(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* t val equal : t -> t -> bool val compare : t -> t -> int val to_string : t -> string val master : t end type id type ('kind) branch_info = { kind : [> `Master] as 'kind; root : id; pos : id; } type ('kind,'diff,'info,'property_data) t constraint 'kind = [> `Master ] val empty : id -> ('kind,'diff,'info,'property_data) t val current_branch : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> Branch.t val branches : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> Branch.t list val get_branch : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> Branch.t -> 'k branch_info val reset_branch : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> Branch.t -> id -> ('k,'e,'i,'c) t val branch : ('kind,'e,'i,'c) t -> ?root:id -> ?pos:id -> Branch.t -> 'kind -> ('kind,'e,'i,'c) t val delete_branch : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> Branch.t -> ('k,'e,'i,'c) t val merge : ('k,'diff,'i,'c) t -> id -> ours:'diff -> theirs:'diff -> ?into:Branch.t -> Branch.t -> ('k,'diff,'i,'c) t val commit : ('k,'diff,'i,'c) t -> id -> 'diff -> ('k,'diff,'i,'c) t val rewrite_merge : ('k,'diff,'i,'c) t -> id -> ours:'diff -> theirs:'diff -> at:id -> Branch.t -> ('k,'diff,'i,'c) t val checkout : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> Branch.t -> ('k,'e,'i,'c) t val set_info : ('k,'e,'info,'c) t -> id -> 'info -> ('k,'e,'info,'c) t val get_info : ('k,'e,'info,'c) t -> id -> 'info option (* Read only dag *) module Dag : Dag.S with type node = id val dag : ('kind,'diff,'info,'cdata) t -> ('diff,'info,'cdata) Dag.t val create_property : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> id list -> 'c -> ('k,'e,'i,'c) t val property_of : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> id -> 'c Dag.Property.t list val delete_property : ('k,'e,'i,'c) t -> 'c Dag.Property.t -> ('k,'e,'i,'c) t (* Removes all unreachable nodes and returns them *) val gc : ('k,'e,'info,'c) t -> ('k,'e,'info,'c) t * Dag.NodeSet.t val reachable : ('k,'e,'info,'c) t -> id -> Dag.NodeSet.t end module Make(OT : Map.OrderedType) = struct module Dag = Dag.Make(OT) type id = OT.t module Branch = struct type t = string let make = let bid = ref 0 in fun s -> incr bid; string_of_int !bid ^ "_" ^ s let equal = CString.equal let compare = CString.compare let to_string s = s let master = "master" end module BranchMap = Map.Make(Branch) type 'kind branch_info = { kind : [> `Master] as 'kind; root : id; pos : id; } type ('kind,'edge,'info,'property_data) t = { cur_branch : Branch.t; heads : 'kind branch_info BranchMap.t; dag : ('edge,'info,'property_data) Dag.t; } let empty root = { cur_branch = Branch.master; heads = BranchMap.singleton Branch.master { root = root; pos = root; kind = `Master }; dag = Dag.empty; } let add_node vcs id edges = assert (not (CList.is_empty edges)); { vcs with dag = List.fold_left (fun g (t,tgt) -> Dag.add_edge g id t tgt) vcs.dag edges } let get_branch vcs head = try BranchMap.find head vcs.heads with Not_found -> anomaly (str"head " ++ str head ++ str" not found") let reset_branch vcs head id = let map name h = if Branch.equal name head then { h with pos = id } else h in { vcs with heads = BranchMap.mapi map vcs.heads; } let current_branch vcs = vcs.cur_branch let branch vcs ?(root=(get_branch vcs vcs.cur_branch).pos) ?(pos=root) name kind = { vcs with heads = BranchMap.add name { kind; root; pos } vcs.heads; cur_branch = name } let delete_branch vcs name = if Branch.equal Branch.master name then vcs else let filter n _ = not (Branch.equal n name) in { vcs with heads = BranchMap.filter filter vcs.heads } let merge vcs id ~ours:tr1 ~theirs:tr2 ?(into = vcs.cur_branch) name = assert (not (Branch.equal name into)); let br_id = (get_branch vcs name).pos in let cur_id = (get_branch vcs into).pos in let vcs = add_node vcs id [tr1,cur_id; tr2,br_id] in let vcs = reset_branch vcs into id in vcs let del_edge id vcs tgt = { vcs with dag = Dag.del_edge vcs.dag id tgt } let rewrite_merge vcs id ~ours:tr1 ~theirs:tr2 ~at:cur_id name = let br_id = (get_branch vcs name).pos in let old_edges = List.map fst (Dag.from_node vcs.dag id) in let vcs = List.fold_left (del_edge id) vcs old_edges in let vcs = add_node vcs id [tr1,cur_id; tr2,br_id] in vcs let commit vcs id tr = let vcs = add_node vcs id [tr, (get_branch vcs vcs.cur_branch).pos] in let vcs = reset_branch vcs vcs.cur_branch id in vcs let checkout vcs name = { vcs with cur_branch = name } let set_info vcs id info = { vcs with dag = Dag.set_info vcs.dag id info } let get_info vcs id = Dag.get_info vcs.dag id let create_property vcs l i = { vcs with dag = Dag.create_property vcs.dag l i } let property_of vcs i = Dag.property_of vcs.dag i let delete_property vcs c = { vcs with dag = Dag.del_property vcs.dag c } let branches vcs = BranchMap.fold (fun x _ accu -> x :: accu) vcs.heads [] let dag vcs = vcs.dag let rec closure s d n = let l = try Dag.from_node d n with Not_found -> [] in List.fold_left (fun s (n',_) -> if Dag.NodeSet.mem n' s then s else closure s d n') (Dag.NodeSet.add n s) l let reachable vcs i = closure Dag.NodeSet.empty vcs.dag i let gc vcs = let alive = BranchMap.fold (fun b { pos } s -> closure s vcs.dag pos) vcs.heads Dag.NodeSet.empty in let dead = Dag.NodeSet.diff (Dag.all_nodes vcs.dag) alive in { vcs with dag = Dag.del_nodes vcs.dag dead }, dead end