(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* assert false) let set_tactic_printer f = prtac := f let prmatchpatt = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false) let set_match_pattern_printer f = prmatchpatt := f let prmatchrl = ref (fun _ -> assert false) let set_match_rule_printer f = prmatchrl := f (* This module intends to be a beginning of debugger for tactic expressions. Currently, it is quite simple and we can hope to have, in the future, a more complete panel of commands dedicated to a proof assistant framework *) (* Debug information *) type debug_info = | DebugOn of int | DebugOff (* An exception handler *) let explain_logic_error = ref (fun e -> mt()) (* Prints the goal *) let db_pr_goal g = msgnl (str "Goal:" ++ fnl () ++ Proof_trees.db_pr_goal (Refiner.sig_it g)) (* Prints the commands *) let help () = msgnl (str "Commands: =Continue" ++ fnl() ++ str " h/?=Help" ++ fnl() ++ str " r=Run times" ++ fnl() ++ str " s=Skip" ++ fnl() ++ str " x=Exit") (* Prints the goal and the command to be executed *) let goal_com g tac = begin db_pr_goal g; msg (str "Going to execute:" ++ fnl () ++ !prtac tac ++ fnl ()) end (* Gives the number of a run command *) let run_com inst = if (String.get inst 0)='r' then let num = int_of_string (String.sub inst 1 ((String.length inst)-1)) in if num>0 then num else raise (Invalid_argument "run_com") else raise (Invalid_argument "run_com") let allskip = ref 0 let skip = ref 0 (* Prints the run counter *) let run ini = if not ini then for i=1 to 2 do print_char (Char.chr 8);print_char (Char.chr 13) done; msg (str "Executed expressions: " ++ int (!allskip - !skip) ++ fnl() ++ fnl()) (* Prints the prompt *) let rec prompt level = begin msg (fnl () ++ str "TcDebug (" ++ int level ++ str ") > "); flush stdout; let inst = read_line () in match inst with | "" -> true | "s" -> false | "x" -> print_char (Char.chr 8);skip:=0;allskip:=0;raise Sys.Break | "h"| "?" -> begin help (); prompt level end | _ -> (try let ctr=run_com inst in skip:=ctr;allskip:=ctr;run true;true with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> prompt level) end (* Prints the state and waits for an instruction *) let debug_prompt lev g tac f = (* What to print and to do next *) let continue = if !skip = 0 then (goal_com g tac; prompt lev) else (decr skip; run false; if !skip=0 then allskip:=0; true) in (* What to execute *) try f (if continue then DebugOn (lev+1) else DebugOff) with e -> skip:=0; allskip:=0; if Logic.catchable_exception e then ppnl (str "Level " ++ int lev ++ str ": " ++ !explain_logic_error e); raise e (* Prints a constr *) let db_constr debug env c = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then msgnl (str "Evaluated term: " ++ print_constr_env env c) (* Prints the pattern rule *) let db_pattern_rule debug num r = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then begin msgnl (str "Pattern rule " ++ int num ++ str ":"); msgnl (str "|" ++ spc () ++ !prmatchrl r) end (* Prints the hypothesis pattern identifier if it exists *) let hyp_bound = function | Anonymous -> " (unbound)" | Name id -> " (bound to "^(Names.string_of_id id)^")" (* Prints a matched hypothesis *) let db_matched_hyp debug env (id,c) ido = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then msgnl (str "Hypothesis " ++ str ((Names.string_of_id id)^(hyp_bound ido)^ " has been matched: ") ++ print_constr_env env c) (* Prints the matched conclusion *) let db_matched_concl debug env c = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then msgnl (str "Conclusion has been matched: " ++ print_constr_env env c) (* Prints a success message when the goal has been matched *) let db_mc_pattern_success debug = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then msgnl (str "The goal has been successfully matched!" ++ fnl() ++ str "Let us execute the right-hand side part..." ++ fnl()) let pp_match_pattern env = function | Term c -> Term (extern_constr_pattern (names_of_rel_context env) c) | Subterm (o,c) -> Subterm (o,(extern_constr_pattern (names_of_rel_context env) c)) (* Prints a failure message for an hypothesis pattern *) let db_hyp_pattern_failure debug env (na,hyp) = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then msgnl (str ("The pattern hypothesis"^(hyp_bound na)^ " cannot match: ") ++ !prmatchpatt env hyp) (* Prints a matching failure message for a rule *) let db_matching_failure debug = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then msgnl (str "This rule has failed due to matching errors!" ++ fnl() ++ str "Let us try the next one...") (* Prints an evaluation failure message for a rule *) let db_eval_failure debug s = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then let s = if s="" then "no message" else "message \""^s^"\"" in msgnl (str "This rule has failed due to \"Fail\" tactic (" ++ str s ++ str ", level 0)!" ++ fnl() ++ str "Let us try the next one...") (* Prints a logic failure message for a rule *) let db_logic_failure debug err = if debug <> DebugOff & !skip = 0 then begin msgnl (!explain_logic_error err); msgnl (str "This rule has failed due to a logic error!" ++ fnl() ++ str "Let us try the next one...") end