(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* { initial = [] ; solution = Evd.empty ; comb = [] } | (env,typ)::l -> let { initial = ret ; solution = sol ; comb = comb } = aux l in let ( new_defs , econstr ) = Evarutil.new_evar sol env typ in let (e,_) = Term.destEvar econstr in let gl = Goal.build e in { initial = (econstr,typ)::ret; solution = new_defs ; comb = gl::comb } in fun l -> let v = aux l in (* Marks all the goal unresolvable for typeclasses. *) { v with solution = Typeclasses.mark_unresolvables v.solution } (* Returns whether this proofview is finished or not. That is, if it has empty subgoals in the comb. There could still be unsolved subgoaled, but they would then be out of the view, focused out. *) let finished = function | {comb = []} -> true | _ -> false (* Returns the current value of the proofview partial proofs. *) let return { initial=init; solution=defs } = List.map (fun (c,t) -> (Evarutil.nf_evar defs c , t)) init (* spiwack: this function should probably go in the Util section, but I'd rather have Util (or a separate module for lists) raise proper exceptions before *) (* [IndexOutOfRange] occurs in case of malformed indices with respect to list lengths. *) exception IndexOutOfRange (* no handler: should not be allowed to reach toplevel *) (* [list_goto i l] returns a pair of lists [c,t] where [c] has length [i] and is the reversed of the [i] first elements of [l], and [t] is the rest of the list. The idea is to navigate through the list, [c] is then seen as the context of the current position. Raises [IndexOutOfRange] if [i > length l]*) let list_goto = let rec aux acc index = function | l when Int.equal index 0-> (acc,l) | [] -> raise IndexOutOfRange | a::q -> aux (a::acc) (index-1) q in fun i l -> if i < 0 then raise IndexOutOfRange else aux [] i l (* Type of the object which allow to unfocus a view.*) (* First component is a reverse list of what comes before and second component is what goes after (in the expected order) *) type focus_context = Goal.goal list * Goal.goal list let focus_context f = f (* This (internal) function extracts a sublist between two indices, and returns this sublist together with its context: if it returns [(a,(b,c))] then [a] is the sublist and (rev b)@a@c is the original list. The focused list has lenght [j-i-1] and contains the goals from number [i] to number [j] (both included) the first goal of the list being numbered [1]. [focus_sublist i j l] raises [IndexOutOfRange] if [i > length l], or [j > length l] or [ j < i ]. *) let focus_sublist i j l = let (left,sub_right) = list_goto (i-1) l in let (sub, right) = try List.chop (j-i+1) sub_right with Failure "list_chop" -> Errors.errorlabstrm "nth_unproven" (Pp.str"No such unproven subgoal") in (sub, (left,right)) (* Inverse operation to the previous one. *) let unfocus_sublist (left,right) s = List.rev_append left (s@right) (* [focus i j] focuses a proofview on the goals from index [i] to index [j] (inclusive). (i.e. goals number [i] to [j] become the only goals of the returned proofview). The first goal has index 1. It returns the focus proof, and a context for the focus trace. *) let focus i j sp = let (new_comb, context) = focus_sublist i j sp.comb in ( { sp with comb = new_comb } , context ) (* Unfocuses a proofview with respect to a context. *) let undefined defs l = Option.List.flatten (List.map (Goal.advance defs) l) let unfocus c sp = { sp with comb = undefined sp.solution (unfocus_sublist c sp.comb) } (* The tactic monad: - Tactics are objects which apply a transformation to all the subgoals of the current view at the same time. By opposed to the old vision of applying it to a single goal. It mostly allows to consider tactic like [reorder] to reorder the goals in the current view (which might be useful for the tactic designer) (* spiwack: the ordering of goals, though, is perhaps a bit brittle. It would be much more interesting to