(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* 'a t val set_rel : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> unit val is_empty : 'a t -> bool val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool val pop : ?picky:('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit val clear : 'a t -> unit end = struct type 'a item = int * 'a type 'a rel = 'a item -> 'a item -> int type 'a t = ('a item list * 'a rel) ref let sort_timestamp (i,_) (j,_) = i - j let age = ref 0 let create () = ref ([],sort_timestamp) let is_empty t = fst !t = [] let exists p t = List.exists (fun (_,x) -> p x) (fst !t) let pop ?(picky=(fun _ -> true)) ({ contents = (l, rel) } as t) = let rec aux acc = function | [] -> raise Queue.Empty | (_,x) :: xs when picky x -> t := (List.rev acc @ xs, rel); x | (_,x) as hd :: xs -> aux (hd :: acc) xs in aux [] l let push ({ contents = (xs, rel) } as t) x = incr age; (* re-roting the whole list is not the most efficient way... *) t := (List.sort rel (xs @ [!age,x]), rel) let clear ({ contents = (l, rel) } as t) = t := ([], rel) let set_rel rel ({ contents = (xs, _) } as t) = let rel (_,x) (_,y) = rel x y in t := (List.sort rel xs, rel) end type 'a t = { queue: 'a PriorityQueue.t; lock : Mutex.t; cond : Condition.t; mutable nwaiting : int; cond_waiting : Condition.t; mutable release : bool; } exception BeingDestroyed let create () = { queue = PriorityQueue.create (); lock = Mutex.create (); cond = Condition.create (); nwaiting = 0; cond_waiting = Condition.create (); release = false; } let pop ?(picky=(fun _ -> true)) ({ queue = q; lock = m; cond = c; cond_waiting = cn } as tq) = if tq.release then raise BeingDestroyed; Mutex.lock m; while not (PriorityQueue.exists picky q) do tq.nwaiting <- tq.nwaiting + 1; Condition.broadcast cn; Condition.wait c m; tq.nwaiting <- tq.nwaiting - 1; if tq.release then (Mutex.unlock m; raise BeingDestroyed) done; let x = PriorityQueue.pop ~picky q in Condition.signal c; Condition.signal cn; Mutex.unlock m; x let push { queue = q; lock = m; cond = c; release } x = if release then Errors.anomaly(Pp.str "TQueue.push while being destroyed! Only 1 producer/destroyer allowed"); Mutex.lock m; PriorityQueue.push q x; Condition.broadcast c; Mutex.unlock m let clear { queue = q; lock = m; cond = c } = Mutex.lock m; PriorityQueue.clear q; Mutex.unlock m let is_empty { queue = q } = PriorityQueue.is_empty q let destroy tq = tq.release <- true; while tq.nwaiting > 0 do Mutex.lock tq.lock; Condition.broadcast tq.cond; Mutex.unlock tq.lock; done; tq.release <- false let wait_until_n_are_waiting_and_queue_empty j tq = Mutex.lock tq.lock; while not (PriorityQueue.is_empty tq.queue) || tq.nwaiting < j do Condition.wait tq.cond_waiting tq.lock done; Mutex.unlock tq.lock let wait_until_n_are_waiting_then_snapshot j tq = let l = ref [] in Mutex.lock tq.lock; while not (PriorityQueue.is_empty tq.queue) do l := PriorityQueue.pop tq.queue :: !l done; while tq.nwaiting < j do Condition.wait tq.cond_waiting tq.lock done; List.iter (PriorityQueue.push tq.queue) (List.rev !l); if !l <> [] then Condition.broadcast tq.cond; Mutex.unlock tq.lock; List.rev !l let set_order tq rel = Mutex.lock tq.lock; PriorityQueue.set_rel rel tq.queue; Mutex.unlock tq.lock