(* -*- compile-command: "make -C .. bin/coqtop.byte" -*- *) (************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Auto.create_hint_db false typeclasses_db full_transparent_state true) exception Found of evar_map let is_dependent ev evm = Evd.fold (fun ev' evi dep -> if ev = ev' then dep else dep || occur_evar ev evi.evar_concl) evm false let valid goals p res_sigma l = let evm = List.fold_left2 (fun sigma (ev, evi) prf -> let cstr, obls = Refiner.extract_open_proof !res_sigma prf in if not (Evd.is_defined sigma ev) then Evd.define ev cstr sigma else sigma) !res_sigma goals l in raise (Found evm) let evars_to_goals p evm = let goals, evm' = Evd.fold (fun ev evi (gls, evm') -> if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty && Typeclasses.is_resolvable evi (* && not (is_dependent ev evm) *) && p ev evi then ((ev,evi) :: gls, Evd.add evm' ev (Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi)) else (gls, Evd.add evm' ev evi)) evm ([], Evd.empty) in if goals = [] then None else let goals = List.rev goals in Some (goals, evm') (** Typeclasses instance search tactic / eauto *) let intersects s t = Intset.exists (fun el -> Intset.mem el t) s open Auto let e_give_exact flags c gl = let t1 = (pf_type_of gl c) and t2 = pf_concl gl in if occur_existential t1 or occur_existential t2 then tclTHEN (Clenvtac.unify (* ~flags *) t1) (exact_no_check c) gl else exact_check c gl (* let t1 = (pf_type_of gl c) in *) (* tclTHEN (Clenvtac.unify ~flags t1) (exact_no_check c) gl *) let assumption flags id = e_give_exact flags (mkVar id) open Unification let auto_unif_flags = { modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some full_transparent_state; use_metas_eagerly = true; modulo_delta = var_full_transparent_state; resolve_evars = false; use_evars_pattern_unification = true; } let unify_e_resolve flags (c,clenv) gls = let clenv' = connect_clenv gls clenv in let clenv' = clenv_unique_resolver false ~flags clenv' gls in Clenvtac.clenv_refine true ~with_classes:false clenv' gls let unify_resolve flags (c,clenv) gls = let clenv' = connect_clenv gls clenv in let clenv' = clenv_unique_resolver false ~flags clenv' gls in Clenvtac.clenv_refine false ~with_classes:false clenv' gls (** Hack to properly solve dependent evars that are typeclasses *) let flags_of_state st = {auto_unif_flags with modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some st; modulo_delta = st} let rec e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db goal = let tacl = Eauto.registered_e_assumption :: (tclTHEN Tactics.intro (function g'-> let d = pf_last_hyp g' in let hintl = make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') d in (e_trivial_fail_db db_list (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) g'))) :: (List.map pi1 (e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal)) ) in tclFIRST (List.map tclCOMPLETE tacl) goal and e_my_find_search db_list local_db hdc concl = let hdc = head_of_constr_reference hdc in let hintl = list_map_append (fun db -> if Hint_db.use_dn db then let flags = flags_of_state (Hint_db.transparent_state db) in List.map (fun x -> (flags, x)) (Hint_db.map_auto (hdc,concl) db) else let flags = flags_of_state (Hint_db.transparent_state db) in List.map (fun x -> (flags, x)) (Hint_db.map_all hdc db)) (local_db::db_list) in let tac_of_hint = fun (flags, {pri=b; pat = p; code=t}) -> let tac = match t with | Res_pf (term,cl) -> unify_resolve flags (term,cl) | ERes_pf (term,cl) -> unify_e_resolve flags (term,cl) | Give_exact (c) -> e_give_exact