find a more robust way to adress goals, I have no idea at this time though*) or global automation tactic for dependent subgoals (instantiating an evar has influences on the other goals of the proof in progress, not being able to take that into account causes the current eauto tactic to fail on some instances where it could succeed). - Tactics are a monad ['a tactic], in a sense a tactic can be seens as a function (without argument) which returns a value of type 'a and modifies the environement (in our case: the view). Tactics of course have arguments, but these are given at the meta-level as OCaml functions. Most tactics, in the sense we are used to, return [ () ], that is no really interesting values. But some might pass information around; the [(>>--)] and [(>>==)] bind-like construction are the main ingredients of this information passing. (* spiwack: I don't know how much all this relates to F. Kirchner and C. Muñoz. I wasn't able to understand how they used the monad structure in there developpement. *) The tactics seen in Coq's Ltac are (for now at least) only [unit tactic], the return values are kept for the OCaml toolkit. The operation or the monad are [Proofview.tclUNIT] (which is the "return" of the tactic monad) [Proofview.tclBIND] (which is the "bind", also noted [(>=)]) and [Proofview.tclTHEN] (which is a specialized bind on unit-returning tactics). *) (* type of tactics: tactics can - access the environment, - access and change the current [proofview] - backtrack on previous changes of the proofview *) (* spiwack: it seems lighter, for now, to deal with the environment here rather than in [Monads]. *) module LocalState = struct type t = proofview end module Backtrack = Monads.Logic(Monads.Id) module Inner = Monads.StateLogic(LocalState)(Backtrack) type +'a tactic = Environ.env -> 'a Inner.t (* Applies a tactic to the current proofview. *) let apply env t sp = let next = Backtrack.run (Inner.run (t env) sp) in next.Inner.state (*** tacticals ***) (* Unit of the tactic monad *) let tclUNIT a _ = Inner.return a (* Bind operation of the tactic monad *) let tclBIND t k env = Inner.bind (t env) (fun a -> k a env) (* Interpretes the ";" (semicolon) of Ltac. As a monadic operation, it's a specialized "bind" on unit-returning tactic (meaning "there is no value to bind") *) let tclTHEN t1 t2 env = Inner.seq (t1 env) (t2 env) (* [tclIGNORE t] has the same operational content as [t], but drops the value at the end. *) let tclIGNORE tac env = Inner.ignore (tac env) (* [tclOR t1 t2 = t1] as long as [t1] succeeds. Whenever the successes of [t1] have been depleted, then it behaves as [t2]. No interleaving at this point. *) let tclOR t1 t2 env = Inner.plus (t1 env) (t2 env) (* [tclZERO e] always fails with error message [e]*) let tclZERO e _ = Inner.zero e (* [tclORELSE t1 t2] behaves like [t1] if [t1] succeeds at least once or [t2] if [t1] fails. *) let tclORELSE t1 t2 env = (* spiwack: convenience notations, waiting for ocaml 3.12 *) let (>>=) = Inner.bind in Inner.split (t1 env) >>= function | Util.Inr _ -> t2 env | Util.Inl (a,t1') -> Inner.plus (Inner.return a) t1' (* Focuses a tactic at a range of subgoals, found by their indices. *) (* arnaud: bug if 0 goals ! *) let tclFOCUS i j t env = (* spiwack: convenience notations, waiting for ocaml 3.12 *) let (>>=) = Inner.bind in let (>>) = Inner.seq in Inner.get >>= fun initial -> let (focused,context) = focus i j initial in Inner.set focused >> t (env) >>= fun result -> Inner.get >>= fun next -> Inner.set (unfocus context next) >> Inner.return result (* Dispatch tacticals are used to apply a different tactic to each goal under consideration. They come in two flavours: [tclDISPATCH] takes a list of [unit tactic]-s and build a [unit tactic]. [tclDISPATCHS] takes a list of ['a sensitive tactic] and returns and returns and ['a sensitive tactic] where the ['a sensitive] interpreted in a goal [g] corresponds to