewrite from right-to-left in hypotheses *) (* Gamma, P a1..an H |- D ==> Gamma, P b1..bn C |- D *) (* with H:I a1..an in Gamma (non symmetric case) *) (* or H:I b1..bn a1..an in Gamma (symmetric case) *) (**********************************************************************) let rew_r2l_forward_dep_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rew_fwd_dep" (fun ind -> build_r2l_forward_rew_scheme true (Global.env()) ind InType) (**********************************************************************) (* Dependent rewrite from left-to-right in hypotheses *) (* (symmetrical equality type only) *) (* Gamma, P p1..pn H |- D ==> Gamma, P a1..an C |- D *) (* with H:I p1..pn a1..an in Gamma *) (**********************************************************************) let rew_l2r_forward_dep_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rew_fwd_r_dep" (fun ind -> build_l2r_forward_rew_scheme true (Global.env()) ind InType) (**********************************************************************) (* Non-dependent rewrite from either left-to-right in conclusion or *) (* right-to-left in hypotheses: both l2r_rew and r2l_forward_rew are *) (* potential candidates. Since l2r_rew needs a symmetrical equality, *) (* we adopt r2l_forward_rew (this one introduces a blocked beta- *) (* expansion but since the guard condition supports commutative cuts *) (* this is not a problem; we need though a fix to adjust it to the *) (* standard form of schemes in Coq) *) (**********************************************************************) let rew_l2r_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rew_r" (fun ind -> fix_r2l_forward_rew_scheme (build_r2l_forward_rew_scheme false (Global.env()) ind InType)) (**********************************************************************) (* Non-dependent rewrite from either right-to-left in conclusion or *) (* left-to-right in hypotheses: both r2l_rew and l2r_forward_rew but *) (* since r2l_rew works in the non-symmetric case as well as without *) (* introducing commutative cuts, we adopt it *) (**********************************************************************) let rew_r2l_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_rew" (fun ind -> build_r2l_rew_scheme false (Global.env()) ind InType) (* End of rewriting schemes *) (**********************************************************************) (* Build the congruence lemma associated to an inductive type *) (* I p1..pn a with one constructor C : I q1..qn b *) (* *) (* congr := fun p1..pn (B:Type) (f:A->B) a (H:I p1..pn a) => *) (* match H in I _.._ a' return f b = f a' with *) (* C => eq_refl (f b) *) (* end *) (* : forall p1..pn (B:Type) (f:A->B) a, I p1..pn a -> f b = f a *) (* *) (* where A is the common type of a and b *) (**********************************************************************) (* TODO: extend it to types with more than one index *) let build_congr env (eq,refl) ind = let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in if not (Int.equal (Array.length mib.mind_packets) 1) || not (Int.equal (Array.length mip.mind_nf_lc) 1) then error "Not an inductive type with a single constructor."; if not (Int.equal mip.mind_nrealargs 1) then error "Expect an inductive type with one predicate parameter."; let i = 1 in let realsign,_ = List.chop mip.mind_nrealargs_ctxt mip.mind_arity_ctxt in if List.exists (fun (_,b,_) -> not (Option.is_empty b)) realsign then error "Inductive equalities with local definitions in arity not supported."; let env_with_arity = push_rel_context mip.mind_arity_ctxt env in let (_,_,ty) = lookup_rel (mip.mind_nrealargs - i + 1) env_with_arity in let constrsign,ccl = decompose_prod_assum mip.mind_nf_lc.(0) in let _,constrargs = decompose_app ccl in if Int.equal (rel_context_length constrsign) (rel_context_length mib.mind_params_ctxt) then error "Constructor must have no arguments"; let b = List.nth constrargs (i + mib.mind_nparams - 1) in let varB = fresh env (id_of_string "B") in let varH = fresh env (id_of_string "H") in let varf = fresh env (id_of_string "f") in let ci = make_case_info (Global.env()) ind RegularStyle in my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn mib.mind_params_ctxt (mkNamedLambda varB (new_Type ()) (mkNamedLambda varf (mkArrow (lift 1 ty) (mkVar varB)) (my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name (lift_rel_context 2 realsign) (mkNamedLambda varH (applist (mkInd ind, extended_rel_list (mip.mind_nrealargs+2) mib.mind_params_ctxt @ extended_rel_list 0 realsign)) (mkCase (ci, my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name (lift_rel_context (mip.mind_nrealargs+3) realsign) (mkLambda (Anonymous, applist (mkInd ind, extended_rel_list (2*mip.mind_nrealargs_ctxt+3) mib.mind_params_ctxt @ extended_rel_list 0 realsign), mkApp (eq, [|mkVar varB; mkApp (mkVar varf, [|lift (2*mip.mind_nrealargs_ctxt+4) b|]); mkApp (mkVar varf, [|mkRel (mip.mind_nrealargs - i + 2)|])|]))), mkVar varH, [|mkApp (refl, [|mkVar varB; mkApp (mkVar varf, [|lift (mip.mind_nrealargs+3) b|])|])|])))))) let congr_scheme_kind = declare_individual_scheme_object "_congr" (fun ind -> (* May fail if equality is not defined *) build_congr (Global.env()) (get_coq_eq ()) ind)