flags c | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (term,cl) -> tclTHEN (unify_e_resolve flags (term,cl)) (e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db) | Unfold_nth c -> unfold_in_concl [all_occurrences,c] | Extern tacast -> conclPattern concl p tacast in (tac,b,pr_autotactic t) in List.map tac_of_hint hintl and e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db gl = try e_my_find_search db_list local_db (fst (head_constr_bound gl)) gl with Bound | Not_found -> [] let e_possible_resolve db_list local_db gl = try e_my_find_search db_list local_db (fst (head_constr_bound gl)) gl with Bound | Not_found -> [] let rec catchable = function | Refiner.FailError _ -> true | Stdpp.Exc_located (_, e) -> catchable e | e -> Logic.catchable_exception e let is_dep gl gls = let evs = Evarutil.evars_of_term gl.evar_concl in if evs = Intset.empty then false else List.fold_left (fun b gl -> if b then b else let evs' = Evarutil.evars_of_term gl.evar_concl in intersects evs evs') false gls let is_ground gl = Evarutil.is_ground_term (project gl) (pf_concl gl) let nb_empty_evars s = Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc -> if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then succ acc else acc) s 0 let pr_ev evs ev = Printer.pr_constr_env (Evd.evar_env ev) (Evarutil.nf_evar evs ev.Evd.evar_concl) let typeclasses_debug = ref false type validation = evar_map -> proof_tree list -> proof_tree let pr_depth l = prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str ".") pr_int (List.rev l) type autoinfo = { hints : Auto.hint_db; auto_depth: int list; auto_last_tac: std_ppcmds } type autogoal = goal * autoinfo type 'ans fk = unit -> 'ans type ('a,'ans) sk = 'a -> 'ans fk -> 'ans type 'a tac = { skft : 'ans. ('a,'ans) sk -> 'ans fk -> autogoal sigma -> 'ans } type auto_result = autogoal list sigma * validation type atac = auto_result tac let lift_tactic tac (f : goal list sigma -> autoinfo -> autogoal list sigma) : 'a tac = { skft = fun sk fk {it = gl,hints; sigma=s} -> let res = try Some (tac {it=gl; sigma=s}) with e when catchable e -> None in match res with | Some (gls,v) -> sk (f gls hints, fun _ -> v) fk | None -> fk () } let intro_tac : atac = lift_tactic Tactics.intro (fun {it = gls; sigma = s} info -> let gls' = List.map (fun g' -> let env = evar_env g' in let hint = make_resolve_hyp env s (List.hd (evar_context g')) in let ldb = Hint_db.add_list hint info.hints in (g', { info with hints = ldb; auto_last_tac = str"intro" })) gls in {it = gls'; sigma = s}) let id_tac : atac = { skft = fun sk fk {it = gl; sigma = s} -> sk ({it = [gl]; sigma = s}, fun _ pfs -> List.hd pfs) fk } (* Ordering of states is lexicographic on the number of remaining goals. *) let compare (pri, _, (res, _)) (pri', _, (res', _)) = let nbgoals s = List.length (sig_it s) + nb_empty_evars (sig_sig s) in let pri = pri - pri' in if pri <> 0 then pri else nbgoals res - nbgoals res' let or_tac (x : 'a tac) (y : 'a tac) : 'a tac = { skft = fun sk fk gls -> x.skft sk (fun () -> y.skft sk fk gls) gls } let solve_tac (x : 'a tac) : 'a tac = { skft = fun sk fk gls -> x.skft (fun ({it = gls},_ as res) fk -> if gls = [] then sk res fk else fk ()) fk gls } let hints_tac hints = { skft = fun sk fk {it = gl,info; sigma = s} -> (* if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (str"depth=" ++ int info.auto_depth ++ str": " ++ info.auto_last_tac *) (* ++ spc () ++ str "->" ++ spc () ++ pr_ev s gl); *) let possible_resolve ((lgls,v) as res, pri, pp) = (pri, pp, res) in let tacs = let concl = Evarutil.nf_evar s gl.evar_concl in let poss = e_possible_resolve hints info.hints concl in let l = Util.list_map_append (fun (tac, pri, pptac) -> try [tac {it = gl; sigma = s}, pri, pptac] with e when catchable e -> []) poss in if l = [] && !