(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* [v] | h::tl -> if pri_order v h then v::h::tl else h::(insrec tl) in insrec l (* Nov 98 -- Papageno *) (* Les Hints sont ré-organisés en plusieurs databases. La table impérative "searchtable", de type "hint_db_table", associe une database (hint_db) à chaque nom. Une hint_db est une table d'association fonctionelle constr -> search_entry Le constr correspond à la constante de tête de la conclusion. Une search_entry est un triplet comprenant : - la liste des tactiques qui n'ont pas de pattern associé - la liste des tactiques qui ont un pattern - un discrimination net borné (Btermdn.t) constitué de tous les patterns de la seconde liste de tactiques *) type stored_data = pri_auto_tactic type search_entry = stored_data list * stored_data list * stored_data Btermdn.t let empty_se = ([],[],Btermdn.create ()) let add_tac t (l,l',dn) = match t.pat with None -> (insert t l, l', dn) | Some pat -> (l, insert t l', Btermdn.add dn (pat,t)) let lookup_tacs (hdc,c) (l,l',dn) = let l' = List.map snd (Btermdn.lookup dn c) in let sl' = Sort.list pri_order l' in Sort.merge pri_order l sl' module Constr_map = Map.Make(struct type t = global_reference let compare = Pervasives.compare end) module Hint_db = struct type t = search_entry Constr_map.t let empty = Constr_map.empty let find key db = try Constr_map.find key db with Not_found -> empty_se let map_all k db = let (l,l',_) = find k db in Sort.merge pri_order l l' let map_auto (k,c) db = lookup_tacs (k,c) (find k db) let add_one (k,v) db = let oval = find k db in Constr_map.add k (add_tac v oval) db let add_list l db = List.fold_right add_one l db let iter f db = Constr_map.iter (fun k (l,l',_) -> f k (l@l')) db end module Hintdbmap = Gmap type frozen_hint_db_table = (string,Hint_db.t) Hintdbmap.t type hint_db_table = (string,Hint_db.t) Hintdbmap.t ref type hint_db_name = string let searchtable = (ref Hintdbmap.empty : hint_db_table) let searchtable_map name = Hintdbmap.find name !searchtable let searchtable_add (name,db) = searchtable := Hintdbmap.add name db !searchtable let current_db_names () = Hintdbmap.dom !searchtable (**************************************************************************) (* Definition of the summary *) (**************************************************************************) let init () = searchtable := Hintdbmap.empty let freeze () = !searchtable let unfreeze fs = searchtable := fs let _ = Summary.declare_summary "search" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init; Summary.survive_module = false; Summary.survive_section = false } (**************************************************************************) (* Auxiliary functions to prepare AUTOHINT objects *) (**************************************************************************) let rec nb_hyp c = match kind_of_term c with | Prod(_,_,c2) -> if noccurn 1 c2 then 1+(nb_hyp c2) else nb_hyp c2 | _ -> 0 (* adding and removing tactics in the search table *) let try_head_pattern c = try head_pattern_bound c with BoundPattern -> error "Bound head variable" let make_exact_entry (c,cty) = let cty = strip_outer_cast cty in match kind_of_term cty with | Prod (_,_,_) -> failwith "make_exact_entry" | _ -> (head_of_constr_reference (List.hd (head_constr cty)), { pri=0; pat=None; code=Give_exact c }) let dummy_goal = {it={evar_hyps=empty_named_context_val;evar_concl=mkProp;evar_body=Evar_empty}; sigma=Evd.empty} let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,verbose) (c,cty) = let cty = hnf_constr env sigma cty in match kind_of_term cty with | Prod _ -> let ce = mk_clenv_from dummy_goal (c,cty) in let c' = clenv_type ce in let pat = Pattern.pattern_of_constr c' in let hd = (try head_pattern_bound pat with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_apply_entry") in let nmiss = List.length (clenv_missing ce) in if eapply & (nmiss <> 0) then begin if verbose then warn (str "the hint: eapply " ++ pr_lconstr c ++ str " will only be used by eauto"); (hd, { pri = nb_hyp cty + nmiss; pat = Some pat; code = ERes_pf(c,{ce with templenv=empty_env}) }) end else (hd, { pri = nb_hyp cty; pat = Some pat; code = Res_pf(c,{ce with templenv=empty_env}) }) | _ -> failwith "make_apply_entry" (* eap is (e,v) with e=true if eapply and v=true if verbose c is a constr cty is the type of constr *) let make_resolves env sigma eap c = let cty = type_of env sigma c in let ents = map_succeed (fun f -> f (c,cty)) [make_exact_entry; make_apply_entry env sigma (eap,Options.is_verbose())] in if ents = [] then errorlabstrm "Hint" (pr_lconstr c ++ spc() ++ str"cannot be used as a hint"); ents (* used to add an hypothesis to the local hint database *) let make_resolve_hyp env sigma (hname,_,htyp) = try [make_apply_entry env sigma (true, false) (mkVar hname, htyp)] with | Failure _ -> [] | e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> anomaly "make_resolve_hyp" (* REM : in most cases hintname = id *) let make_unfold (ref, eref) = (ref, { pri = 4; pat = None; code = Unfold_nth eref }) let make_extern pri pat tacast = let hdconstr = try_head_pattern pat in (hdconstr, { pri=pri; pat = Some pat; code= Extern tacast }) let make_trivial env sigma c = let t = hnf_constr env sigma (type_of env sigma c) in let hd = head_of_constr_reference (List.hd (head_constr t)) in let ce = mk_clenv_from dummy_goal (c,t) in (hd, { pri=1; pat = Some (Pattern.pattern_of_constr (clenv_type ce)); code=Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail(c,{ce with templenv=empty_env}) }) open Vernacexpr (**************************************************************************) (* declaration of the AUTOHINT library object *) (**************************************************************************) (* If the database does not exist, it is created *) (* TODO: should a warning be printed in this case ?? *) let add_hint dbname hintlist = try let db = searchtable_map dbname in let db' = Hint_db.add_list hintlist db in searchtable_add (dbname,db') with Not_found -> let db = Hint_db.add_list hintlist Hint_db.empty in searchtable_add (dbname,db) let cache_autohint (_,(local,name,hintlist)) = add_hint name hintlist let forward_subst_tactic = ref (fun _ -> failwith "subst_tactic is not installed for auto") let set_extern_subst_tactic f = forward_subst_tactic := f let subst_autohint (_,subst,(local,name,hintlist as obj)) = let trans_clenv clenv = Clenv.subst_clenv subst clenv in let trans_data data code = { data with pat = option_smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat ; code = code ; } in let subst_hint (lab,data as hint) = let lab',elab' = subst_global subst lab in let lab' = try head_of_constr_reference (List.hd (head_constr_bound elab' [])) with Tactics.Bound -> lab' in let data' = match data.code with | Res_pf (c, clenv) -> let c' = subst_mps subst c in if c==c' then data else trans_data data (Res_pf (c', trans_clenv clenv)) | ERes_pf (c, clenv) -> let c' = subst_mps subst c in if c==c' then data else trans_data data (ERes_pf (c', trans_clenv clenv)) | Give_exact c -> let c' = subst_mps subst c in if c==c' then data else trans_data data (Give_exact c') | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c, clenv) -> let c' = subst_mps subst c in if c==c' then data else let code' = Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c', trans_clenv clenv) in trans_data data code' | Unfold_nth ref -> let ref' = subst_evaluable_reference subst ref in if ref==ref' then data else trans_data data (Unfold_nth ref') | Extern tac -> let tac' = !forward_subst_tactic subst tac in if tac==tac' then data else trans_data data (Extern tac') in if lab' == lab && data' == data then hint else (lab',data') in let hintlist' = list_smartmap subst_hint hintlist in if hintlist' == hintlist then obj else (local,name,hintlist') let classify_autohint (_,((local,name,hintlist) as obj)) = if local or hintlist = [] then Dispose else Substitute obj let export_autohint ((local,name,hintlist) as obj) = if local then None else Some obj let (inAutoHint,outAutoHint) = declare_object {(default_object "AUTOHINT") with cache_function = cache_autohint; load_function = (fun _ -> cache_autohint); subst_function = subst_autohint; classify_function = classify_autohint; export_function = export_autohint } (**************************************************************************) (* The "Hint" vernacular command *) (**************************************************************************) let add_resolves env sigma clist local dbnames = List.iter (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint (local,dbname, List.flatten (List.map (make_resolves env sigma true) clist)))) dbnames let add_unfolds l local dbnames = List.iter (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint (local,dbname, List.map make_unfold l))) dbnames let add_extern pri (patmetas,pat) tacast local dbname = (* We check that all metas that appear in tacast have at least one occurence in the left pattern pat *) let tacmetas = [] in match (list_subtract tacmetas patmetas) with | i::_ -> errorlabstrm "add_extern" (str "The meta-variable ?" ++ pr_patvar i ++ str" is not bound") | [] -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint(local,dbname, [make_extern pri pat tacast])) let add_externs pri pat tacast local dbnames = List.iter (add_extern pri pat tacast local) dbnames let add_trivials env sigma l local dbnames = List.iter (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf ( inAutoHint(local,dbname, List.map (make_trivial env sigma) l))) dbnames let forward_intern_tac = ref (fun _ -> failwith "intern_tac is not installed for auto") let set_extern_intern_tac f = forward_intern_tac := f let add_hints local dbnames0 h = let dbnames = if dbnames0 = [] then ["core"] else dbnames0 in let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in let f = Constrintern.interp_constr sigma env in match h with | HintsResolve lhints -> add_resolves env sigma (List.map f lhints) local dbnames | HintsImmediate lhints -> add_trivials env sigma (List.map f lhints) local dbnames | HintsUnfold lhints -> let f qid = let r = Nametab.global qid in let r' = match r with | ConstRef c -> EvalConstRef c | VarRef c -> EvalVarRef c | _ -> errorlabstrm "evalref_of_ref" (str "Cannot coerce" ++ spc () ++ pr_global r ++ spc () ++ str "to an evaluable reference") in (r,r') in add_unfolds (List.map f lhints) local dbnames | HintsConstructors lqid -> let add_one qid = let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in let isp = global_inductive qid in let consnames = (snd (Global.lookup_inductive isp)).mind_consnames in let lcons = list_tabulate (fun i -> mkConstruct (isp,i+1)) (Array.length consnames) in add_resolves env sigma lcons local dbnames in List.iter add_one lqid | HintsExtern (pri, patcom, tacexp) -> let pat = Constrintern.interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) patcom in let tacexp = !forward_intern_tac (fst pat) tacexp in add_externs pri pat tacexp local dbnames | HintsDestruct(na,pri,loc,pat,code) -> if dbnames0<>[] then warn (str"Database selection not implemented for destruct hints"); Dhyp.add_destructor_hint local na loc pat pri code (**************************************************************************) (* Functions for printing the hints *) (**************************************************************************) let fmt_autotactic = function | Res_pf (c,clenv) -> (str"apply " ++ pr_lconstr c) | ERes_pf (c,clenv) -> (str"eapply " ++ pr_lconstr c) | Give_exact c -> (str"exact " ++ pr_lconstr c) | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,clenv) -> (str"apply " ++ pr_lconstr c ++ str" ; trivial") | Unfold_nth c -> (str"unfold " ++ pr_evaluable_reference c) | Extern tac -> (str "(external) " ++ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()) tac) let fmt_hint v = (fmt_autotactic v.code ++ str"(" ++ int v.pri ++ str")" ++ spc ()) let fmt_hint_list hintlist = (str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist fmt_hint hintlist) ++ fnl ()) let fmt_hints_db (name,db,hintlist) = (str "In the database " ++ str name ++ str ":" ++ if hintlist = [] then (str " nothing" ++ fnl ()) else (fnl () ++ fmt_hint_list hintlist)) (* Print all hints associated to head c in any database *) let fmt_hint_list_for_head c = let dbs = Hintdbmap.to_list !searchtable in let valid_dbs = map_succeed (fun (name,db) -> (name,db,Hint_db.map_all c db)) dbs in if valid_dbs = [] then (str "No hint declared for :" ++ pr_global