(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* if d1 == d2 then share l1 l2 (d1 :: accu) else (accu, d2 :: l2) | _ -> (accu, l2) in share ctx1 ctx2 [] let typecheck_evar ev env sigma = let info = Evd.find sigma ev in (** Typecheck the hypotheses. *) let type_hyp (sigma, env) decl = let t = EConstr.of_constr (NamedDecl.get_type decl) in let evdref = ref sigma in let _ = Typing.e_sort_of env evdref t in let () = match decl with | LocalAssum _ -> () | LocalDef (_,body,_) -> Typing.e_check env evdref (EConstr.of_constr body) t in (!evdref, Environ.push_named decl env) in let (common, changed) = extract_prefix env info in let env = Environ.reset_with_named_context (Environ.val_of_named_context common) env in let (sigma, env) = List.fold_left type_hyp (sigma, env) changed in (** Typecheck the conclusion *) let evdref = ref sigma in let _ = Typing.e_sort_of env evdref (EConstr.of_constr (Evd.evar_concl info)) in !evdref let typecheck_proof c concl env sigma = let evdref = ref sigma in let () = Typing.e_check env evdref c concl in !evdref let (pr_constrv,pr_constr) = Hook.make ~default:(fun _env _sigma _c -> Pp.str"") () (* Get the side-effect's constant declarations to update the monad's * environmnent *) let add_if_undefined kn cb env = try ignore(Environ.lookup_constant kn env); env with Not_found -> Environ.add_constant kn cb env (* Add the side effects to the monad's environment, if not already done. *) let add_side_effect env = function | { Entries.eff = Entries.SEsubproof (kn, cb, eff_env) } -> add_if_undefined kn cb env | { Entries.eff = Entries.SEscheme (l,_) } -> List.fold_left (fun env (_,kn,cb,eff_env) -> add_if_undefined kn cb env) env l let add_side_effects env effects = List.fold_left (fun env eff -> add_side_effect env eff) env effects let generic_refine ?(unsafe = true) f gl = let gl = Proofview.Goal.assume gl in let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in let sigma = Sigma.to_evar_map sigma in let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in (** Save the [future_goals] state to restore them after the refinement. *) let prev_future_goals = Evd.future_goals sigma in let prev_principal_goal = Evd.principal_future_goal sigma in (** Create the refinement term *) Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS (Evd.reset_future_goals sigma) >>= fun () -> f >>= fun (v, c) -> Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma -> Proofview.V82.wrap_exceptions begin fun () -> let evs = Evd.future_goals sigma in let evkmain = Evd.principal_future_goal sigma in (** Redo the effects in sigma in the monad's env *) let privates_csts = Evd.eval_side_effects sigma in let sideff = Safe_typing.side_effects_of_private_constants privates_csts in let env = add_side_effects env sideff in (** Check that the introduced evars are well-typed *) let fold accu ev = typecheck_evar ev env accu in let sigma = if unsafe then sigma else CList.fold_left fold sigma evs in (** Check that the refined term is typesafe *) let sigma = if unsafe then sigma else typecheck_proof c concl env sigma in (** Check that the goal itself does not appear in the refined term *) let self = Proofview.Goal.goal gl in let _ = if not (Evarutil.occur_evar_upto sigma self c) then () else Pretype_errors.error_occur_check env sigma self c in (** Proceed to the refinement *) let c = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c in let sigma = match evkmain with | None -> Evd.define self c sigma | Some evk -> let id = Evd.evar_ident self sigma in let sigma = Evd.define self c sigma in match id with | None -> sigma | Some id -> Evd.rename evk id sigma in (** Restore the [future goals] state. *) let sigma = Evd.restore_future_goals sigma prev_future_goals prev_principal_goal in (** Select the goals *) let comb = CList.map_filter (Proofview.Unsafe.advance sigma) (CList.rev evs) in let sigma = CList.fold_left Proofview.Unsafe.mark_as_goal sigma comb in let trace () = Pp.(hov 2 (str"simple refine"++spc()++ Hook.get pr_constrv env sigma c)) in Proofview.Trace.name_tactic trace (Proofview.tclUNIT v) >>= fun v -> Proofview.Unsafe.tclSETENV (Environ.reset_context env) <*> Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*> Proofview.Unsafe.tclSETGOALS comb <*> Proofview.tclUNIT v end let lift c = Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma -> Proofview.V82.wrap_exceptions begin fun () -> let Sigma (c, sigma, _) = c.run (Sigma.Unsafe.of_evar_map sigma) in Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS (Sigma.to_evar_map sigma) >>= fun () -> Proofview.tclUNIT c end let make_refine_enter ?unsafe f = { enter = fun gl -> generic_refine ?unsafe (lift f) gl } let refine_one ?(unsafe = true) f = Proofview.Goal.enter_one (make_refine_enter ~unsafe f) let refine ?(unsafe = true) f = let f = { run = fun sigma -> let Sigma (c,sigma,p) = f.run sigma in Sigma (((),c),sigma,p) } in Proofview.Goal.enter (make_refine_enter ~unsafe f) (** Useful definitions *) let with_type env evd c t = let my_type = Retyping.get_type_of env evd c in let j = Environ.make_judge c my_type in let (evd,j') = Coercion.inh_conv_coerce_to true env evd j t in evd , j'.Environ.uj_val let refine_casted ?unsafe f = Proofview.Goal.enter { enter = begin fun gl -> let gl = Proofview.Goal.assume gl in let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in let f = { run = fun h -> let Sigma (c, h, p) = f.run h in let sigma, c = with_type env (Sigma.to_evar_map h) c concl in Sigma (c, Sigma.Unsafe.of_evar_map sigma, p) } in refine ?unsafe f end } (** {7 solve_constraints} Ensure no remaining unification problems are left. Run at every "." by default. *) let solve_constraints = let open Proofview in tclENV >>= fun env -> tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma -> try let sigma = Evarconv.solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics env sigma in Unsafe.tclEVARSADVANCE sigma with e -> tclZERO e