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (pr_depth info.auto_depth ++ str": no match for " ++ Printer.pr_constr_env (Evd.evar_env gl) concl ++ int (List.length poss) ++ str" possibilities"); List.map possible_resolve l in let tacs = List.sort compare tacs in let rec aux i = function | (_, pp, ({it = gls; sigma = s}, v)) :: tl -> if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (pr_depth (i :: info.auto_depth) ++ str": " ++ pp ++ str" on" ++ spc () ++ pr_ev s gl); let fk = (fun () -> (* if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (str"backtracked after " ++ pp); *) aux (succ i) tl) in let glsv = {it = list_map_i (fun j g -> g, { info with auto_depth = j :: i :: info.auto_depth; auto_last_tac = pp }) 1 gls; sigma = s}, fun _ -> v in sk glsv fk | [] -> fk () in aux 1 tacs } let then_list (second : atac) (sk : (auto_result, 'a) sk) : (auto_result, 'a) sk = let rec aux s (acc : (autogoal list * validation) list) fk = function | (gl,info) :: gls -> second.skft (fun ({it=gls';sigma=s'},v') fk' -> let fk'' = if gls' = [] && Evarutil.is_ground_term s gl.evar_concl then (if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (str"no backtrack on" ++ pr_ev s gl); fk) else fk' in aux s' ((gls',v')::acc) fk'' gls) fk {it = (gl,info); sigma = s} | [] -> Some (List.rev acc, s, fk) in fun ({it = gls; sigma = s},v) fk -> let rec aux' = function | None -> fk () | Some (res, s', fk') -> let goals' = List.concat (List.map (fun (gls,v) -> gls) res) in let v' s' pfs' : proof_tree = let (newpfs, rest) = List.fold_left (fun (newpfs,pfs') (gls,v) -> let before, after = list_split_at (List.length gls) pfs' in (v s' before :: newpfs, after)) ([], pfs') res in assert(rest = []); v s' (List.rev newpfs) in sk ({it = goals'; sigma = s'}, v') (fun () -> aux' (fk' ())) in aux' (aux s [] (fun () -> None) gls) let then_tac (first : atac) (second : atac) : atac = { skft = fun sk fk -> first.skft (then_list second sk) fk } let run_tac (t : 'a tac) (gl : autogoal sigma) : auto_result option = t.skft (fun x _ -> Some x) (fun _ -> None) gl let run_list_tac (t : 'a tac) p goals (gl : autogoal list sigma) : auto_result option = (then_list t (fun x _ -> Some x)) (gl, fun s pfs -> valid goals p (ref s) pfs) (fun _ -> None) let rec fix (t : 'a tac) : 'a tac = then_tac t { skft = fun sk fk -> (fix t).skft sk fk } (* A special one for getting everything into a dnet. *) let is_transparent_gr (ids, csts) = function | VarRef id -> Idpred.mem id ids | ConstRef cst -> Cpred.mem cst csts | IndRef _ | ConstructRef _ -> false let make_resolve_hyp env sigma st flags pri (id, _, cty) = let cty = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma cty in let ctx, ar = decompose_prod cty in let keep = match kind_of_term (fst (decompose_app ar)) with | Const c -> is_class (ConstRef c) | Ind i -> is_class (IndRef i) | _ -> false in if keep then let c = mkVar id in map_succeed (fun f -> f (c,cty)) [make_exact_entry pri; make_apply_entry env sigma flags pri] else [] let make_autogoal ?(st=full_transparent_state) g = let sign = pf_hyps g in let hintlist = list_map_append (pf_apply make_resolve_hyp g st (true,false,false) None) sign in let hints = Hint_db.add_list hintlist (Hint_db.empty st true) in (g.it, { hints = hints ; auto_depth = []; auto_last_tac = mt() }) let make_autogoals ?