(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* goal sigma -> glob_tactic_expr -> (debug_info -> 'a) -> 'a (* Prints a constr *) val db_constr : debug_info -> env -> constr -> unit (* Prints the pattern rule *) val db_pattern_rule : debug_info -> int -> (constr_pattern,glob_tactic_expr) match_rule -> unit (* Prints a matched hypothesis *) val db_matched_hyp : debug_info -> env -> identifier * constr -> name -> unit (* Prints the matched conclusion *) val db_matched_concl : debug_info -> env -> constr -> unit (* Prints a success message when the goal has been matched *) val db_mc_pattern_success : debug_info -> unit (* Prints a failure message for an hypothesis pattern *) val db_hyp_pattern_failure : debug_info -> env -> name * constr_pattern match_pattern -> unit (* Prints a matching failure message for a rule *) val db_matching_failure : debug_info -> unit (* Prints an evaluation failure message for a rule *) val db_eval_failure : debug_info -> string -> unit (* An exception handler *) val explain_logic_error: (exn -> Pp.std_ppcmds) ref (* Prints a logic failure message for a rule *) val db_logic_failure : debug_info -> exn -> unit