(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* red | FBeta :: lf -> add_flag { red with rBeta = true } lf | FIota :: lf -> add_flag { red with rIota = true } lf | FZeta :: lf -> add_flag { red with rZeta = true } lf | FConst l :: lf -> if red.rDelta then error "Cannot set both constants to unfold and constants not to unfold"; add_flag { red with rConst = list_union red.rConst l } lf | FDeltaBut l :: lf -> if red.rConst <> [] & not red.rDelta then error "Cannot set both constants to unfold and constants not to unfold"; add_flag { red with rConst = list_union red.rConst l; rDelta = true } lf in add_flag {rBeta = false; rIota = false; rZeta = false; rDelta = false; rConst = []} type 'a raw_hyp_location = (* To distinguish body and type of local defs *) | InHyp of 'a | InHypType of 'a type 'a induction_arg = | ElimOnConstr of 'a | ElimOnIdent of identifier located | ElimOnAnonHyp of int type intro_pattern_expr = | IntroOrAndPattern of intro_pattern_expr list list | IntroWildcard | IntroIdentifier of identifier type 'id clause_pattern = int list option * ('id * int list) list type ('a,'b) location = HypLocation of 'a | ConclLocation of 'b type pattern_expr = constr_expr (* Type of patterns *) type 'a match_pattern = | Term of 'a | Subterm of identifier option * 'a (* Type of hypotheses for a Match Context rule *) type 'a match_context_hyps = | NoHypId of 'a match_pattern | Hyp of identifier located * 'a match_pattern (* Type of a Match rule for Match Context and Match *) type ('a,'t) match_rule = | Pat of 'a match_context_hyps list * 'a match_pattern * 't | All of 't type ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_atomic_tactic_expr = (* Basic tactics *) | TacIntroPattern of intro_pattern_expr list | TacIntrosUntil of quantified_hypothesis | TacIntroMove of identifier option * identifier located option | TacAssumption | TacExact of 'constr | TacApply of 'constr with_bindings | TacElim of 'constr with_bindings * 'constr with_bindings option | TacElimType of 'constr | TacCase of 'constr with_bindings | TacCaseType of 'constr | TacFix of identifier option * int | TacMutualFix of identifier * int * (identifier * int * 'constr) list | TacCofix of identifier option | TacMutualCofix of identifier * (identifier * 'constr) list | TacCut of 'constr | TacTrueCut of identifier option * 'constr | TacForward of bool * name * 'constr | TacGeneralize of 'constr list | TacGeneralizeDep of 'constr | TacLetTac of identifier * 'constr * 'id clause_pattern | TacInstantiate of int * 'constr (* Derived basic tactics *) | TacOldInduction of quantified_hypothesis | TacNewInduction of 'constr induction_arg * 'constr with_bindings option * identifier list list | TacOldDestruct of quantified_hypothesis | TacNewDestruct of 'constr induction_arg * 'constr with_bindings option * identifier list list | TacDoubleInduction of quantified_hypothesis * quantified_hypothesis | TacDecomposeAnd of 'constr | TacDecomposeOr of 'constr | TacDecompose of 'ind list * 'constr (* | TacOldElim of 'constr *) | TacSpecialize of int option * 'constr with_bindings | TacLApply of 'constr (* Automation tactics *) | TacTrivial of string list option | TacAuto of int option * string list option | TacAutoTDB of int option | TacDestructHyp of (bool * identifier located) | TacDestructConcl | TacSuperAuto of (int option * reference list * bool * bool) | TacDAuto of int option * int option (* Context management *) | TacClear of identifier or_metanum list | TacClearBody of identifier or_metanum list | TacMove of bool * identifier located * identifier located | TacRename of identifier located * identifier located (* Constructors *) | TacLeft of 'constr substitution | TacRight of 'constr substitution | TacSplit of 'constr substitution | TacAnyConstructor of raw_tactic_expr option | TacConstructor of int or_metaid * 'constr substitution (* Conversion *) | TacReduce of ('constr,'cst) red_expr_gen * 'id raw_hyp_location list | TacChange of 'constr occurrences option * 'constr * 'id raw_hyp_location list (* Equivalence relations *) | TacReflexivity | TacSymmetry | TacTransitivity of 'constr (* For ML extensions *) | TacExtend of loc * string * ('constr,raw_tactic_expr) generic_argument list (* For syntax extensions *) | TacAlias of string * (identifier * ('constr,raw_tactic_expr) generic_argument) list * raw_tactic_expr and raw_tactic_expr = (constr_expr,reference or_metanum,reference or_metanum,identifier located or_metaid) gen_tactic_expr and ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr = | TacAtom of loc * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_atomic_tactic_expr | TacThen of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacThens of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr list | TacFirst of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr list | TacSolve of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr list | TacTry of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacOrelse of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacDo of int * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacRepeat of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacProgress of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacAbstract of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr * identifier option | TacId | TacFail of int | TacInfo of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacLetRecIn of (identifier located * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_fun_ast) list * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacLetIn of (identifier located * constr_expr may_eval option * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_arg) list * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr | TacLetCut of (identifier * constr_expr may_eval * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_arg) list | TacMatch of constr_expr may_eval * (pattern_expr,('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr) match_rule list | TacMatchContext of direction_flag * (pattern_expr,('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr) match_rule list | TacFun of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_fun_ast | TacArg of ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_arg and ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_fun_ast = identifier option list * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_expr (* These are possible arguments of a tactic definition *) and ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_arg = | TacDynamic of loc * Dyn.t | TacVoid | MetaNumArg of loc * int | MetaIdArg of loc * string | ConstrMayEval of 'constr may_eval | Reference of reference | Integer of int | TacCall of loc * reference * ('constr,'cst,'ind,'id) gen_tactic_arg list | Tacexp of raw_tactic_expr type raw_atomic_tactic_expr = (constr_expr, (* constr *) reference or_metanum, (* evaluable reference *) reference or_metanum, (* inductive *) identifier located or_metaid (* identifier *) ) gen_atomic_tactic_expr type raw_tactic_arg = (constr_expr, reference or_metanum, reference or_metanum, identifier located or_metaid) gen_tactic_arg type raw_generic_argument = (constr_expr,raw_tactic_expr) generic_argument type closed_raw_generic_argument = (constr_expr,raw_tactic_expr) generic_argument type 'a raw_abstract_argument_type = ('a, constr_expr,raw_tactic_expr) abstract_argument_type type declaration_hook = Decl_kinds.strength -> global_reference -> unit