(st=full_transparent_state) gs evm' = { it = list_map_i (fun i g -> let (gl, auto) = make_autogoal ~st {it = snd g; sigma = evm'} in (gl, { auto with auto_depth = [i]})) 1 gs; sigma = evm' } let run_on_evars ?(st=full_transparent_state) p evm tac = match evars_to_goals p evm with | None -> None | Some (goals, evm') -> match run_list_tac tac p goals (make_autogoals ~st goals evm') with | None -> raise Not_found | Some (gls, v) -> try ignore(v (sig_sig gls) []); assert(false) with Found evm' -> Some (Evd.evars_reset_evd evm' evm) let eauto hints g = let tac = fix (or_tac intro_tac (hints_tac hints)) in let gl = { it = make_autogoal g; sigma = project g } in match run_tac tac gl with | None -> raise Not_found | Some ({it = goals; sigma = s}, valid) -> {it = List.map fst goals; sigma = s}, valid s let real_eauto st hints p evd = let tac = fix (or_tac intro_tac (hints_tac hints)) in let rec aux evd = match run_on_evars ~st p evd tac with | None -> evd | Some evd' -> aux evd' in aux evd let resolve_all_evars_once debug (mode, depth) p evd = let db = searchtable_map typeclasses_db in real_eauto (Hint_db.transparent_state db) [db] p evd exception FoundTerm of constr let resolve_one_typeclass env ?(sigma=Evd.empty) gl = let gls = { it = Evd.make_evar (Environ.named_context_val env) gl; sigma = sigma } in let gls', v = eauto [searchtable_map typeclasses_db] gls in let term = v [] in let term = fst (Refiner.extract_open_proof (sig_sig gls') term) in let term = Evarutil.nf_evar (sig_sig gls') term in if occur_existential term then raise Not_found else term let _ = Typeclasses.solve_instanciation_problem := (fun x y z -> resolve_one_typeclass x ~sigma:y z) let has_undefined p oevd evd = Evd.fold (fun ev evi has -> has || (evi.evar_body = Evar_empty && p ev evi && (try Typeclasses.is_resolvable (Evd.find oevd ev) with _ -> true))) evd false let rec merge_deps deps = function | [] -> [deps] | hd :: tl -> if intersects deps hd then merge_deps (Intset.union deps hd) tl else hd :: merge_deps deps tl let evars_of_evi evi = Intset.union (Evarutil.evars_of_term evi.evar_concl) (match evi.evar_body with | Evar_defined b -> Evarutil.evars_of_term b | Evar_empty -> Intset.empty) let split_evars evm = Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc -> let deps = Intset.union (Intset.singleton ev) (evars_of_evi evi) in merge_deps deps acc) evm [] let select_evars evs evm = Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc -> if Intset.mem ev evs then Evd.add acc ev evi else acc) evm Evd.empty let resolve_all_evars debug m env p oevd do_split fail = let oevm = oevd in let split = if do_split then split_evars oevd else [Intset.empty] in let p = if do_split then fun comp ev evi -> (Intset.mem ev comp || not (Evd.mem oevm ev)) && p ev evi else fun _ -> p in let rec aux n p evd = if has_undefined p oevm evd then if n > 0 then let evd' = resolve_all_evars_once debug m p evd in aux (pred n) p evd' else None else Some evd in let rec docomp evd = function | [] -> evd | comp :: comps -> let res = try aux 1 (p comp) evd with Not_found -> None in match res with | None -> if fail then (* Unable to satisfy the constraints. *) let evm = if do_split then select_evars comp evd else evd in let _, ev = Evd.fold (fun ev evi (b,acc) -> (* focus on one instance if only one was searched for *) if class_of_constr evi.evar_concl <> None then if not b (* || do_split *) then true, Some ev else b, None else b, acc) evm (false, None) in Typeclasses_errors.unsatisfiable_constraints