c) else hov 0 (str"For " ++ pr_global c ++ str" -> " ++ fnl () ++ hov 0 (prlist fmt_hints_db valid_dbs)) let fmt_hint_ref ref = fmt_hint_list_for_head ref (* Print all hints associated to head id in any database *) let print_hint_ref ref = ppnl(fmt_hint_ref ref) let fmt_hint_term cl = try let (hdc,args) = match head_constr_bound cl [] with | hdc::args -> (hdc,args) | [] -> assert false in let hd = head_of_constr_reference hdc in let dbs = Hintdbmap.to_list !searchtable in let valid_dbs = if occur_existential cl then map_succeed (fun (name, db) -> (name, db, Hint_db.map_all hd db)) dbs else map_succeed (fun (name, db) -> (name, db, Hint_db.map_auto (hd,applist(hdc,args)) db)) dbs in if valid_dbs = [] then (str "No hint applicable for current goal") else (str "Applicable Hints :" ++ fnl () ++ hov 0 (prlist fmt_hints_db valid_dbs)) with Bound | Match_failure _ | Failure _ -> (str "No hint applicable for current goal") let print_hint_term cl = ppnl (fmt_hint_term cl) (* print all hints that apply to the concl of the current goal *) let print_applicable_hint () = let pts = get_pftreestate () in let gl = nth_goal_of_pftreestate 1 pts in print_hint_term (pf_concl gl) (* displays the whole hint database db *) let print_hint_db db = Hint_db.iter (fun head hintlist -> msg (hov 0 (str "For " ++ pr_global head ++ str " -> " ++ fmt_hint_list hintlist))) db let print_hint_db_by_name dbname = try let db = searchtable_map dbname in print_hint_db db with Not_found -> error (dbname^" : No such Hint database") (* displays all the hints of all databases *) let print_searchtable () = Hintdbmap.iter (fun name db -> msg (str "In the database " ++ str name ++ fnl ()); print_hint_db db) !searchtable (**************************************************************************) (* Automatic tactics *) (**************************************************************************) (**************************************************************************) (* tactics with a trace mechanism for automatic search *) (**************************************************************************) let priority l = List.map snd (List.filter (fun (pr,_) -> pr = 0) l) (* Try unification with the precompiled clause, then use registered Apply *) let unify_resolve (c,clenv) gls = let clenv' = connect_clenv gls clenv in let _ = clenv_unique_resolver false clenv' gls in h_simplest_apply c gls (* builds a hint database from a constr signature *) (* typically used with (lid, ltyp) = pf_hyps_types *) let make_local_hint_db lems g = let sign = pf_hyps g in let hintlist = list_map_append (pf_apply make_resolve_hyp g) sign in let hintlist' = list_map_append (pf_apply make_resolves g true) lems in Hint_db.add_list hintlist' (Hint_db.add_list hintlist Hint_db.empty) (* Serait-ce possible de compiler d'abord la tactique puis de faire la substitution sans passer par bdize dont l'objectif est de préparer un terme pour l'affichage ? (HH) *) (* Si on enlève le dernier argument (gl) conclPattern est calculé une fois pour toutes : en particulier si Pattern.somatch produit une UserError Ce qui fait que si la conclusion ne matche pas le pattern, Auto échoue, même si après Intros la conclusion matche le pattern. *) (* conclPattern doit échouer avec error car il est rattraper par tclFIRST *) let forward_interp_tactic = ref (fun _ -> failwith "interp_tactic is not installed for auto") let set_extern_interp f = forward_interp_tactic := f let conclPattern concl pat tac gl = let constr_bindings = try matches pat concl with PatternMatchingFailure -> error "conclPattern" in !forward_interp_tactic constr_bindings tac gl (**************************************************************************) (* The Trivial tactic *) (**************************************************************************) (* local_db is a Hint database containing the hypotheses of current goal *) (* Papageno : cette fonction a été pas mal simplifiée depuis que la base de Hint impérative a été remplacée par plusieurs bases fonctionnelles *) let rec trivial_fail_db db_list local_db gl = let intro_tac = tclTHEN intro (fun g'-> let hintl = make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') (pf_last_hyp