(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* 'a val project : 'a sigma -> evar_map val pf_env : goal sigma -> Environ.env val pf_hyps : goal sigma -> named_context val unpackage : 'a sigma -> evar_map ref * 'a val repackage : evar_map ref -> 'a -> 'a sigma val apply_sig_tac : evar_map ref -> (goal sigma -> goal list sigma) -> goal -> goal list val refiner : rule -> tactic (** {6 Tacticals. } *) (** [tclIDTAC] is the identity tactic without message printing*) val tclIDTAC : tactic val tclIDTAC_MESSAGE : Pp.std_ppcmds -> tactic (** [tclEVARS sigma] changes the current evar map *) val tclEVARS : evar_map -> tactic val tclEVARUNIVCONTEXT : Evd.evar_universe_context -> tactic val tclPUSHCONTEXT : Evd.rigid -> Univ.universe_context_set -> tactic -> tactic val tclPUSHEVARUNIVCONTEXT : Evd.evar_universe_context -> tactic val tclPUSHCONSTRAINTS : Univ.constraints -> tactic (** [tclTHEN tac1 tac2 gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and applies [tac2] to every resulting subgoals *) val tclTHEN : tactic -> tactic -> tactic (** [tclTHENLIST [t1;..;tn]] applies [t1] THEN [t2] ... THEN [tn]. More convenient than [tclTHEN] when [n] is large *) val tclTHENLIST : tactic list -> tactic (** [tclMAP f [x1..xn]] builds [(f x1);(f x2);...(f xn)] *) val tclMAP : ('a -> tactic) -> 'a list -> tactic (** [tclTHEN_i tac1 tac2 gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and applies [(tac2 i)] to the [i]{^ th} resulting subgoal (starting from 1) *) val tclTHEN_i : tactic -> (int -> tactic) -> tactic (** [tclTHENLAST tac1 tac2 gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and [tac2] to the last resulting subgoal (previously called [tclTHENL]) *) val tclTHENLAST : tactic -> tactic -> tactic (** [tclTHENFIRST tac1 tac2 gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and [tac2] to the first resulting subgoal *) val tclTHENFIRST : tactic -> tactic -> tactic (** [tclTHENS tac1 [|t1 ; ... ; tn|] gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and applies [t1],..., [tn] to the [n] resulting subgoals. Raises an error if the number of resulting subgoals is not [n] *) val tclTHENSV : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic (** Same with a list of tactics *) val tclTHENS : tactic -> tactic list -> tactic (** [tclTHENS3PARTS tac1 [|t1 ; ... ; tn|] tac2 [|t'1 ; ... ; t'm|] gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] then, applies [t1], ..., [tn] to the first [n] resulting subgoals, [t'1], ..., [t'm] to the last [m] subgoals and [tac2] to the rest of the subgoals in the middle. Raises an error if the number of resulting subgoals is strictly less than [n+m] *) val tclTHENS3PARTS : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic -> tactic array -> tactic (** [tclTHENSLASTn tac1 [t1 ; ... ; tn] tac2 gls] applies [t1],...,[tn] on the last [n] resulting subgoals and [tac2] on the remaining first subgoals *) val tclTHENSLASTn : tactic -> tactic -> tactic array -> tactic (** [tclTHENSFIRSTn tac1 [t1 ; ... ; tn] tac2 gls] first applies [tac1], then applies [t1],...,[tn] on the first [n] resulting subgoals and [tac2] for the remaining last subgoals (previously called tclTHENST) *) val tclTHENSFIRSTn : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic -> tactic (** [tclTHENLASTn tac1 [t1 ; ... ; tn] gls] first applies [tac1] then, applies [t1],...,[tn] on the last [n] resulting subgoals and leaves unchanged the other subgoals *) val tclTHENLASTn : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic (** [tclTHENFIRSTn tac1 [t1 ; ... ; tn] gls] first applies [tac1] then, applies [t1],...,[tn] on the first [n] resulting subgoals and leaves unchanged the other subgoals (previously called [tclTHENSI]) *) val tclTHENFIRSTn : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic (** A special exception for levels for the Fail tactic *) exception FailError of int * Pp.std_ppcmds Lazy.t (** Takes an exception and either raise it at the next level or do nothing. *) val catch_failerror : exn -> unit val tclORELSE0 : tactic -> tactic -> tactic val tclORELSE : tactic -> tactic -> tactic val tclREPEAT : tactic -> tactic val tclREPEAT_MAIN : tactic -> tactic val tclFIRST : tactic list -> tactic val tclSOLVE : tactic list -> tactic val tclTRY : tactic -> tactic val tclTHENTRY : tactic -> tactic -> tactic val tclCOMPLETE : tactic -> tactic val tclAT_LEAST_ONCE : tactic -> tactic val tclFAIL : int -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> tactic val tclFAIL_lazy : int -> Pp.std_ppcmds Lazy.t -> tactic val tclDO : int -> tactic -> tactic val tclWEAK_PROGRESS : tactic -> tactic val tclPROGRESS : tactic -> tactic val tclSHOWHYPS : tactic -> tactic val tclNOTSAMEGOAL : tactic -> tactic (** [tclIFTHENELSE tac1 tac2 tac3 gls] first applies [tac1] to [gls] then, if it succeeds, applies [tac2] to the resulting subgoals, and if not applies [tac3] to the initial goal [gls] *) val tclIFTHENELSE : tactic -> tactic -> tactic -> tactic val tclIFTHENSELSE : tactic -> tactic list -> tactic ->tactic val tclIFTHENSVELSE : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic ->tactic (** [tclIFTHENTRYELSEMUST tac1 tac2 gls] applies [tac1] then [tac2]. If [tac1] has been successful, then [tac2] may fail. Otherwise, [tac2] must succeed. Equivalent to [(tac1;try tac2)||tac2] *) val tclIFTHENTRYELSEMUST : tactic -> tactic -> tactic