env (Evd.evars_reset_evd evm evd) ev else (* Best effort: do nothing *) oevd | Some evd' -> docomp evd' comps in docomp oevd split let resolve_typeclass_evars d p env evd onlyargs split fail = let pred = if onlyargs then (fun ev evi -> Typeclasses.is_implicit_arg (snd (Evd.evar_source ev evd)) && Typeclasses.is_class_evar evi) else (fun ev evi -> Typeclasses.is_class_evar evi) in resolve_all_evars d p env pred evd split fail let solve_inst debug mode depth env evd onlyargs split fail = resolve_typeclass_evars debug (mode, depth) env evd onlyargs split fail let _ = Typeclasses.solve_instanciations_problem := solve_inst false true default_eauto_depth VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Typeclasses_Unfold_Settings | [ "Typeclasses" "Transparent" reference_list(cl) ] -> [ add_hints false [typeclasses_db] (interp_hints (Vernacexpr.HintsTransparency (cl, true))) ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Typeclasses_Rigid_Settings | [ "Typeclasses" "Opaque" reference_list(cl) ] -> [ add_hints false [typeclasses_db] (interp_hints (Vernacexpr.HintsTransparency (cl, false))) ] END open Genarg open Extraargs let pr_debug _prc _prlc _prt b = if b then Pp.str "debug" else Pp.mt() ARGUMENT EXTEND debug TYPED AS bool PRINTED BY pr_debug | [ "debug" ] -> [ true ] | [ ] -> [ false ] END let pr_mode _prc _prlc _prt m = match m with Some b -> if b then Pp.str "depth-first" else Pp.str "breadth-fist" | None -> Pp.mt() ARGUMENT EXTEND search_mode TYPED AS bool option PRINTED BY pr_mode | [ "dfs" ] -> [ Some true ] | [ "bfs" ] -> [ Some false ] | [] -> [ None ] END let pr_depth _prc _prlc _prt = function Some i -> Util.pr_int i | None -> Pp.mt() ARGUMENT EXTEND depth TYPED AS int option PRINTED BY pr_depth | [ int_or_var_opt(v) ] -> [ match v with Some (ArgArg i) -> Some i | _ -> None ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Typeclasses_Settings | [ "Typeclasses" "eauto" ":=" debug(d) search_mode(s) depth(depth) ] -> [ typeclasses_debug := d; let mode = match s with Some t -> t | None -> true in let depth = match depth with Some i -> i | None -> default_eauto_depth in Typeclasses.solve_instanciations_problem := solve_inst d mode depth ] END TACTIC EXTEND typeclasses_eauto | [ "typeclasses" "eauto" ] -> [ fun gl -> try eauto [Auto.searchtable_map typeclasses_db] gl with Not_found -> tclFAIL 0 (str" typeclasses eauto failed") gl ] END let _ = Classes.refine_ref := Refine.refine (** Take the head of the arity af constr. *) let rec head_of_constr t = let t = strip_outer_cast(collapse_appl t) in match kind_of_term t with | Prod (_,_,c2) -> head_of_constr c2 | LetIn (_,_,_,c2) -> head_of_constr c2 | App (f,args) -> head_of_constr f | _ -> t TACTIC EXTEND head_of_constr [ "head_of_constr" ident(h) constr(c) ] -> [ let c = head_of_constr c in letin_tac None (Name h) c None allHyps ] END (** A tactic to help reification based on classes: factorize all variables of a particular type into a varmap. *) let gen_constant dir s = Coqlib.gen_constant "typeclass_tactics" dir s let coq_List_nth = lazy (gen_constant ["Lists"; "List"] "nth") let coq_List_cons = lazy (gen_constant ["Lists"; "List"] "cons") let coq_List_nil = lazy (gen_constant ["Lists"; "List"] "nil") let freevars c = let rec frec acc c = match kind_of_term c with | Var id -> Idset.add id acc | _ -> fold_constr frec acc c in frec Idset.empty c let coq_zero = lazy (gen_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "O") let coq_succ = lazy (gen_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "S") let