g') in trivial_fail_db db_list (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) g') in tclFIRST (assumption::intro_tac:: (List.map tclCOMPLETE (trivial_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl gl)))) gl and my_find_search db_list local_db hdc concl = let tacl = if occur_existential concl then list_map_append (fun db -> Hint_db.map_all hdc db) (local_db::db_list) else list_map_append (fun db -> Hint_db.map_auto (hdc,concl) db) (local_db::db_list) in List.map (fun {pri=b; pat=p; code=t} -> (b, match t with | Res_pf (term,cl) -> unify_resolve (term,cl) | ERes_pf (_,c) -> (fun gl -> error "eres_pf") | Give_exact c -> exact_check c | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (term,cl) -> tclTHEN (unify_resolve (term,cl)) (trivial_fail_db db_list local_db) | Unfold_nth c -> unfold_in_concl [[],c] | Extern tacast -> conclPattern concl (out_some p) tacast)) tacl and trivial_resolve db_list local_db cl = try let hdconstr = List.hd (head_constr_bound cl []) in priority (my_find_search db_list local_db (head_of_constr_reference hdconstr) cl) with Bound | Not_found -> [] let trivial lems dbnames gl = let db_list = List.map (fun x -> try searchtable_map x with Not_found -> error ("trivial: "^x^": No such Hint database")) ("core"::dbnames) in tclTRY (trivial_fail_db db_list (make_local_hint_db lems gl)) gl let full_trivial lems gl = let dbnames = Hintdbmap.dom !searchtable in let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in let db_list = List.map (fun x -> searchtable_map x) dbnames in tclTRY (trivial_fail_db db_list (make_local_hint_db lems gl)) gl let gen_trivial lems = function | None -> full_trivial lems | Some l -> trivial lems l let h_trivial lems l = Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacTrivial (lems,l)) (gen_trivial lems l) (**************************************************************************) (* The classical Auto tactic *) (**************************************************************************) let possible_resolve db_list local_db cl = try let hdconstr = List.hd (head_constr_bound cl []) in List.map snd (my_find_search db_list local_db (head_of_constr_reference hdconstr) cl) with Bound | Not_found -> [] let decomp_unary_term c gls = let typc = pf_type_of gls c in let hd = List.hd (head_constr typc) in if Hipattern.is_conjunction hd then simplest_case c gls else errorlabstrm "Auto.decomp_unary_term" (str "not a unary type") let decomp_empty_term c gls = let typc = pf_type_of gls c in let (hd,_) = decompose_app typc in if Hipattern.is_empty_type hd then simplest_case c gls else errorlabstrm "Auto.decomp_empty_term" (str "not an empty type") (* decomp is an natural number giving an indication on decomposition of conjunction in hypotheses, 0 corresponds to no decomposition *) (* n is the max depth of search *) (* local_db contains the local Hypotheses *) let rec search_gen decomp n db_list local_db extra_sign goal = if n=0 then error "BOUND 2"; let decomp_tacs = match decomp with | 0 -> [] | p -> (tclTRY_sign decomp_empty_term extra_sign) :: (List.map (fun id -> tclTHENSEQ [decomp_unary_term (mkVar id); clear [id]; search_gen decomp p db_list local_db []]) (pf_ids_of_hyps goal)) in let intro_tac = tclTHEN intro (fun g' -> let (hid,_,htyp as d) = pf_last_hyp g' in let hintl = try [make_apply_entry (pf_env g') (project g') (true,false) (mkVar hid, htyp)] with Failure _ -> [] in search_gen decomp n db_list (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) [d] g') in let rec_tacs = List.map (fun ntac -> tclTHEN ntac (search_gen decomp (n-1) db_list local_db empty_named_context)) (possible_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal)) in tclFIRST (assumption::(decomp_tacs@(intro_tac::rec_tacs))) goal let search = search_gen 0 let default_search_depth = ref 5 let auto n lems dbnames gl = let db_list = List.map (fun x -> try searchtable_map x with Not_found -> error ("auto: "^x^": No such Hint database")) ("core"::dbnames) in let hyps = pf_hyps gl in tclTRY (search n db_list (make_local_hint_db lems gl) hyps) gl let default_auto = auto !default_search_depth [] [] let full_auto n lems gl = let dbnames = Hintdbmap.dom !searchtable in let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in let db_list = List.map (fun x -> searchtable_map x) dbnames in let hyps = pf_hyps gl in tclTRY (search n db_list (make_local_hint_db lems gl) hyps) gl let default_full_auto gl = full_auto !default_search_depth [] gl let gen_auto n lems dbnames = let n = match n with None -> !default_search_depth | Some n -> n in match dbnames with | None -> full_auto n lems | Some l -> auto n lems l let inj_or_var = option_map (fun n -> Genarg.ArgArg n) let h_auto n lems l = Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacAuto (inj_or_var n,lems,l)) (gen_auto n lems l) (**************************************************************************) (* The "destructing Auto" from Eduardo *) (**************************************************************************) (* Depth of search after decomposition of hypothesis, by default one look for an immediate solution *) (* Papageno : de toute façon un paramète > 1 est traité comme 1 pour l'instant *) let default_search_decomp = ref 1 let destruct_auto des_opt n gl = let hyps = pf_hyps gl in search_gen des_opt n [searchtable_map "core"] (make_local_hint_db [] gl) hyps gl let dautomatic des_opt n = tclTRY (destruct_auto des_opt n) let default_dauto = dautomatic !default_search_decomp !default_search_depth let dauto = function | None, None -> default_dauto | Some n, None -> dautomatic !default_search_decomp n | Some n, Some p -> dautomatic p n | None, Some p -> dautomatic p !default_search_depth let h_dauto (n,p) = Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDAuto (inj_or_var n,p)) (dauto (n,p)) (***************************************) (*** A new formulation of Auto *********) (***************************************) let make_resolve_any_hyp env sigma (id,_,ty) = let ents = map_succeed (fun f -> f (mkVar id,ty)) [make_exact_entry; make_apply_entry env sigma (true,false)] in ents type autoArguments = | UsingTDB | Destructing let keepAfter tac1 tac2 = (tclTHEN tac1 (function g -> tac2 [pf_last_hyp g] g)) let compileAutoArg contac = function | Destructing -> (function g -> let ctx = pf_hyps g in tclFIRST (List.map (fun (id,_,typ) -> let cl = snd (decompose_prod typ) in if Hipattern.is_conjunction cl then tclTHENSEQ [simplest_elim (mkVar id); clear [id]; contac] else tclFAIL 0 (pr_id id ++ str" is not a conjunction")) ctx) g) | UsingTDB -> (tclTHEN (Tacticals.tryAllClauses (function | Some (id,_,_) -> Dhyp.h_destructHyp false id | None -> Dhyp.h_destructConcl)) contac) let compileAutoArgList contac = List.map (compileAutoArg contac) let rec super_search n db_list local_db argl goal = if n = 0 then error "BOUND 2"; tclFIRST (assumption :: (tclTHEN intro (fun g -> let hintl = pf_apply make_resolve_any_hyp g (pf_last_hyp g) in super_search n db_list (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) argl g)) :: ((List.map (fun ntac -> tclTHEN ntac (super_search (n-1) db_list local_db argl)) (possible_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal))) @ (compileAutoArgList (super_search (n-1) db_list local_db argl) argl))) goal let search_superauto n to_add argl g = let sigma = List.fold_right (fun (id,c) -> add_named_decl (id, None, pf_type_of g c)) to_add empty_named_context in let db0 = list_map_append (make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g) (project g)) sigma in let db = Hint_db.add_list db0 (make_local_hint_db [] g) in super_search n [Hintdbmap.find "core" !searchtable] db argl g let superauto n to_add argl = tclTRY (tclCOMPLETE (search_superauto n to_add argl)) let default_superauto g = superauto !default_search_depth [] [] g let interp_to_add gl locqid = let r = Nametab.global locqid in let id = id_of_global r in (next_ident_away id (pf_ids_of_hyps gl), constr_of_global r) let gen_superauto nopt l a b gl = let n = match nopt with Some n -> n | None -> !default_search_depth in let al = (if a then [Destructing] else [])@(if b then [UsingTDB] else []) in superauto n (List.map (interp_to_add gl) l) al gl let h_superauto no l a b = Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacSuperAuto (no,l,a,b)) (gen_superauto no l a b)