(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* "Unknown" | VtStartProof _ -> "StartProof" | VtSideff _ -> "Sideff" | VtQed VtKeep -> "Qed(keep)" | VtQed VtDrop -> "Qed(drop)" | VtProofStep -> "ProofStep" | VtProofMode s -> "ProofMode " ^ s | VtQuery b -> "Query" ^ string_of_in_script b | VtStm ((VtFinish|VtJoinDocument|VtObserve _|VtPrintDag|VtWait), b) -> "Stm" ^ string_of_in_script b | VtStm (VtPG, b) -> "Stm PG" ^ string_of_in_script b | VtStm (VtBack _, b) -> "Stm Back" ^ string_of_in_script b let string_of_vernac_when = function | VtLater -> "Later" | VtNow -> "Now" let string_of_vernac_classification (t,w) = string_of_vernac_type t ^ " " ^ string_of_vernac_when w let classifiers = ref [] let declare_vernac_classifier (s : string) (f : Genarg.raw_generic_argument list -> unit -> vernac_classification) = classifiers := !classifiers @ [s,f] let elide_part_of_script_and_now (a, _) = match a with | VtQuery _ -> VtQuery false, VtNow | VtStm (x, _) -> VtStm (x, false), VtNow | x -> x, VtNow let make_polymorphic (a, b as x) = match a with | VtStartProof (x, y, ids, _) -> (VtStartProof (x, y, ids, true), b) | _ -> x let undo_classifier = ref (fun _ -> assert false) let set_undo_classifier f = undo_classifier := f let rec classify_vernac e = let static_classifier e = match e with (* PG compatibility *) | VernacUnsetOption (["Silent"]|["Undo"]|["Printing";"Depth"]) | VernacSetOption ((["Silent"]|["Undo"]|["Printing";"Depth"]),_) when !Flags.print_emacs -> VtStm(VtPG,false), VtNow (* Stm *) | VernacStm Finish -> VtStm (VtFinish, true), VtNow | VernacStm Wait -> VtStm (VtWait, true), VtNow | VernacStm JoinDocument -> VtStm (VtJoinDocument, true), VtNow | VernacStm PrintDag -> VtStm (VtPrintDag, true), VtNow | VernacStm (Observe id) -> VtStm (VtObserve id, true), VtNow | VernacStm (Command x) -> elide_part_of_script_and_now (classify_vernac x) | VernacStm (PGLast x) -> fst (classify_vernac x), VtNow (* Nested vernac exprs *) | VernacProgram e -> classify_vernac e | VernacLocal (_,e) -> classify_vernac e | VernacPolymorphic (b, e) -> if b || Flags.is_universe_polymorphism () (* Ok or not? *) then make_polymorphic (classify_vernac e) else classify_vernac e | VernacTimeout (_,e) -> classify_vernac e | VernacTime e -> classify_vernac e | VernacFail e -> (* Fail Qed or Fail Lemma must not join/fork the DAG *) (match classify_vernac e with | ( VtQuery _ | VtProofStep | VtSideff _ | VtStm _ | VtProofMode _ ), _ as x -> x | VtQed _, _ -> VtProofStep, VtNow | (VtStartProof _ | VtUnknown), _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow) (* Qed *) | VernacEndProof Admitted | VernacAbort _ -> VtQed VtDrop, VtLater | VernacEndProof _ | VernacExactProof _ -> VtQed VtKeep, VtLater (* Query *) | VernacShow _ | VernacPrint _ | VernacSearch _ | VernacLocate _ | VernacCheckMayEval _ -> VtQuery true, VtLater (* ProofStep *) | VernacProof _ | VernacBullet _ | VernacFocus _ | VernacUnfocus | VernacSubproof _ | VernacEndSubproof | VernacSolve _ | VernacCheckGuard | VernacUnfocused | VernacSolveExistential _ -> VtProofStep, VtLater (* Options changing parser *) | VernacUnsetOption (["Default";"Proof";"Using"]) | VernacSetOption (["Default";"Proof";"Using"],_) -> VtSideff [], VtNow (* StartProof *) | VernacDefinition (_,(_,i),ProveBody _) -> VtStartProof("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,[i], false), VtLater | VernacStartTheoremProof (_,l,_) -> let ids = CList.map_filter (function (Some(_,i), _) -> Some i | _ -> None) l in VtStartProof ("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,ids, false), VtLater | VernacGoal _ -> VtStartProof ("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,[],false), VtLater | VernacFixpoint (_,l) -> let ids, open_proof = List.fold_left (fun (l,b) (((_,id),_,_,_,p),_) -> id::l, b || p = None) ([],false) l in if open_proof then VtStartProof ("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,ids, false), VtLater else VtSideff ids, VtLater | VernacCoFixpoint (_,l) -> let ids, open_proof = List.fold_left (fun (l,b) (((_,id),_,_,p),_) -> id::l, b || p = None) ([],false) l in if open_proof then VtStartProof ("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,ids,false), VtLater else VtSideff ids, VtLater (* Sideff: apply to all open branches. usually run on master only *) | VernacAssumption (_,_,l) -> let ids = List.flatten (List.map (fun (_,(l,_)) -> List.map snd l) l) in VtSideff ids, VtLater | VernacDefinition (_,(_,id),DefineBody _) -> VtSideff [id], VtLater | VernacInductive (_,_,_,l) -> let ids = List.map (fun (((_,(_,id)),_,_,_,cl),_) -> id :: match cl with | Constructors l -> List.map (fun (_,((_,id),_)) -> id) l | RecordDecl (oid,l) -> (match oid with Some (_,x) -> [x] | _ -> []) @ CList.map_filter (function | ((_,AssumExpr((_,Names.Name n),_)),_),_ -> Some n | _ -> None) l) l in VtSideff (List.flatten ids), VtLater | VernacScheme l -> let ids = List.map snd (CList.map_filter (fun (x,_) -> x) l) in VtSideff ids, VtLater | VernacCombinedScheme ((_,id),_) -> VtSideff [id], VtLater | VernacBeginSection _ | VernacCanonical _ | VernacCoercion _ | VernacIdentityCoercion _ | VernacAddLoadPath _ | VernacRemoveLoadPath _ | VernacAddMLPath _ | VernacChdir _ | VernacCreateHintDb _ | VernacRemoveHints _ | VernacHints _ | VernacDeclareImplicits _ | VernacArguments _ | VernacArgumentsScope _ | VernacReserve _ | VernacGeneralizable _ | VernacSetOpacity _ | VernacSetStrategy _ | VernacUnsetOption _ | VernacSetOption _ | VernacAddOption _ | VernacRemoveOption _ | VernacMemOption _ | VernacPrintOption _ | VernacGlobalCheck _ | VernacDeclareReduction _ | VernacDeclareClass _ | VernacDeclareInstances _ | VernacRegister _ | VernacComments _ -> VtSideff [], VtLater (* Who knows *) | VernacList _ | VernacLoad _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow (* (Local) Notations have to disappear *) | VernacEndSegment _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow (* Modules with parameters have to be executed: can import notations *) | VernacDeclareModule (exp,(_,id),bl,_) | VernacDefineModule (exp,(_,id),bl,_,_) -> VtSideff [id], if bl = [] && exp = None then VtLater else VtNow | VernacDeclareModuleType ((_,id),bl,_,_) -> VtSideff [id], if bl = [] then VtLater else VtNow (* These commands alter the parser *) | VernacOpenCloseScope _ | VernacDelimiters _ | VernacBindScope _ | VernacInfix _ | VernacNotation _ | VernacSyntaxExtension _ | VernacSyntacticDefinition _ | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition _ | VernacTacticNotation _ | VernacRequire _ | VernacImport _ | VernacInclude _ | VernacDeclareMLModule _ | VernacContext _ (* TASSI: unsure *) | VernacProofMode _ (* These are ambiguous *) | VernacInstance _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow (* Stm will install a new classifier to handle these *) | VernacBack _ | VernacAbortAll | VernacUndoTo _ | VernacUndo _ | VernacResetName _ | VernacResetInitial | VernacBacktrack _ | VernacBackTo _ | VernacRestart -> !undo_classifier e (* What are these? *) | VernacNop | VernacToplevelControl _ | VernacRestoreState _ | VernacWriteState _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow | VernacError _ -> assert false (* Plugins should classify their commands *) | VernacExtend (s,l) -> try List.assoc s !classifiers l () with Not_found -> anomaly(str"No classifier for"++spc()++str s) in let res = static_classifier e in if Flags.is_universe_polymorphism () then make_polymorphic res else res let classify_as_query = VtQuery true, VtLater let classify_as_sideeff = VtSideff [], VtLater