(* $Id$ *) (* Chet's comments about this tactic : Programmable destruction of hypotheses and conclusions. The idea here is that we are going to store patterns. These patterns look like: TYP= SORT= and from these patterns, we will be able to decide which tactic to execute. For hypotheses, we have a vector of 4 patterns: HYP[TYP] HYP[SORT] CONCL[TYP] CONCL[SORT] and for conclusions, we have 2: CONCL[TYP] CONCL[SORT] If the user doesn't supply some of these, they are just replaced with empties. The process of matching goes like this: We use a discrimination net to look for matches between the pattern for HYP[TOP] (CONCL[TOP]) and the type of the chosen hypothesis. Then, we use this to look for the right tactic to apply, by matching the rest of the slots. Each match is tried, and if there is more than one, this fact is reported, and the one with the lowest priority is taken. The priority is a parameter of the tactic input. The tactic input is an expression to hand to the tactic-interpreter, and its priority. For most tactics, the priority should be the number of subgoals generated. Matching is compatible with second-order matching of sopattern. SYNTAX: Hint DHyp pri . and Hint DConcl pri . The bindings at the end allow us to transfer information from the patterns on terms into the patterns on tactics in a safe way - we will perform second-order normalization and conversion to an AST before substitution into the tactic-expression. WARNING: The binding mechanism is NOT intended to facilitate the transfer of large amounts of information from the terms to the tactic. This should be done in a special-purpose tactic. *) (* Example : The tactic "if there is a hypothesis saying that the successor of some number is smaller than zero, then invert such hypothesis" is defined in this way: Require DHyp. Hint Destruct Hypothesis less_than_zero (le (S ?) O) 1 [<:tactic:>]. Then, the tactic is used like this: Goal (le (S O) O) -> False. Intro H. DHyp H. Qed. The name "$0" refers to the matching hypothesis --in this case the hypothesis H. Similarly for the conclusion : Hint Destruct Conclusion equal_zero (? = ?) 1 [<:tactic:>]. Goal (plus O O)=O. DConcl. Qed. The "Discardable" option clears the hypothesis after using it. Require DHyp. Hint Destruct Discardable Hypothesis less_than_zero (le (S ?) O) 1 [<:tactic:>]. Goal (n:nat)(le (S n) O) -> False. Intros n H. DHyp H. Qed. -- Eduardo (9/3/97 ) *) open Pp open Util open Names open Generic open Term open Reduction open Proof_trees open Tacmach open Tactics open Clenv open Tactics open Tacticals open Libobject open Library open Vernacinterp open Pattern (* two patterns - one for the type, and one for the type of the type *) type destructor_pattern = { d_typ: constr; d_sort: constr } type ('a,'b) location = Hyp of 'a | Concl of 'b (* hypothesis patterns might need to do matching on the conclusion, too. * conclusion-patterns only need to do matching on the hypothesis *) type located_destructor_pattern = (* discadable , pattern for hyp, pattern for concl *) (bool * destructor_pattern * destructor_pattern, (* pattern for concl *) destructor_pattern) location type destructor_data = { d_pat : located_destructor_pattern; d_pri : int; d_code : Ast.act } (* should be of phylum tactic *) type t = (identifier,destructor_data) Nbtermdn.t type frozen_t = (identifier,destructor_data) Nbtermdn.frozen_t let tactab = (Nbtermdn.create () : t) let lookup pat = Nbtermdn.lookup tactab pat let init () = Nbtermdn.empty tactab let freeze () = Nbtermdn.freeze tactab let unfreeze fs = Nbtermdn.unfreeze fs tactab let rollback f x = let fs = freeze() in try f x with e -> (unfreeze fs; raise e) let add (na,dd) = let pat = match dd.d_pat with | Hyp(_,p,_) -> p.d_typ | Concl p -> p.d_typ in if Nbtermdn.in_dn tactab na then begin mSGNL [< 'sTR "Warning [Overriding Destructor Entry " ; 'sTR (string_of_id na) ; 'sTR"]" >]; Nbtermdn.remap tactab na (pat,dd) end else Nbtermdn.add tactab (na,(pat,dd)) let _ = Summary.declare_summary "destruct-hyp-concl" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init } let cache_dd (_,(na,dd)) = try add (na,dd) with _ -> anomalylabstrm "Dhyp.add" [< 'sTR"The code which adds destructor hints broke;"; 'sPC; 'sTR"this is not supposed to happen" >] let specification_dd x = x type destructor_data_object = identifier * destructor_data let ((inDD:destructor_data_object->obj), (outDD:obj->destructor_data_object)) = declare_object ("DESTRUCT-HYP-CONCL-DATA", { load_function = (fun _ -> ()); cache_function = cache_dd; open_function = (fun _ -> ()); specification_function = specification_dd }) let add_destructor_hint na pat pri code = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inDD (na,{ d_pat = pat; d_pri=pri; d_code=code })) let _ = vinterp_add ("HintDestruct", fun [VARG_IDENTIFIER na; VARG_AST location; VARG_COMMAND patcom; VARG_NUMBER pri; VARG_AST tacexp] -> let loc = match location with | Node(_,"CONCL",[]) -> CONCL() | Node(_,"DiscardableHYP",[]) -> HYP true | Node(_,"PreciousHYP",[]) -> HYP false in fun () -> let pat = raw_sopattern_of_compattern (initial_sign()) patcom in let code = Ast.to_act_check_vars ["$0",ETast] ETast tacexp in add_destructor_hint na (match loc with | HYP b -> HYP(b,{d_typ=pat;d_sort=DOP0(Meta(newMETA()))}, { d_typ=DOP0(Meta(newMETA())); d_sort=DOP0(Meta(newMETA())) }) | CONCL () -> CONCL({d_typ=pat;d_sort=DOP0(Meta(newMETA()))})) pri code) let match_dpat dp cls gls = let cltyp = clause_type cls gls in match (cls,dp) with | (Some id,Hyp(_,hypd,concld)) -> (somatch None hypd.d_typ cltyp)@ (somatch None hypd.d_sort (pf_type_of gls cltyp))@ (somatch None concld.d_typ (pf_concl gls))@ (somatch None concld.d_sort (pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls))) | (None,Concl concld) -> (somatch None concld.d_typ (pf_concl gls))@ (somatch None concld.d_sort (pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls))) | _ -> error "ApplyDestructor" let applyDestructor cls discard dd gls = let mvb = match_dpat dd.d_pat cls gls in let astb = match cls with | Some id -> ["$0", Vast (nvar (string_of_id id))] | None -> ["$0", Vast (nvar "$0")] in (* TODO: find the real location *) let (Vast tcom) = Ast.eval_act dummy_loc astb dd.d_code in let discard_0 = match (cls,dd.d_pat) with | (Some id,HYP(discardable,_,_)) -> if discard & discardable then thin [id] else tclIDTAC | (None,CONCL _) -> tclIDTAC | _ -> error "ApplyDestructor" in (tclTHEN (Tacinterp.interp tcom) discard_0) gls (* [DHyp id gls] will take an identifier, get its type, look it up in the discrimination net, get the destructors stored there, and then try them in order of priority. *) let destructHyp discard id gls = let hyptyp = clause_type (Some id) gls in let ddl = List.map snd (lookup hyptyp) in let sorted_ddl = Sort.list (fun dd1 dd2 -> dd1.d_pri > dd2.d_pri) ddl in tclFIRST (List.map (applyDestructor (Some id) discard) sorted_ddl) gls let cDHyp id gls = destructHyp true id gls let dHyp id gls = destructHyp false id gls open Tacinterp let _ = tacinterp_add("DHyp",(fun [Identifier id] -> dHyp id)) let _ = tacinterp_add("CDHyp",(fun [Identifier id] -> cDHyp id)) (* [DConcl gls] will take a goal, get its concl, look it up in the discrimination net, get the destructors stored there, and then try them in order of priority. *) let dConcl gls = let ddl = List.map snd (lookup (pf_concl gls)) in let sorted_ddl = Sort.list (fun dd1 dd2 -> dd1.d_pri > dd2.d_pri) ddl in tclFIRST (List.map (applyDestructor None false) sorted_ddl) gls let _ = tacinterp_add("DConcl",(fun [] -> dConcl)) let to2Lists (table:t) = Nbtermdn.to2Lists table let rec search n = if n=0 then error "Search has reached zero."; tclFIRST [intros; assumption; (tclTHEN (Tacticals.tryAllClauses (function | Some id -> (dHyp id) | None -> dConcl )) (search (n-1)))] let auto_tdb n = tclTRY (tclCOMPLETE (search n)) let sarch_depth_tdb = ref(5) let dyn_auto_tdb = function | [Integer n] -> auto_tdb n | [] -> auto_tdb !sarch_depth_tdb let h_auto_tdb = hide_tactic "AutoTDB" dyn_auto_tdb