that of the tactic which created [g]. It is to be noted that the return value of [tclDISPATCHS ts] makes only sense in the goals immediatly built by it, and would cause an anomaly is used otherwise. *) exception SizeMismatch let _ = Errors.register_handler begin function | SizeMismatch -> Errors.error "Incorrect number of goals." | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled end (* spiwack: we use an parametrised function to generate the dispatch tacticals. [tclDISPATCHGEN] takes a [null] argument to generate the return value if there are no goal under focus, and a [join] argument to explain how the return value at two given lists of subgoals are combined when both lists are being concatenated. [join] and [null] need be some sort of comutative monoid. *) let rec tclDISPATCHGEN null join tacs env = (* spiwack: convenience notations, waiting for ocaml 3.12 *) let (>>=) = Inner.bind in let (>>) = Inner.seq in Inner.get >>= fun initial -> match tacs,initial.comb with | [], [] -> tclUNIT null env | t::tacs , first::goals -> Inner.set {initial with comb=goals} >> tclDISPATCHGEN null join tacs env >>= fun x -> Inner.get >>= fun step -> begin match Goal.advance step.solution first with | None -> Inner.return x (* If [first] has been solved by side effect: do nothing. *) | Some first -> Inner.set {step with comb=[first]} >> t env >>= fun y -> Inner.get >>= fun step' -> Inner.set {step' with comb=step'.comb@step.comb} >> Inner.return (join x y) end | _ , _ -> raise SizeMismatch let unitK () () = () let tclDISPATCH = tclDISPATCHGEN () unitK (* This is a helper function for the dispatching tactics (like [tclGOALBIND] and [tclDISPATCHS]). It takes an ['a sensitive] value, and returns a tactic whose return value is, again, ['a sensitive] but only has value in the (unmodified) goals under focus. *) let here_s b env = (* spiwack: convenience notations, waiting for ocaml 3.12 *) let (>>=) = Inner.bind in Inner.get >>= fun step -> Inner.return (Goal.bind (Goal.here_list step.comb b) (fun b -> b)) (* see .mli for documentation. *) let tclDISPATCHS tacs = let tacs = List.map begin fun tac -> tclBIND tac here_s end tacs in tclDISPATCHGEN Goal.null Goal.plus tacs let extend_to_list = let rec copy n x l = if n < 0 then raise SizeMismatch else if Int.equal n 0 then l else copy (n-1) x (x::l) in fun startxs rx endxs l -> let ns = List.length startxs in let ne = List.length endxs in let n = List.length l in startxs@(copy (n-ne-ns) rx endxs) let tclEXTEND tacs1 rtac tacs2 env = (* spiwack: convenience notations, waiting for ocaml 3.12 *) let (>>=) = Inner.bind in Inner.get >>= fun step -> let tacs = extend_to_list tacs1 rtac tacs2 step.comb in tclDISPATCH tacs env (* spiwack: up to a few details, same errors are in the Logic module. this should be maintained synchronized, probably. *) open Pretype_errors let rec catchable_exception = function | Proof_type.LtacLocated(_,_,e) -> catchable_exception e | Errors.UserError _ | Type_errors.TypeError _ | PretypeError (_,_,TypingError _) | Indrec.RecursionSchemeError _ | Nametab.GlobalizationError _ | PretypeError (_,_,VarNotFound _) (* unification errors *) | PretypeError(_,_,(CannotUnify _|CannotUnifyLocal _|CannotGeneralize _ |NoOccurrenceFound _|CannotUnifyBindingType _ |ActualTypeNotCoercible _ |CannotFindWellTypedAbstraction _ |UnsolvableImplicit _)) -> true | Typeclasses_errors.TypeClassError (_, Typeclasses_errors.UnsatisfiableConstraints _) -> true | _ -> false (* [tclGOALBIND] and [tclGOALBINDU] are sorts of bind which take a [Goal.sensitive] as a first argument, the tactic then acts on each goal separately. Allows backtracking between goals. *) (* [list_of_sensitive s k] where [s] is and ['a Goal.sensitive] [k] has type ['a -> 'b] returns the list of ['b] obtained by evualating [s] to each goal successively and applying [k] to each result. *) let list_of_sensitive s k env step = Goal.list_map begin fun defs g -> let (a,defs) = Goal.eval s env defs g in (k a) , defs end step.comb step.solution (* In form of a tactic *) let list_of_sensitive s k env = (* spiwack: convenience notations, waiting for ocaml 3.12 *) let (>>=) = Inner.bind in let (>>) = Inner.seq in Inner.get >>= fun step -> try let (tacs,defs) = list_of_sensitive s k env step in Inner.set { step with solution = defs } >> Inner.return tacs with e when catchable_exception e -> tclZERO e env let tclGOALBIND s k = (* spiwack: the first line ensures that the value returned by the tactic [k] will not "escape its scope". *) let k a = tclBIND (k a) here_s in tclBIND (list_of_sensitive s k) begin fun tacs -> tclDISPATCHGEN Goal.null Goal.plus tacs end let tclGOALBINDU s k = tclBIND (list_of_sensitive s k) begin fun tacs -> tclDISPATCHGEN () unitK tacs end (* No backtracking can happen here, hence, as opposed to the dispatch tacticals, everything is done in one step. *) let sensitive_on_proofview s env step = let wrap g ((defs, partial_list) as partial_res) = match Goal.advance defs g with | None ->partial_res | Some g -> let {Goal.subgoals = sg } , d' = Goal.eval s env defs g in (d',sg::partial_list) in let ( new_defs , combed_subgoals ) = List.fold_right wrap step.comb (step.solution,[]) in { step with solution = new_defs; comb = List.flatten combed_subgoals } let tclSENSITIVE s env = (* spiwack: convenience notations, waiting for ocaml 3.12 *) let (>>=) = Inner.bind in Inner.get >>= fun step -> try let next = sensitive_on_proofview s env step in Inner.set next with e when catchable_exception e -> tclZERO e env (*** Commands ***) let in_proofview p k = k p.solution module Notations = struct let (>-) = Goal.bind let (>>-) = tclGOALBINDU let (>>--) = tclGOALBIND let (>=) = tclBIND let (>>=) t k = t >= fun s -> s >>- k let (>>==) t k = t >= fun s -> s >>-- k let (<*>) = tclTHEN let (<+>) = tclOR end (*** Compatibility layer with <= 8.2 tactics ***) module V82 = struct type tac = Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> Goal.goal list Evd.sigma let tactic tac env = (* spiwack: we ignore the dependencies between goals here, expectingly preserving the semantics of <= 8.2 tactics *) (* spiwack: convenience notations, waiting for ocaml 3.12 *) let (>>=) = Inner.bind in Inner.get >>= fun ps -> try let tac evd gl = let glsigma = tac { Evd.it = gl ; Evd.sigma = evd } in let sigma = glsigma.Evd.sigma in let g = glsigma.Evd.it in ( g , sigma ) in (* Old style tactics expect the goals normalized with respect to evars. *) let (initgoals,initevd) = Goal.list_map Goal.V82.nf_evar ps.comb ps.solution in let (goalss,evd) = Goal.list_map tac initgoals initevd in let sgs = List.flatten goalss in Inner.set { ps with solution=evd ; comb=sgs } with e when catchable_exception e -> tclZERO e env let has_unresolved_evar pv = Evd.has_undefined pv.solution (* Main function in the implementation of Grab Existential Variables.*) let grab pv = let goals = List.map begin fun (e,_) -> Goal.build e end (Evd.undefined_list pv.solution) in { pv with comb = goals } (* Returns the open goals of the proofview together with the evar_map to interprete them. *) let goals { comb = comb ; solution = solution } = { Evd.it = comb ; sigma = solution} let top_goals { initial=initial ; solution=solution } = let goals = List.map (fun (t,_) -> Goal.V82.build (fst (Term.destEvar t))) initial in { Evd.it = goals ; sigma=solution } let top_evars { initial=initial } = let evars_of_initial (c,_) = Int.Set.elements (Evarutil.evars_of_term c) in List.flatten (List.map evars_of_initial initial) let instantiate_evar n com pv = let (evk,_) = let evl = Evarutil.non_instantiated pv.solution in if (n <= 0) then Errors.error "incorrect existential variable index" else if List.length evl < n then Errors.error "not so many uninstantiated existential variables" else List.nth evl (n-1) in { pv with solution = Evar_refiner.instantiate_pf_com evk com pv.solution } end