coq_nat = lazy (gen_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "nat") let rec coq_nat_of_int = function | 0 -> Lazy.force coq_zero | n -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_succ, [| coq_nat_of_int (pred n) |]) let varify_constr_list ty def varh c = let vars = Idset.elements (freevars c) in let mkaccess i = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_List_nth, [| ty; coq_nat_of_int i; varh; def |]) in let l = List.fold_right (fun id acc -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_List_cons, [| ty ; mkVar id; acc |])) vars (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_List_nil, [| ty |])) in let subst = list_map_i (fun i id -> (id, mkaccess i)) 0 vars in l, replace_vars subst c let coq_varmap_empty = lazy (gen_constant ["quote"; "Quote"] "Empty_vm") let coq_varmap_node = lazy (gen_constant ["quote"; "Quote"] "Node_vm") let coq_varmap_lookup = lazy (gen_constant ["quote"; "Quote"] "varmap_find") let coq_index_left = lazy (gen_constant ["quote"; "Quote"] "Left_idx") let coq_index_right = lazy (gen_constant ["quote"; "Quote"] "Right_idx") let coq_index_end = lazy (gen_constant ["quote"; "Quote"] "End_idx") let rec split_interleaved l r = function | hd :: hd' :: tl' -> split_interleaved (hd :: l) (hd' :: r) tl' | hd :: [] -> (List.rev (hd :: l), List.rev r) | [] -> (List.rev l, List.rev r) let rec mkidx i p = if i mod 2 = 0 then if i = 0 then mkApp (Lazy.force coq_index_left, [|Lazy.force coq_index_end|]) else mkApp (Lazy.force coq_index_left, [|mkidx (i - p) (2 * p)|]) else if i = 1 then mkApp (Lazy.force coq_index_right, [|Lazy.force coq_index_end|]) else mkApp (Lazy.force coq_index_right, [|mkidx (i - p) (2 * p)|]) let varify_constr_varmap ty def varh c = let vars = Idset.elements (freevars c) in let mkaccess i = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_varmap_lookup, [| ty; def; i; varh |]) in let rec vmap_aux l cont = match l with | [] -> [], mkApp (Lazy.force coq_varmap_empty, [| ty |]) | hd :: tl -> let left, right = split_interleaved [] [] tl in let leftvars, leftmap = vmap_aux left (fun x -> cont (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_index_left, [| x |]))) in let rightvars, rightmap = vmap_aux right (fun x -> cont (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_index_right, [| x |]))) in (hd, cont (Lazy.force coq_index_end)) :: leftvars @ rightvars, mkApp (Lazy.force coq_varmap_node, [| ty; hd; leftmap ; rightmap |]) in let subst, vmap = vmap_aux (def :: List.map (fun x -> mkVar x) vars) (fun x -> x) in let subst = List.map (fun (id, x) -> (destVar id, mkaccess x)) (List.tl subst) in vmap, replace_vars subst c TACTIC EXTEND varify [ "varify" ident(varh) ident(h') constr(ty) constr(def) constr(c) ] -> [ let vars, c' = varify_constr_varmap ty def (mkVar varh) c in tclTHEN (letin_tac None (Name varh) vars None allHyps) (letin_tac None (Name h') c' None allHyps) ] END TACTIC EXTEND not_evar [ "not_evar" constr(ty) ] -> [ match kind_of_term ty with | Evar _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str"Evar") | _ -> tclIDTAC ] END TACTIC EXTEND is_ground [ "is_ground" constr(ty) ] -> [ fun gl -> if Evarutil.is_ground_term (project gl) ty then tclIDTAC gl else tclFAIL 0 (str"Not ground") gl ] END TACTIC EXTEND autoapply [ "autoapply" constr(c) "using" preident(i) ] -> [ fun gl -> let flags = flags_of_state (Auto.Hint_db.transparent_state (Auto.searchtable_map i)) in let cty = pf_type_of gl c in let ce = mk_clenv_from gl (c,cty) in unify_e_resolve flags (c,ce) gl ] END